\section{Epoch Boundary}

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid; +-0-commutativeMonoid)
open import Data.List using (filter)
import Data.Integer as 
open import Data.Integer.Ext
open import Data.Nat.GeneralisedArithmetic using (iterate)

open import Agda.Builtin.FromNat

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (iterate)
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction

module Ledger.Epoch
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.Gov txs
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
open import Ledger.Ratify txs
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
record RewardUpdate : Set where
  constructor ⟦_,_,_,_⟧ʳᵘ
    Δt Δr Δf : 
    rs : Credential  Coin
    -- more convient here than doing checks
    {zeroSum} : Δt + Δr + Δf + ℤ.+ ∑[ x  rs ] x  ℤ.0ℤ

record Snapshot : Set where
  constructor ⟦_,_⟧ˢ
    stake        : Credential  Coin
    delegations  : Credential  KeyHash
    -- poolParameters : KeyHash ⇀ PoolParam

record Snapshots : Set where
  constructor ⟦_,_,_,_⟧ˢˢ
    mark set go  : Snapshot
    feeSS        : Coin

record EpochState : Type where
  constructor ⟦_,_,_,_,_⟧ᵉ'
    acnt       : Acnt
    ss         : Snapshots
    ls         : LState
    es         : EnactState
    fut        : RatifyState
record NewEpochState : Type where
  constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ⁿᵉ
    lastEpoch   : Epoch
    epochState  : EpochState
    ru          : Maybe RewardUpdate
\caption{Definitions for the EPOCH and NEWEPOCH transition systems}
private variable
  nes nes' : NewEpochState
  e lastEpoch : Epoch
  fut fut' : RatifyState
  eps eps' eps'' : EpochState
  ls : LState
  acnt : Acnt
  es₀ : EnactState
  mark set go : Snapshot
  feeSS : Coin
  lstate : LState
  ss ss' : Snapshots
  ru : RewardUpdate
  mru : Maybe RewardUpdate

instance _ = +-0-monoid; _ = +-0-commutativeMonoid

toRwdAddr : Credential  RwdAddr
toRwdAddr x = record { net = NetworkId ; stake = x }

getStakeCred : TxOut  Maybe Credential
getStakeCred (a , _ , _ , _) = stakeCred a

open RwdAddr using (stake)
open GovActionState using (returnAddr)
applyRUpd : RewardUpdate  EpochState  EpochState
applyRUpd  Δt , Δr , Δf , rs ⟧ʳᵘ
    treasury , reserves ⟧ᵃ
  , ss
  ,   utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ
    , govSt
    ,   voteDelegs , stakeDelegs , rewards ⟧ᵈ , pState , gState ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ
  , es
  , fut
  ⟧ᵉ' =
    posPart (ℤ.+ treasury ℤ.+ Δt ℤ.+ ℤ.+ unregRU')
    , posPart (ℤ.+ reserves ℤ.+ Δr) ⟧ᵃ
  , ss
  ,   utxo , posPart (ℤ.+ fees ℤ.+ Δf) , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ
    , govSt
    ,   voteDelegs , stakeDelegs , rewards ∪⁺ regRU ⟧ᵈ , pState , gState ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ
  , es
  , fut ⟧ᵉ'
    regRU     = rs  dom rewards
    unregRU   = rs  dom rewards 
    unregRU'  = ∑[ x  unregRU ] x

getOrphans : EnactState  GovState  GovState
getOrphans es govSt = proj₁ $ iterate step ([] , govSt) (length govSt)
    step : GovState × GovState  GovState × GovState
    step (orps , govSt) =
        isOrphan? a prev = ¬? (hasParent? es govSt a prev)
        (orps' , govSt') = partition
           (_ , record {action = a ; prevAction = prev})  isOrphan? a prev) govSt
        (orps ++ orps' , govSt')

stakeDistr : UTxO  DState  PState  Snapshot
stakeDistr utxo  _ , stakeDelegs , rewards ⟧ᵈ pState =  aggregate₊ (stakeRelation ᶠˢ) , stakeDelegs ⟧ˢ
    m = mapˢ  a  (a , cbalance (utxo ∣^' λ i  getStakeCred i  just a))) (dom rewards)
    stakeRelation = m  proj₁ rewards

gaDepositStake : GovState  Deposits  Credential  Coin
gaDepositStake govSt ds = aggregateBy
  (mapˢ  (gaid , addr)  (gaid , addr) , stake addr) govSt')
  (mapFromPartialFun  (gaid , _)  lookupᵐ? ds (GovActionDeposit gaid)) govSt')
  where govSt' = mapˢ (map₂ returnAddr) (fromList govSt)

  mkStakeDistrs : Snapshot  GovState  Deposits  (Credential  VDeleg)  StakeDistrs
  mkStakeDistrs  stake , _ ⟧ˢ govSt ds delegations .StakeDistrs.stakeDistr =
    aggregateBy (proj₁ delegations) (stake ∪⁺ gaDepositStake govSt ds)
\caption{Functions for computing stake distributions}

data _⊢_⇀⦇_,SNAP⦈_ : LState  Snapshots    Snapshots  Type where
  SNAP : let open LState lstate; open UTxOState utxoSt; open CertState certState
             stake = stakeDistr utxo dState pState
    lstate   mark , set , go , feeSS ⟧ˢˢ ⇀⦇ tt ,SNAP⦈  stake , mark , set , fees ⟧ˢˢ

data _⊢_⇀⦇_,EPOCH⦈_ :   EpochState  Epoch  EpochState  Type where

Figure~\ref{fig:epoch:sts} defines the rule for the EPOCH transition
system. Currently, this contains some logic that is handled by
POOLREAP in the Shelley specification, since POOLREAP is not implemented here.

