

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Algebra              using (CommutativeMonoid)
open import Data.Integer.Ext     using (posPart; negPart)
open import Data.Nat.Properties  using (+-0-monoid)
import Data.Maybe as M
import Data.Sum.Relation.Unary.All as Sum

import Data.Integer as 
import Data.Rational as 

open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq

open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction

module Ledger.Utxo
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.ScriptValidation txs abs
open import Ledger.Fees txs using (scriptsCost)
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure

  _ = +-0-monoid

infixl 7 _*↓_

-- multiply a natural number with a fraction, rounding down and taking the absolute value
_*↓_ : ℚ.ℚ    
q *↓ n = ℤ.∣ ℚ.⌊ q ℚ.* (ℤ.+ n ℚ./ 1)  

isTwoPhaseScriptAddress : Tx  UTxO  Addr  Type
isTwoPhaseScriptAddress tx utxo a =
  if isScriptAddr a then
     {p}  if lookupScriptHash (getScriptHash a p) tx utxo
                 then  {s}  isP2Script s)
                 else )
isTwoPhaseScriptAddress? :  {tx utxo a}  isTwoPhaseScriptAddress tx utxo a 
isTwoPhaseScriptAddress? {tx} {utxo} {a} .dec
  with decide (isScriptAddr a)
... | inj₂ _ = no λ ()
... | inj₁ p
  with decide (lookupScriptHash (getScriptHash a p) tx utxo)
... | inj₂ _ = no λ ()
... | inj₁ s = isP2Script? {s} .dec

record isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′ (tx : Tx) (utxo : UTxO) (a : Addr) : Type where
  constructor wrap
  field unwrap : isTwoPhaseScriptAddress tx utxo a

  isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′? :  {tx utxo a}  isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′ tx utxo a 
  isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′? {tx} {utxo} {a} =  (map′ wrap unwrap (isTwoPhaseScriptAddress? {tx} {utxo} {a} .dec))
    where open isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′
  getDataHashes :  TxOut   DataHash
  getDataHashes txo = mapPartial isInj₂ (mapPartial (proj₁  proj₂  proj₂) txo)

  getInputHashes : Tx  UTxO   DataHash
  getInputHashes tx utxo = getDataHashes
    (filterˢ  (a , _ )  isTwoPhaseScriptAddress′ tx utxo a)
             (range (utxo  txins)))
    where open Tx; open TxBody (tx .body)

totExUnits : Tx  ExUnits
totExUnits tx = ∑[ (_ , eu)  tx .wits .txrdmrs ] eu
  where open Tx; open TxWitnesses
\caption{Functions supporting UTxO rules}

-- utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal = 27 words (8 bytes)
utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal : MemoryEstimate
utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal = 8

utxoEntrySize : TxOutʰ  MemoryEstimate
utxoEntrySize o = utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal + size (getValueʰ o)

open PParams

and~\ref{fig:functions:utxo2} define functions needed for the UTxO transition system.
define types and functions needed for the UTxO transition system.
\ Note the special multiplication symbol \AgdaFunction{*↓} used in
Figure~\ref{fig:functions:utxo}: it means multiply and take the absolute value of the
result, rounded down to the nearest integer.

Figure~\ref{fig:ts-types:utxo} defines the types needed for the UTxO transition system.
The UTxO transition system is given in Figure~\ref{fig:rules:utxo-shelley}.


    The function $\fun{outs}$ creates the unspent outputs generated by a transaction.
    It maps the transaction id and output index to the output.

    The $\fun{balance}$ function calculates sum total of all the coin in a given UTxO.

The deposits have been reworked since the original Shelley design. We
now track the amount of every deposit individually. This fixes an
issue in the original design: An increase in deposit amounts would
allow an attacker to make lots of deposits before that change and
refund them after the change. The additional funds necessary would
have been provided by the treasury. Since changes to protocol
parameters were (and still are) known publicly and guaranteed before
they are enacted, this comes at zero risk for an attacker. This means
the deposit amounts could realistically never be increased. This issue
is gone with the new design.

