{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.unquote:10 #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS -v tactic.inline:100 #-}

module Tactic.Inline where

open import Prelude hiding (_∷ʳ_)
import Data.Nat as ; import Data.Nat.Properties as 
import Data.List as L
import Data.Fin as F
open import PreludeMeta hiding (All)
open import Class.ToBool
open import Data.List.Ext using (_⁉_)
open import Reflection.Ext using (apply∗)

open Debug ("tactic.inline" , 100)
open import Class.Show

open import Algebra.Core using (Op₁)

  pattern `case_of_ x y = quote case_of_ ∙⟦ x  y 

  $inline : Bool  Name  Term  TC 
  $inline genType n' `e = do
    e@(def n xs)  return `e
      where _  _IMPOSSIBLE_
    printLn $ "** Inlining "  show n  "("  show xs  ")"
    if genType then (declareDef (vArg n') =<< inferType e) else return tt
    function cs  getDefinition n
      where _  _IMPOSSIBLE_
    print $ show n  "'s clauses: "
    void $ forM cs λ c  print $ " - "  show c
    print ""
    let cs' = goᶜ n n' xs <$> cs
    print $ "\n"  show n'  "'s clauses: "
    void $ forM cs' λ c  print $ " - "  show c
    print ""
    defineFun n' cs'

   where module _ (n n' : Name) (xs : Args Term) (let ∣xs∣ = length xs) where

    lookupVar :     Maybe Term
    lookupVar lvl x
      with x ℕ.<? lvl
    ... | yes _  = nothing
    ... | no  x≮ =
      let record { quotient = k } = ℕ.≤⇒≤″ (ℕ.≮⇒≥ x≮)
      in unArg <$> xs  (∣xs∣  suc k)

    -- (B) recursively substitute free variables for the values in given `xs`
      go :    Op₁ Term
      go lvl = λ where
        -- * (B1) substitute free variables
        (var x as)  let as′ = go∗ lvl as in case lookupVar lvl x of λ where
          nothing   var x as′
          (just t)  apply∗ t as′
        -- * (B2) rename (& instantiate) recursive calls
        (def 𝕟 as)  let as′ = go∗ lvl as in
          if 𝕟 == n then
            def n' (drop ∣xs∣ as′)
            def 𝕟 as′
        (con c as)  con c (go∗ lvl as)
        (pi (arg i ty) (abs x t))  pi (arg i $ go lvl ty) (abs x $ go (suc lvl) t)
        (lam v (abs x t))  lam v (abs x $ go (suc lvl) t)
        (pat-lam cs (vArg a  []))  `case go lvl a of pat-lam (goCls lvl cs) []
        -- ^ use case_of_ for single-argument pattern lambdas (c.f. example 7)
        (pat-lam cs as)  pat-lam (goCls lvl cs) (go∗ lvl as)
        (agda-sort s)  agda-sort (goSort lvl s)
        (meta x as)  meta x (go∗ lvl as)
        t  t

      go∗ :   Op₁ (Args Term)
      go∗ lvl = λ where
        []  []
        (arg i x  as)  arg i (go lvl x)  go∗ lvl as

      goSort :   Op₁ Sort
      goSort lvl = λ where
        (set t)   set  $ go lvl t
        (prop t)  prop $ go lvl t
        s  s

      goC :   Op₁ Clause
      goC lvl = λ where
        (clause tel ps t) 
          let lvl' = lvl ℕ.+ length tel
          in clause (goTel lvl tel) (goPs lvl' ps) (go lvl' t)
        (absurd-clause tel ps) 
          let lvl' = lvl ℕ.+ length tel
          in absurd-clause (goTel lvl tel) (goPs lvl' ps)

      goCls :   Op₁ (List Clause)
      goCls lvl = λ where
        []  []
        (c  cs)  goC lvl c  goCls lvl cs

      goP :   Op₁ Pattern
      goP lvl = λ where
        (con c ps)  con c (goPs lvl ps)
        (dot t)  dot (go lvl t)
        (var x)  case lookupVar lvl x of λ where
          nothing  var x
          (just t)  dot t
        p  p

      goPs :   Op₁ (Args Pattern)
      goPs lvl = λ where
        []  []
        (arg i p  ps)  arg i (goP lvl p)  goPs lvl ps

      goTel :   Op₁ Telescope
      goTel lvl = λ where
        []  []
        ((x , arg i t)  tel)  (x , arg i (go lvl t))  goTel (suc lvl) tel

    -- ** Entrypoint (A): instantiating the clauses of a definition
    goᶜ : Clause  Clause
    goᶜ = λ where
      (clause tel ps t)  let n = length tel  ∣xs∣ in
        clause (instTel tel) (instPs n ps) (go n t)
      (absurd-clause tel ps)  let n = length tel  ∣xs∣ in
        absurd-clause (instTel tel) (instPs n ps)
      -- (A1) instantiating a clause's telescope
      instTel : Op₁ Telescope
      instTel = goTel 0  drop ∣xs∣

