{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract
import Ledger.Certs

module Ledger.Ledger.Properties
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs) (open Ledger.Certs govStructure)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Axiom.Set.Properties th
open import Ledger.Chain txs abs
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Epoch txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs.Properties govStructure
open import Ledger.Gov txs
open import Ledger.Gov.Properties txs
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
open import Ledger.Ratify txs hiding (vote)
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxo.Properties txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxow txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxow.Properties txs abs

open import Data.Bool.Properties using (¬-not)
open import Data.List.Base using (filter)
open import Data.List.Ext using (∈ˡ-map-filter)
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (_×-cong_)
open import Data.List.Properties using (++-identityʳ; map-++; ++-assoc; length-++)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-filter⁺; map-∈↔)
open import Data.Product.Base using (swap)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (×-≡,≡←≡)
open import Data.Product.Properties.Ext using (×-⇔-swap)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid; +-identityʳ; +-suc; +-comm; +-assoc)
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Unary using (Decidable)

import Function.Related.Propositional as R

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning

instance _ = +-0-monoid

open import Interface.ComputationalRelation

-- ** Proof that LEDGER is computational.

  _ = Monad-ComputationResult

  Computational-LEDGER : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGER⦈_ String
  Computational-LEDGER = record {go}
    open Computational ⦃...⦄ renaming (computeProof to comp; completeness to complete)
    computeUtxow = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOW⦈_}
    computeCerts = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_}
    computeGov   = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_}

    module go
      (Γ : LEnv)   (let  slot , ppolicy , pparams , enactState , _ ⟧ˡᵉ = Γ)
      (s : LState) (let  utxoSt , govSt , certSt ⟧ˡ = s)
      (tx : Tx)    (let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb)
      utxoΓ = UTxOEnv  record { LEnv Γ }
      certΓ = CertEnv   epoch slot , pparams , txvote , txwdrls , _ ⟧ᶜ
      govΓ : CertState  GovEnv
      govΓ =  txid , epoch slot , pparams , ppolicy , enactState ,_⟧ᵍ

      computeProof : ComputationResult String (∃[ s' ] Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s')
      computeProof = case isValid  true of λ where
        (yes p)  do
          (utxoSt' , utxoStep)  computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx
          (certSt' , certStep)  computeCerts certΓ certSt txcerts
          (govSt'  , govStep)   computeGov (govΓ certSt') (govSt |ᵒ certSt') (txgov txb)
          success (_ , LEDGER-V⋯ p utxoStep certStep govStep)
        (no ¬p)  do
          (utxoSt' , utxoStep)  computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx
          success (_ , LEDGER-I⋯ (¬-not ¬p) utxoStep)

      completeness :  s'  Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'  (proj₁ <$> computeProof)  success s'
      completeness  utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ (LEDGER-V⋯ v utxoStep certStep govStep)
        with isValid  true
      ... | no ¬v = contradiction v ¬v
      ... | yes refl
        with computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx | complete _ _ _ _ utxoStep
      ... | success (utxoSt' , _) | refl
        with computeCerts certΓ certSt txcerts | complete _ _ _ _ certStep
      ... | success (certSt' , _) | refl
        with computeGov (govΓ certSt') (govSt |ᵒ certSt') (txgov txb) | complete {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_} (govΓ certSt') _ _ _ govStep
      ... | success (govSt' , _) | refl = refl
      completeness  utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ (LEDGER-I⋯ i utxoStep)
        with isValid  true
      ... | yes refl = case i of λ ()
      ... | no ¬v
        with computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx | complete _ _ _ _ utxoStep
      ... | success (utxoSt' , _) | refl = refl

Computational-LEDGERS : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGERS⦈_ String
Computational-LEDGERS = it

  HasCoin-LState : HasCoin LState
  HasCoin-LState .getCoin s = getCoin (LState.utxoSt s) + getCoin (LState.certState s)

-- ** Proof that LEDGER preserves values.

FreshTx : Tx  LState  Type
FreshTx tx ls = txid  mapˢ proj₁ (dom (ls .utxoSt .utxo))
  where open Tx tx; open TxBody body; open UTxOState; open LState

module _
  (tx : Tx) (let open Tx tx; open TxBody body)
  ( indexedSumᵛ'-∪  :  {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  (m m' : A  Coin)
                        disjoint (dom m) (dom m')  getCoin (m ∪ˡ m')  getCoin m + getCoin m' )
  ( sumConstZero    :  {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  {X :  A}  getCoin (constMap X 0)  0 )
  ( res-decomp      :  {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  (m m' : A  Coin)
                        (m ∪ˡ m')ˢ ≡ᵉ (m ∪ˡ (m'  dom (m ˢ) ))ˢ )
  ( getCoin-cong    :  {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  (s : A  Coin) (s' :  (A × Coin))  s ˢ ≡ᵉ s'
                        indexedSum' proj₂ (s ˢ)  indexedSum' proj₂ s' )
  ( ≡ᵉ-getCoinˢ     :  {A A' : Type}  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq A'  (s :  (A × Coin)) {f : A  A'}
                        InjectiveOn (dom s) f  getCoin (mapˢ (map₁ f) s)  getCoin s )

  private variable
    Γ : LEnv
    l : List Tx

  pattern UTXO-induction r = UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _

