{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
-- anyOf: take the first term that type checks

module Tactic.AnyOf where

open import MetaPrelude
open import Meta

open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
open import Reflection.Tactic

open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances

anyOf' : List Term  ITactic
anyOf' = inDebugPath "anyOf" 
  foldl  x t  catch (debugLog ("Attempting: " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ []) >> unifyWithGoal t >> debugLog ("Success with: " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ []))  _  x))
    (logAndError1 "None of the provded terms solve the goal!")

anyOfⁿ : List Name  ITactic
anyOfⁿ = inDebugPath "anyOf" 
  foldl  x n  catch (debugLog ("Attempting: " ∷ᵈ n ∷ᵈ []) >> unifyWithGoal (n ) >> debugLog ("Success with: " ∷ᵈ n ∷ᵈ []))  _  x))
    (logAndError1 "None of the provded terms solve the goal!")

module _  _ : TCOptions  where
  anyOfᵗ : List Term  Tactic
  anyOfᵗ l = initTac $ anyOf' l

  anyOfⁿᵗ : List Name  Tactic
  anyOfⁿᵗ l = initTac $ anyOfⁿ l

    anyOf = anyOfᵗ