{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}

module Axiom.Set where

open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude hiding (map)

import Function.Related.Propositional as R
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (∈-dedup; _×-cong_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.DecPropositional.Properties using (deduplicate-!)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional using (Unique; [])
open import Data.Product.Algebra using (×-comm)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (∃∃↔∃∃)
open import Data.Product.Properties.Ext using (∃-cong′; ∃-≡)
open import Class.DecEq using (DecEq; _≟_)
open import Relation.Binary using () renaming (Decidable to Dec₂)

private variable
   : Level
  A B C : Type 
  P : A  Type
  l : List A

_Preserves₁_⟶_ : {A : Type }  (A  B)  Pred A 0ℓ  Pred B 0ℓ  Type 
f Preserves₁ P  Q =  {a}  P a  Q (f a)

_Preserves₁₂_⟶_⟶_ : {A B : Type }  (A  B  C)  Pred A   Pred B   Pred C   Type 
f Preserves₁₂ P  P'  Q =  {a b}  P a  P' b  Q (f a b)

record SpecProperty {} : Type (sucˡ ) where
  field specProperty : {A : Type }  (A  Type)  Type
        sp-∘ : specProperty P  (f : B  A)  specProperty (P  f)
        sp-¬ : specProperty P  specProperty (¬_  P)

⊤-SpecProperty :  {a}  SpecProperty {a}
⊤-SpecProperty = record
  { specProperty = λ _  
  ; sp-∘         = λ _ _  _
  ; sp-¬         = λ _  _

Dec-SpecProperty : SpecProperty
Dec-SpecProperty = record
  { specProperty = Decidable¹
  ; sp-∘         = λ P?  P? ∘_
  ; sp-¬         = λ P?  ¬?  P?

record Theory {} : Type (sucˡ ) where
  infix 4 _⊆_ _≡ᵉ_ _∈_ _∉_
  infixr 6 _∪_

  field Set : Type   Type 
        _∈_ : A  Set A  Type
        sp  : SpecProperty
  open SpecProperty sp public

  _⊆_ : Set A  Set A  Type 
  X  Y =  {a}  a  X  a  Y

  -- we might want to either have all properties or
  -- decidable properties allowed for specification
  field specification : (X : Set A)
                       specProperty P  ∃[ Y ]  {a}  (P a × a  X)  a  Y
        unions        : (X : Set (Set A))
                       ∃[ Y ]  {a}  (∃[ T ] (T  X × a  T))  a  Y
        replacement   : (f : A  B) (X : Set A)
                       ∃[ Y ]  {b}  (∃[ a ] b  f a × a  X)  b  Y
        listing       : (l : List A)
                       ∃[ X ]  {a}  a ∈ˡ l  a  X
                      -- ^ equivalent to pairing + empty set
        -- power-set     : (X : Set A) → ∃[ Y ] ∀ {T} → T ⊆ X → T ∈ Y

  private variable X X' Y : Set A

  _≡ᵉ_ : Set A  Set A  Type 
  X ≡ᵉ Y = X  Y × Y  X

  _≡ᵉ'_ : Set A  Set A  Type 
  X ≡ᵉ' Y =  a  a  X  a  Y

  _∉_ : A  Set A  Type
  _∉_ = ¬_ ∘₂ _∈_

  ≡→∈ : {X : Set A} {a a' : A}  a  X  a  a'  a'  X
  ≡→∈ a∈X refl = a∈X

  -- The following is useful in case we have `(a , p)` and `(a , q)`, where `p`
  -- and `q` are proofs of `a ∈ X`, and we want to prove `(a , p) ≡ (a , q)`.
  ∈-irrelevant : Set A  Type 
  ∈-irrelevant X =  {a} (p q : a  X)  p  q

  open Equivalence

  _Preservesˢ_ : (Set A  Set B)  (∀ {A}  Set A  Type)  Type 
  f Preservesˢ P = f Preserves₁ P  P