      -- (A2) instantiating a clause's parameters
      instPs :   Op₁ (Args Pattern)
      instPs n = goPs n  drop ∣xs∣

inline inlineDecl : Name  Term  TC 
inline     = $inline false -- for use with `unquoteDef`
inlineDecl = $inline true  -- for use with `unquoteDecl`

-- ** Tests

  -- (1) specializing the function to be applied by `map`
  unquoteDecl sucs = inlineDecl sucs (quoteTerm (L.map suc))
  sucs : List ℕ → List ℕ
  sucs [] = [] {_} {_}
  sucs (x ∷ xs) = _∷_ {_} {_} (suc x) (sucs xs)
  _ = sucs (0  1  2  3  [])  (1  2  3  4  [])

  -- (2) specializing the predicate to be checked by `all?`)
  data Even :   Set where
    zero : Even 0
    suc  :  {n}  Even n  Even (suc (suc n))

  even? : Decidable¹ Even
  even? = λ where
    0  yes zero
    1  no λ ()
    (suc (suc n))  mapDec suc  where (suc p)  p) (even? n)

  open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_; all?)

  unquoteDecl evens? = inlineDecl evens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
  evens? : Decidable¹ (All Even)
  evens? []       = yes []
  evens? (x ∷ xs) = mapDec (uncurry _∷_) uncons (even? x ×-dec evens? xs)
  _ = evens? (0  2  [])  yes (zero  suc zero  [])

  -- (3) works under module parameters
  module _ (n m : ) where
    unquoteDecl ⟫evens? = inlineDecl ⟫evens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
    _ = ⟫evens? (0  2  [])  yes (zero  suc zero  [])

  module _ {A B : Set} (f : A  B) where
    map' : List A  List B
    map' [] = []
    map' (x  xs) = f x  map' xs

  unquoteDecl sucs' = inlineDecl sucs' (quoteTerm (map' {B = } suc))
  _ = sucs' (0  1  2  3  [])  (1  2  3  4  [])

  -- (4) works under mutual blocks
  data Odd :   Set where
    one : Odd 1
    suc :  {n}  Odd n  Odd (suc (suc n))

    odd? : Decidable¹ Odd
    odd? = λ where
      0  no λ ()
      1  yes one
      (suc (suc n))  mapDec suc  where (suc p)  p) (odd? n)

    unquoteDecl mevens? = inlineDecl mevens? (quoteTerm (all? even?))
    unquoteDecl modds?  = inlineDecl modds?  (quoteTerm (all? odd?))
    _ = mevens? (0  2  [])  yes (zero  suc zero  [])

    -- [AGDA BUG] cannot use _∋_ (c.f. Agda issue #7028)
    _ : modds? (1  3  [])  yes (one  suc one  [])
    _ = refl

  -- (5) works with `with`-statements (e.g. for specializing `mapMaybe`)
  toEvenOdd :    {- even part -} × Maybe  {- odd part -}
  toEvenOdd n with even? n
  ... | yes _ = n , nothing
  ... | no  _ = pred n , just 1

  toOdd :   Maybe 
  toOdd = proj₂  toEvenOdd

  unquoteDecl toOdds = inlineDecl toOdds (quoteTerm (L.mapMaybe toOdd))
  toOdds : List ℕ → List ℕ
  toOdds []       = []
  toOdds (x ∷ xs) with toOdd x
  -- ** [LIMITATION] does not recursively inline `with`-statements
  -- ... | just y  = y ∷ toOdds xs
  -- ... | nothing = toOdds xs
  ... | just y  = y ∷ mapMaybe toOdd xs
  ... | nothing = mapMaybe toOdd xs
  _ = toOdds (0  1  2  3  [])  (1  1  [])

  -- (6) test for `MOf?`
  open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.MOf using (MOf; mOf; MOf?)

  unquoteDecl MOf-even? = inlineDecl MOf-even? (quoteTerm (MOf? even?))
  MOf?-even? : ∀ m xs → Dec (MOf m Even xs)
  MOf?-even? zero    xs = yes done
  MOf?-even? (suc m) [] = no λ where (mOf (_ ∷ _) len≡ () _)
  MOf?-even? (suc m) (x ∷ xs) =
    if even? x then
      (λ {px} → mapDec (cons px) uncons (MOf?-even? m xs))
      (λ {¬px} → mapDec skip (unskip ¬px) (MOf?-even? (suc m) xs))

  _ = MOf-even? 2 (0  1  2  3  [])
     yes (mOf (0  2  []) refl (refl  1 ∷ʳ refl  3 ∷ʳ []) (zero  suc zero  []))
    where open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Ext

  -- (7) works on pattern lambdas arising from `case_of_`
  refl? :   Set
  refl? n = case n  n of λ where
    (yes p)  
    (no ¬p)  

  unquoteDecl refl42 = inlineDecl refl42 (quoteTerm (refl? 42))
    = case 42 ℕ.≟ 42 of
      (λ { (true because ofʸ p) → ⊤ ; (false because ofⁿ ¬p) → ⊥ })