Similar to \ScriptPurpose, \DepositPurpose carries the information
what the deposit is being made for. The deposits are stored in the
\deposits field of \UTxOState. \updateDeposits is responsible for
updating this map, which is split into \updateCertDeposits and
\updateProposalDeposits, responsible for certificates and proposals
respectively. Both of these functions iterate over the relevant fields
of the transaction body and insert or remove deposits depending on the
information seen.  Note that some deposits can only be
refunded at the epoch boundary and are not removed by these functions.

There are two equivalent ways to introduce this tracking of the
deposits. One option would be to populate the \deposits field of
\UTxOState with the correct keys and values that can be extracted from
the state of the previous era at the transition into the Conway era.
Alternatively, we can effectively treat the old handling of deposits
as an erratum in the Shelley specification, which we fix by implementing
the new deposits logic in older eras and then replaying the chain.

\emph{UTxO environment}
record UTxOEnv : Type where
    slot      : Slot
    pparams   : PParams
    treasury  : Coin
\emph{UTxO states}
record UTxOState : Type where
  constructor ⟦_,_,_,_⟧ᵘ
    utxo       : UTxO
    fees       : Coin
    deposits   : Deposits
    donations  : Coin
\emph{UTxO transitions}

  _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXO⦈_ : UTxOEnv  UTxOState  Tx  UTxOState  Type
\caption{UTxO transition-system types}

module _ (let open Tx; open TxBody; open TxWitnesses) where opaque
  outs : TxBody  UTxO
  outs tx = mapKeys (tx .txid ,_) (tx .txouts)

  balance : UTxO  Value
  balance utxo = ∑[ x  mapValues txOutHash utxo ] getValueʰ x

  cbalance : UTxO  Coin
  cbalance utxo = coin (balance utxo)
  refScriptsSize : UTxO  Tx  
  refScriptsSize utxo tx = sum $ map scriptSize (refScripts tx utxo)

  minfee : PParams  UTxO  Tx  Coin
  minfee pp utxo tx  = pp .a * tx .body .txsize + pp .b
                     + txscriptfee (pp .prices) (totExUnits tx)
                     + scriptsCost pp (refScriptsSize utxo tx)

  HasCoin-UTxO : HasCoin UTxO
  HasCoin-UTxO .getCoin = cbalance
certDeposit : DCert  PParams  Deposits
certDeposit (delegate c _ _ v) _   =  CredentialDeposit c , v 
certDeposit (reg c _)          pp  =  CredentialDeposit c , pp .keyDeposit 
certDeposit (regpool kh _)     pp  =  PoolDeposit kh , pp .poolDeposit 
certDeposit (regdrep c v _)    _   =  DRepDeposit c , v 
certDeposit _                  _   = 

certRefund : DCert   DepositPurpose
certRefund (dereg c _)      =  CredentialDeposit c 
certRefund (deregdrep c _)  =  DRepDeposit c 
certRefund _                = 

data ValidCertDeposits (pp : PParams) (deps : Deposits) : List DCert  Set
  []         : ValidCertDeposits pp deps []
  delegate   :  {c del kh v certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps ∪⁺  CredentialDeposit c , v ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (delegate c del kh v  certs)
  regpool    :  {kh p certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps ∪⁺  PoolDeposit kh , pp .poolDeposit ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (regpool kh p  certs)
  regdrep    :  {c v a certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps ∪⁺  DRepDeposit c , v ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (regdrep c v a  certs)
  reg        :  {c v certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps ∪⁺  CredentialDeposit c , pp .keyDeposit ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (reg c v  certs)
  dereg      :  {c md d certs}
              (CredentialDeposit c , d)  deps
              md  nothing  md  just d
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps   CredentialDeposit c  ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (dereg c md  certs)
  deregdrep  :  {c d certs}
              (DRepDeposit c , d)  deps
              ValidCertDeposits pp (deps   DRepDeposit c  ) certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (deregdrep c d  certs)
  ccreghot   :  {c v certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (ccreghot c v  certs)
  retirepool :  {kh e certs}
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps certs
              ValidCertDeposits pp deps (retirepool kh e   certs)

