{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}
open import Axiom.Set using (Theory)
module Axiom.Set.Properties {ℓ} (th : Theory {ℓ}) where
open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude hiding (isEquivalence; trans; map; map₂)
open Theory th
import Data.List as L
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All as All
import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs as AllPairs
import Data.Sum as ⊎
import Function.Related.Propositional as R
import Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.BoundedJoinSemilattice as Bounded∨Semilattice
import Relation.Binary.Lattice.Properties.JoinSemilattice as ∨Semilattice
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (_×-cong_; _⊎-cong_)
open import Data.List.Membership.DecPropositional using () renaming (_∈?_ to _∈ˡ?_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (∈-filter⁺; ∈-filter⁻; ∈-++⁺ˡ; ∈-++⁺ʳ; ∈-++⁻)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality using (∼bag⇒↭)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties using (↭-length)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional using () renaming (_⊆_ to _⊆ˡ_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties.WithK using (unique∧set⇒bag)
open import Data.Product using (map₂; swap)
open import Data.Product.Properties.Ext
open import Relation.Binary hiding (_⇔_)
open import Relation.Binary.Lattice
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism using (IsOrderHomomorphism)
open Equivalence
private variable
A B C : Type ℓ
X Y Z : Set A
module _ {f : A → B} {X} {b} where
∈-map⁻' : b ∈ map f X → (∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × a ∈ X)
∈-map⁻' = from ∈-map
∈-map⁺' : (∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × a ∈ X) → b ∈ map f X
∈-map⁺' = to ∈-map
∈-map⁺'' : ∀ {f : A → B} {X} {a} → a ∈ X → f a ∈ map f X
∈-map⁺'' h = to ∈-map (-, refl , h)
module _ {X : Set A} {P : A → Type} {sp-P : specProperty P} {a} where
∈-filter⁻' : a ∈ filter sp-P X → (P a × a ∈ X)
∈-filter⁻' = from ∈-filter
∈-filter⁺' : (P a × a ∈ X) → a ∈ filter sp-P X
∈-filter⁺' = to ∈-filter
module _ {X Y : Set A} {a} where
∈-∪⁻ : a ∈ X ∪ Y → a ∈ X ⊎ a ∈ Y
∈-∪⁻ = from ∈-∪
∈-∪⁺ : a ∈ X ⊎ a ∈ Y → a ∈ X ∪ Y
∈-∪⁺ = to ∈-∪
module _ {l : List A} {a} where
∈-fromList⁻ : a ∈ fromList l → a ∈ˡ l
∈-fromList⁻ = from ∈-fromList
∈-fromList⁺ : a ∈ˡ l → a ∈ fromList l
∈-fromList⁺ = to ∈-fromList
open import Tactic.AnyOf
open import Tactic.Defaults
private macro
∈⇒P = anyOfⁿᵗ
(quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻ ∷ [])
