{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Algebra.Morphism
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_; all?; uncons)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-commutativeMonoid; suc-injective)

open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.MOf

open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq
open import Tactic.Inline

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (All; Any; all?; any?; _∷ʳ_; uncons; _⊆_)
open import Ledger.Crypto
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch

module Ledger.Script
  (crypto : _) (open Crypto crypto)
  (es     : _) (open EpochStructure es)

record P1ScriptStructure : Type₁ where
  field P1Script : Type
        validP1Script :  KeyHash  Maybe Slot × Maybe Slot  P1Script  Type
         Dec-validP1Script  : validP1Script ⁇³
         Hashable-P1Script  : Hashable P1Script ScriptHash
         DecEq-P1Script     : DecEq P1Script

record PlutusStructure : Type₁ where
  field Dataʰ : HashableSet
        Language PlutusScript CostModel Prices LangDepView ExUnits : Type
        PlutusV1 PlutusV2 PlutusV3   : Language
         ExUnit-CommutativeMonoid  : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ ExUnits
         Hashable-PlutusScript     : Hashable PlutusScript ScriptHash
         DecEq-Language            : DecEq Language
         DecEq-CostModel           : DecEq CostModel
         DecEq-LangDepView         : DecEq LangDepView
         Show-CostModel            : Show CostModel

  field  _≥ᵉ_              : ExUnits  ExUnits  Type
          DecEq-ExUnits  : DecEq ExUnits
          DecEQ-Prices   : DecEq Prices
          Show-ExUnits   : Show ExUnits
          Show-Prices    : Show Prices

  open HashableSet Dataʰ renaming (T to Data; THash to DataHash) public

  -- Type aliases for Data
  Datum    = Data
  Redeemer = Data

  field validPlutusScript : CostModel  List Data  ExUnits  PlutusScript  Type
         Dec-validPlutusScript  :  {x}  (validPlutusScript x ⁇³)
        language : PlutusScript  Language
        toData :  {A : Type}  A  Data
We define \Timelock scripts here. They can verify the presence of keys and whether a transaction happens in a certain slot interval. These scripts are executed as part of the regular witnessing.
data Timelock : Type where
  RequireAllOf       : List Timelock       Timelock
  RequireAnyOf       : List Timelock       Timelock
  RequireMOf         :   List Timelock   Timelock
  RequireSig         : KeyHash             Timelock
  RequireTimeStart   : Slot                Timelock
  RequireTimeExpire  : Slot                Timelock
unquoteDecl DecEq-Timelock = derive-DecEq ((quote Timelock , DecEq-Timelock)  [])

private variable
  s : Timelock
  ss ss' : List Timelock
  m : 
  x : KeyHash
  a l r : Slot

open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Ext
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional as S
import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.Any as M
  evalTimelock (khs :  KeyHash) (I : Maybe Slot × Maybe Slot) : Timelock  Type where
  evalAll  : All (evalTimelock khs I) ss
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireAllOf ss)
  evalAny  : Any (evalTimelock khs I) ss
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireAnyOf ss)
  evalMOf  : MOf m (evalTimelock khs I) ss
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireMOf m ss)
  evalSig  : x  khs
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireSig x)
  evalTSt  : M.Any (a ≤_) (I .proj₁)
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireTimeStart a)
  evalTEx  : M.Any (_≤ a) (I .proj₂)
            (evalTimelock khs I) (RequireTimeExpire a)
\caption{Timelock scripts and their evaluation}

  Dec-evalTimelock : evalTimelock ⁇³
  Dec-evalTimelock {khs} {I} {tl} .dec = go? tl
    where mutual
      go = evalTimelock khs I

      -- ** inversion principles for `evalTimelock`
      evalAll˘ :  {ss}  go (RequireAllOf ss)  All go ss
      evalAll˘ (evalAll p) = p

      evalAny˘ :  {ss}  go (RequireAnyOf ss)  Any go ss
      evalAny˘ (evalAny p) = p

      evalTSt˘ : go (RequireTimeStart a)  M.Any (a ≤_) (I .proj₁)
      evalTSt˘ (evalTSt p) = p

      evalTEx˘ : go (RequireTimeExpire a)  M.Any (_≤ a) (I .proj₂)
      evalTEx˘ (evalTEx p) = p

      evalSig˘ : go (RequireSig x)  x  khs
      evalSig˘ (evalSig p) = p

      evalMOf˘ :  {m xs}
         go (RequireMOf m xs)
         MOf m go xs
      evalMOf˘ (evalMOf p) = p

      -- ** inlining recursive decision procedures to please the termination checker
      MOf-go? :  m xs  Dec (MOf m go xs)
      unquoteDef MOf-go? = inline MOf-go? (quoteTerm (MOf? go?))

      all-go? : Decidable¹ (All go)
      unquoteDef all-go? = inline all-go? (quoteTerm (all? go?))

      any-go? : Decidable¹ (Any go)
      unquoteDef any-go? = inline any-go? (quoteTerm (any? go?))

      -- ** the actual decision procedure
      go? : Decidable¹ go
      go? = λ where
        (RequireAllOf ss)      mapDec evalAll evalAll˘ (all-go? ss)
        (RequireAnyOf ss)      mapDec evalAny evalAny˘ (any-go? ss)
        (RequireSig x)         mapDec evalSig evalSig˘ dec
        (RequireTimeStart a)   mapDec evalTSt evalTSt˘ dec
        (RequireTimeExpire a)  mapDec evalTEx evalTEx˘ dec
        (RequireMOf m xs)      mapDec evalMOf evalMOf˘ (MOf-go? m xs)

record ScriptStructure : Type₁ where

  field p1s : P1ScriptStructure

  open P1ScriptStructure p1s public

  field hashRespectsUnion :
          {A B Hash : Type}  Hashable A Hash  Hashable B Hash  Hashable (A  B) Hash

  field ps : PlutusStructure
  open PlutusStructure ps public
    renaming ( PlutusScript       to P2Script
             ; validPlutusScript  to validP2Script

  Script = P1Script  P2Script

  open import Data.Empty
  open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
  open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

    Hashable-Script : Hashable Script ScriptHash
    Hashable-Script = hashRespectsUnion Hashable-P1Script Hashable-PlutusScript