\section{Cryptographic Primitives}
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Ledger.Crypto where
open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (T)
record isHashableSet (T : Type) : Type₁ where
constructor mkIsHashableSet
field THash : Type
⦃ DecEq-THash ⦄ : DecEq THash
⦃ Show-THash ⦄ : Show THash
⦃ DecEq-T ⦄ : DecEq T
⦃ T-Hashable ⦄ : Hashable T THash
open isHashableSet
record HashableSet : Type₁ where
constructor mkHashableSet
field T : Type; ⦃ T-isHashable ⦄ : isHashableSet T
open isHashableSet T-isHashable public
record PKKScheme : Type₁ where
We rely on a public key signing scheme for verification of spending.
\emph{Types \& functions}
SKey VKey Sig Ser : Type
isKeyPair : SKey → VKey → Type
isSigned : VKey → Ser → Sig → Type
sign : SKey → Ser → Sig
KeyPair = Σ[ sk ∈ SKey ] Σ[ vk ∈ VKey ] isKeyPair sk vk
\emph{Property of signatures}
field ⦃ Dec-isSigned ⦄ : isSigned ⁇³
isSigned-correct :
((sk , vk , _) : KeyPair) (d : Ser) (σ : Sig) → sign sk d ≡ σ → isSigned vk d σ
\caption{Definitions for the public key signature scheme}
⦃ DecEq-Sig ⦄ : DecEq Sig
⦃ DecEq-Ser ⦄ : DecEq Ser
record Crypto : Type₁ where
field pkk : PKKScheme
open PKKScheme pkk public
field ⦃ khs ⦄ : isHashableSet VKey
ScriptHash : Type; ⦃ DecEq-ScriptHash ⦄ : DecEq ScriptHash ; ⦃ Show-ScriptHash ⦄ : Show ScriptHash
open isHashableSet khs renaming (THash to KeyHash) hiding (DecEq-T) public