P⇒∈ = anyOfⁿᵗ
(quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])
∈⇔P = anyOfⁿᵗ
( quote ∈-filter⁻' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁻ ∷ quote ∈-map⁻' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁻
∷ quote ∈-filter⁺' ∷ quote ∈-∪⁺ ∷ quote ∈-map⁺' ∷ quote ∈-fromList⁺ ∷ [])
_≡_⨿_ : Set A → Set A → Set A → Type ℓ
X ≡ Y ⨿ Z = X ≡ᵉ Y ∪ Z × disjoint Y Z
≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' : X ≡ᵉ Y ⇔ X ≡ᵉ' Y
≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' = mk⇔
(λ where (X⊆Y , Y⊆X) _ → mk⇔ X⊆Y Y⊆X)
(λ a∈X⇔a∈Y → (λ {_} → to (a∈X⇔a∈Y _)) , λ {_} → from (a∈X⇔a∈Y _))
cong-⊆⇒cong : {f : Set A → Set B} → f Preserves _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_ → f Preserves _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_
cong-⊆⇒cong h X≡ᵉX' = h (proj₁ X≡ᵉX') , h (proj₂ X≡ᵉX')
cong-⊆⇒cong₂ : {f : Set A → Set B → Set C}
→ f Preserves₂ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_ → f Preserves₂ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_
cong-⊆⇒cong₂ h X≡ᵉX' Y≡ᵉY' = h (proj₁ X≡ᵉX') (proj₁ Y≡ᵉY')
, h (proj₂ X≡ᵉX') (proj₂ Y≡ᵉY')
⊆-Transitive : Transitive (_⊆_ {A})
⊆-Transitive X⊆Y Y⊆Z = Y⊆Z ∘ X⊆Y
≡ᵉ-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence (_≡ᵉ_ {A})
≡ᵉ-isEquivalence = record
{ refl = id , id
; sym = λ where (h , h') → (h' , h)
; trans = λ eq₁ eq₂ → ⊆-Transitive (proj₁ eq₁) (proj₁ eq₂)
, ⊆-Transitive (proj₂ eq₂) (proj₂ eq₁)
≡ᵉ-Setoid : ∀ {A} → Setoid ℓ ℓ
≡ᵉ-Setoid {A} = record
{ Carrier = Set A
; _≈_ = _≡ᵉ_
; isEquivalence = ≡ᵉ-isEquivalence
⊆-isPreorder : IsPreorder (_≡ᵉ_ {A}) _⊆_
⊆-isPreorder = λ where
.isEquivalence → ≡ᵉ-isEquivalence
.reflexive → proj₁
.trans → ⊆-Transitive
where open IsPreorder
⊆-Preorder : {A} → Preorder _ _ _
⊆-Preorder {A} = record
{ Carrier = Set A ; _≈_ = _≡ᵉ_ ; _≲_ = _⊆_ ; isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder }
⊆-PartialOrder : IsPartialOrder (_≡ᵉ_ {A}) _⊆_
⊆-PartialOrder = record
{ isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder
; antisym = _,_ }
∈-× : {a : A} {b : B} → (a , b) ∈ X → (a ∈ map proj₁ X × b ∈ map proj₂ X)
∈-× {a = a} {b} x = to ∈-map ((a , b) , refl , x) , to ∈-map ((a , b) , refl , x)
module _ {f : A → B} {g : B → C} where
map-⊆∘ : map g (map f X) ⊆ map (g ∘ f) X
map-⊆∘ a∘∈
with b , a≡gb , b∈prfX ← from ∈-map a∘∈
with a , refl , a∈X ← from ∈-map b∈prfX
= to ∈-map (a , a≡gb , a∈X)
map-∘⊆ : map (g ∘ f) X ⊆ map g (map f X)
map-∘⊆ a∈∘ with from ∈-map a∈∘
... | a₁ , a₁≡gfa , a₁∈X = to ∈-map (f a₁ , a₁≡gfa , to ∈-map (a₁ , refl , a₁∈X))