  validCertDeposits? :  {pp} deps certs  Dec (ValidCertDeposits pp deps certs)
  validCertDeposits? deps [] = yes []
  validCertDeposits? deps (delegate _ _ _ _  certs) =
    mapDec delegate  where (delegate p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (regpool _ _  certs) =
    mapDec regpool  where (regpool p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (regdrep _ _ _  certs) =
    mapDec regdrep  where (regdrep p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (retirepool _ _  certs) =
    mapDec retirepool  where (retirepool p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (ccreghot _ _  certs) =
    mapDec ccreghot  where (ccreghot p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (reg _ _  certs) =
    mapDec reg  where (reg p)  p) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  validCertDeposits? deps (dereg c nothing  certs) with ¿ CredentialDeposit c  dom deps ¿ 
  ... | yes p = mapDec (dereg (proj₂ (Equivalence.from dom∈ p)) (inj₁ refl))  { (dereg _ _ p)  p }) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  ... | no ¬p = no λ { (dereg x _ _)  ¬p (Equivalence.to dom∈ (_ , x)) }
  validCertDeposits? deps (dereg c (just d)  certs) with ¿ (CredentialDeposit c , d)  deps ¿ 
  ... | yes p = mapDec (dereg p (inj₂ refl))  { (dereg _ _ p)  p }) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  ... | no ¬p = no λ { (dereg x (inj₂ refl) _)  ¬p x }
  validCertDeposits? deps (deregdrep c d  certs) with ¿ (DRepDeposit c , d)  deps ¿
  ... | yes p = mapDec (deregdrep p)   where (deregdrep _ v)  v) (validCertDeposits? _ _)
  ... | no ¬p = no  where (deregdrep p _)  ¬p p)

  Dec-ValidCertDeposits :  {pp deps certs}  ValidCertDeposits pp deps certs 
  Dec-ValidCertDeposits =  (validCertDeposits? _ _)

updateCertDeposits  : PParams  List DCert  Deposits  Deposits
updateCertDeposits pp [] deposits = deposits
updateCertDeposits pp (reg c v  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits ∪⁺ certDeposit (reg c v) pp)
updateCertDeposits pp (delegate c vd khs v  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits ∪⁺ certDeposit (delegate c vd khs v) pp)
updateCertDeposits pp (regpool kh p  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits ∪⁺ certDeposit (regpool kh p) pp)
updateCertDeposits pp (regdrep c v a  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits ∪⁺ certDeposit (regdrep c v a) pp)
updateCertDeposits pp (dereg c v  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits  certRefund (dereg c v))
updateCertDeposits pp (deregdrep c v  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs (deposits  certRefund (deregdrep c v))
updateCertDeposits pp (_  certs) deposits
  = updateCertDeposits pp certs deposits

updateProposalDeposits : List GovProposal  TxId  Coin  Deposits  Deposits
updateProposalDeposits []        _     _      deposits  = deposits
updateProposalDeposits (_  ps)  txid  gaDep  deposits  =
  updateProposalDeposits ps txid gaDep deposits
  ∪⁺  GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) , gaDep 

updateDeposits : PParams  TxBody  Deposits  Deposits
updateDeposits pp txb = updateCertDeposits pp txcerts
                         updateProposalDeposits txprop txid (pp .govActionDeposit)
  where open TxBody txb

proposalDepositsΔ : List GovProposal  PParams  TxBody  Deposits
proposalDepositsΔ props pp txb = updateProposalDeposits props txid (pp .govActionDeposit) 
  where open TxBody txb

depositsChange : PParams  TxBody  Deposits  
depositsChange pp txb deposits =
  getCoin (updateDeposits pp txb deposits) - getCoin deposits
\caption{Functions used in UTxO rules}

