{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Prelude

open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq
open import Tactic.Derive.Show

module Ledger.Address (

We define credentials and various types of addresses here. A
credential contains a hash, either of a verifying (public) key
(\isVKey) or of a script (\isScript).

N.B.~in the Shelley era the type of the \stake field of the
\BaseAddr record was \CredentialType; to specify an address with
no stake, we would use an ``enterprise'' address. In contrast,
the type of \stake in the Conway era is \Maybe~\CredentialType,
so we can now use \BaseAddr to specify an address with no stake
by setting \stake to \nothing.

\emph{Abstract types}
  : Type)   _ : DecEq Network   _ : DecEq KeyHash   _ : DecEq ScriptHash  where
\emph{Derived types}
\AgdaTarget{Credential, BaseAddr, BootstrapAddr, RwdAddr, net, pay, stake, Addr,
VKeyBaseAddr, VKeyBoostrapAddr, ScriptBaseAddr, ScriptBootstrapAddr, VKeyAddr, ScriptAddr}
data Credential : Type where
  KeyHashObj : KeyHash  Credential
  ScriptObj  : ScriptHash  Credential
isKeyHashObj : Credential  Maybe KeyHash
isKeyHashObj (KeyHashObj h) = just h
isKeyHashObj (ScriptObj _)  = nothing

isKeyHashObjᵇ : Credential  Bool
isKeyHashObjᵇ (KeyHashObj _) = true
isKeyHashObjᵇ _ = false

isKeyHash : Credential  Type
isKeyHash x = isKeyHashObjᵇ x  true

isScriptObj : Credential  Maybe ScriptHash
isScriptObj (KeyHashObj _) = nothing
isScriptObj (ScriptObj h)  = just h

data isVKey : Credential  Type where
  VKeyisVKey : (kh : KeyHash)  isVKey (KeyHashObj kh)
data isScript : Credential  Type where
  SHisScript : (sh : ScriptHash)  isScript (ScriptObj sh)

record BaseAddr : Type where
  field net    : Network
        pay    : Credential
        stake  : Maybe Credential

record BootstrapAddr : Type where
  field net        : Network
        pay        : Credential
        attrsSize  : 

record RwdAddr : Type where
  field net    : Network
        stake  : Credential
open BaseAddr; open BootstrapAddr; open BaseAddr; open BootstrapAddr

VKeyBaseAddr         = Σ[ addr  BaseAddr       ] isVKey    (addr .pay)
VKeyBootstrapAddr    = Σ[ addr  BootstrapAddr  ] isVKey    (addr .pay)
ScriptBaseAddr       = Σ[ addr  BaseAddr       ] isScript  (addr .pay)
ScriptBootstrapAddr  = Σ[ addr  BootstrapAddr  ] isScript  (addr .pay)

Addr        = BaseAddr         BootstrapAddr
VKeyAddr    = VKeyBaseAddr     VKeyBootstrapAddr
ScriptAddr  = ScriptBaseAddr   ScriptBootstrapAddr
\emph{Helper functions}
\AgdaTarget{payCred, isVKeyAddr}
payCred       : Addr  Credential
stakeCred     : Addr  Maybe Credential
netId         : Addr  Network
isVKeyAddr    : Addr  Type
isScriptAddr  : Addr  Type

isVKeyAddr       = isVKey  payCred
isScriptAddr     = isScript  payCred
isScriptRwdAddr  = isScript  RwdAddr.stake
\caption{Definitions used in Addresses}
payCred (inj₁ record {pay = pay}) = pay
payCred (inj₂ record {pay = pay}) = pay

stakeCred (inj₁ record {stake = stake}) = stake
stakeCred (inj₂ _) = nothing

netId (inj₁ record {net = net}) = net
netId (inj₂ record {net = net}) = net

data isBootstrapAddr : Addr  Set where
 IsBootstrapAddr :  a  isBootstrapAddr (inj₂ a)

  isBootstrapAddr? :  {a}  isBootstrapAddr a 
  isBootstrapAddr? {inj₁ _} =  no λ ()
  isBootstrapAddr? {inj₂ a} =  yes (IsBootstrapAddr a)

  unquoteDecl DecEq-Credential = derive-DecEq ((quote Credential , DecEq-Credential)  [])

  Dec-isVKey : isVKey ⁇¹
  Dec-isVKey {x = c} .dec with c
  ... | KeyHashObj h = yes (VKeyisVKey h)
  ... | ScriptObj  _ = no  λ ()

  Dec-isScript : isScript ⁇¹
  Dec-isScript {x = x} .dec with x
  ... | KeyHashObj _ = no λ ()
  ... | ScriptObj  y = yes (SHisScript y)

_ = isVKey ⁇¹  it
_ = isVKeyAddr ⁇¹  it
_ = isScript ⁇¹  it
_ = isScriptAddr ⁇¹  it
_ = isScriptRwdAddr ⁇¹  it

getScriptHash :  a  isScriptAddr a  ScriptHash
getScriptHash (inj₁ _) (SHisScript sh) = sh
getScriptHash (inj₂ _) (SHisScript sh) = sh

instance abstract
  unquoteDecl DecEq-BaseAddr DecEq-BootstrapAddr DecEq-RwdAddr = derive-DecEq
    ( (quote BaseAddr      , DecEq-BaseAddr)
     (quote BootstrapAddr , DecEq-BootstrapAddr)
     (quote RwdAddr       , DecEq-RwdAddr)
     [] )

module _  _ : Show Network    _ : Show KeyHash    _ : Show ScriptHash   where
    unquoteDecl Show-Credential = derive-Show [ (quote Credential , Show-Credential) ]
    unquoteDecl Show-RwdAddr = derive-Show [ (quote RwdAddr , Show-RwdAddr) ]
    Show-Credential×Coin : Show (Credential × Coin)
    Show-Credential×Coin = Show-×