  _Preservesˢ₂_ : (Set A  Set B  Set C)  (∀ {A : Type }  Set A  Type )  Type 
  f Preservesˢ₂ P = f Preserves₁₂ P  P  P

  disjoint : Set A  Set A  Type 
  disjoint X Y =  {a}  a  X  a  Y  

  finite : Set A  Type 
  finite X = ∃[ l ]  {a}  a  X  a ∈ˡ l

  Show-finite :  Show A   Show (Σ (Set A) finite)
  Show.show Show-finite (X , (l , _)) = Show-List .show l

  weakly-finite : Set A  Type 
  weakly-finite X = ∃[ l ]  {a}  a  X  a ∈ˡ l

  -- there exists a list without duplicates that has exactly the members of the set
  strongly-finite : Set A  Type 
  strongly-finite X = ∃[ l ] Unique l ×  {a}  a  X  a ∈ˡ l

  DecEq∧finite⇒strongly-finite :  _ : DecEq A  (X : Set A)
     finite X  strongly-finite X
  DecEq∧finite⇒strongly-finite  eq?  X (l , h) = let _≟_ = eq? ._≟_ in
    deduplicate _≟_ l , deduplicate-! _≟_ l , λ {a} 
      a  X                  ∼⟨ h 
      a ∈ˡ l                 ∼⟨ ∈-dedup 
      a ∈ˡ deduplicate _≟_ l 
    where open R.EquationalReasoning

  card : Σ (Set A) strongly-finite  
  card (_ , l , _) = length l

  ⊆-weakly-finite : X  Y  weakly-finite Y  weakly-finite X
  ⊆-weakly-finite X⊆Y (l , hl) = l , hl  X⊆Y

  isMaximal : Set A  Type 
  isMaximal {A} X = {a : A}  a  X

  maximal-⊆ : isMaximal Y  X  Y
  maximal-⊆ maxY _ = maxY

  maximal-unique : isMaximal X  isMaximal Y  X ≡ᵉ Y
  maximal-unique maxX maxY = maximal-⊆ maxY , maximal-⊆ maxX

  FinSet : Type   Type 
  FinSet A = Σ (Set A) finite

  -- if you can construct a set that contains all elements satisfying
  -- P, you can construct a set containing exactly the elements satisfying P
  strictify : specProperty P  (∃[ Y ]  {a}  P a  a  Y)  ∃[ Y ]  {a}  P a  a  Y
  strictify sp p with specification (proj₁ p) sp
  ... | (Y , p') = Y , (mk⇔  a∈l  to p' (a∈l , proj₂ p a∈l)) (proj₁  from p'))

  map : (A  B)  Set A  Set B
  map = proj₁ ∘₂ replacement

  ∈-map :  {f : A  B} {b}  (∃[ a ] b  f a × a  X)  b  map f X
  ∈-map = proj₂ $ replacement _ _

  ∈-map′ :  {f : A  B} {a}  a  X  f a  map f X
  ∈-map′ {a = a} a∈X = to ∈-map (a , refl , a∈X)

  -- don't know that there's a set containing all members of a type, which this is equivalent to
  -- _⁻¹_ : (A → B) → Set B → Set A
  -- f ⁻¹ X = {!!}

  filter : {P : A  Type}  specProperty P  Set A  Set A
  filter = proj₁ ∘₂ flip specification

  ∈-filter :  {sp-P : specProperty P} {a}  (P a × a  X)  a  filter sp-P X
  ∈-filter = proj₂ $ specification _ _

  fromList : List A  Set A
  fromList = proj₁  listing

  ∈-fromList :  {a}  a ∈ˡ l  a  fromList l
  ∈-fromList = proj₂ $ listing _

  ∈-unions : {a : A} {U : Set (Set A)}  (∃[ T ] T  U × a  T)  a  proj₁ (unions U)
  ∈-unions = proj₂ $ unions _

   : Set A
   = fromList []

  ∅-strongly-finite : strongly-finite {A} 
  ∅-strongly-finite = [] , [] , R.SK-sym ∈-fromList

  card-∅ : card ( {A} , ∅-strongly-finite)  0
  card-∅ = refl

  singleton : A  Set A
  singleton a = fromList [ a ]

  ❴_❵ = singleton

  ∈-singleton : {a b : A}  a  b  a  singleton b
  ∈-singleton {_} {a} {b} =
    a  b           ∼⟨ mk⇔  where refl  here refl)  where (here refl)  refl) 
    a ∈ˡ [ b ]      ∼⟨ ∈-fromList 
    a  singleton b 
    where open R.EquationalReasoning

  partialToSet : (A  Maybe B)  A  Set B
  partialToSet f a = maybe (fromList  [_])  (f a)

