{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -v allTactics:100 #-}
open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude
open import Axiom.Set using (Theory)
module Axiom.Set.Map (th : Theory) where
open Theory th renaming (map to mapˢ)
open import Axiom.Set.Rel th hiding (_∣'_; _∣^'_)
open import Axiom.Set.Properties th
import Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (AllPairs⇒≡∨R∨Rᵒᵖ)
open import Data.Product using (swap)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (×-≡,≡→≡; ×-≡,≡←≡)
open import Data.Maybe.Properties using (just-injective)
open import Relation.Unary using (Decidable)
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning
open import Reflection.Tactic using (initTac)
open import Tactic.AnyOf
open import Tactic.Assumption
open import Tactic.Defaults
open import Tactic.ByEq
open Equivalence
∈⇒P = anyOfⁿᵗ
(quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻ ∷ [])
P⇒∈ = anyOfⁿᵗ
(quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])
∈⇔P = anyOfⁿᵗ
( quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻
∷ quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])
A A' B B' C D : Type
R R' : Rel A B
X Y : Set A
a : A
a' : A'
b : B
b' : B'
×-dup : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} → A → A × A
×-dup x = x , x
left-unique : Rel A B → Type
left-unique R = ∀ {a b b'} → (a , b) ∈ R → (a , b') ∈ R → b ≡ b'
record IsLeftUnique (R : Rel A B) : Type where
field isLeftUnique : left-unique R
∅-left-unique : IsLeftUnique {A = A} {B = B} ∅
∅-left-unique .IsLeftUnique.isLeftUnique h h' = ⊥-elim $ ∉-∅ h
⊆-left-unique : R ⊆ R' → left-unique R' → left-unique R
⊆-left-unique R⊆R' h = R⊆R' -⟨ h ⟩- R⊆R'
left-unique-mapˢ : {f : A → B} (X : Set A) → left-unique (mapˢ (λ y → (y , f y)) X)
left-unique-mapˢ _ p q with from ∈-map p | from ∈-map q
... | _ , refl , _ | _ , refl , _ = refl
Map : Type → Type → Type
Map A B = Σ (Rel A B) left-unique
infix 4 _≡ᵐ_
_≡ᵐ_ : Map A B → Map A B → Type
(x , _) ≡ᵐ (y , _) = x ≡ᵉ y
private variable m m' : Map A B
_ˢ : Map A B → Rel A B
_ˢ = proj₁
_ᵐ : (R : Rel A B) → ⦃ IsLeftUnique R ⦄ → Map A B
_ᵐ R ⦃ record { isLeftUnique = h } ⦄ = R , h
⊆-map : (f : Rel A B → Rel A B) → (∀ {R} → f R ⊆ R) → Map A B → Map A B
⊆-map f H m = f (m ˢ) , ⊆-left-unique H (proj₂ m)
ˢ-left-unique : IsLeftUnique (m ˢ)
ˢ-left-unique {m = m} = record { isLeftUnique = proj₂ m }
_ = ˢ-left-unique
∅ᵐ : Map A B
∅ᵐ = _ᵐ ∅ ⦃ ∅-left-unique ⦄
fromListᵐ : ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ → List (A × B) → Map A B
fromListᵐ l = fromList (deduplicate (λ x y → proj₁ x ≟ proj₁ y) l) ,
(λ where (inj₁ refl) → refl
(inj₂ (inj₁ x)) → ⊥-elim (x refl)
(inj₂ (inj₂ x)) → ⊥-elim (x refl))
∘₂ (∈⇒P -⟨ AllPairs⇒≡∨R∨Rᵒᵖ
$ deduplicate-! (On.decSetoid (decSetoid _≟_) proj₁) l ⟩- ∈⇒P)
