\section{Protocol Parameters}
This section defines the adjustable protocol parameters of the Cardano ledger.
These parameters are used in block validation and can affect various features of the system,
such as minimum fees, maximum and minimum sizes of certain components, and more.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
open import Data.Product.Properties
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (m+1+n≢m)
open import Data.Rational using (ℚ)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq
open import Tactic.Derive.Show
open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Crypto
open import Ledger.Script
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch
module Ledger.PParams
(crypto : Crypto )
(es : _) (open EpochStructure es)
(ss : ScriptStructure crypto es) (open ScriptStructure ss)
private variable
m n : ℕ
The \AgdaRecord{Acnt} record has two fields, \AgdaField{treasury} and \AgdaField{reserves}, so
the \AgdaBound{acnt} field in \AgdaRecord{NewEpochState} keeps track of the total assets that
remain in treasury and reserves.
record Acnt : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_⟧ᵃ
treasury reserves : Coin
ProtVer : Type
ProtVer = ℕ × ℕ
Show-ProtVer : Show ProtVer
Show-ProtVer = Show-×
data pvCanFollow : ProtVer → ProtVer → Type where
canFollowMajor : pvCanFollow (m , n) (m + 1 , 0)
canFollowMinor : pvCanFollow (m , n) (m , n + 1)
\caption{Definitions related to protocol parameters}
data PParamGroup : Type where
NetworkGroup : PParamGroup
EconomicGroup : PParamGroup
TechnicalGroup : PParamGroup
GovernanceGroup : PParamGroup
SecurityGroup : PParamGroup
record DrepThresholds : Type where
P1 P2a P2b P3 P4 P5a P5b P5c P5d P6 : ℚ
record PoolThresholds : Type where
Q1 Q2a Q2b Q4 Q5e : ℚ
record PParams : Type where
\emph{Network group}
maxBlockSize : ℕ
maxTxSize : ℕ
maxHeaderSize : ℕ
maxTxExUnits : ExUnits
maxBlockExUnits : ExUnits
maxValSize : ℕ
maxCollateralInputs : ℕ
pv : ProtVer
\emph{Economic group}
a : ℕ
b : ℕ
keyDeposit : Coin
poolDeposit : Coin
coinsPerUTxOByte : Coin
prices : Prices
minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte : ℚ
maxRefScriptSizePerTx : ℕ
maxRefScriptSizePerBlock : ℕ
refScriptCostStride : ℕ
refScriptCostMultiplier : ℚ
minUTxOValue : Coin
\emph{Technical group}
Emax : Epoch
nopt : ℕ
a0 : ℚ
collateralPercentage : ℕ
costmdls : CostModel
\emph{Governance group}
poolThresholds : PoolThresholds
drepThresholds : DrepThresholds
ccMinSize : ℕ
ccMaxTermLength : ℕ
govActionLifetime : ℕ
govActionDeposit : Coin
drepDeposit : Coin
drepActivity : Epoch
\caption{Protocol parameter definitions}
positivePParams : PParams → List ℕ
positivePParams pp = ( maxBlockSize ∷ maxTxSize ∷ maxHeaderSize ∷ maxValSize ∷ refScriptCostStride
∷ coinsPerUTxOByte ∷ poolDeposit ∷ collateralPercentage ∷ ccMaxTermLength
∷ govActionLifetime ∷ govActionDeposit ∷ drepDeposit ∷ [] )
where open PParams pp
paramsWellFormed : PParams → Type
paramsWellFormed pp = 0 ∉ fromList (positivePParams pp)
paramsWF-elim : (pp : PParams) → paramsWellFormed pp → (n : ℕ) → n ∈ˡ (positivePParams pp) → n > 0
paramsWF-elim pp pwf (suc n) x = z<s
paramsWF-elim pp pwf 0 0∈ = ⊥-elim (pwf (to ∈-fromList 0∈))
where open Equivalence
refScriptCostStride>0 : (pp : PParams) → paramsWellFormed pp → (PParams.refScriptCostStride pp) > 0
refScriptCostStride>0 pp pwf = paramsWF-elim pp pwf (PParams.refScriptCostStride pp) (there (there (there (there (here refl)))))