  LEDGER-pov :  {s s' : LState}  FreshTx tx s  Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'
                 getCoin s  getCoin s'
    {s =  utxoSt , govSt ,  stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ}
    {s' =  utxoSt' , govSt' ,  stᵈ' , stᵖ' , stᵍ' ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ}
    h (LEDGER-V {utxoSt' = utxoSt'} ( valid , UTXOW⇒UTXO st@(UTXO-induction r) , h' , _ )) =
      open ≡-Reasoning
      open CERTSpov indexedSumᵛ'-∪ sumConstZero res-decomp  getCoin-cong ≡ᵉ-getCoinˢ r
      certState  =  stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ
      certState' =  stᵈ' , stᵖ' , stᵍ' ⟧ᶜˢ
      zeroMap    = constMap (mapˢ RwdAddr.stake (dom txwdrls)) 0
      getCoin utxoSt + getCoin certState
        ≡⟨ cong (getCoin utxoSt +_) (CERTS-pov h') 
      getCoin utxoSt + (getCoin certState' + getCoin txwdrls)
        ≡˘⟨ cong  u  getCoin utxoSt + (getCoin certState' + φ (getCoin txwdrls , u))) valid 
      getCoin utxoSt + (getCoin certState' + φ (getCoin txwdrls , isValid))
        ≡⟨ cong (getCoin utxoSt +_) (+-comm (getCoin certState') _) 
      getCoin utxoSt + (φ (getCoin txwdrls , isValid) + getCoin certState')
        ≡˘⟨ +-assoc (getCoin utxoSt) (φ (getCoin txwdrls , isValid)) (getCoin certState') 
      getCoin utxoSt + φ (getCoin txwdrls , isValid) + getCoin certState'
        ≡⟨ cong (_+ getCoin certState') (pov h st) 
      getCoin utxoSt' + getCoin certState'

  LEDGER-pov  s@{s =   utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ , govSt ,  dState , pState , gState ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ}
              s'@{s' =   utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧ᵘ , govSt' ,  dState' , pState' , gState' ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ}
              h (LEDGER-I {utxoSt' = utxoSt'} (invalid , UTXOW⇒UTXO st)) = cong (_+ rewardsBalance dState)
    ( begin
      getCoin  utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ
        ≡˘⟨ +-identityʳ (getCoin  utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ) 
      getCoin  utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ + 0
        ≡˘⟨ cong  x  getCoin  utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ + φ(getCoin txwdrls , x)) invalid 
      getCoin  utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ + φ(getCoin txwdrls , isValid) ≡⟨ pov h st 
      getCoin  utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧ᵘ  )
    where open ≡-Reasoning

-- ** Proof that the set equality `govDepsMatch` (below) is a LEDGER invariant.

-- Mapping a list of `GovActionID × GovActionState`s to a list of
-- `DepositPurpose`s is so common, we give it a name `dpMap`;
-- it's equivalent to `map (λ (id , _) → GovActionDeposit id)`.
dpMap : GovState  List DepositPurpose
dpMap = map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁)

isGADeposit : DepositPurpose  Type
isGADeposit dp = isGADepositᵇ dp  true
  isGADepositᵇ : DepositPurpose  Bool
  isGADepositᵇ (GovActionDeposit _) = true
  isGADepositᵇ _                    = false

govDepsMatch : LState  Type
govDepsMatch  utxoSt , govSt , _ ⟧ˡ =
  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (UTxOState.deposits utxoSt)) ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap govSt)

module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence {DepositPurpose})
pattern UTXOW-UTXOS x = UTXOW⇒UTXO (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x)
open Equivalence

filterGA :  txid n  filterˢ isGADeposit  GovActionDeposit (txid , n)  ≡ᵉ  GovActionDeposit (txid , n) 
proj₁ (filterGA txid n) {a} x = (proj₂ (from ∈-filter x)) where open Equivalence
proj₂ (filterGA txid n) {a} x = to ∈-filter (ξ (from ∈-singleton x) , x)
  ξ : a  GovActionDeposit (txid , n)  isGADeposit a
  ξ refl = refl

module LEDGER-PROPS (tx : Tx) (Γ : LEnv) (s : LState) where
  open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
  open LEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
  open PParams pp using (govActionDeposit)

  -- initial utxo deposits
  utxoDeps : DepositPurpose  Coin
  utxoDeps = UTxOState.deposits (LState.utxoSt s)

