{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module Tactic.ByEq where

open import Meta hiding (TC)
open import MetaPrelude
open import Class.Functor.Core; open import Class.Functor.Instances
open import Class.Monad.Core; open import Class.Monad.Instances
open import Reflection using (TC; withNormalisation; inferType; unify)
open import Reflection.Utils

-- Introduce as many arguments as possible and then:
--   1. for those of type `_ ≡ _`, unify with  `refl`
--   2. ignore the rest of the arguments (unify with `_`)
--   3. unify the hole with `refl`
by-eq : Hole  TC 
by-eq hole = do
  ty  withNormalisation true $ inferType hole
  let ps : Args Pattern
      ps = argTys ty <&> fmap λ {(def (quote _≡_) _)  quote refl ; _  dot unknown}
  unify hole $ pat-lam [ clause [] ps (quote refl ) ] []

macro $by-eq = by-eq

  -- test that macro works
  _ :  {n m k : }  n  m  m  k  n  k
  _ = $by-eq

  _ :  {n m k x y : }  n  m  x  y  m  n
  _ = $by-eq

  -- test that tactic arguments work
  f : {@(tactic by-eq) _ :  {n m : }  n  m  m  n}  Bool  Bool
  f = id

  _ : f  where refl  refl} true  true
  _ = refl

  _ : f {$by-eq} true  true
  _ = refl

  _ : f true  true
  _ = refl

  -- test that normalisation works
  Sym =  {n m : }  n  m  m  n

  g : {@(tactic by-eq) _ : Sym}  Bool  Bool
  g = id

  _ : g  where refl  refl} true  true
  _ = refl

  _ : g {$by-eq} true  true
  _ = refl

  _ : g true  true
  _ = refl