\caption{Protocol parameter well-formedness}
Show-ℚ = Show _ ∋ record {M}
where import Data.Rational.Show as M
unquoteDecl DecEq-DrepThresholds = derive-DecEq
((quote DrepThresholds , DecEq-DrepThresholds) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl DecEq-PoolThresholds = derive-DecEq
((quote PoolThresholds , DecEq-PoolThresholds) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl DecEq-PParams = derive-DecEq
((quote PParams , DecEq-PParams) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl DecEq-PParamGroup = derive-DecEq
((quote PParamGroup , DecEq-PParamGroup) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl Show-DrepThresholds = derive-Show
((quote DrepThresholds , Show-DrepThresholds) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl Show-PoolThresholds = derive-Show
((quote PoolThresholds , Show-PoolThresholds) ∷ [])
unquoteDecl Show-PParams = derive-Show
((quote PParams , Show-PParams) ∷ [])
module PParamsUpdate where
record PParamsUpdate : Type where
maxBlockSize maxTxSize : Maybe ℕ
maxHeaderSize maxValSize : Maybe ℕ
maxCollateralInputs : Maybe ℕ
maxTxExUnits maxBlockExUnits : Maybe ExUnits
pv : Maybe ProtVer
a b : Maybe ℕ
keyDeposit : Maybe Coin
poolDeposit : Maybe Coin
coinsPerUTxOByte : Maybe Coin
prices : Maybe Prices
minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte : Maybe ℚ
maxRefScriptSizePerTx : Maybe ℕ
maxRefScriptSizePerBlock : Maybe ℕ
refScriptCostStride : Maybe ℕ
refScriptCostMultiplier : Maybe ℚ
minUTxOValue : Maybe Coin
a0 : Maybe ℚ
Emax : Maybe Epoch
nopt : Maybe ℕ
collateralPercentage : Maybe ℕ
costmdls : Maybe CostModel
drepThresholds : Maybe DrepThresholds
poolThresholds : Maybe PoolThresholds
govActionLifetime : Maybe ℕ
govActionDeposit drepDeposit : Maybe Coin
drepActivity : Maybe Epoch
ccMinSize ccMaxTermLength : Maybe ℕ
paramsUpdateWellFormed : PParamsUpdate → Type
paramsUpdateWellFormed ppu =
just 0 ∉ fromList ( maxBlockSize ∷ maxTxSize ∷ maxHeaderSize ∷ maxValSize
∷ coinsPerUTxOByte ∷ poolDeposit ∷ collateralPercentage ∷ ccMaxTermLength
∷ govActionLifetime ∷ govActionDeposit ∷ drepDeposit ∷ [] )
where open PParamsUpdate ppu
paramsUpdateWellFormed? : ( u : PParamsUpdate ) → Dec (paramsUpdateWellFormed u)
paramsUpdateWellFormed? u = ¿ paramsUpdateWellFormed u ¿
modifiesNetworkGroup : PParamsUpdate → Bool
modifiesNetworkGroup ppu = let open PParamsUpdate ppu in
( is-just maxBlockSize
∷ is-just maxTxSize
∷ is-just maxHeaderSize
∷ is-just maxValSize
∷ is-just maxCollateralInputs
∷ is-just maxTxExUnits
∷ is-just maxBlockExUnits
∷ is-just pv
∷ [])
modifiesEconomicGroup : PParamsUpdate → Bool
modifiesEconomicGroup ppu = let open PParamsUpdate ppu in
( is-just a
∷ is-just b
∷ is-just keyDeposit
∷ is-just poolDeposit
∷ is-just coinsPerUTxOByte
∷ is-just minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte
∷ is-just maxRefScriptSizePerTx
∷ is-just maxRefScriptSizePerBlock
∷ is-just refScriptCostStride
∷ is-just refScriptCostMultiplier
∷ is-just prices
∷ is-just minUTxOValue
∷ [])
modifiesTechnicalGroup : PParamsUpdate → Bool
modifiesTechnicalGroup ppu = let open PParamsUpdate ppu in
( is-just a0
∷ is-just Emax
∷ is-just nopt
∷ is-just collateralPercentage
∷ is-just costmdls
∷ [])
modifiesGovernanceGroup : PParamsUpdate → Bool
modifiesGovernanceGroup ppu = let open PParamsUpdate ppu in
( is-just drepThresholds
∷ is-just poolThresholds
∷ is-just govActionLifetime
∷ is-just govActionDeposit
∷ is-just drepDeposit