  -- GovState definitions and lemmas --
  mkAction : GovProposal    GovActionID × GovActionState
  mkAction p n = let open GovProposal p in
      (PParams.govActionLifetime pp +ᵉ epoch slot)
      (txid , n) returnAddr action prevAction

  -- update GovState with a proposal
  propUpdate : GovState  GovProposal    GovState
  propUpdate s p n = insertGovAction s (mkAction p n)

  -- update GovState with a vote
  voteUpdate : GovState  GovVote  GovState
  voteUpdate s v = addVote s gid voter vote
    where open GovVote v

  -- update GovState with a list of votes and proposals
  updateGovStates : List (GovVote  GovProposal)    GovState  GovState
  updateGovStates [] _ s = s
  updateGovStates (inj₁ v  vps) k s = updateGovStates vps (suc k) (voteUpdate s v)
  updateGovStates (inj₂ p  vps) k s = updateGovStates vps (suc k) (propUpdate s p k)

  -- updateGovStates faithfully represents a step of the LEDGER sts
  STS→GovSt≡ :  {s' : LState}  Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'
                isValid  true  LState.govSt s'  updateGovStates (txgov txb) 0 (LState.govSt s |ᵒ LState.certState s')
  STS→GovSt≡ (LEDGER-V x) refl = STS→updateGovSt≡ (txgov txb) 0 (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ x)))
    STS→updateGovSt≡ : (vps : List (GovVote  GovProposal)) (k : ) {certSt : CertState} {govSt govSt' : GovState}
       (_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = IdSTS}{_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_} ( txid , epoch slot , pp , ppolicy , enactState , certSt ⟧ᵍ , k) govSt vps govSt')
       govSt'  updateGovStates vps k govSt
    STS→updateGovSt≡ [] _ (BS-base Id-nop) = refl
    STS→updateGovSt≡ (inj₁ v  vps) k (BS-ind (GOV-Vote x) h)
      = STS→updateGovSt≡ vps (suc k) h
    STS→updateGovSt≡ (inj₂ p  vps) k (BS-ind (GOV-Propose x) h) = STS→updateGovSt≡ vps (suc k) h

    unfolding addVote

    |ᵒ-[] :  certState  [] |ᵒ certState  []
    |ᵒ-[] certState = refl

    |ᵒ-++ :  gs gs′ certState  (gs ++ gs′) |ᵒ certState  (gs |ᵒ certState) ++ (gs′ |ᵒ certState)
    |ᵒ-++ gs gs′ certState = map-++ _ gs gs′

    |ᵒ-singleton :  gid gas certState  ∃[ gas′ ] [ (gid , gas) ] |ᵒ certState  [ (gid , gas′) ]
    |ᵒ-singleton gid gas certState = (removeOrphanDRepVotes certState gas , refl)

    dpMap-|ᵒ-singleton :  g certState  dpMap ([ g ] |ᵒ certState)  dpMap [ g ]
    dpMap-|ᵒ-singleton (gid , gas) certState rewrite |ᵒ-singleton gid gas certState .proj₂ = refl

    dpMap-|ᵒ :  govSt certState  dpMap (govSt |ᵒ certState)  dpMap govSt
    dpMap-|ᵒ [] certState = cong dpMap (|ᵒ-[] certState)
    dpMap-|ᵒ (g  govSt) certState = let open ≡-Reasoning in begin
      dpMap ((g  govSt) |ᵒ certState)
        ≡⟨ cong dpMap (|ᵒ-++ [ g ] govSt certState) 
      dpMap (([ g ] |ᵒ certState) ++ (govSt |ᵒ certState))
        ≡⟨ map-++ _ ([ g ] |ᵒ certState) (govSt |ᵒ certState) 
      dpMap ([ g ] |ᵒ certState) ++ dpMap (govSt |ᵒ certState)
        ≡⟨ cong (dpMap ([ g ] |ᵒ certState) ++_) (dpMap-|ᵒ govSt certState) 
      dpMap ([ g ] |ᵒ certState) ++ dpMap govSt
        ≡⟨ cong (_++ dpMap govSt) (dpMap-|ᵒ-singleton g certState) 
      dpMap [ g ] ++ dpMap govSt
        ≡˘⟨ map-++ _ [ g ] govSt 
      dpMap (g  govSt) 

module SetoidProperties (tx : Tx) (Γ : LEnv) (s : LState) where
  open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
  open LEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
  open PParams pp using (govActionDeposit; poolDeposit)
  govSt : GovState
  govSt = LState.govSt s
  open LEDGER-PROPS tx Γ s using (utxoDeps; propUpdate; mkAction; updateGovStates; STS→GovSt≡; voteUpdate; dpMap-|ᵒ)
  open SetoidReasoning (≡ᵉ-Setoid{DepositPurpose})

  CredDepIsNotGADep :  {a c}  a  CredentialDeposit c  ¬ isGADeposit a
  CredDepIsNotGADep refl ()

