{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Class.HasOrder.Core where

open import Class.Decidable
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Function
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary using () renaming (Decidable to Decidable²)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary

open Equivalence

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  module _ {_≈_ : Rel A a} where

    record HasPreorder : Set (suc a) where
      infix 4 _≤_ _<_ _≥_ _>_
        _≤_ _<_       : Rel A a
        ≤-isPreorder  : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_
        <-irrefl      : Irreflexive _≈_ _<_
        ≤⇔<∨≈         :  {x y}  x  y  (x < y  x  y)

      _≥_ = flip _≤_
      _>_ = flip _<_

      open IsPreorder ≤-isPreorder public
        using ()
        renaming (isEquivalence to ≈-isEquivalence; refl to ≤-refl; trans to ≤-trans)

      _≤?_ :  _≤_ ⁇²   Decidable _≤_
      _≤?_ = dec²

      _<?_ :  _<_ ⁇²   Decidable _<_
      _<?_ = dec²

      infix 4 _<?_ _≤?_

      <⇒≤∧≉ :  {x y}  x < y  x  y × ¬ (x  y)
      <⇒≤∧≉ x<y = from ≤⇔<∨≈ (inj₁ x<y) , λ x≈y  <-irrefl x≈y x<y

      ≤∧≉⇒< :  {x y}  x  y × ¬ (x  y)  x < y
      ≤∧≉⇒< {x} {y} (x≤y , ¬x≈y) with to ≤⇔<∨≈ x≤y
      ... | inj₁ x<y = x<y
      ... | inj₂ x≈y = ⊥-elim (¬x≈y x≈y)

      ≤-antisym⇒<-asym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_  Asymmetric _<_
      ≤-antisym⇒<-asym antisym x<y y<x =
        proj₂ (<⇒≤∧≉ x<y) $ antisym (proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ x<y) (proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ y<x)

    open HasPreorder ⦃...⦄

    record HasDecPreorder : Set (suc a) where
      field  hasPreorder  : HasPreorder
             dec-≤  : _≤_ ⁇²
             dec-<  : _<_ ⁇²

    record HasPartialOrder : Set (suc a) where
         hasPreorder  : HasPreorder
        ≤-antisym : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_

      ≤-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≈_ _≤_
      ≤-isPartialOrder = record { isPreorder = ≤-isPreorder ; antisym = ≤-antisym }

      <-asymmetric : Asymmetric _<_
      <-asymmetric = ≤-antisym⇒<-asym ≤-antisym

      open IsEquivalence ≈-isEquivalence renaming (sym to ≈-sym)

      <-trans : Transitive _<_
      <-trans i<j j<k =
          j≤k = proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ j<k; i≤j = proj₁ $ <⇒≤∧≉ i<j
          i≈k⇒j≈k = λ i≈k  ≤-antisym j≤k $ ≤-trans (from ≤⇔<∨≈ $ inj₂ (≈-sym i≈k)) i≤j
          ≤∧≉⇒< (≤-trans i≤j j≤k , (proj₂ $ <⇒≤∧≉ j<k)  i≈k⇒j≈k)

      <⇒¬>⊎≈ :  {x y}  x < y  ¬ (y < x  y  x)
      <⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₁ y<x) = <-asymmetric x<y y<x
      <⇒¬>⊎≈ x<y (inj₂ x≈y) = <-irrefl (≈-sym x≈y) x<y

    record HasDecPartialOrder : Set (suc a) where
         hasPartialOrder  : HasPartialOrder
         dec-≤  : _≤_ ⁇²
         dec-<  : _<_ ⁇²

  HasPreorder≡        = HasPreorder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasDecPreorder≡     = HasDecPreorder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasPartialOrder≡    = HasPartialOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}
  HasDecPartialOrder≡ = HasDecPartialOrder {_≈_ = _≡_}

open HasPreorder ⦃...⦄ public
open HasPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasPreorder)
open HasDecPartialOrder ⦃...⦄ public hiding (hasPartialOrder)

module _ {a} {A : Set a} {_≈_ : Rel A a} where

  module _ {_≤_ : Rel A a} where
    import Relation.Binary.Construct.NonStrictToStrict _≈_ _≤_ as SNS

    module _ (≤-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≈_ _≤_)
             (_≈?_ : Decidable² _≈_) where

      hasPreorderFromNonStrict : HasPreorder
      hasPreorderFromNonStrict = record
        { _≤_           = _≤_
        ; _<_           = SNS._<_
        ; ≤-isPreorder  = ≤-isPreorder
        ; <-irrefl      = SNS.<-irrefl
        ; ≤⇔<∨≈         = λ {a b}  mk⇔
           a≤b  case (a ≈? b) of λ where (yes p)  inj₂ p ; (no ¬p)  inj₁ (a≤b , ¬p))
          λ where (inj₁ a<b)  proj₁ a<b ; (inj₂ a≈b)  IsPreorder.reflexive ≤-isPreorder a≈b

      hasPartialOrderFromNonStrict : Antisymmetric _≈_ _≤_  HasPartialOrder
      hasPartialOrderFromNonStrict antsym  = record
        { hasPreorder = hasPreorderFromNonStrict
        ; ≤-antisym = antsym

  module _ {_<_ : Rel A a} where

    import Relation.Binary.Construct.StrictToNonStrict _≈_ _<_ as SNS

    module _ (<-isStrictPartialOrder : IsStrictPartialOrder _≈_ _<_) where

        hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder : HasPreorder
        hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder = record
          { _≤_ = SNS._≤_
          ; _<_ = _<_
          ; ≤-isPreorder = SNS.isPreorder₂ <-isStrictPartialOrder
          ; <-irrefl = <-isStrictPartialOrder .IsStrictPartialOrder.irrefl
          ; ≤⇔<∨≈ = mk⇔ id id

        instance _ = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder

        hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder : HasPartialOrder
        hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder = record
          { hasPreorder = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder
          ; ≤-antisym = SNS.isPartialOrder <-isStrictPartialOrder .IsPartialOrder.antisym

    module _ (<-isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≈_ _<_) where

      private spo = IsStrictTotalOrder.isStrictPartialOrder <-isStrictTotalOrder

      hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPreorder
      hasPreorderFromStrictTotalOrder = hasPreorderFromStrictPartialOrder spo

      hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder : HasPartialOrder
      hasPartialOrderFromStrictTotalOrder = hasPartialOrderFromStrictPartialOrder spo