  ∈-partialToSet :  {a : A} {b : B} {f}  f a  just b  b  partialToSet f a
  ∈-partialToSet {a = a} {b} {f} = mk⇔
     h  subst  x  b  maybe (fromList  [_])  x) (sym h) (to ∈-singleton refl))
    (case f a returning  y  b  maybe  x  fromList [ x ])  y  y  just b) of
      λ where (just x)  λ h  cong just (sym $ from ∈-singleton h)
              nothing   λ h  case from ∈-fromList h of λ ())

  concatMapˢ : (A  Set B)  Set A  Set B
  concatMapˢ f a = proj₁ $ unions (map f a)

  ∈-concatMapˢ : {y : B} {f : A  Set B}
     (∃[ x ] x  X × y  f x)  y  concatMapˢ f X
  ∈-concatMapˢ {X = X} {y} {f} =
    (∃[ x ] x  X × y  f x)
      ∼⟨ ∃-cong′  {x}  ∃-≡  T  x  X × y  T)) 
    (∃[ x ] ∃[ T ] T  f x × x  X × y  T)
      ↔⟨ ∃∃↔∃∃  x T  T  f x × x  X × y  T) 
    (∃[ T ] ∃[ x ] T  f x × x  X × y  T)
      ∼⟨ ∃-cong′ $ mk⇔
         where (x , p₁ , p₂ , p₃)  (x , p₁ , p₂) , p₃)
         where ((x , p₁ , p₂) , p₃)  x , p₁ , p₂ , p₃) 
    (∃[ T ] (∃[ x ] T  f x × x  X) × y  T)
      ∼⟨ ∃-cong′ (∈-map ×-cong R.K-refl) 
    (∃[ T ] T  map f X × y  T)
      ∼⟨ ∈-unions 
    y  concatMapˢ f X 
    where open R.EquationalReasoning

  mapPartial : (A  Maybe B)  Set A  Set B
  mapPartial f = concatMapˢ (partialToSet f)

  ∈-mapPartial : {y : B} {f : A  Maybe B}
     (∃[ x ] x  X × f x  just y)  y  mapPartial f X
  ∈-mapPartial {X = X} {y} {f} =
    (∃[ x ] x  X × f x  just y)
      ∼⟨ ∃-cong′ (R.K-refl ×-cong (∈-partialToSet {f = f})) 
    (∃[ x ] x  X × y  partialToSet f x)
      ∼⟨ ∈-concatMapˢ 
    y  mapPartial f X 
    where open R.EquationalReasoning

  ⊆-mapPartial :  {f : A  Maybe B}  map just (mapPartial f X)  map f X
  ⊆-mapPartial {f = f} a∈m with from ∈-map a∈m
  ... | x , refl , a∈mp with from (∈-mapPartial {f = f}) a∈mp
  ... | x' , x'∈X , jx≡fx = to ∈-map (x' , sym jx≡fx , x'∈X)

  binary-unions : ∃[ Y ]  {a}  (a  X  a  X')  a  Y
  binary-unions {X = X} {X'} with unions (fromList (X  [ X' ]))
  ... | (Y , h) = Y , mk⇔  where
    (inj₁ a∈X)   to h (X  , to ∈-fromList (here refl)         , a∈X)
    (inj₂ a∈X')  to h (X' , to ∈-fromList (there (here refl)) , a∈X'))
     a∈Y  case from h a∈Y of λ (T , H , a∈T)  case from ∈-fromList H of λ where
      (here refl)  inj₁ a∈T
      (there (here refl))  inj₂ a∈T)

  _∪_ : Set A  Set A  Set A
  X  Y = proj₁ binary-unions

  ∈-∪ :  {a}  (a  X  a  Y)  a  X  Y
  ∈-∪ = proj₂ binary-unions

  spec-∈ : Type   Type 
  spec-∈ A = {X : Set A}  specProperty (_∈ X)