  PoolDepIsNotGADep :  {a c}  a  PoolDeposit c  ¬ isGADeposit a
  PoolDepIsNotGADep refl ()

  DRepDepIsNotGADep :  {a c}  a  DRepDeposit c  ¬ isGADeposit a
  DRepDepIsNotGADep refl ()

  filterCR : (c : DCert) (deps : Deposits)
              filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ( deps  certRefund c  ˢ )) ≡ᵉ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ))
  filterCR (dereg c _) deps = ≡ᵉ.sym $ begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ)) ≈˘⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ $ dom-cong (res-ex-∪ Dec-∈-singleton) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr)ˢ  (deps  cr )ˢ)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr) ˢ)  dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr) ˢ))  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ ∪-cong filter0 ≡ᵉ.refl 
      filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ ∪-identityˡ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ)) 
    cr =  CredentialDeposit c 
    filter0 = filter-∅  _  CredDepIsNotGADep  (from ∈-singleton)  res-dom)
  filterCR (deregdrep c _) deps = ≡ᵉ.sym $ begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ˢ)) ≈˘⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ $ dom-cong (res-ex-∪ Dec-∈-singleton) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr)ˢ  (deps  cr )ˢ)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr) ˢ)  dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr) ˢ))  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ ∪-cong filter0 ≡ᵉ.refl 
      filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) ≈⟨ ∪-identityˡ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ )) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom ((deps  cr ) ˢ)) 
    cr =  DRepDeposit c 
    filter0 = filter-∅  _  DRepDepIsNotGADep  (from ∈-singleton)  res-dom)
  filterCR (delegate _ _ _ _)  deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))
  filterCR (regpool _ _)       deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))
  filterCR (regdrep _ _ _)     deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))
  filterCR (retirepool _ _)    deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))
  filterCR (ccreghot _ _)      deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))
  filterCR (reg _ _)           deps = filter-pres-≡ᵉ (dom-cong (resᵐ-∅ᶜ {M = deps}))

  filterCD : (c : DCert) (deps : Deposits)  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (certDeposit c pp ˢ)) ≡ᵉ 
  filterCD (delegate _ _ _ _)  deps = filter-∅ λ _  CredDepIsNotGADep  from ∈-singleton  dom-single→single
  filterCD (reg _ _)           deps = filter-∅ λ _  CredDepIsNotGADep  from ∈-singleton  dom-single→single
  filterCD (regpool _ _)       deps = filter-∅ λ _  PoolDepIsNotGADep  from ∈-singleton  dom-single→single
  filterCD (regdrep _ _ _)     deps = filter-∅ λ _  DRepDepIsNotGADep  from ∈-singleton  dom-single→single
  filterCD (dereg _ _)         deps = ≡ᵉ.trans (filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∅) $ filter-∅ λ _ a∈ _  ∉-∅ a∈
  filterCD (retirepool _ _)    deps = ≡ᵉ.trans (filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∅) $ filter-∅ λ _ a∈ _  ∉-∅ a∈
  filterCD (deregdrep _ _)     deps = ≡ᵉ.trans (filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∅) $ filter-∅ λ _ a∈ _  ∉-∅ a∈
  filterCD (ccreghot _ _)      deps = ≡ᵉ.trans (filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∅) $ filter-∅ λ _ a∈ _  ∉-∅ a∈

  noGACerts : (cs : List DCert) (deps : Deposits)
     filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs deps)) ≡ᵉ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)
  noGACerts [] _ = filter-pres-≡ᵉ ≡ᵉ.refl
  noGACerts (dcert@(delegate _ _ _ _)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps ∪⁺ cd))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ∪⁺ cd)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺≡∪dom 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps  dom (cd ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (cd ˢ)) ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl $ filterCD dcert deps 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)   ≈⟨ ∪-identityʳ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
      cd = certDeposit dcert pp
      filter0 = filterCD dcert deps
  noGACerts (dcert@(reg _ _)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps ∪⁺ cd))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ∪⁺ cd)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺≡∪dom 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps  dom (cd ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (cd ˢ)) ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl $ filterCD dcert deps 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)   ≈⟨ ∪-identityʳ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
      cd = certDeposit dcert pp
      filter0 = filterCD dcert deps
  noGACerts (dcert@(regpool _ _)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps ∪⁺ cd))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ∪⁺ cd)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺≡∪dom 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps  dom (cd ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (cd ˢ)) ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl filter0 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)   ≈⟨ ∪-identityʳ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
      cd = certDeposit dcert pp
      filter0 = filterCD dcert deps
  noGACerts (dcert@(regdrep _ _ _)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps ∪⁺ certDeposit dcert pp))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps ∪⁺ cd)) ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺≡∪dom 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps  dom (cd ˢ )) ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (cd ˢ)) ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl filter0 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps)   ≈⟨ ∪-identityʳ $ filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
      cd = certDeposit dcert pp
      filter0 = filterCD dcert deps
  noGACerts (dcert@(dereg c v)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps  certRefund (dereg c v)))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps  certRefund (dereg c v))) ≈⟨ filterCR dcert deps 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
  noGACerts (dcert@(deregdrep c v)  cs) deps = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateCertDeposits pp cs (deps  certRefund (deregdrep c v)))) ≈⟨ noGACerts cs _ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (deps  certRefund (deregdrep c v))) ≈⟨ filterCR dcert deps 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom deps) 
  noGACerts (retirepool _ _  cs) deps = noGACerts cs deps
  noGACerts (ccreghot _ _  cs) deps = noGACerts cs deps