∷ is-just drepActivity
∷ is-just ccMinSize
∷ is-just ccMaxTermLength
∷ [])
modifiesSecurityGroup : PParamsUpdate → Bool
modifiesSecurityGroup ppu = let open PParamsUpdate ppu in
( is-just maxBlockSize
∷ is-just maxTxSize
∷ is-just maxHeaderSize
∷ is-just maxValSize
∷ is-just maxBlockExUnits
∷ is-just b
∷ is-just a
∷ is-just coinsPerUTxOByte
∷ is-just govActionDeposit
∷ is-just minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte
∷ []
modifiedUpdateGroups : PParamsUpdate → ℙ PParamGroup
modifiedUpdateGroups ppu =
( modifiesNetworkGroup ?═⇒ NetworkGroup
∪ modifiesEconomicGroup ?═⇒ EconomicGroup
∪ modifiesTechnicalGroup ?═⇒ TechnicalGroup
∪ modifiesGovernanceGroup ?═⇒ GovernanceGroup
∪ modifiesSecurityGroup ?═⇒ SecurityGroup
_?═⇒_ : (PParamsUpdate → Bool) → PParamGroup → ℙ PParamGroup
pred ?═⇒ grp = if pred ppu then ❴ grp ❵ else ∅
_?↗_ : ∀ {A : Type} → Maybe A → A → A
just x ?↗ _ = x
nothing ?↗ x = x
≡-update : ∀ {A : Type} {u : Maybe A} {p : A} {x : A} → u ?↗ p ≡ x ⇔ (u ≡ just x ⊎ (p ≡ x × u ≡ nothing))
≡-update {u} {p} {x} = mk⇔ to from
to : ∀ {A} {u : Maybe A} {p : A} {x : A} → u ?↗ p ≡ x → (u ≡ just x ⊎ (p ≡ x × u ≡ nothing))
to {u = just x} refl = inj₁ refl
to {u = nothing} refl = inj₂ (refl , refl)
from : ∀ {A} {u : Maybe A} {p : A} {x : A} → u ≡ just x ⊎ (p ≡ x × u ≡ nothing) → u ?↗ p ≡ x
from (inj₁ refl) = refl
from (inj₂ (refl , refl)) = refl
applyPParamsUpdate : PParams → PParamsUpdate → PParams
applyPParamsUpdate pp ppu =
{ maxBlockSize = U.maxBlockSize ?↗ P.maxBlockSize
; maxTxSize = U.maxTxSize ?↗ P.maxTxSize
; maxHeaderSize = U.maxHeaderSize ?↗ P.maxHeaderSize
; maxValSize = U.maxValSize ?↗ P.maxValSize
; maxCollateralInputs = U.maxCollateralInputs ?↗ P.maxCollateralInputs
; maxTxExUnits = U.maxTxExUnits ?↗ P.maxTxExUnits
; maxBlockExUnits = U.maxBlockExUnits ?↗ P.maxBlockExUnits
; pv = U.pv ?↗ P.pv
; a = U.a ?↗ P.a
; b = U.b ?↗ P.b
; keyDeposit = U.keyDeposit ?↗ P.keyDeposit
; poolDeposit = U.poolDeposit ?↗ P.poolDeposit
; coinsPerUTxOByte = U.coinsPerUTxOByte ?↗ P.coinsPerUTxOByte
; minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte = U.minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte ?↗ P.minFeeRefScriptCoinsPerByte
; maxRefScriptSizePerTx = U.maxRefScriptSizePerTx ?↗ P.maxRefScriptSizePerTx
; maxRefScriptSizePerBlock = U.maxRefScriptSizePerBlock ?↗ P.maxRefScriptSizePerBlock
; refScriptCostStride = U.refScriptCostStride ?↗ P.refScriptCostStride
; refScriptCostMultiplier = U.refScriptCostMultiplier ?↗ P.refScriptCostMultiplier
; prices = U.prices ?↗ P.prices
; minUTxOValue = U.minUTxOValue ?↗ P.minUTxOValue
; a0 = U.a0 ?↗ P.a0
; Emax = U.Emax ?↗ P.Emax
; nopt = U.nopt ?↗ P.nopt
; collateralPercentage = U.collateralPercentage ?↗ P.collateralPercentage
; costmdls = U.costmdls ?↗ P.costmdls
; drepThresholds = U.drepThresholds ?↗ P.drepThresholds
; poolThresholds = U.poolThresholds ?↗ P.poolThresholds
; govActionLifetime = U.govActionLifetime ?↗ P.govActionLifetime
; govActionDeposit = U.govActionDeposit ?↗ P.govActionDeposit
; drepDeposit = U.drepDeposit ?↗ P.drepDeposit
; drepActivity = U.drepActivity ?↗ P.drepActivity
; ccMinSize = U.ccMinSize ?↗ P.ccMinSize
; ccMaxTermLength = U.ccMaxTermLength ?↗ P.ccMaxTermLength
open module P = PParams pp
open module U = PParamsUpdate ppu
unquoteDecl DecEq-PParamsUpdate = derive-DecEq
((quote PParamsUpdate , DecEq-PParamsUpdate) ∷ [])
% Retiring ProtVer's documentation since ProtVer is retired.
