{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Tactic.Inline where
open import Prelude hiding (_∷ʳ_)
import Data.Nat as ℕ; import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ
import Data.List as L
import Data.Fin as F
open import PreludeMeta hiding (All)
open import Class.ToBool
open import Data.List.Ext using (_⁉_)
open import Reflection.Ext using (apply∗)
open Debug ("tactic.inline" , 100)
open import Class.Show
open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁)
pattern `case_of_ x y = quote case_of_ ∙⟦ x ∣ y ⟧
$inline : Bool → Name → Term → TC ⊤
$inline genType n' `e = do
e@(def n xs) ← return `e
where _ → _IMPOSSIBLE_
printLn $ "** Inlining " ◇ show n ◇ "(" ◇ show xs ◇ ")"
if genType then (declareDef (vArg n') =<< inferType e) else return tt
function cs ← getDefinition n
where _ → _IMPOSSIBLE_
print $ show n ◇ "'s clauses: "
void $ forM cs λ c → print $ " - " ◇ show c
print ""
let cs' = goᶜ n n' xs <$> cs
print $ "\n" ◇ show n' ◇ "'s clauses: "
void $ forM cs' λ c → print $ " - " ◇ show c
print ""
defineFun n' cs'
where module _ (n n' : Name) (xs : Args Term) (let ∣xs∣ = length xs) where
lookupVar : ℕ → ℕ → Maybe Term
lookupVar lvl x
with x ℕ.<? lvl
... | yes _ = nothing
... | no x≮ =
let record { quotient = k } = ℕ.≤⇒≤″ (ℕ.≮⇒≥ x≮)
in unArg <$> xs ⁉ (∣xs∣ ∸ suc k)
go : ℕ → Op₁ Term
go lvl = λ where
(var x as) → let as′ = go∗ lvl as in case lookupVar lvl x of λ where
nothing → var x as′
(just t) → apply∗ t as′
(def 𝕟 as) → let as′ = go∗ lvl as in
if 𝕟 == n then
def n' (drop ∣xs∣ as′)
def 𝕟 as′
(con c as) → con c (go∗ lvl as)
(pi (arg i ty) (abs x t)) → pi (arg i $ go lvl ty) (abs x $ go (suc lvl) t)
(lam v (abs x t)) → lam v (abs x $ go (suc lvl) t)
(pat-lam cs (vArg a ∷ [])) → `case go lvl a of pat-lam (goCls lvl cs) []
(pat-lam cs as) → pat-lam (goCls lvl cs) (go∗ lvl as)
(agda-sort s) → agda-sort (goSort lvl s)
(meta x as) → meta x (go∗ lvl as)
t → t
go∗ : ℕ → Op₁ (Args Term)
go∗ lvl = λ where
[] → []
(arg i x ∷ as) → arg i (go lvl x) ∷ go∗ lvl as
goSort : ℕ → Op₁ Sort
goSort lvl = λ where
(set t) → set $ go lvl t
(prop t) → prop $ go lvl t
s → s
goC : ℕ → Op₁ Clause
goC lvl = λ where
(clause tel ps t) →
let lvl' = lvl ℕ.+ length tel
in clause (goTel lvl tel) (goPs lvl' ps) (go lvl' t)
(absurd-clause tel ps) →
let lvl' = lvl ℕ.+ length tel
in absurd-clause (goTel lvl tel) (goPs lvl' ps)
goCls : ℕ → Op₁ (List Clause)
goCls lvl = λ where
[] → []
(c ∷ cs) → goC lvl c ∷ goCls lvl cs
goP : ℕ → Op₁ Pattern
goP lvl = λ where
(con c ps) → con c (goPs lvl ps)
(dot t) → dot (go lvl t)
(var x) → case lookupVar lvl x of λ where
nothing → var x
(just t) → dot t
p → p
goPs : ℕ → Op₁ (Args Pattern)
goPs lvl = λ where
[] → []
(arg i p ∷ ps) → arg i (goP lvl p) ∷ goPs lvl ps
goTel : ℕ → Op₁ Telescope
goTel lvl = λ where
[] → []
((x , arg i t) ∷ tel) → (x , arg i (go lvl t)) ∷ goTel (suc lvl) tel
goᶜ : Clause → Clause
goᶜ = λ where