    unfolding addVote

    dpMap∘voteUpdate≡dpMap : (v : GovVote) {govSt : GovState}
       dpMap (voteUpdate govSt v)  dpMap govSt
    dpMap∘voteUpdate≡dpMap v {[]} = refl
    dpMap∘voteUpdate≡dpMap v {(aid , ast)  govSt} =
      cong  x  (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (aid , ast)  x) (dpMap∘voteUpdate≡dpMap v)

  props-dpMap-votes-invar : (vs : List GovVote) (ps : List GovProposal) {k : } {govSt : GovState}
     fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps ++ map inj₁ vs) k govSt ))
      ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) k govSt))
  props-dpMap-votes-invar [] ps {k} {govSt} = ≡ᵉ.reflexive
    (cong  x  fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates x k govSt))) (++-identityʳ (map inj₂ ps)))
  props-dpMap-votes-invar (v  vs) [] {k} {govSt} = begin
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₁ (v  vs)) k govSt))
      ≈⟨ props-dpMap-votes-invar vs [] 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ []) (suc k) (voteUpdate govSt v)))
      ≡⟨ cong fromList (dpMap∘voteUpdate≡dpMap v) 
    fromList (dpMap govSt)
  props-dpMap-votes-invar (v  vs) (p  ps) {k} {govSt} = props-dpMap-votes-invar (v  vs) ps

  dpMap-update-∪ :  gSt p k
     fromList (dpMap gSt)   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) 
        ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap (propUpdate gSt p k))
  dpMap-update-∪ [] p k = ∪-identityˡ (fromList (dpMap [ mkAction p k ]))
  dpMap-update-∪ (g@(gaID₀ , gaSt₀)  gSt) p k
    with (govActionPriority (GovActionState.action gaSt₀))
         ≤? (govActionPriority (GovActionState.action (proj₂ (mkAction p k))))
  ... | yes _  = begin
      fromList (dpMap (g  gSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) 
        ≈⟨ ∪-cong fromList-∪-singleton ≡ᵉ.refl 
      ( GovActionDeposit gaID₀   fromList (dpMap gSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) 
        ≈⟨ ∪-assoc  GovActionDeposit gaID₀  (fromList (dpMap gSt))  GovActionDeposit (txid , k)  
       GovActionDeposit gaID₀   (fromList (dpMap gSt)   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) )
        ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl (dpMap-update-∪ gSt p k) 
       GovActionDeposit gaID₀   fromList (dpMap (propUpdate gSt p k))
        ≈˘⟨ fromList-∪-singleton 
      fromList (dpMap (g  insertGovAction gSt (mkAction p k)))
  ... | no _   = begin
      fromList (dpMap (g  gSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) 
        ≈⟨ ∪-comm (fromList (dpMap (g  gSt)))  GovActionDeposit (txid , k)  
       GovActionDeposit (txid , k)   fromList (dpMap (g  gSt))
        ≈˘⟨ fromList-∪-singleton 
      fromList (dpMap ((mkAction p k)  g  gSt))

  connex-lemma :  gSt p ps {k}
     fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) k gSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) 
        ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) (suc k) (propUpdate gSt p k)))
  connex-lemma gSt p [] {k} = begin
      fromList (dpMap gSt)   GovActionDeposit (txid , k + 0) 
        ≡⟨ cong  x  fromList (dpMap gSt)   GovActionDeposit (txid , x) ) (+-identityʳ k) 
      fromList (dpMap gSt)   GovActionDeposit (txid , k) 
        ≈⟨ dpMap-update-∪ gSt p k 
      fromList (dpMap (propUpdate gSt p k))
  connex-lemma gSt p (p'  ps) {k} = begin
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ (p'  ps)) k gSt))
        GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length (p'  ps)) 
        ≡⟨ cong  x  fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ (p'  ps)) k gSt))
              GovActionDeposit (txid , x) ) (+-suc k (length ps)) 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) (suc k) (propUpdate gSt p' k)))
        GovActionDeposit (txid , (suc k) + length ps) 
        ≈˘⟨ ∪-cong (connex-lemma gSt p' ps) ≡ᵉ.refl 
    (fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) k gSt))
        GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) )
        GovActionDeposit (txid , (suc k) + length ps) 
        ≈⟨ ∪-cong (connex-lemma gSt p ps) ≡ᵉ.refl 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) (suc k) (propUpdate gSt p k)))
        GovActionDeposit (txid , (suc k) + length ps) 
        ≈⟨ connex-lemma (propUpdate gSt p k) p' ps 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ (p'  ps)) (suc k) (propUpdate gSt p k)))

