{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Interface.STS where
open import Prelude
infix -150 ∙_
infixr -100 _∙_
∙_ : Type → Type
∙ A = A
_∙_ : Type → Type → Type
A ∙ B = A × B
infix -501 ────────────────────────────────_
────────────────────────────────_ : Type → Type
──────────────────────────────── A = A
infix -500 _────────────────────────────────_
_────────────────────────────────_ : Type → Type → Type
A ──────────────────────────────── B = A → B
infix -501 ───────────────────────────────────────_
───────────────────────────────────────_ : Type → Type
─────────────────────────────────────── A = A
infix -500 _───────────────────────────────────────_
_───────────────────────────────────────_ : Type → Type → Type
A ─────────────────────────────────────── B = A → B
variable C S Sig : Type
Γ : C
s s' s'' : S
sig : Sig
sigs : List Sig
n : ℕ
module _ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ : C → S → ⊤ → S → Type} {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C → S → Sig → S → Type} where
data _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*_ : C → S → List Sig → S → Type where
BS-base :
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ _ ⟧ᵇ s'
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ [] ⟧* s'
BS-ind :
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sig ⟧ s'
→ Γ ⊢ s' ⇀⟦ sigs ⟧* s''
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sig ∷ sigs ⟧* s''
module _ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ : C → S → ⊤ → S → Type} {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C × ℕ → S → Sig → S → Type} where
data _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ : C × ℕ → S → List Sig → S → Type where
BS-base :
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ _ ⟧ᵇ s'
(Γ , n) ⊢ s ⇀⟦ [] ⟧ᵢ*' s'
BS-ind :
(Γ , n) ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sig ⟧ s'
→ (Γ , suc n) ⊢ s' ⇀⟦ sigs ⟧ᵢ*' s''
(Γ , n) ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sig ∷ sigs ⟧ᵢ*' s''
_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*_ : C → S → List Sig → S → Type
_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*_ Γ = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ (Γ , 0)
data IdSTS {C S} : C → S → ⊤ → S → Type where
Id-nop : IdSTS Γ s _ s
module _ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ : C → S → ⊤ → S → Type} {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C → S → Sig → S → Type} where
data _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*'_ : C → S → List Sig → S → Type where
∙ Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ _ ⟧ᵇ s'
∙ _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*_ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = IdSTS}{_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_} Γ s' sigs s''
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sigs ⟧*' s''
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure : {sts : C → S → Sig → S → Type} → C → S → List Sig → S → Type
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure {sts = sts} = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*_ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = IdSTS}{sts}
STS-total : (C → S → Sig → S → Type) → Type
STS-total _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ = ∀ {Γ s sig} → ∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⟦ sig ⟧ s'
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure-total : {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C → S → Sig → S → Type}
→ STS-total _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ → STS-total (ReflexiveTransitiveClosure {sts = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_})
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure-total SS-total {Γ} {s} {[]} = s , BS-base Id-nop
ReflexiveTransitiveClosure-total SS-total {Γ} {s} {x ∷ sig} =
case SS-total of λ where
(s' , Ps') → map₂′ (BS-ind Ps') $ ReflexiveTransitiveClosure-total SS-total
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ : {sts : C × ℕ → S → Sig → S → Type} → C → S → List Sig → S → Type
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ {sts = sts} = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*_ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = IdSTS}{sts}
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ-total : {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C × ℕ → S → Sig → S → Type}
→ STS-total _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ → STS-total (ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ {sts = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_})
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ-total SS-total = helper SS-total
helper : {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ : C × ℕ → S → Sig → S → Type}
→ STS-total _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_ → STS-total (_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*'_ {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = IdSTS}{_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧_})
helper SS-total {s = s} {[]} = s , BS-base Id-nop
helper SS-total {s = s} {x ∷ sig} =
case SS-total of λ where
(s' , Ps') → map₂′ (BS-ind Ps') $ helper SS-total
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢᵇ = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵢ*_
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*_
ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ' = _⊢_⇀⟦_⟧*'_
LedgerInvariant : (C → S → Sig → S → Type) → (S → Type) → Type
LedgerInvariant STS P = ∀ {c s sig s'} → STS c s sig s' → P s → P s'
RTC-preserves-inv : ∀ {STS : C → S → Sig → S → Type} {P}
→ LedgerInvariant STS P → LedgerInvariant (ReflexiveTransitiveClosure {sts = STS}) P
RTC-preserves-inv inv (BS-base Id-nop) = id
RTC-preserves-inv inv (BS-ind p₁ p₂) = RTC-preserves-inv inv p₂ ∘ inv p₁