map-∘ : map g (map f X) ≡ᵉ map (g ∘ f) X
map-∘ = map-⊆∘ , map-∘⊆
∈-map⁺-∘ : ∀ {b} → b ∈ map f X → g b ∈ map (g ∘ f) X
∈-map⁺-∘ = map-⊆∘ ∘ ∈-map⁺''
map-⊆ : {X Y : Set A} {f : A → B} → X ⊆ Y → map f X ⊆ map f Y
map-⊆ x⊆y a∈map with from ∈-map a∈map
... | a₁ , a≡fa₁ , a₁∈x = to ∈-map (a₁ , a≡fa₁ , x⊆y a₁∈x)
map-≡ᵉ : {X Y : Set A} {f : A → B} → X ≡ᵉ Y → map f X ≡ᵉ map f Y
map-≡ᵉ (x⊆y , y⊆x) = map-⊆ x⊆y , map-⊆ y⊆x
∉-∅ : {a : A} → a ∉ ∅
∉-∅ h = case ∈⇔P h of λ ()
∅-minimum : Minimum (_⊆_ {A}) ∅
∅-minimum = λ _ → ⊥-elim ∘ ∉-∅
∅-least : X ⊆ ∅ → X ≡ᵉ ∅
∅-least X⊆∅ = (X⊆∅ , ∅-minimum _)
∅-weakly-finite : weakly-finite {A = A} ∅
∅-weakly-finite = [] , ⊥-elim ∘ ∉-∅
∅-finite : finite {A = A} ∅
∅-finite = [] , mk⇔ (⊥-elim ∘ ∉-∅) λ ()
map-∅ : {X : Set A} {f : A → B} → map f ∅ ≡ᵉ ∅
map-∅ = ∅-least λ x∈map → case ∈-map⁻' x∈map of λ where (_ , _ , h) → ⊥-elim (∉-∅ h)
map-∪ : {X Y : Set A} → (f : A → B) → map f (X ∪ Y) ≡ᵉ map f X ∪ map f Y
map-∪ {X = X} {Y} f = from ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' λ b →
b ∈ map f (X ∪ Y)
∼⟨ R.SK-sym ∈-map ⟩
(∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × a ∈ X ∪ Y)
∼⟨ ∃-cong′ (R.K-refl ×-cong R.SK-sym ∈-∪) ⟩
(∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × (a ∈ X ⊎ a ∈ Y))
↔⟨ ∃-cong′ ×-distribˡ-⊎' ⟩
(∃[ a ] (b ≡ f a × a ∈ X ⊎ b ≡ f a × a ∈ Y))
↔⟨ ∃-distrib-⊎ ⟩
(∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × a ∈ X ⊎ ∃[ a ] b ≡ f a × a ∈ Y)
∼⟨ ∈-map ⊎-cong ∈-map ⟩
(b ∈ map f X ⊎ b ∈ map f Y)
∼⟨ ∈-∪ ⟩
b ∈ map f X ∪ map f Y ∎
where open R.EquationalReasoning
mapPartial-∅ : {f : A → Maybe B} → mapPartial f ∅ ≡ᵉ ∅
mapPartial-∅ {f = f} = ∅-least λ x∈map → case from (∈-mapPartial {f = f}) x∈map of λ where
(_ , h , _) → ⊥-elim (∉-∅ h)
singleton-strongly-finite : {a : A} → strongly-finite (singleton a)
singleton-strongly-finite = _ , All.[] AllPairs.∷ AllPairs.[] , R.SK-sym ∈-fromList
card-singleton : {a : A} → card (singleton a , singleton-strongly-finite) ≡ 1
card-singleton = refl
card-≡ᵉ : (X Y : Σ (Set A) strongly-finite) → proj₁ X ≡ᵉ proj₁ Y → card X ≡ card Y
card-≡ᵉ (X , lX , lXᵘ , eqX) (Y , lY , lYᵘ , eqY) X≡Y =
↭-length $ ∼bag⇒↭ $ unique∧set⇒bag lXᵘ lYᵘ λ {a} →
a ∈ˡ lX ∼⟨ R.SK-sym eqX ⟩
a ∈ X ∼⟨ to ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' X≡Y a ⟩
a ∈ Y ∼⟨ eqY ⟩
a ∈ˡ lY ∎
where open R.EquationalReasoning
singleton-≢-∅ : {a : A} → singleton a ≢ ∅
singleton-≢-∅ {A = A} {a = a} X≡∅ =
case card-≡ᵉ (singleton a , singleton-strongly-finite)
(∅ , ∅-strongly-finite)
(subst (singleton a ≡ᵉ_) X≡∅ ≡ᵉ-refl)
of λ ()