  utxo-govst-connex :  txp {utxoDs gSt gad}
     filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (utxoDs)) ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap gSt)
     filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateProposalDeposits txp txid gad utxoDs))
      ≡ᵉ fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ txp) 0 gSt))
  utxo-govst-connex [] x = x
  utxo-govst-connex (p  ps) {utxoDs} {gSt} {gad} x = begin
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateProposalDeposits (p  ps) txid gad utxoDs))
      ≈⟨ filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom∪⁺≡∪dom 
    filterˢ isGADeposit ((dom (updateProposalDeposits ps txid gad utxoDs))
       (dom{X = DepositPurpose  Coin}  GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) , gad ))
      ≈⟨ filter-hom-∪ 
    filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateProposalDeposits ps txid gad utxoDs))  filterˢ isGADeposit
        (dom{X = DepositPurpose  Coin}  GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) , gad )
      ≈⟨ ∪-cong (utxo-govst-connex ps x) (filter-pres-≡ᵉ dom-single≡single) 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) 0 gSt))
       filterˢ isGADeposit  GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) 
      ≈⟨ ∪-cong  ≡ᵉ.refl (filterGA txid _) 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) 0 gSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) 
      ≈⟨ connex-lemma gSt p ps 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ (p  ps)) 0 gSt)) 

  -- The list of natural numbers from 0 up to `n` - 1.
  ⟦0:<_⟧ :   List 
  ⟦0:< 0      = []
  ⟦0:< suc n  = ⟦0:< n  ++ [ n ]

  connex-lemma-rep :  k govSt ps 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) k govSt))
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps )
  connex-lemma-rep k govSt [] = begin
    fromList (dpMap govSt)
      ≈˘⟨ ∪-identityʳ (fromList (dpMap govSt)) 
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList []
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< 0 ) 
  connex-lemma-rep k govSt (p  ps) = begin
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ (p  ps)) k govSt))
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (inj₂ p  map inj₂ ps) k govSt))
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) (suc k) (propUpdate govSt p k)))
      ≈˘⟨ connex-lemma govSt p ps {k} 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ ps) k govSt))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) 
      ≈⟨ ∪-cong (connex-lemma-rep k govSt ps) ≡ᵉ.refl 
    (fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps ))   GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) 
      ≈⟨ ∪-assoc (fromList (dpMap govSt)) (fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps ))  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps)  
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  (fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps )   GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) )
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  (fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps )  fromList [ GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) ])
      ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl (∪-fromList-++ (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps ) [ GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) ]) 
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length ps  ++ [ GovActionDeposit (txid , k + length ps) ])
      ≡˘⟨ cong  x  fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList x) (map-++ _ ⟦0:< length ps  [ length ps ]) 
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) (⟦0:< length ps  ++ [ length ps ]))
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length (p  ps) ) 

  -- Removing orphan DRep votes does not modify the set of GAs in GovState
  |ᵒ-GAs-pres :  k govSt certState 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) k (govSt |ᵒ certState)))
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) k govSt))
  |ᵒ-GAs-pres k govSt certState = begin
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) k (govSt |ᵒ certState)))
      ≈⟨ props-dpMap-votes-invar txvote txprop {k} {govSt |ᵒ certState} 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ txprop) k (govSt |ᵒ certState)))
      ≈⟨ connex-lemma-rep k (govSt |ᵒ certState) txprop 
    fromList (dpMap (govSt |ᵒ certState))  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length txprop )
      ≡⟨ cong  x  fromList x  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length txprop )) (dpMap-|ᵒ govSt certState) 
    fromList (dpMap govSt)  fromList (map  i  GovActionDeposit (txid , k + i)) ⟦0:< length txprop )
      ≈˘⟨ connex-lemma-rep k govSt txprop 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ txprop) k govSt))
      ≈˘⟨ props-dpMap-votes-invar txvote txprop {k} {govSt} 
    fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) k govSt)) 

  -- GA Deposits Invariance Property for LEDGER STS ----------------------------------------------------
  LEDGER-govDepsMatch :  {s' : LState}  Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s'
                         govDepsMatch s  govDepsMatch s'
  LEDGER-govDepsMatch (LEDGER-I⋯ refl (UTXOW-UTXOS (Scripts-No _))) aprioriMatch = aprioriMatch