% \ProtVer represents the protocol version used in the Cardano ledger.
% It is a pair of natural numbers, representing the major and minor version,
% respectively.
\PParams contains parameters used in the Cardano ledger, which we group according
to the general purpose that each parameter serves.
\item \NetworkGroup: parameters related to the network settings;
\item \EconomicGroup: parameters related to the economic aspects of the ledger;
\item \TechnicalGroup: parameters related to technical settings;
\item \GovernanceGroup: parameters related to governance settings;
\item \SecurityGroup: parameters that can impact the security of the system.
The first four groups have the property that every protocol parameter
is associated to precisely one of these groups. The \SecurityGroup is
special: a protocol parameter may or may not be in the
\SecurityGroup. So, each protocol parameter belongs to at least one
and at most two groups. Note that in \cite{cip1694} there is no
\SecurityGroup, but there is the concept of security-relevant protocol
parameters. The difference between these notions is only social, so we
implement security-relevant protocol parameters as a group.
The purpose of the groups is to determine voting thresholds for
proposals aiming to change parameters. The thresholds depend on the
groups of the parameters contained in such a proposal.
These new parameters are declared in
Figure~\ref{fig:protocol-parameter-declarations} and denote the
following concepts.
\item \drepThresholds: governance thresholds for \DReps; these are rational numbers
named \Pone, \Ptwoa, \Ptwob, \Pthree, \Pfour, \Pfivea, \Pfiveb, \Pfivec, \Pfived, and \Psix;
\item \poolThresholds: pool-related governance thresholds; these are rational numbers named \Qone, \Qtwoa, \Qtwob, \Qfour and \Qfivee;
\item \ccMinSize: minimum constitutional committee size;
\item \ccMaxTermLength: maximum term limit (in epochs) of constitutional committee members;
\item \govActionLifetime: governance action expiration;
\item \govActionDeposit: governance action deposit;
\item \drepDeposit: \DRep deposit amount;
\item \drepActivity: \DRep activity period;
\item \minimumAVS: the minimum active voting threshold.
Figure~\ref{fig:protocol-parameter-declarations} also defines the
function \paramsWellFormed. It performs some sanity checks on protocol
pvCanFollow? : ∀ {pv} {pv'} → Dec (pvCanFollow pv pv')
pvCanFollow? {m , n} {pv} with pv ≟ (m + 1 , 0) | pv ≟ (m , n + 1)
... | no ¬p | no ¬p₁ = no $ λ where canFollowMajor → ¬p refl
canFollowMinor → ¬p₁ refl
... | no ¬p | yes refl = yes canFollowMinor
... | yes refl | no ¬p = yes canFollowMajor
... | yes refl | yes p = ⊥-elim $ m+1+n≢m m $ ×-≡,≡←≡ p .proj₁
Finally, to update parameters we introduce an abstract type. An update
can be applied and it has a set of groups associated with it. An
update is well formed if it has at least one group (i.e. if it updates
something) and if it preserves well-formedness.
record PParamsDiff : Type₁ where
\emph{Abstract types \& functions}
UpdateT : Type
applyUpdate : PParams → UpdateT → PParams
updateGroups : UpdateT → ℙ PParamGroup
⦃ ppWF? ⦄ : ∀ {u} → (∀ pp → paramsWellFormed pp → paramsWellFormed (applyUpdate pp u)) ⁇
\emph{Well-formedness condition}
ppdWellFormed : UpdateT → Type
ppdWellFormed u = updateGroups u ≢ ∅
× ∀ pp → paramsWellFormed pp → paramsWellFormed (applyUpdate pp u)
\caption{Abstract type for parameter updates}
record GovParams : Type₁ where
field ppUpd : PParamsDiff
open PParamsDiff ppUpd renaming (UpdateT to PParamsUpdate) public
field ⦃ DecEq-UpdT ⦄ : DecEq PParamsUpdate