where open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.DecSetoid.Properties
import Relation.Binary.Construct.On as On
FinMap : Type → Type → Type
FinMap A B = Σ (Rel A B) (λ R → left-unique R × finite R)
toFinMap : (m : Map A B) → finite (m ˢ) → FinMap A B
toFinMap (m , h) fin = m , h , fin
toMap : FinMap A B → Map A B
toMap (m , l , _) = m , l
toRel : FinMap A B → Rel A B
toRel (m , l , _) = m
module Intersectionᵐ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ (A × B)) where
open Intersection sp-∈
open Intersectionᵖ sp-∈
_∩ᵐ_ : Map A B → Map A B → Map A B
m ∩ᵐ m' = (m ˢ ∩ m' ˢ , ⊆-left-unique ∩-⊆ˡ (proj₂ m))
disj-∪ : (m m' : Map A B) → disjoint (dom (m ˢ)) (dom (m' ˢ)) → Map A B
disj-∪ m m' disj = m ˢ ∪ m' ˢ , λ h h' → case ∈⇔P h , ∈⇔P h' of λ where
(inj₁ hm , inj₁ h'm) → proj₂ m hm h'm
(inj₂ hm' , inj₁ h'm) → ⊥-elim $ disj (∈-map⁺'' h'm) (∈-map⁺'' hm')
(inj₁ hm , inj₂ h'm') → ⊥-elim $ disj (∈-map⁺'' hm) (∈-map⁺'' h'm')
(inj₂ hm' , inj₂ h'm') → proj₂ m' hm' h'm'
filterᵐ : {P : Pred (A × B) 0ℓ} → specProperty P → Map A B → Map A B
filterᵐ sp-P m = filter sp-P (m ˢ) , ⊆-left-unique filter-⊆ (proj₂ m)
filterᵐ-finite : {P : A × B → Type} → (sp : specProperty P) → Decidable P
→ finite (m ˢ) → finite (filterᵐ sp m ˢ)
filterᵐ-finite = filter-finite
filterKeys : {P : A → Type} → specProperty P → Map A B → Map A B
filterKeys sp-P = filterᵐ (sp-∘ sp-P proj₁)
singletonᵐ : A → B → Map A B
singletonᵐ a b = ❴ (a , b) ❵
, (from ∈-singleton -⟨ (λ where refl refl → refl) ⟩- from ∈-singleton)
❴_❵ᵐ : A × B → Map A B
❴ k , v ❵ᵐ = singletonᵐ k v
disj-dom : ∀ {m m₁ m₂ : Map A B}
→ (m ˢ) ≡ (m₁ ˢ) ⨿ (m₂ ˢ)
→ disjoint (dom (m₁ ˢ)) (dom (m₂ ˢ))
disj-dom {m = m@(_ , uniq)} {m₁} {m₂} (m≡m₁∪m₂ , disj) a∈domm₁ a∈domm₂
with (a , b₁) , (refl , h₁) ← ∈⇔P a∈domm₁
with (_ , b₂) , (refl , h₂) ← ∈⇔P a∈domm₂
= disj (subst _ (uniq (∈mᵢ⇒∈m (inj₁ h₁)) (∈mᵢ⇒∈m (inj₂ h₂))) h₁) h₂
∈mᵢ⇒∈m : ∀ {a} → a ∈ (m₁ ˢ) ⊎ a ∈ (m₂ ˢ) → a ∈ (m ˢ)
∈mᵢ⇒∈m = proj₂ m≡m₁∪m₂ ∘ to ∈-∪
InjectiveOn : Set A → (A → B) → Type
InjectiveOn X f = ∀ {x y} → x ∈ X → y ∈ X → f x ≡ f y → x ≡ y
weaken-Injective : ∀ {X : Set A} {f : A → B} → Injective _≡_ _≡_ f → InjectiveOn X f
weaken-Injective p _ _ = p
mapˡ-uniq : {f : A → A'}
→ {@(tactic by-eq) inj : InjectiveOn (dom R) f}
→ left-unique R
→ left-unique (mapˡ f R)
mapˡ-uniq {inj = inj} uniq = λ h h' → case ∈⇔P h ,′ ∈⇔P h' of λ where
(((_ , b) , refl , Ha) , ((_ , b') , eqb , Hb)) → uniq Ha
$ subst _ ( sym
$ ×-≡,≡→≡
$ map₁ (inj (to dom∈ (b , Ha)) (to dom∈ (b' , Hb)))
(×-≡,≡←≡ eqb))
mapʳ-uniq : {f : B → B'} → left-unique R → left-unique (mapʳ f R)
mapʳ-uniq uniq = λ h h' → case ∈⇔P h ,′ ∈⇔P h' of λ where
((_ , refl , Ha) , (_ , refl , Hb)) → cong _ $ uniq Ha Hb
mapKeys : (f : A → A') → (m : Map A B)
→ {@(tactic by-eq) _ : InjectiveOn (dom (m ˢ)) f}