  LEDGER-govDepsMatch s'@{ .( ((UTxOState.utxo (LState.utxoSt s)  txins ) ∪ˡ (outs txb))
                              , _ , updateDeposits pp txb (UTxOState.deposits (LState.utxoSt s)) , _ ⟧ᵘ)
                          , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ}
    utxosts@(LEDGER-V⋯ tx-valid (UTXOW-UTXOS (Scripts-Yes x)) _ GOV-sts) aprioriMatch = begin
      filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateDeposits pp txb utxoDeps))
        ≈⟨ noGACerts txcerts (updateProposalDeposits txprop txid govActionDeposit utxoDeps) 
      filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (updateProposalDeposits txprop txid govActionDeposit utxoDeps))
        ≈⟨ utxo-govst-connex txprop aprioriMatch 
      fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (map inj₂ txprop) 0 govSt))
        ≈˘⟨ props-dpMap-votes-invar txvote txprop 
      fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) 0 govSt ))
        ≈˘⟨ |ᵒ-GAs-pres 0 govSt certState' 
      fromList (dpMap (updateGovStates (txgov txb) 0 (govSt |ᵒ certState')))
        ≡˘⟨ cong (fromList  dpMap ) (STS→GovSt≡ utxosts tx-valid) 
      fromList (dpMap govSt') 

  LEDGER-govDepsMatch utxosts@(LEDGER-V (() , UTXOW-UTXOS (Scripts-No (_ , refl)) , _ , GOV-sts)) aprioriMatch

module EPOCH-Body (eps : EpochState) where
  open EpochState eps hiding (es) public
  open RatifyState fut using (removed) renaming (es to esW) public
  open LState ls public
  open GovActionState public
  open UTxOState public

  es       = record esW { withdrawals =  }
  tmpGovSt = filter  x  ¿ proj₁ x  mapˢ proj₁ removed ¿) govSt
  orphans  = fromList $ getOrphans es tmpGovSt
  removed' = removed  orphans
  removedGovActions = flip concatMapˢ removed' λ (gaid , gaSt) 
    mapˢ (returnAddr gaSt ,_) ((utxoSt .deposits   GovActionDeposit gaid ) ˢ)
  govActionReturns = aggregate₊ (mapˢ  (a , _ , d)  a , d) removedGovActions ᶠˢ)

module EPOCH-PROPS {eps : EpochState} where
  open EPOCH-Body eps

  -- GA Deposits Invariance Property for EPOCH STS -----------------------------------------------
  EPOCH-govDepsMatch :
    (ratify-removed : mapˢ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) removed'  mapˢ proj₁ (UTxOState.deposits utxoSt ˢ))
    {eps' : EpochState} {e : Epoch}
     _  eps ⇀⦇ e ,EPOCH⦈ eps'
     govDepsMatch (EpochState.ls eps)  govDepsMatch (EpochState.ls eps')

  EPOCH-govDepsMatch ratify-removed (EPOCH x _) =
      ≡ᵉ.trans (filter-pres-≡ᵉ $ dom-cong (res-comp-cong $ ≡ᵉ.sym χ'≡χ))
       from ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ'  main-invariance-lemma  to ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ'

    -- the combinator used in the EPOCH rule
    χ :  DepositPurpose
    χ = mapˢ (proj₁  proj₂) removedGovActions

    -- a simpler combinator that suffices here;
    χ' :  DepositPurpose
    χ' = mapˢ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) removed'
    -- Below we prove χ and χ' are essentially equivalent.

    P : GovActionID × GovActionState  Type
    P = λ u  proj₁ u  mapˢ proj₁ removed'

    P? : Decidable P
    P? = λ u  ¿ P u ¿

    utxoDeps : Deposits
    utxoDeps = UTxOState.deposits utxoSt

    -- utxo deposits restricted to new form of set used in EPOCH rule
    utxoDeps' : Deposits
    utxoDeps' = utxoDeps  χ' 

    χ'≡χ : χ' ≡ᵉ χ
    χ'≡χ = χ'⊆χ , χ⊆χ'
      χ'⊆χ : χ'  χ
      χ'⊆χ {a} x with from ∈-map x
      ... | (gaid , gast) , refl , gaidgast∈rem with from ∈-map (ratify-removed x)
      ... | (dp , c) , refl , dpc∈utxoDeps = let gadc = (GovActionDeposit gaid , c) in
        to ∈-map ((returnAddr {txs} gast , gadc)
                 , refl
                 , to ∈-concatMapˢ ((gaid , gast)
                                   , gaidgast∈rem
                                   , to ∈-map (gadc , refl , res-singleton⁺ {m = utxoDeps} dpc∈utxoDeps)))
      χ⊆χ' : χ  χ'
      χ⊆χ' {a} x with from ∈-map x
      ... | (rwa , dp , c) , refl , rwa-dp-c∈ with (from ∈-concatMapˢ rwa-dp-c∈)
      ... | (gaid , gast) , gaid-gast-∈-removed , rwa-dp-c-∈-map with (from ∈-map rwa-dp-c-∈-map)
      ... | (_ , _) , refl , q∈ =
        to ∈-map ((gaid , gast)
                 , proj₁ (×-≡,≡←≡ (proj₂ (res-singleton'' {m = utxoDeps} q∈)))
                 , gaid-gast-∈-removed)

