-- Generic type class dervations. Works with mutually recursive types
-- and can use mutual recursion to satisfy the termination
-- checker. Writing an actual derivation strategy then does not
-- require dealing with any mutual recursion, it is all handled here.
-- TODO: This breaks with:
-- - mutual recursion that nests too deep (i.e. deeper than 1, e.g. Term)
-- - indexed datatypes that require absurd clauses (e.g. Vec)
-- TODO: support type classes with more than one field
-- TODO: enable using existing code for instance when mutually recursing
-- TODO: Requires K to pass the termination checker. Maybe we can do without somehow.

{-# OPTIONS -v allTactics:100 #-}
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import Meta

module Tactic.Derive (className : Name) (projName : Name) where

open import MetaPrelude

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection using () renaming (primShowQName to showName)

import Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.String as S
open import Data.Maybe using (fromMaybe)
open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Tactic.ClauseBuilder

open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Traversable
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances

  _ = ContextMonad-MonadTC
  _ = Functor-M

open ClauseExprM

genClassType :   Name  Maybe Name  TC Type
genClassType arity dName wName = do
  params  getParamsAndIndices dName
  adjParams  adjustParams $ take (length params  arity) params
  debugLog1 "AdjustedParams: "
  logTelescope (L.map ((λ where (abs s x)  just s , x)  proj₁) adjParams)
  ty  applyWithVisibility dName (L.map  (trueIndices adjParams))
  return $ modifyClassType wName (L.map proj₁ adjParams , ty)
    adjustParams : List (Abs (Arg Type))  TC (List ((Abs (Arg Type)) × Bool))
    adjustParams [] = return []
    adjustParams (abs x (arg _ t)  l) = do
      a  (if_then [ (abs "_" (iArg (className ∙⟦  0 )) , false) ] else []) <$> isNArySort arity t
      ps  extendContext (x , hArg t) (adjustParams l)
      let ps' = flip L.map ps λ where
        (abs s (arg i t) , b)  (abs s (arg i (mapVars (_+ (if b then length a else 0)) t)) , b)
      return (((abs x (hArg t) , true)  a) ++ ps')

    trueIndices : {A : Set}  List (A × Bool)  List 
    trueIndices [] = []
    trueIndices (x  l) = if proj₂ x then length l  trueIndices l else trueIndices l

    modifyClassType : Maybe Name  TypeView  Type
    modifyClassType nothing  (tel , ty) = tyView (tel , className ∙⟦ ty )
    modifyClassType (just n) (tel , ty) = tyView (tel , className ∙⟦ n ∙⟦ ty  )

lookupName : List (Name × Name)  Name  Maybe Name
lookupName = lookupᵇ  n n'   n  n' )

-- Look at the constructors of the argument and return all types that
-- recursively contain it. This isn't very clever right now.
genMutualHelpers : Name  TC (List Name)
genMutualHelpers n = do
  tys  L.map (unArg  unAbs) <$> (L.concatMap (proj₁  viewTy  proj₂) <$> getConstrs n)
  return $ deduplicate _≟_ $ L.mapMaybe helper tys
    helper : Type  Maybe Name
    helper (def n' args) =
      if L.any  where (arg _ (def n'' _))   n  n''  ; _  false) args
      then just n' else nothing
    helper _ = nothing

module _ (arity : ) (genCe : (Name  Maybe Name)  List SinglePattern  List (NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × TC (ClauseExpr  Maybe Term))) where
  -- Generate the declaration & definition of a particular derivation.
  -- Takes a dictionary (for mutual recursion), a wrapper (also for
  -- mutual recursion), the name of the original type we want to derive
  -- Show for and the name we want to define Show originally at.
  deriveSingle : List (Name × Name)  Name  Name  Maybe Name  TC (Arg Name × Type × List Clause)
  deriveSingle transName dName iName wName = inDebugPath "DeriveSingle" do
    debugLog ("For: " ∷ᵈ dName ∷ᵈ [])
    goalTy  genClassType arity dName wName
    ps  constructorPatterns' (fromMaybe dName wName )
    -- TODO: find a good way of printing this
    --debugLogᵐ ("Constrs: " ∷ᵈᵐ ps ᵛⁿ ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
    cs  local  c  record c { goal = inj₂ goalTy }) $
      singleMatchExpr ([] , iArg (Pattern.proj projName)) $ contMatch $ multiMatchExprM $
        genCe (lookupName transName) ps
    let defName = maybe (maybe vArg (iArg iName)  lookupName transName) (iArg iName) wName
    return (defName , goalTy , clauseExprToClauses cs)

  deriveMulti : Name × Name × List Name  TC (List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause))
  deriveMulti (dName , iName , hClasses) = do
    hClassNames  traverse  Functor-List 
       cn  freshName (showName className S.++ "-" S.++ showName cn S.++ showName dName)) hClasses
    traverse  Functor-List  (deriveSingle (L.zip hClasses hClassNames) dName iName) (nothing  L.map just hClasses)

  derive-Class :  TCOptions   List (Name × Name)  UnquoteDecl
  derive-Class l = initUnquoteWithGoal (className ) $
    declareAndDefineFuns =<< concat <$> traverse  Functor-List  helper l
      helper : Name × Name  TC (List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause))
      helper (a , b) = do hs  genMutualHelpers a ; deriveMulti (a , b , hs)