{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

import Data.Maybe as M

open import Tactic.AnyOf
open import Tactic.Assumption

open import Ledger.Prelude; open Properties
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Crypto

module Ledger.ScriptValidation
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs) (open indexOf indexOfImp)

open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
open import Tactic.Derive.Show

  _ = DecEq-Slot

data ScriptPurpose : Type where
  Cert     : DCert         ScriptPurpose
  Rwrd     : RwdAddr       ScriptPurpose
  Mint     : ScriptHash    ScriptPurpose
  Spend    : TxIn          ScriptPurpose
  Vote     : Voter         ScriptPurpose
  Propose  : GovProposal   ScriptPurpose

rdptr : TxBody  ScriptPurpose  Maybe RdmrPtr
rdptr txb = λ where
  (Cert h)      M.map (Cert    ,_) $ indexOfDCert    h txcerts
  (Rwrd h)      M.map (Rewrd   ,_) $ indexOfRwdAddr  h txwdrls
  (Mint h)      M.map (Mint    ,_) $ indexOfPolicyId h (policies mint)
  (Spend h)     M.map (Spend   ,_) $ indexOfTxIn     h txins
  (Vote h)      M.map (Vote    ,_) $ indexOfVote     h (map GovVote.voter txvote)
  (Propose h)   M.map (Propose ,_) $ indexOfProposal h txprop
 where open TxBody txb

indexedRdmrs : Tx  ScriptPurpose  Maybe (Redeemer × ExUnits)
indexedRdmrs tx sp = maybe  x  lookupᵐ? txrdmrs x) nothing (rdptr body sp)
  where open Tx tx; open TxWitnesses wits

getDatum : Tx  UTxO  ScriptPurpose  List Datum
getDatum tx utxo (Spend txin) = let open Tx tx; open TxWitnesses wits in
     { (_ , _ , just (inj₂ h), _)   maybe [_] [] (lookupᵐ? txdats h)
       ; (_ , _ , just (inj₁ d), _)   [ d ]
       ; (_ , _ , nothing , _)  [] })
    (lookupᵐ? utxo txin)
getDatum tx utxo _ = []

record TxInfo : Type where
  field realizedInputs : UTxO
        txouts  : Ix  TxOut
        fee     : Value
        mint    : Value
        txcerts : List DCert
        txwdrls : Wdrl
        txvldt  : Maybe Slot × Maybe Slot
        vkKey   :  KeyHash
        txdats  : DataHash  Datum
        txid    : TxId

txInfo : Language  PParams
txInfo l pp utxo tx = record
  { TxBody body
  ; TxWitnesses wits
  ; realizedInputs = utxo  txins
  ; fee = inject txfee
  ; mint = mint
  ; vkKey = reqSigHash
  } where open Tx tx; open TxBody body

data DelegateOrDeReg : DCert  Type where instance
  reg       :  {x y}      DelegateOrDeReg (reg x y)
  delegate  :  {x y z w}  DelegateOrDeReg (delegate x y z w)
  dereg     :  {x y}      DelegateOrDeReg (dereg x y)
  regdrep   :  {x y z}    DelegateOrDeReg (regdrep x y z)
  deregdrep :  {x y}      DelegateOrDeReg (deregdrep x y)

  Dec-DelegateOrDeReg : DelegateOrDeReg ⁇¹
  Dec-DelegateOrDeReg {dc} .dec with dc
  ... | delegate _ _ _ _ = yes it
  ... | reg _ _          = yes it
  ... | dereg _ _        = yes it
  ... | regdrep _ _ _    = yes it
  ... | deregdrep _ _    = yes it
  ... | regpool _ _      = no λ ()
  ... | retirepool _ _   = no λ ()
  ... | ccreghot _ _     = no λ ()