    map-filter-decomp :  a  (a  χ' × a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt)
                                (a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁)(filter P? govSt))
    map-filter-decomp a = mk⇔ i  h  ii h , iii h)
      i : ((a  χ') × (a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt))
           a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt)
      i (a∉χ' , a∈) with Inverse.from (map-∈↔ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁)) a∈
      ... | b , b∈ , refl = Inverse.to (map-∈↔ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁))
                                       (b , ∈-filter⁺ P? b∈ (a∉χ'  ∈-map⁺-∘) , refl)

      ii : a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt)  a  χ'
      ii a∈ a∈χ' with from (∈ˡ-map-filter {l = govSt} {P? = P?}) a∈
      ... | _ , _ , refl , Pb with ∈-map⁻' a∈χ'
      ... | q , refl , q∈rem = Pb (to ∈-map (q , refl , q∈rem))

      iii : a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt)
             a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt
      iii a∈ with from (∈ˡ-map-filter {l = govSt} {P? = P?}) a∈
      ... | b , b∈ , refl , Pb = Inverse.to (map-∈↔ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁)) (b , (b∈ , refl))

    main-invariance-lemma :
        filterˢ isGADeposit (dom utxoDeps) ≡ᵉ' fromList (map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt)
       filterˢ isGADeposit (dom utxoDeps') ≡ᵉ' fromList (map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt))

    main-invariance-lemma HYP a = let open R.EquationalReasoning in
      a  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom utxoDeps')                         ∼⟨ R.SK-sym ∈-filter 
      (isGADeposit a × a  dom utxoDeps')                             ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong ∈-resᶜ-dom 
      (isGADeposit a × a  χ' × ∃[ q ] (a , q)  utxoDeps)            ∼⟨ ×-⇔-swap 
      (a  χ' × isGADeposit a × ∃[ q ] (a , q)  utxoDeps)            ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong (R.K-refl ×-cong dom∈)
      (a  χ' × isGADeposit a × a  dom utxoDeps)                     ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong ∈-filter 
      (a  χ' × a  filterˢ isGADeposit (dom utxoDeps))               ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong (HYP a) 
      (a  χ' × a  fromList (map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt))  ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong (R.SK-sym ∈-fromList)
      (a  χ' × a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) govSt)            ∼⟨ map-filter-decomp a 
      a ∈ˡ map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt)           ∼⟨ ∈-fromList 
      a  fromList (map (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) (filter P? govSt)) 

-- GA Deposits Invariance Property for CHAIN STS -----------------------------------------------
module _ (b : Block) (cs : ChainState) where
  open Block b; open ChainState cs
  open NewEpochState newEpochState
  open SetoidProperties using (LEDGER-govDepsMatch)
  open EPOCH-Body epochState
  open EnactState es using (pparams)
  pp = pparams .proj₁

  updateChainState : ChainState  NewEpochState  ChainState
  updateChainState s nes =
    record s { newEpochState =
      record nes { epochState =
        record (NewEpochState.epochState (ChainState.newEpochState s))
          { ls = EpochState.ls (NewEpochState.epochState nes) }

  CHAIN-govDepsMatch : {nes : NewEpochState}
     mapˢ (GovActionDeposit  proj₁) removed'  mapˢ proj₁ (UTxOState.deposits (LState.utxoSt ls) ˢ)
     totalRefScriptsSize ls ts  (PParams.maxRefScriptSizePerBlock pp)
     _  cs ⇀⦇ b ,CHAIN⦈ (updateChainState cs nes)
     govDepsMatch ls  govDepsMatch (EpochState.ls (NewEpochState.epochState nes))

  CHAIN-govDepsMatch rrm rss (CHAIN x (NEWEPOCH-New (_ , eps₁→eps₂)) ledgers) =
    RTC-preserves-inv  {c} {s} {sig}  LEDGER-govDepsMatch sig c s) ledgers
      EPOCH-PROPS.EPOCH-govDepsMatch rrm eps₁→eps₂

  CHAIN-govDepsMatch rrm rss (CHAIN x (NEWEPOCH-Not-New _) ledgers) =
    RTC-preserves-inv  {c} {s} {sig}  LEDGER-govDepsMatch sig c s) ledgers

  CHAIN-govDepsMatch rrm rss (CHAIN x (NEWEPOCH-No-Reward-Update (_ , eps₁→eps₂)) ledgers) =
    RTC-preserves-inv  {c} {s} {sig}  LEDGER-govDepsMatch sig c s) ledgers
      EPOCH-PROPS.EPOCH-govDepsMatch rrm eps₁→eps₂