→ Map A' B
mapKeys f (R , uniq) {inj} = mapˡ f R , mapˡ-uniq {inj = inj} uniq
mapValues : (B → B') → Map A B → Map A B'
mapValues f (R , uniq) = mapʳ f R , mapʳ-uniq uniq
module Unionᵐ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
infixr 6 _∪ˡ_
_∪ˡ'_ : Rel A B → Rel A B → Rel A B
m ∪ˡ' m' = m ∪ filter (sp-∘ (sp-¬ (sp-∈ {dom m})) proj₁) m'
_∪ˡ_ : Map A B → Map A B → Map A B
m ∪ˡ m' = disj-∪ m (filterᵐ (sp-∘ (sp-¬ sp-∈) proj₁) m')
(∈⇔P -⟨ (λ where x (_ , refl , hy) → proj₁ (∈⇔P hy) (∈⇔P x)) ⟩- ∈⇔P)
disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ : (H : disjoint (dom R) (dom R')) → R ∪ˡ' R' ≡ᵉ R ∪ R'
disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ disj = from ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' λ _ → mk⇔
(∈-∪⁺ ∘′ ⊎.map₂ (proj₂ ∘′ ∈⇔P) ∘′ ∈⇔P)
(∈⇔P ∘′ ⊎.map₂ (to ∈-filter ∘′ (λ h → (flip disj (∈-map⁺'' h)) , h)) ∘ ∈⇔P)
singleton-∈-∪ˡ : a ∈ dom (m ˢ) → m ∪ˡ ❴ (a , b) ❵ᵐ ≡ᵐ m
singleton-∈-∪ˡ {m = m} a∈domm .proj₁ x with (from ∈-∪ x)
... | inj₁ h = h
... | inj₂ h = case from ∈-filter h of λ where
(h₁ , h₂) → ⊥-elim $ h₁ $ subst (λ u → proj₁ u ∈ mapˢ proj₁ (proj₁ m))
(sym (from ∈-singleton h₂)) a∈domm
singleton-∈-∪ˡ _ .proj₂ = ∪-⊆ˡ
insert : Map A B → A → B → Map A B
insert m a b = ❴ a , b ❵ᵐ ∪ˡ m
insertIfJust : ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ → A → Maybe B → Map A B → Map A B
insertIfJust x nothing m = m
insertIfJust x (just y) m = insert m x y
disjoint-∪ˡ-mapValues : {M M' : Map A B}
(f : B → C)
→ (H : disjoint (dom (M ˢ)) (dom (M' ˢ)))
→ (mapValues f (M ∪ˡ M')) ˢ ≡ᵉ (mapValues f M ∪ˡ mapValues f M') ˢ
disjoint-∪ˡ-mapValues {M = M} {M'} f disj = begin
proj₁ (mapValues f (M ∪ˡ M'))
≈⟨ map-≡ᵉ (disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ disj) ⟩
(mapʳ f ((proj₁ M) ∪ (proj₁ M')))
≈⟨ map-∪ _ ⟩
(mapʳ f (proj₁ M) ∪ mapʳ f (proj₁ M'))
≈˘⟨ disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ (λ x₁ x₂ → disj (dom-mapʳ⊆ x₁) (dom-mapʳ⊆ x₂)) ⟩
proj₁ (mapValues f M ∪ˡ mapValues f M')
where open SetoidReasoning ≡ᵉ-Setoid
map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq : ∀ {x : Set A} → left-unique (mapˢ ×-dup x)
map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq x y with ∈-map⁻' x | ∈-map⁻' y
... | fst , refl , _ | .fst , refl , _ = refl
mapˡ∘map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq : ∀ {S : Set A} {f : A → B}
→ {@(tactic by-eq) inj : Injective _≡_ _≡_ f}
→ left-unique $ mapˡ f (mapˢ ×-dup S)
mapˡ∘map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq {inj = inj} = mapˡ-uniq {inj = λ _ _ → inj} map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq
idMap : Set A → Map A A
idMap s = -, map⦅×-dup⦆-uniq {x = s}
mapFromFun : (A → B) → Set A → Map A B
mapFromFun f s = mapValues f (idMap s)
mapWithKey-uniq : {f : A → B → B'}