(clause tel ps t) → let n = length tel ∸ ∣xs∣ in
clause (instTel tel) (instPs n ps) (go n t)
(absurd-clause tel ps) → let n = length tel ∸ ∣xs∣ in
absurd-clause (instTel tel) (instPs n ps)
instTel : Op₁ Telescope
instTel = goTel 0 ∘ drop ∣xs∣
instPs : ℕ → Op₁ (Args Pattern)
instPs n = goPs n ∘ drop ∣xs∣
inline inlineDecl : Name → Term → TC ⊤
inline = $inline false
inlineDecl = $inline true
unquoteDecl sucs = inlineDecl sucs (quoteTerm (L.map suc))
_ = sucs (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) ≡ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ [])
∋ refl
data Even : ℕ → Set where
zero : Even 0
suc : ∀ {n} → Even n → Even (suc (suc n))
even? : Decidable¹ Even
even? = λ where
0 → yes zero
1 → no λ ()
(suc (suc n)) → mapDec suc (λ where (suc p) → p) (even? n)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_; all?)
unquoteDecl evens? = inlineDecl evens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
_ = evens? (0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) ≡ yes (zero ∷ suc zero ∷ [])
∋ refl
module _ (n m : ℕ) where
unquoteDecl ⟫evens? = inlineDecl ⟫evens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
_ = ⟫evens? (0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) ≡ yes (zero ∷ suc zero ∷ [])
∋ refl
module _ {A B : Set} (f : A → B) where
map' : List A → List B
map' [] = []
map' (x ∷ xs) = f x ∷ map' xs
unquoteDecl sucs' = inlineDecl sucs' (quoteTerm (map' {B = ℕ} suc))
_ = sucs' (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) ≡ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ [])
∋ refl
data Odd : ℕ → Set where
one : Odd 1
suc : ∀ {n} → Odd n → Odd (suc (suc n))
odd? : Decidable¹ Odd
odd? = λ where
0 → no λ ()
1 → yes one
(suc (suc n)) → mapDec suc (λ where (suc p) → p) (odd? n)
unquoteDecl mevens? = inlineDecl mevens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
unquoteDecl modds? = inlineDecl modds? (quoteTerm (all? odd?))
_ = mevens? (0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) ≡ yes (zero ∷ suc zero ∷ [])
∋ refl
_ : modds? (1 ∷ 3 ∷ []) ≡ yes (one ∷ suc one ∷ [])
_ = refl
toEvenOdd : ℕ → ℕ × Maybe ℕ
toEvenOdd n with even? n
... | yes _ = n , nothing
... | no _ = pred n , just 1
toOdd : ℕ → Maybe ℕ
toOdd = proj₂ ∘ toEvenOdd
unquoteDecl toOdds = inlineDecl toOdds (quoteTerm (L.mapMaybe toOdd))
_ = toOdds (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) ≡ (1 ∷ 1 ∷ [])
∋ refl
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.MOf using (MOf; mOf; MOf?)
unquoteDecl MOf-even? = inlineDecl MOf-even? (quoteTerm (MOf? even?))
_ = MOf-even? 2 (0 ∷ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
≡ yes (mOf (0 ∷ 2 ∷ []) refl (refl ∷ 1 ∷ʳ refl ∷ 3 ∷ʳ []) (zero ∷ suc zero ∷ []))
∋ refl
where open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Ext
refl? : ℕ → Set
refl? n = case n ≟ n of λ where
(yes p) → ⊤
(no ¬p) → ⊥
unquoteDecl refl42 = inlineDecl refl42 (quoteTerm (refl? 42))