where open IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence {A}) renaming (refl to ≡ᵉ-refl)
module _ {P : A → Type} {sp-P : specProperty P} where
filter-∅ : (∀ a → a ∈ X → ¬ P a) → filter sp-P X ≡ᵉ ∅
proj₁ (filter-∅ h) {a} h' with from ∈-filter h'
... | (Pa , a∈) = ⊥-elim (h a a∈ Pa)
proj₂ (filter-∅ h) {a} h' = ⊥-elim (∉-∅ h')
filter-⊆ : filter sp-P X ⊆ X
filter-⊆ = proj₂ ∘′ ∈⇔P
filter-pres-⊆ : X ⊆ Y → filter sp-P X ⊆ filter sp-P Y
filter-pres-⊆ xy a∈ = let Pa∈ = from ∈-filter a∈ in
to ∈-filter (map₂ xy Pa∈)
filter-pres-≡ᵉ : X ≡ᵉ Y → filter sp-P X ≡ᵉ filter sp-P Y
filter-pres-≡ᵉ (X⊆Y , Y⊆X) = filter-pres-⊆ X⊆Y , filter-pres-⊆ Y⊆X
filter-split-∪ : ∀ {a} → a ∈ filter sp-P (X ∪ Y) → (P a × a ∈ X) ⊎ (P a × a ∈ Y)
filter-split-∪ a∈ = case (proj₁ (from ∈-filter a∈) , from ∈-∪ (proj₂ (from ∈-filter a∈))) of
λ where
(Pa , inj₁ a∈X) → inj₁ (Pa , a∈X)
(Pa , inj₂ a∈Y) → inj₂ (Pa , a∈Y)
filter-hom-⊆ : filter sp-P (X ∪ Y) ⊆ filter sp-P X ∪ filter sp-P Y
filter-hom-⊆ {a = a} a∈ = to ∈-∪ (case filter-split-∪ a∈ of λ where
(inj₁ v) → inj₁ (to ∈-filter v)
(inj₂ v) → inj₂ (to ∈-filter v))
filter-hom-⊇ : filter sp-P X ∪ filter sp-P Y ⊆ filter sp-P (X ∪ Y)
filter-hom-⊇ a∈ = to ∈-filter (case (from ∈-∪ a∈) of λ where
(inj₁ v) → proj₁ (from ∈-filter v) , to ∈-∪ (inj₁ (proj₂ (from ∈-filter v)))
(inj₂ v) → proj₁ (from ∈-filter v) , to ∈-∪ (inj₂ (proj₂ (from ∈-filter v))) )
filter-hom-∪ : filter sp-P (X ∪ Y) ≡ᵉ (filter sp-P X) ∪ (filter sp-P Y)
filter-hom-∪ = filter-hom-⊆ , filter-hom-⊇
Dec-∈-fromList : ∀ {a : A} → ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ → (l : List A) → Decidable¹ (_∈ fromList l)
Dec-∈-fromList _ _ = Relation.Nullary.Decidable.map ∈-fromList (_∈ˡ?_ _≟_ _ _)
Dec-∈-singleton : ∀ {a : A} → ⦃ DecEq A ⦄ → Decidable¹ (_∈ ❴ a ❵)
Dec-∈-singleton _ = Relation.Nullary.Decidable.map ∈-singleton (_ ≟ _)
singleton-finite : ∀ {a : A} → finite ❴ a ❵
singleton-finite {a = a} = [ a ] , λ {x} →
x ∈ ❴ a ❵ ∼⟨ R.SK-sym ∈-fromList ⟩
x ∈ˡ [ a ] ∎
where open R.EquationalReasoning
filter-finite : ∀ {P : A → Type}
→ (sp : specProperty P) → Decidable¹ P → finite X → finite (filter sp X)
filter-finite {X = X} {P} sp P? (l , hl) = L.filter P? l , λ {a} →
a ∈ filter sp X ∼⟨ R.SK-sym ∈-filter ⟩
(P a × a ∈ X) ∼⟨ R.K-refl ×-cong hl ⟩
(P a × a ∈ˡ l) ∼⟨ mk⇔ (uncurry $ flip $ ∈-filter⁺ P?)
(swap ∘ ∈-filter⁻ P?) ⟩
a ∈ˡ L.filter P? l ∎
where open R.EquationalReasoning
∪-⊆ˡ : X ⊆ X ∪ Y
∪-⊆ˡ = ∈⇔P ∘′ inj₁
∪-⊆ʳ : Y ⊆ X ∪ Y
∪-⊆ʳ = ∈⇔P ∘′ inj₂
∪-⊆ : X ⊆ Z → Y ⊆ Z → X ∪ Y ⊆ Z
∪-⊆ X⊆Z Y⊆Z = λ a∈X∪Y → [ X⊆Z , Y⊆Z ]′ (∈⇔P a∈X∪Y)
⊆→∪ : X ⊆ Y → X ∪ Y ≡ᵉ Y