→ left-unique R
→ left-unique (mapˢ (λ { (x , y) → x , f x y }) R)
mapWithKey-uniq {f = f} uniq p q with from ∈-map p | from ∈-map q
... | (x , y) , refl , xy∈r | (x' , y') , refl , xy'∈r = cong (f x) (uniq xy∈r xy'∈r)
mapWithKey : (A → B → B') → Map A B → Map A B'
mapWithKey f m@(r , p) = mapˢ (λ { (x , y) → x , f x y}) r , mapWithKey-uniq p
mapValues-dom : {f : B → C} → dom (m ˢ) ≡ᵉ dom (mapValues f m ˢ)
mapValues-dom {m = _ , _} = mapʳ-dom
_∣'_ : {P : A → Type} → Map A B → specProperty P → Map A B
m ∣' P? = filterᵐ (sp-∘ P? proj₁) m
_∣^'_ : {P : B → Type} → Map A B → specProperty P → Map A B
m ∣^' P? = filterᵐ (sp-∘ P? proj₂) m
constMap : Set A → B → Map A B
constMap X b = mapˢ (_, b) X , λ x x₁ →
trans (proj₂ $ ×-≡,≡←≡ $ proj₁ $ proj₂ (∈⇔P x))
(sym $ proj₂ $ ×-≡,≡←≡ $ proj₁ $ proj₂ (∈⇔P x₁))
constMap-dom : dom (constMap X b ˢ) ≡ᵉ X
constMap-dom .proj₁ a∈dom with from dom∈ a∈dom
... | b' , ab'∈map with from ∈-map ab'∈map
... | a' , ab'≡a'b , a'∈X = subst (_∈ _) (sym (proj₁ (×-≡,≡←≡ ab'≡a'b))) a'∈X
constMap-dom .proj₂ a∈X = to dom∈ (_ , to ∈-map (_ , refl , a∈X))
mapPartialLiftKey-just-uniq : ∀ {f : A → B → Maybe B'}
→ left-unique R
→ just (a , b) ∈ mapˢ (mapPartialLiftKey f) R
→ just (a , b') ∈ mapˢ (mapPartialLiftKey f) R
→ b ≡ b'
mapPartialLiftKey-just-uniq {f = f} prop a∈ a'∈ =
let _ , eq , ax∈r = mapPartialLiftKey-map {f = f} a∈
_ , eq' , ax'∈r = mapPartialLiftKey-map {f = f} a'∈
just-injective $ trans eq (trans (cong (f _) (prop ax∈r ax'∈r)) (sym eq'))
mapPartial-uniq : ∀ {r : Rel A B} {f : A → B → Maybe B' }
→ left-unique r
→ left-unique (mapPartial (mapPartialLiftKey f) r)
mapPartial-uniq {f = f} prop {a} {b} {b'} p q =
let p = ∈-map′ p
q = ∈-map′ q
in mapPartialLiftKey-just-uniq {f = f} prop (⊆-mapPartial p) (⊆-mapPartial q)
mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ : (A → B → Maybe B') → Map A B → Map A B'
mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ f (rel , prop) = mapMaybeWithKey f rel , mapPartial-uniq {f = f} prop
mapFromPartialFun : (A → Maybe B) → Set A → Map A B
mapFromPartialFun f s = mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ (λ _ → f) (idMap s)
module Restrictionᵐ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
private module R = Restriction sp-∈
open Unionᵐ sp-∈
_∣_ : Map A B → Set A → Map A B
m ∣ X = ⊆-map (R._∣ X) R.res-⊆ m
_∣_ᶜ : Map A B → Set A → Map A B
m ∣ X ᶜ = ⊆-map (R._∣ X ᶜ) R.ex-⊆ m
resᵐ-∅ᶜ : {M : Map A B} → (M ∣ ∅ ᶜ) ˢ ≡ᵉ M ˢ
resᵐ-∅ᶜ = R.res-∅ᶜ
mapValueRestricted : (B → B) → Map A B → Set A → Map A B
mapValueRestricted f m X = mapValues f (m ∣ X) ∪ˡ m
mapSingleValue : (B → B) → Map A B → A → Map A B
mapSingleValue f m a = mapValueRestricted f m ❴ a ❵
curryᵐ : Map (A × B) C → A → Map B C
curryᵐ m a = R.curryʳ (m ˢ) a , λ h h' → proj₂ m (R.∈-curryʳ h) (R.∈-curryʳ h')