  -- membership needs to be a specProperty to have intersections
  module Intersection (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where

    infixr 7 _∩_
    _∩_ : Set A  Set A  Set A
    X  Y = filter sp-∈ X

    ∈-∩ :  {a}  (a  X × a  Y)  a  X  Y
    ∈-∩ {X} {Y} {a} = (a  X × a  Y) ↔⟨ ×-comm _ _ 
                      (a  Y × a  X) ∼⟨ ∈-filter 
                      a  X  Y       
      where open R.EquationalReasoning

    disjoint' : Set A  Set A  Type 
    disjoint' X Y = X  Y ≡ᵉ 

    _\_ : Set A  Set A  Set A
    X  Y = filter (sp-¬ (sp-∈ {Y})) X

  All : (A  Type)  Set A  Type 
  All P X =  {a}  a  X  P a

  Any : (A  Type)  Set A  Type 
  Any P X = ∃[ a ] a  X × P a

-- finite set theories
record Theoryᶠ : Type₁ where
  field theory : Theory
  open Theory theory public

  field finiteness : (X : Set A)  finite X

  DecEq⇒strongly-finite :  DecEq A   (X : Set A)  strongly-finite X
  DecEq⇒strongly-finite X = DecEq∧finite⇒strongly-finite X (finiteness X)

  lengthˢ :  DecEq A   Set A  
  lengthˢ X = card (X , DecEq⇒strongly-finite X)

  module _ {A : Type}  _ : Show A  where
      Show-Set : Show (Set A)
      Show-Set .show = λ x  Show-finite .show (x , (finiteness x))

-- set theories with an infinite set (containing all natural numbers)
record Theoryⁱ : Type₁ where
  field theory : Theory
  open Theory theory public

  field infinity : ∃[ Y ] ((n : )  n  Y)

-- theories with decidable properties
record Theoryᵈ : Type₁ where
  field th : Theory
  open Theory th public
  open Equivalence

    ∈-sp :  DecEq A   spec-∈ A
    _∈?_ :  DecEq A   Decidable² (_∈_ {A = A})
    all? : {P : A  Type} (P? : Decidable¹ P) {X : Set A}  Dec (All P X)
    any? : {P : A  Type} (P? : Decidable¹ P) (X : Set A)  Dec (Any P X)

  module _ {A : Type} {P : A  Type} where
    module _  _ : P ⁇¹  where instance
      Dec-Allˢ : All P ⁇¹
      Dec-Allˢ = ⁇¹ λ x  all? dec¹ {x}

      Dec-Anyˢ : Any P ⁇¹
      Dec-Anyˢ = ⁇¹ any? dec¹

    module _ (P? : Decidable¹ P) where
      allᵇ anyᵇ : (X : Set A)  Bool
      allᵇ X =  all? P? {X} 
      anyᵇ X =  any? P? X   

  module _ {A : Type}  _ : DecEq A  where

    _∈ᵇ_ : A  Set A  Bool
    a ∈ᵇ X =  a ∈? X 

      Dec-∈ : _∈_ {A = A} ⁇²
      Dec-∈ = ⁇² _∈?_

    _ = _∈_  {A = A} ⁇²  it
    _ = _⊆_  {A = A} ⁇²  it
    _ = _≡ᵉ_ {A = A} ⁇²  it

    incl-set' : (X : Set A)  A  Maybe (∃[ a ] a  X)
    incl-set' X x with x ∈? X
    ... | yes p = just (x , p)
    ... | no  p = nothing

    incl-set : (X : Set A)  Set (∃[ a ] a  X)
    incl-set X = mapPartial (incl-set' X) X

    module _ {X : Set A} where
      incl-set-proj₁⊆ : map proj₁ (incl-set X)  X
      incl-set-proj₁⊆ x with from ∈-map x
      ... | (_ , pf) , refl , _ = pf

      incl-set-proj₁⊇ : X  map proj₁ (incl-set X)
      incl-set-proj₁⊇ {x} x∈X with x ∈? X in eq
      ... | no ¬p = contradiction x∈X ¬p
      ... | yes p = to ∈-map
        ( (x , p)
        , refl
        , to (∈-mapPartial {f = incl-set' X}) (x , x∈X , helper eq)
        where helper : x ∈? X  yes p  incl-set' X x  just (x , p)
              helper h with x ∈? X | h
              ... | _ | refl = refl

      incl-set-proj₁ : map proj₁ (incl-set X) ≡ᵉ X
      incl-set-proj₁ = incl-set-proj₁⊆ , incl-set-proj₁⊇