⊆→∪ X⊆Y = (λ {a} x → case from ∈-∪ x of λ where
(inj₁ v) → X⊆Y v
(inj₂ v) → v) , ∪-⊆ʳ
∪-Supremum : Supremum (_⊆_ {A}) _∪_
∪-Supremum _ _ = ∪-⊆ˡ , ∪-⊆ʳ , λ _ → ∪-⊆
∪-cong-⊆ : _∪_ {A} Preserves₂ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_
∪-cong-⊆ X⊆X' Y⊆Y' = ∈⇔P ∘′ (⊎.map X⊆X' Y⊆Y') ∘′ ∈⇔P
∪-cong : _∪_ {A} Preserves₂ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_
∪-cong = cong-⊆⇒cong₂ ∪-cong-⊆
∪-preserves-finite : _∪_ {A} Preservesˢ₂ finite
∪-preserves-finite {a = X} {Y} (l , hX) (l' , hY) = (l ++ l') , λ {a} →
a ∈ X ∪ Y ∼⟨ R.SK-sym ∈-∪ ⟩
(a ∈ X ⊎ a ∈ Y) ∼⟨ hX ⊎-cong hY ⟩
(a ∈ˡ l ⊎ a ∈ˡ l') ∼⟨ mk⇔ ⊎.[ ∈-++⁺ˡ , ∈-++⁺ʳ _ ] (∈-++⁻ _) ⟩
a ∈ˡ l ++ l' ∎
where open R.EquationalReasoning
∪-sym : X ∪ Y ≡ᵉ Y ∪ X
∪-sym = ∪-⊆ ∪-⊆ʳ ∪-⊆ˡ , ∪-⊆ ∪-⊆ʳ ∪-⊆ˡ
Set-JoinSemilattice : IsJoinSemilattice (_≡ᵉ_ {A}) _⊆_ _∪_
Set-JoinSemilattice = record
{ isPartialOrder = ⊆-PartialOrder ; supremum = ∪-Supremum }
Set-BoundedJoinSemilattice : IsBoundedJoinSemilattice (_≡ᵉ_ {A}) _⊆_ _∪_ ∅
Set-BoundedJoinSemilattice = record
{ isJoinSemilattice = Set-JoinSemilattice ; minimum = ∅-minimum }
Set-BddSemilattice : {A : Type ℓ} → BoundedJoinSemilattice _ _ _
Set-BddSemilattice {A} = record
{ Carrier = Set A
; _≈_ = _≡ᵉ_ {A}
; _≤_ = _⊆_
; _∨_ = _∪_
; ⊥ = ∅
; isBoundedJoinSemilattice = Set-BoundedJoinSemilattice
module _ {A : Type ℓ} where
open Bounded∨Semilattice (Set-BddSemilattice {A})
open ∨Semilattice (BoundedJoinSemilattice.joinSemilattice (Set-BddSemilattice {A}))
using (∨-comm; ∨-assoc)
∪-identityˡ : (X : Set A) → ∅ ∪ X ≡ᵉ X
∪-identityˡ = identityˡ
∪-identityʳ : (X : Set A) → X ∪ ∅ ≡ᵉ X
∪-identityʳ = identityʳ
∪-comm : (X Y : Set A) → X ∪ Y ≡ᵉ Y ∪ X
∪-comm = ∨-comm
∪-assoc : (X Y Z : Set A) → (X ∪ Y) ∪ Z ≡ᵉ X ∪ (Y ∪ Z)
∪-assoc = ∨-assoc
fromList-∪-singleton : {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} {l : List A} → fromList (x ∷ l) ≡ᵉ ❴ x ❵ ∪ fromList l
fromList-∪-singleton .proj₁ h with from ∈-fromList h
... | here refl = ∈-∪⁺ (inj₁ (to ∈-fromList (here refl)))
... | there q = ∈-∪⁺ (inj₂ (to ∈-fromList q))
fromList-∪-singleton .proj₂ h with ∈-∪⁻ h
... | (inj₁ a∈) = to ∈-fromList (here (from ∈-singleton a∈))
... | (inj₂ a∈) = to ∈-fromList (there (from ∈-fromList a∈))
∪-fromList-++ : (ll lr : List A) → fromList ll ∪ fromList lr ≡ᵉ fromList (ll ++ lr)
∪-fromList-++ [] lr = ∪-identityˡ (fromList lr)
∪-fromList-++ (x ∷ l) lr =
fromList (x ∷ l) ∪ fromList lr ≈⟨ ∪-cong fromList-∪-singleton ≡ᵉ.refl ⟩
(❴ x ❵ ∪ fromList l) ∪ fromList lr ≈⟨ ∪-assoc ❴ x ❵ (fromList l) (fromList lr) ⟩
❴ x ❵ ∪ (fromList l ∪ fromList lr) ≈⟨ ∪-cong ≡ᵉ.refl (∪-fromList-++ l lr) ⟩