data inInterval (slot : Slot) : (Maybe Slot × Maybe Slot)  Type where
  both   :  {l r}   l  slot × slot  r    inInterval slot (just l   , just r)
  lower  :  {l}     l  slot               inInterval slot (just l   , nothing)
  upper  :  {r}     slot  r               inInterval slot (nothing  , just r)
  none   :                                    inInterval slot (nothing  , nothing)
-- Note: inInterval has to be a type definition for inference to work
  Dec-inInterval : inInterval ⁇²
  Dec-inInterval {slot} {just x  , just y } .dec with x ≤? slot | slot ≤? y
  ... | no ¬p₁ | _      = no λ where (both (h₁ , h₂))  ¬p₁ h₁
  ... | yes p₁ | no ¬p₂ = no λ where (both (h₁ , h₂))  ¬p₂ h₂
  ... | yes p₁ | yes p₂ = yes (both (p₁ , p₂))
  Dec-inInterval {slot} {just x  , nothing} .dec with x ≤? slot
  ... | no ¬p = no   where (lower h)  ¬p h)
  ... | yes p = yes (lower p)
  Dec-inInterval {slot} {nothing , just x } .dec with slot ≤? x
  ... | no ¬p = no   where (upper h)  ¬p h)
  ... | yes p = yes (upper p)
  Dec-inInterval {slot} {nothing , nothing} .dec = yes none

  HasCoin-UTxOState : HasCoin UTxOState
  HasCoin-UTxOState .getCoin s = getCoin (UTxOState.utxo s)
                               + (UTxOState.fees s)
                               + getCoin (UTxOState.deposits s)
                               + UTxOState.donations s

coinPolicies :  ScriptHash
coinPolicies = policies (inject 1)

isAdaOnly : Value  Type
isAdaOnly v = policies v ≡ᵉ coinPolicies
feesOK : PParams  Tx  UTxO  Type
feesOK pp tx utxo = ( minfee pp utxo tx  txfee × (txrdmrs ˢ  
                       ( All  (addr , _)  isVKeyAddr addr) collateralRange
                        × isAdaOnly bal
                        × coin bal * 100  txfee * pp .collateralPercentage
                        × collateral  
    open Tx tx; open TxBody body; open TxWitnesses wits; open PParams pp
    collateralRange  = range    ((mapValues txOutHash utxo)  collateral)
    bal              = balance  (utxo  collateral)
\caption{Functions used in UTxO rules, continued}

module _ (let open UTxOState; open TxBody) where
  depositRefunds : PParams  UTxOState  TxBody  Coin
  depositRefunds pp st txb = negPart (depositsChange pp txb (st .deposits))

  newDeposits : PParams  UTxOState  TxBody  Coin
  newDeposits pp st txb = posPart (depositsChange pp txb (st .deposits))

  consumed : PParams  UTxOState  TxBody  Value
  consumed pp st txb
    =  balance (st .utxo  txb .txins)
    +  txb .mint
    +  inject (depositRefunds pp st txb)
    +  inject (getCoin (txb .txwdrls))

  produced : PParams  UTxOState  TxBody  Value
  produced pp st txb = balance (outs txb)
                     + inject (txb .txfee)
                     + inject (newDeposits pp st txb)
                     + inject (txb .txdonation)
\caption{Functions used in UTxO rules, continued}

As seen in Figures~\ref{fig:functions:utxo} and~\ref{fig:functions:utxo-conway},
we redefine \depositRefunds and \newDeposits via \depositsChange,
which computes the difference between the total deposits before and
after their application. This simplifies their definitions and some
correctness proofs. We then add the absolute value of \depositsChange
to \consumed or \produced depending on its sign. This is done via
\negPart and \posPart, which satisfy the key property that their
difference is the identity function.

