-- Deriving decidable equality. This works in several cases that use
-- mutual recursion, examples are at the bottom.
-- TODO: This breaks with:
-- - dependent records, e.g. Product
-- - anything listed in Tactic.Derive
-- - maybe more

{-# OPTIONS -v allTactics:100 #-}
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Tactic.Derive.DecEq where

open import MetaPrelude
open import Meta

import Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.AST.Term using (_≟-Pattern_)
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

open import Class.DecEq.Core
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
open import Class.Traversable

open import Tactic.ClauseBuilder
open import Tactic.Derive (quote DecEq) (quote _≟_)

  _ = ContextMonad-MonadTC

open ClauseExprM

`yes `no : Term  Term
`yes x = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote true    quote ofʸ ◆⟦ x  
`no  x = quote _because_ ◆⟦ quote false   quote ofⁿ ◆⟦ x  

-- We take the Dec P argument first to improve type checking performance.
-- It's easy to infer the type of P from this argument and we need to know
-- P to be able to check the pattern lambda generated for the P → Q direction
-- of the isomorphism. Having the isomorphism first would cause the type checker
-- to go back and forth between the pattern lambda and the Dec P argument,
-- inferring just enough of the type of make progress on the lambda.
map' :  {p q} {P : Set p} {Q : Set q}  Dec P  P  Q  Dec Q
map' d record { to = to ; from = from } = map′ to from d

module _ (transName : Name  Maybe Name) where

  eqFromTerm : Term  Term  Term  Term
  eqFromTerm (def n _) t t' with transName n
  ... | just n'     = def (quote _≟_) (iArg (n' )  vArg t  vArg t'  [])
  ... | nothing     = quote _≟_ ∙⟦ t  t' 
  eqFromTerm _ t t' = quote _≟_ ∙⟦ t  t' 

  toDecEqName : SinglePattern  List (Term  Term  Term)
  toDecEqName (l , _) = L.map  where (_ , arg _ t)  eqFromTerm t) l

  -- on the diagonal we have one pattern, outside we don't care
  -- assume that the types in the pattern are properly normalized
  mapDiag : Maybe SinglePattern  TC Term
  mapDiag nothing          = return $ `no `λ⦅ [ ("" , vArg?) ] ⦆∅
  mapDiag (just p@(l , _)) = let k = length l in do
    typeList  traverse  Functor-List  inferType (applyDownFrom  (length l))
    return $ quote map' ∙⟦ genPf k (L.map eqFromTerm typeList)  genEquiv k 
      genPf :   List (Term  Term  Term)  Term
      genPf k []      = `yes (quote tt )
      genPf k (n  l) = quote _×-dec_ ∙⟦ genPf k l  n ( (length l)) ( (length l + k)) 

      -- c x1 .. xn ≡ c y1 .. yn ⇔ x1 ≡ y1 .. xn ≡ yn
      genEquiv :   Term
      genEquiv n = quote mk⇔ ∙⟦ `λ⟦ reflPattern n  quote refl    `λ⟦ quote refl   reflTerm n  
          reflPattern :   Pattern
          reflPattern 0       = quote tt 
          reflPattern (suc n) = quote _,_ ◇⟦ reflPattern n  quote refl  

          reflTerm :   Term
          reflTerm 0       = quote tt 
          reflTerm (suc n) = quote _,_ ◆⟦ reflTerm n  quote refl  

  toMapDiag : SinglePattern  SinglePattern  NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × TC (ClauseExpr  Maybe Term)
  toMapDiag p@(_ , arg _ p₁) p'@(_ , arg _ p₂) =
    (p NE.∷ [ p' ] , finishMatch (if  p₁ ≟-Pattern p₂  then mapDiag (just p) else mapDiag nothing))

module _  _ : TCOptions  where
  derive-DecEq : List (Name × Name)  UnquoteDecl
  derive-DecEq = derive-Class 0  transName ps  cartesianProductWith (toMapDiag transName) ps ps)

  open import Tactic.Derive.TestTypes
  open import Tactic.Defaults

  unquoteDecl DecEq-These = derive-DecEq [ (quote These , DecEq-These) ]

  unquoteDecl DecEq-⊎ = derive-DecEq [ (quote _⊎_ , DecEq-⊎) ]

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Bool DecEq-ℤ DecEq-List DecEq-Maybe DecEq-ℕ DecEq-Sign DecEq-⊤ = derive-DecEq ((quote Bool , DecEq-Bool)  (quote  , DecEq-ℤ)  (quote List , DecEq-List)  (quote Maybe , DecEq-Maybe)  (quote  , DecEq-ℕ)  (quote Sign , DecEq-Sign)  (quote  , DecEq-⊤)  [])

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Fin = derive-DecEq [ (quote Fin , DecEq-Fin) ]

  -- this doesn't work since the clause builder machinery doesn't deal
  -- with absurd patterns yet

  --unquoteDecl DecEq-Vec = derive-DecEq [ (quote Vec , DecEq-Vec) ]

  unquoteDecl DecEq-E1 = derive-DecEq [ (quote E1 , DecEq-E1) ]
  unquoteDecl DecEq-E2 = derive-DecEq [ (quote E2 , DecEq-E2) ]

  -- this uses mutual recursion with List E3
  unquoteDecl DecEq-E3 = derive-DecEq [ (quote E3 , DecEq-E3) ]
  -- unquoteDecl DecEq-E4 = derive-DecEq [ (quote E4 , DecEq-E4) ]

  unquoteDecl DecEq-R1 = derive-DecEq [ (quote R1 , DecEq-R1) ]
  unquoteDecl DecEq-R2 = derive-DecEq [ (quote R2 , DecEq-R2) ]

  unquoteDecl DecEq-M₁ DecEq-M₂ = derive-DecEq $ (quote M₁ , DecEq-M₁)  (quote M₂ , DecEq-M₂)  []

  -- Expected: DecEq-Term DecEq-Product