❴ x ❵ ∪ fromList (l ++ lr) ≈˘⟨ fromList-∪-singleton ⟩
fromList (x ∷ (l ++ lr)) ∎
module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid ≡ᵉ-Setoid
disjoint-sym : disjoint X Y → disjoint Y X
disjoint-sym disj = flip disj
disjoint-subst : disjoint X Y → X ≡ᵉ Z → disjoint Z Y
disjoint-subst disj X≡Z = disj ∘ (proj₂ X≡Z)
module Intersectionᵖ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
open Intersection sp-∈
disjoint⇒disjoint' : disjoint X Y → disjoint' X Y
disjoint⇒disjoint' h = ∅-least (⊥-elim ∘ uncurry h ∘ from ∈-∩)
disjoint'⇒disjoint : disjoint' X Y → disjoint X Y
disjoint'⇒disjoint h a∈X a∈Y = ∉-∅ (to (to ≡ᵉ⇔≡ᵉ' h _) (to ∈-∩ (a∈X , a∈Y)))
∩-⊆ˡ : X ∩ Y ⊆ X
∩-⊆ˡ = proj₁ ∘ from ∈-∩
∩-⊆ʳ : X ∩ Y ⊆ Y
∩-⊆ʳ = proj₂ ∘ from ∈-∩
∩-⊆ : Z ⊆ X → Z ⊆ Y → Z ⊆ X ∩ Y
∩-⊆ Z⊆X Z⊆Y = λ x∈Z → to ∈-∩ (< Z⊆X , Z⊆Y > x∈Z)
∩-Infimum : Infimum _⊆_ _∩_
∩-Infimum X Y = ∩-⊆ˡ , ∩-⊆ʳ , λ _ → ∩-⊆
∩-preserves-finite : _∩_ Preservesˢ₂ weakly-finite
∩-preserves-finite _ = ⊆-weakly-finite ∩-⊆ʳ
∩-cong-⊆ : _∩_ Preserves₂ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_ ⟶ _⊆_
∩-cong-⊆ X⊆X' Y⊆Y' a∈X∩Y = to ∈-∩ (Data.Product.map X⊆X' Y⊆Y' (from ∈-∩ a∈X∩Y))
∩-cong : _∩_ Preserves₂ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_ ⟶ _≡ᵉ_
∩-cong = cong-⊆⇒cong₂ ∩-cong-⊆
∩-OrderHomomorphismʳ : ∀ {X} → IsOrderHomomorphism _≡ᵉ_ _≡ᵉ_ _⊆_ _⊆_ (X ∩_)
∩-OrderHomomorphismʳ = record { cong = ∩-cong (id , id) ; mono = ∩-cong-⊆ id }
∩-OrderHomomorphismˡ : ∀ {X} → IsOrderHomomorphism _≡ᵉ_ _≡ᵉ_ _⊆_ _⊆_ (_∩ X)
∩-OrderHomomorphismˡ = record
{ cong = flip ∩-cong (id , id) ; mono = flip ∩-cong-⊆ id }
Set-Lattice : IsLattice _≡ᵉ_ _⊆_ _∪_ _∩_
Set-Lattice = record
{ isPartialOrder = ⊆-PartialOrder ; supremum = ∪-Supremum ; infimum = ∩-Infimum }
∩-sym⊆ : X ∩ Y ⊆ Y ∩ X
∩-sym⊆ a∈X∩Y with from ∈-∩ a∈X∩Y
... | a∈X , a∈Y = to ∈-∩ (a∈Y , a∈X)
∩-sym : X ∩ Y ≡ᵉ Y ∩ X
∩-sym = ∩-sym⊆ , ∩-sym⊆
module _ {L : List A} where
open Equivalence
sublist-⇔ : {l : List A} → fromList l ⊆ fromList L ⇔ l ⊆ˡ L
sublist-⇔ {[]} = mk⇔ (λ x ()) (λ _ {_} → ⊥-elim ∘ ∉-∅)
sublist-⇔ {x ∷ xs} = mk⇔ onlyif (λ u → to ∈-fromList ∘ u ∘ from ∈-fromList)
onlyif : ({a : A} → a ∈ fromList (x ∷ xs) → a ∈ fromList L) → x ∷ xs ⊆ˡ L
onlyif h (here refl) = from ∈-fromList (h (to ∈-fromList (here refl)))
onlyif h (there x'∈) = from ∈-fromList (h (to ∈-fromList (there x'∈)))
∃-sublist-⇔ : {P : Pred (List A) ℓ} → (∃[ l ] fromList l ⊆ fromList L × P l) ⇔ (∃[ l ] l ⊆ˡ L × P l)
∃-sublist-⇔ = mk⇔ (λ (l , l⊆L , Pl) → l , to sublist-⇔ l⊆L , Pl)
(λ (l , l⊆L , Pl) → l , from sublist-⇔ l⊆L , Pl)