{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MetaPrelude
open import Meta

open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances

module Reflection.Utils.TCI
  {M :  {a}  Set a  Set a}  _ : Monad M   me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M 
   mre : MonadReader TCEnv M   _ : MonadTC M  where

import Data.Sum
open import Data.List using (map; zipWith)
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)

open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Traversable

private variable
  a b : Level
  A : Set a
  B : Set b

instance _ = Functor-M

fresh-level : M Level
fresh-level = newMeta (quote Level ) >>= unquoteTC

withHole : Type  (Hole  M )  M Hole
withHole ty k = do
  hole′  newMeta ty
  k hole′
  return hole′

apply : Type  Term  List (Arg Term)  M (Type × Term)
apply A t []       = return (A , t)
apply A t (a  as) = do
  A  reduce A
  A , t  apply₁ A t a
  apply A t as
    apply₁ : Type  Term  Arg Term  M (Type × Term)
    apply₁ (pi (arg i₁@(arg-info k _) A) B) t₁ (arg i₂ t₂) = do
      a  fresh-level
      b  fresh-level
      A  unquoteTC {A = Set a} A
      B  unquoteTC {A = A  Set b} (lam visible B)
      t₂  unquoteTC {A = A} t₂
      Bt₂  quoteTC (B t₂)
      case k of λ where
        visible  do
          t₁  unquoteTC {A =  (x : A)  B x} t₁
          Bt₂ ,_ <$> quoteTC (t₁ t₂)
        hidden  do
          t₁  unquoteTC {A =  {x : A}  B x} t₁
          Bt₂ ,_ <$> quoteTC (t₁ {x = t₂})
        instance′  do
          t₁  unquoteTC {A =   x : A   B x} t₁
          Bt₂ ,_ <$> quoteTC (t₁  x = t₂ ⦄)
    apply₁ (meta x _) _ _ = blockOnMeta x
    apply₁ A          _ _ = error1 "apply: not a Π-type"

_-∙-_ : Term  Term  M Term
f -∙- x = do
  ty  inferType f
  proj₂ <$> apply ty f [ vArg x ]

_-∗-_ : Term  List Term  M Term
f -∗- []       = return f
f -∗- (x  xs) = f -∙- x >>= _-∗- xs

instantiate : Hole  M Term
instantiate = reduce >=> normalise

ensureNoMetas : Term  M 
ensureNoMetas = λ where
  (var x args)  noMetaArgs args
  (con c args)  noMetaArgs args
  (def f args)  noMetaArgs args
  (lam v (abs _ t))  ensureNoMetas t
  (pat-lam cs args)  noMetaClauses cs >> noMetaArgs args
  (pi a b)  noMetaArg a >> noMetaAbs b
  (agda-sort s)  noMetaSort s
  (lit l)  return _
  -- (meta x _) → errorP "meta found!"
  (meta x _)  blockOnMeta x
  unknown  return _
    noMetaArg : Arg Term  M 
    noMetaArg (arg _ v) = ensureNoMetas v

    noMetaArgs : List (Arg Term)  M 
    noMetaArgs [] = return _
    noMetaArgs (v  vs) = noMetaArg v >> noMetaArgs vs

    noMetaClause : Clause  M 
    noMetaClause (clause _ ps t) = ensureNoMetas t
    noMetaClause (absurd-clause _ ps) = return _

    noMetaClauses : List Clause  M 
    noMetaClauses [] = return _
    noMetaClauses (c  cs) = noMetaClause c >> noMetaClauses cs

    noMetaAbs : Abs Term  M 
    noMetaAbs (abs _ v) = ensureNoMetas v

    noMetaSort : Sort  M 
    noMetaSort (set t) = ensureNoMetas t
    noMetaSort _       = return _

module NewMeta where
  unifyStrict : THole  Term  M 
  unifyStrict (hole , ty) x = withAppendDebugPath "unifyStrict" do
    debugLog (hole ∷ᵈ " :=? " ∷ᵈ x ∷ᵈ [])
    m  newMeta ty
    noConstraints $ unify m x >> unify hole m
    debugLog (hole ∷ᵈ " :=  " ∷ᵈ x ∷ᵈ [])

printTerm : String  Term  M 
printTerm s t = do
  ty  inferType t
    ( s ∷ᵈ ": {"
    ∷ᵈ ty
    ∷ᵈ " ∋ "
    ∷ᵈ t
    ∷ᵈ "}\n"
    ∷ᵈ [])

module NoMeta where
  unifyStrict : THole  Term  M 
  unifyStrict (hole , ty) x = withAppendDebugPath "unifyStrictNoMeta" do
    -- unify hole x
    -- instantiate hole >>= ensureNoMetas

    debugLog ("———————————————————————————————————————\nx" ∷ᵈ x ∷ᵈ [])
    unify hole x
    hole  normalise hole
    printTerm "hole′" hole
    -- (x ∷ hole ∷ []) ← mapM instantiate (x ∷ hole ∷ [])
    --   where _ → _IMPOSSIBLE_
    -- printTerm "x′" x
    ensureNoMetas hole
    debugLog1 "No metas found :)\n"

open NewMeta public
-- open NoMeta public

import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

unifyStricts : THole  List Term  M 
unifyStricts ht = NE.foldl₁  x y  catch x  _  y))
                 (NE._∷ʳ error1 "∅")
                 map ({-noConstraints ∘ -}unifyStrict ht)

compatible? : Type  Type  M Bool
compatible? ty ty′ = do
  -- print $ show ty ◇ " ≈? " ◇ show ty′
  b  runSpeculative $ (_, false) <$>
    catch (unify (varsToUnknown ty) (varsToUnknown ty′) >> return true)
           _  return false)
  -- print $ "  ——→ " ◇ show b
  return b

