{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}

open import Axiom.Set

module Class.IsSet (th : Theory) where

open Theory th renaming (_∈_ to _∈ᵗ_; _∉_ to _∉ᵗ_)

import Axiom.Set.Rel th as Rel
open import Axiom.Set.Map th as Map
open import Axiom.Set.TotalMap th as TotalMap
open import Data.Product
open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude

private variable A B X : Type

record IsSet (A B : Type) : Type where
    toSet : A  Set B

  infix 4 _∈_ _∉_
  _∈_ _∉_ : B  A  Type
  a  X = a ∈ᵗ (toSet X)
  a  X = a ∉ᵗ (toSet X)

open IsSet ⦃...⦄ public

infix 2 All-syntax
All-syntax :  {A X}  _ : IsSet X A   (A  Type)  X  Type
All-syntax P X = All P (toSet X)
syntax All-syntax  x  P) l = ∀[ x  l ] P

infix 2 Ex-syntax
Ex-syntax :  {A X}  _ : IsSet X A   (A  Type)  X  Type
Ex-syntax P X = Any P (toSet X)
syntax Ex-syntax  x  P) l = ∃[ x  l ] P

module _  _ : IsSet X (A × B)  where
  dom : X  Set A
  dom = Rel.dom  toSet

  range : X  Set B
  range = Rel.range  toSet

  IsSet-Set : IsSet (Set A) A
  IsSet-Set .toSet A = A

  IsSet-Map : IsSet (Map A B) (A × B)
  IsSet-Map .toSet = 

  IsSet-TotalMap : IsSet (TotalMap A B) (A × B)
  IsSet-TotalMap .toSet = TotalMap.rel