UTxOSH  = TxIn  (TxOut × ScriptHash)

scriptOutWithHash : TxIn  TxOut  Maybe (TxOut × ScriptHash)
scriptOutWithHash txin (addr , r) =
  if isScriptAddr addr then
     {p}  just ((addr , r) , getScriptHash addr p))

scriptOutsWithHash : UTxO  UTxOSH
scriptOutsWithHash utxo = mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ scriptOutWithHash utxo

spendScripts : TxIn  UTxOSH  Maybe (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
spendScripts txin utxo =
  if txin  dom utxo then
     {p}  just (Spend txin , proj₂ (lookupᵐ utxo txin)))

rwdScripts : RwdAddr  Maybe (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
rwdScripts a =
  if isScriptRwdAddr a then
     where {SHisScript sh}  just (Rwrd a , sh))

certScripts : DCert  Maybe (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
certScripts d with ¿ DelegateOrDeReg d ¿
... | no ¬p = nothing
certScripts c@(delegate  (KeyHashObj x) _ _ _) | yes p = nothing
certScripts c@(delegate  (ScriptObj  y) _ _ _) | yes p = just (Cert c , y)
certScripts c@(reg       (KeyHashObj x) _)     | yes p = nothing
certScripts c@(reg       (ScriptObj  y) _)     | yes p = just (Cert c , y)
certScripts c@(dereg     (KeyHashObj x) _)     | yes p = nothing
certScripts c@(dereg     (ScriptObj  y) _)     | yes p = just (Cert c , y)
certScripts c@(regdrep   (KeyHashObj x) _ _)   | yes p = nothing
certScripts c@(regdrep   (ScriptObj  y) _ _)   | yes p = just (Cert c , y)
certScripts c@(deregdrep (KeyHashObj x) _)     | yes p = nothing
certScripts c@(deregdrep (ScriptObj  y) _)     | yes p = just (Cert c , y)

  scriptsNeeded : UTxO  TxBody   (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
  scriptsNeeded utxo txb
    = mapPartial  x  spendScripts x (scriptOutsWithHash utxo)) txins
     mapPartial  x  rwdScripts x) (dom $ txwdrls .proj₁)
     mapPartial  x  certScripts x) (fromList txcerts)
     mapˢ  x  Mint x , x) (policies mint)
    where open TxBody txb

valContext : TxInfo  ScriptPurpose  Data
valContext txinfo sp = toData (txinfo , sp)

-- need to get map from language script ↦ cm
-- need to update costmodels to add the language map in order to check
-- (Language ↦ CostModel) ∈ costmdls ↦ (Language ↦ CostModel)


  collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' : PParams  Tx  UTxO  (ScriptPurpose × ScriptHash)
     Maybe (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
  collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo (sp , sh)
    with lookupScriptHash sh tx utxo
  ... | nothing = nothing
  ... | just s
    with isInj₂ s | indexedRdmrs tx sp
  ... | just p2s | just (rdmr , eu)
      = just (s ,
          ( (getDatum tx utxo sp ++ rdmr  valContext (txInfo (language p2s) pp utxo tx) sp  [])
          , eu
          , PParams.costmdls pp)
  ... | x | y = nothing

  collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs : PParams  Tx  UTxO
     List (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)
  collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo
    = setToList
    $ mapPartial (collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs' pp tx utxo)
    $ scriptsNeeded utxo (tx .Tx.body)

open TxBody
open Tx

⟦_⟧,_,_,_ : P2Script  CostModel  ExUnits  List Data  Bool
 s ⟧, cm , eu , d = runPLCScript cm s eu d

evalScripts : Tx  List (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel)  Bool
evalScripts tx [] = true
evalScripts tx ((inj₁ tl , d , eu , cm)  Γ) =
  ¿ validP1Script (reqSigHash (body tx)) (txvldt (body tx)) tl ¿ᵇ  evalScripts tx Γ
evalScripts tx ((inj₂ ps , d , eu , cm)  Γ) =  ps ⟧, cm , eu , d  evalScripts tx Γ