res-dom∈ : {R : Rel A B} → (a , b) ∈ (m ∣ dom R) ˢ ⇔ ((a , b) ∈ m ˢ × a ∈ dom R)
res-dom∈ = mk⇔ (λ ab∈ → (R.res-⊆ ab∈ , R.res-dom (to dom∈ (_ , ab∈)))) (to ∈-filter ∘ swap)
res-subset : R ⊆ m ˢ → (m ∣ dom R) ˢ ≡ᵉ R
res-subset {m = _ , uniq} R⊆m .proj₁ {a , b} ab∈ with from dom∈ (R.res-dom $ to dom∈ (b , ab∈))
... | b' , ab'∈ = subst (λ u → (a , u) ∈ _) (uniq (R⊆m ab'∈) $ R.res-⊆ ab∈) ab'∈
res-subset {m = m} R⊆m .proj₂ ab∈ = from (res-dom∈ {m = m}) (R⊆m ab∈ , to dom∈ (_ , ab∈))
res-singleton : ∀ {k} → k ∈ dom (m ˢ) → ∃[ v ] m ∣ ❴ k ❵ ≡ᵐ ❴ k , v ❵ᵐ
res-singleton {m = m@(_ , uniq)} k∈domm
with (k , v) , (refl , h) ← ∈⇔P k∈domm
= v
, (λ a∈m∣k → to ∈-singleton $ case ∈⇔P a∈m∣k of λ (mem₁ , mem₂) →
let eq = from ∈-singleton mem₁
in ×-≡,≡→≡ (eq , (uniq mem₂ (subst _ (sym eq) h))))
, λ a∈❴k,v❵ → subst (_∈ ((m ∣ ❴ k ❵) ˢ))
(sym $ from ∈-singleton a∈❴k,v❵)
(∈⇔P (to ∈-singleton refl , h))
res-singleton' : ∀ {k v} → (k , v) ∈ m ˢ → m ∣ ❴ k ❵ ≡ᵐ ❴ k , v ❵ᵐ
res-singleton' {m = m} kv∈m
with _ , h ← res-singleton {m = m} (∈⇔P (-, (refl , kv∈m)))
= subst _ (sym $ proj₂ m kv∈m (R.res-⊆ $ proj₂ h $ to ∈-singleton refl)) h
res-singleton⁺ : {k : A}{v : B} → (k , v) ∈ m ˢ → (k , v) ∈ (m ∣ ❴ k ❵)ˢ
res-singleton⁺ kv∈m = to ∈-filter ((to ∈-singleton refl) , kv∈m)
res-singleton-inhabited : ∀ {k a} → a ∈ (m ∣ ❴ k ❵) ˢ → k ∈ dom (m ˢ)
res-singleton-inhabited {m = m} {k} {a} a∈ =
to dom∈ ( proj₂ a , subst (λ x → (x , proj₂ a) ∈ (m ˢ))
(from ∈-singleton (R.res-dom (∈-dom a∈)))
(R.res-⊆ a∈) )
res-singleton'' : ∀ {k a} → a ∈ (m ∣ ❴ k ❵)ˢ → ∃[ v ] a ≡ (k , v)
res-singleton'' {m = m}{k}{a} a∈m =
let (v , m|≡) = res-singleton {m = m} (res-singleton-inhabited{m = m} a∈m) in
v , from ∈-singleton (proj₁ m|≡ a∈m)
infix 30 _⦅_,-⦆
_⦅_,-⦆ = curryᵐ
update : A → Maybe B → Map A B → Map A B
update x (just y) m = insert m x y
update x nothing m = m ∣ ❴ x ❵ ᶜ
module Lookupᵐ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
private module R = Restriction sp-∈
open Unionᵐ sp-∈
open Restriction sp-∈
module _ (m : Map A B) (x : A) where
lookupᵐ : {@(tactic initTac assumption') _ : x ∈ dom (m ˢ)} → B
lookupᵐ {h} = proj₁ (from dom∈ h)
lookupᵐ? : ⦃ (x ∈ dom (m ˢ)) ⁇ ⦄ → Maybe B
lookupᵐ? ⦃ ⁇ no _ ⦄ = nothing
lookupᵐ? ⦃ ⁇ yes _ ⦄ = just lookupᵐ
pullbackMap : (m : Map A B) → ⦃ ∀ {x} → (x ∈ dom (m ˢ)) ⁇ ⦄ → (A' → A) → Set A' → Map A' B
pullbackMap m f s = mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ (λ a _ → lookupᵐ? m (f a)) (idMap s)
module Corestrictionᵐ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ B) where
private module R = Corestriction sp-∈
_∣^_ : Map A B → Set B → Map A B
m ∣^ X = ⊆-map (R._∣^ X) R.cores-⊆ m
_∣^_ᶜ : Map A B → Set B → Map A B
m ∣^ X ᶜ = ⊆-map (R._∣^ X ᶜ) R.coex-⊆ m
infix 25 _⁻¹_
_⁻¹_ : Map A B → B → Set A
m ⁻¹ a = dom ((m ∣^ ❴ a ❵) ˢ)