logTelescope : List (Maybe String × Arg Type)  M 
logTelescope l = withAppendDebugPath "context" do
  catch (helper (length l) l)  _  debugLog1 "Error while printing the context!")
    helper :   List (Maybe String × Arg Type)  M 
    helper n [] = return _
    helper n ((x , ty@(arg _ t))  l) = do
      let name = case x of λ where
        nothing    "?"
        (just "")  "_"
        (just x)   x
      debugLog ("  " ∷ᵈ name ∷ᵈ " : "  ∷ᵈ mapVars (_∸ (n  (1 + length l))) t ∷ᵈ [])
      extendContext (name , ty) $ helper n l

logContext : Telescope  M 
logContext l = withAppendDebugPath "context" do
  debugLog1 "Context:"
  catch (helper (length l) l)  _  debugLog1 "Error while printing the context!")
  catch (do
    goalTy  goalTy
    debugLog ("  ⊢ " ∷ᵈ goalTy ∷ᵈ []))
    λ _  do
      inj₁ t  reader TCEnv.goal
        where _  error1 "Bug in logContext!"
      debugLog ("Error while infering the goal type! Goal: " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ [])
    helper :   Telescope  M 
    helper n [] = return _
    helper n ((_ , arg _ t)  l) = do
      helper n l
      debugLog ("  " ∷ᵈ  (n  (length l + 1)) ∷ᵈ " : " ∷ᵈ mapVars (_+ (n  length l)) t ∷ᵈ [])

logCurrentContext : M 
logCurrentContext = markDontFail "logCurrentContext" (logContext =<< getContext)

inDebugPath : String  M A  M A
inDebugPath path x = withAppendDebugPath path do
  debugLog (("*****" <+> path <+> "*****") ∷ᵈ [])
  -- This throws an internal error if the macro is run in a type signature
  -- (Agda issue #7187)
  -- logCurrentContext

viewAndReduceTy : Type  M TypeView
viewAndReduceTy ty = helper ty =<< (length  proj₁  viewTy) <$> normalise ty
    helper : Type    M TypeView
    helper ty    zero = return $ viewTy ty
    helper ty (suc k) with viewTy ty
    ... | (tel , ty') = extendContext' (map  where (abs s t)  s , t) tel) $ do
      rTy  reduce ty'
      (tel' , rTy')  helper rTy k
      return (tel ++ tel' , rTy')

getType' : Name  M TypeView
getType' n = viewAndReduceTy =<< getType n

getDataDef : Name  M DataDef
getDataDef n = inDebugPath "getDataDef" do
  debugLog ("Find details for datatype: " ∷ᵈ n ∷ᵈ [])
  (data-type pars cs)  getDefinition n
    where _  error1 "Not a data definition!"
  debugLogᵐ ("Constructor names: " ∷ᵈᵐ cs  ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
  cs'  traverse  Functor-List   n  (n ,_) <$> getType' n) cs
  debugLogᵐ ("Result: " ∷ᵈᵐ cs' ᵛⁿ ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
  args  proj₁ <$> getType' n
  return record { name = n ; constructors = cs' ; params = take pars args ; indices = drop pars args }

getRecordDef : Name  M RecordDef
getRecordDef n = do
  (record-type c fs)  getDefinition n
    where _  error1 "Not a record definition!"
  args  proj₁ <$> getType' n
  return (record { name = c ; fields = fs ; params = args })

getDataOrRecordDef : Name  M (DataDef  RecordDef)
getDataOrRecordDef n =
  catch (inj₁ <$> getDataDef n)
    λ _  catch (inj₂ <$> getRecordDef n)
    λ _  error1 "Neither a data not a record definition!"

getParams : Name  M (List (Abs (Arg Type)))
getParams n = Data.Sum.[ DataDef.params , RecordDef.params ] <$> getDataOrRecordDef n

getParamsAndIndices : Name  M (List (Abs (Arg Type)))
getParamsAndIndices n =
  Data.Sum.[  d  DataDef.params d ++ DataDef.indices d) , RecordDef.params ] <$> getDataOrRecordDef n

getFuel : String  M 
getFuel s = do
  fuels  reader  where record { options = record { fuel = f } }  f )
  case lookupᵇ  s s'   s  s' ) fuels s of λ where
    nothing   error1 ("Key" <+> s <+> "doesn't exist in the fuels map")
    (just f)  return f

isSort : Term  M Bool
isSort t = do
  (agda-sort _)  normalise t
    where _  return false
  return true

isNArySort :   Term  M Bool
isNArySort n t = do
  (tel , ty)  viewAndReduceTy t
  b  isSort ty
  return ( (length tel)  n   b)

isDefT : Name  Term  M Bool
isDefT n t = do
  (def n' _)  normalise t
    where _  return false
  return  n  n' 

-- run a computation that returns a term, resetting the TC state but
-- ensuring that the term doesn't contain any metavariables
withSafeReset : M Term  M Term
withSafeReset x = runAndReset $ do
  t  x
  let m = findMetas t
  if null m
    then return t
    else do
      debugLogᵐ ("Remaining metavariables:" ∷ᵈᵐ m ᵛⁿ ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
      debugLog ("In term: " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ [])
      error1 "Unsolved metavariables remaining in withSafeReset!"

-- apply a list of terms to a name, picking the correct constructor & visibility
applyWithVisibility : Name  List Term  M Term
applyWithVisibility n l = do
  (argTys , _)  getType' n
  nameConstr n (zipWith  where (abs _ (arg i _))  arg i) argTys l)