The EPOCH rule now also needs to invoke RATIFY and properly deal with
its results by carrying out each of the following tasks.
\item Pay out all the enacted treasury withdrawals.
\item Remove expired and enacted governance actions \& refund deposits.
\item If \AgdaBound{govSt'} is empty, increment the activity counter for DReps.
\item Remove all hot keys from the constitutional committee delegation map that
  do not belong to currently elected members.
\item Apply the resulting enact state from the previous epoch boundary \AgdaBound{fut} and
  store the resulting enact state \AgdaBound{fut'}.

  EPOCH : let
       esW , removed , _ ⟧ʳ = fut
       utxoSt , govSt ,  dState , pState , gState ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ˡ = ls
      open UTxOState
      open PState; open DState; open GState
      open Acnt; open EnactState; open GovActionState

      es                = record esW { withdrawals =  }
      tmpGovSt          = filter  x  ¿ proj₁ x  mapˢ proj₁ removed ¿) govSt
      orphans           = fromList $ getOrphans es tmpGovSt
      removed'          = removed  orphans
      removedGovActions = flip concatMapˢ removed' λ (gaid , gaSt) 
        mapˢ (returnAddr gaSt ,_) ((utxoSt .deposits   GovActionDeposit gaid ) ˢ)
      govActionReturns = aggregate₊ (mapˢ  (a , _ , d)  a , d) removedGovActions ᶠˢ)

      trWithdrawals   = esW .withdrawals
      totWithdrawals  = ∑[ x  trWithdrawals ] x

      retired    = (pState .retiring) ⁻¹ e
      payout     = govActionReturns ∪⁺ trWithdrawals
      refunds    = pullbackMap payout toRwdAddr (dom (dState .rewards))
      unclaimed  = getCoin payout - getCoin refunds

      govSt' = filter  x  ¿ proj₁ x  mapˢ proj₁ removed' ¿) govSt

      certState' =
         record dState { rewards = dState .rewards ∪⁺ refunds }
        ,  (pState .pools)  retired  , (pState .retiring)  retired  ⟧ᵖ
        ,  if null govSt' then mapValues (1 +_) (gState .dreps) else (gState .dreps)
          , (gState .ccHotKeys)  ccCreds (es .cc) ⟧ᵛ ⟧ᶜˢ

      utxoSt' =  utxoSt .utxo , utxoSt .fees , utxoSt .deposits  mapˢ (proj₁  proj₂) removedGovActions  , 0 ⟧ᵘ

      acnt' = record acnt
        { treasury  = acnt .treasury  totWithdrawals + utxoSt .donations + unclaimed }
    record { currentEpoch = e
           ; stakeDistrs = mkStakeDistrs  (Snapshots.mark ss') govSt'
                                          (utxoSt' .deposits) (voteDelegs dState)
           ; treasury = acnt .treasury ; GState gState
           ; pools = pState .pools ; delegatees = dState .voteDelegs }
          es ,  , false ⟧ʳ ⇀⦇ govSt' ,RATIFY⦈ fut'
       ls  ss ⇀⦇ tt ,SNAP⦈ ss'
    _   acnt , ss , ls , es₀ , fut ⟧ᵉ' ⇀⦇ e ,EPOCH⦈
         acnt' , ss' ,  utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ , es , fut' ⟧ᵉ'
\caption{EPOCH transition system}

  _⊢_⇀⦇_,NEWEPOCH⦈_ :   NewEpochState  Epoch  NewEpochState  Type
  NEWEPOCH-New : let
      eps' = applyRUpd ru eps
     e  lastEpoch + 1
     _  eps' ⇀⦇ e ,EPOCH⦈ eps''
      _   lastEpoch , eps , just ru ⟧ⁿᵉ ⇀⦇ e ,NEWEPOCH⦈  e , eps'' , nothing ⟧ⁿᵉ

  NEWEPOCH-Not-New :
     e  lastEpoch + 1
      _   lastEpoch , eps , mru ⟧ⁿᵉ ⇀⦇ e ,NEWEPOCH⦈  lastEpoch , eps , mru ⟧ⁿᵉ

  NEWEPOCH-No-Reward-Update :
     e  lastEpoch + 1
     _  eps ⇀⦇ e ,EPOCH⦈ eps'
      _   lastEpoch , eps , nothing ⟧ⁿᵉ ⇀⦇ e ,NEWEPOCH⦈  e , eps' , nothing ⟧ⁿᵉ
\caption{NEWEPOCH transition system}