Figures~\ref{fig:functions:utxo} also shows the signature of \ValidCertDeposits.
Inhabitants of this type are constructed in one of eight ways, corresponding to
seven certificate types plus one for an empty list of certificates.  Suffice it to
say that \ValidCertDeposits is used to check the validity of the deposits in a
transaction so that the function \updateCertDeposits can correctly register and
deregister deposits in the UTxO state based on the certificates in the transaction.

open PParams
  _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_ : UTxOEnv  UTxOState  Tx  UTxOState  Type
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_ where
  Scripts-Yes :
     {Γ} {s} {tx}
     let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
          open UTxOEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
          open UTxOState s
          sLst = collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo
         ValidCertDeposits pp deposits txcerts
         evalScripts tx sLst  isValid
         isValid  true
          Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈  (utxo  txins ) ∪ˡ (outs txb) , fees + txfee , updateDeposits pp txb deposits , donations + txdonation ⟧ᵘ

  Scripts-No :
     {Γ} {s} {tx}
     let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
          open UTxOEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
          open UTxOState s
          sLst = collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo
         evalScripts tx sLst  isValid
         isValid  false
          Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈  utxo  collateral  , fees + cbalance (utxo  collateral) , deposits , donations ⟧ᵘ
\caption{UTXOS rule}

unquoteDecl Scripts-Yes-premises = genPremises Scripts-Yes-premises (quote Scripts-Yes)
unquoteDecl Scripts-No-premises  = genPremises Scripts-No-premises  (quote Scripts-No)

private variable
  Γ : UTxOEnv
  s s' : UTxOState
  tx : Tx

data _≡?_ {A : Type} : Maybe A  A  Type where
  ≡?-nothing :  {x : A}  nothing  ≡? x
  ≡?-just    :  {x : A}  (just x) ≡? x

  ≟? : {A : Type} {x : Maybe A} {y : A}   DecEq A   (x ≡? y) 
  ≟? {x = just x} {y} with x  y
  ... | yes refl =  yes ≡?-just
  ... | no ¬p    =  no λ where ≡?-just  ¬p refl
  ≟? {x = nothing} =  yes ≡?-nothing

data _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXO⦈_ where

  UTXO-inductive :
    let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
        open UTxOEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
        open UTxOState s
        txoutsʰ = (mapValues txOutHash txouts)
        overhead = 160
     txins                                 txins  refInputs  dom utxo
     txins  refInputs                     inInterval slot txvldt
     feesOK pp tx utxo                       consumed pp s txb  produced pp s txb
     coin mint  0                           txsize  maxTxSize pp
     refScriptsSize utxo tx  pp .maxRefScriptSizePerTx

     ∀[ (_ , txout)  txoutsʰ .proj₁ ]
        inject ((overhead + utxoEntrySize txout) * coinsPerUTxOByte pp) ≤ᵗ getValueʰ txout
     ∀[ (_ , txout)  txoutsʰ .proj₁ ]
        serSize (getValueʰ txout)  maxValSize pp
     ∀[ (a , _)  range txoutsʰ ]
        Sum.All (const )  a  a .BootstrapAddr.attrsSize  64) a
     ∀[ (a , _)  range txoutsʰ ]  netId a          NetworkId
     ∀[ a  dom txwdrls ]          a .RwdAddr.net   NetworkId
     txNetworkId ≡? NetworkId
     curTreasury ≡? treasury
     Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈ s'
      Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ s'
pattern UTXO-inductive⋯ tx Γ s x y z w k l m v j n o p q r t u h
      = UTXO-inductive {tx}{Γ}{s} (x , y , z , w , k , l , m , v , j , n , o , p , q , r , t , u , h)
unquoteDecl UTXO-premises = genPremises UTXO-premises (quote UTXO-inductive)
\caption{UTXO inference rules}
Figure~\ref{fig:rules:utxo-shelley} ties all the pieces of the UTXO rule together.
(The \maybeEq symbol that appears in the figure denotes a special equality where
the value on the left-handside is optional; equality holds if and only if the value
on the left is present and equal to the value on the right.)