{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
open import Ledger.Prelude renaming (filterˢ to filter)
open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure
module Ledger.Certs (gs : _) (open GovStructure gs) where
open import Tactic.Derive.DecEq
open import Ledger.GovernanceActions gs
open RwdAddr
\emph{Derived types}
data DepositPurpose : Type where
CredentialDeposit : Credential → DepositPurpose
PoolDeposit : KeyHash → DepositPurpose
DRepDeposit : Credential → DepositPurpose
GovActionDeposit : GovActionID → DepositPurpose
Deposits = DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin
unquoteDecl DecEq-DepositPurpose = derive-DecEq
((quote DepositPurpose , DecEq-DepositPurpose) ∷ [])
\caption{Deposit types}
record PoolParams : Type where
rewardAddr : Credential
data DCert : Type where
delegate : Credential → Maybe VDeleg → Maybe KeyHash → Coin → DCert
dereg : Credential → Maybe Coin → DCert
regpool : KeyHash → PoolParams → DCert
retirepool : KeyHash → Epoch → DCert
regdrep : Credential → Coin → Anchor → DCert
deregdrep : Credential → Coin → DCert
ccreghot : Credential → Maybe Credential → DCert
reg : Credential → Coin → DCert
cwitness : DCert → Maybe Credential
cwitness (delegate c _ _ _) = just c
cwitness (dereg c _) = just c
cwitness (regpool kh _) = just $ KeyHashObj kh
cwitness (retirepool kh _) = just $ KeyHashObj kh
cwitness (regdrep c _ _) = just c
cwitness (deregdrep c _) = just c
cwitness (ccreghot c _) = just c
cwitness (reg _ zero) = nothing
cwitness (reg c (suc _)) = just c
\caption{Delegation definitions}
record CertEnv : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_,_,_⟧ᶜ
epoch : Epoch
pp : PParams
votes : List GovVote
wdrls : RwdAddr ⇀ Coin
coldCreds : ℙ Credential
record DState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ᵈ
voteDelegs : Credential ⇀ VDeleg
stakeDelegs : Credential ⇀ KeyHash
rewards : Credential ⇀ Coin
record PState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_⟧ᵖ
pools : KeyHash ⇀ PoolParams
retiring : KeyHash ⇀ Epoch
record GState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_⟧ᵛ
dreps : Credential ⇀ Epoch
ccHotKeys : Credential ⇀ Maybe Credential
record CertState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ᶜˢ
dState : DState
pState : PState
gState : GState
record DelegEnv : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ᵈᵉ
pparams : PParams
pools : KeyHash ⇀ PoolParams
delegatees : ℙ Credential
GovCertEnv = CertEnv
PoolEnv = PParams
\caption{Types used for CERTS transition system}
rewardsBalance : DState → Coin
rewardsBalance ds = ∑[ x ← DState.rewards ds ] x
HasCoin-CertState : HasCoin CertState
HasCoin-CertState .getCoin = rewardsBalance ∘ CertState.dState
private variable
rwds rewards : Credential ⇀ Coin
dReps : Credential ⇀ Epoch
sDelegs stakeDelegs : Credential ⇀ KeyHash
ccKeys ccHotKeys : Credential ⇀ Maybe Credential
vDelegs voteDelegs : Credential ⇀ VDeleg
pools : KeyHash ⇀ PoolParams
retiring : KeyHash ⇀ Epoch
wdrls : RwdAddr ⇀ Coin
an : Anchor
Γ : CertEnv
d : Coin
md : Maybe Coin
c : Credential
mc : Maybe Credential
delegatees : ℙ Credential
dCert : DCert
e : Epoch
vs : List GovVote
kh : KeyHash
mkh : Maybe KeyHash
poolParams : PoolParams
pp : PParams
mv : Maybe VDeleg
stᵈ stᵈ' : DState
stᵍ stᵍ' : GState
stᵖ stᵖ' : PState
cc : ℙ Credential
\subsection{Removal of Pointer Addresses, Genesis Delegations and MIR Certificates}
In the Conway era, support for pointer addresses, genesis delegations
and MIR certificates is removed. In \DState, this means that the four
fields relating to those features are no longer present, and \DelegEnv
contains none of the fields it used to in the Shelley era.
Note that pointer addresses are still usable, only their staking
functionality has been retired. So all funds locked behind pointer
addresses are still accessible, they just don't count towards the
stake distribution anymore. Genesis delegations and MIR certificates
have been superceded by the new governance mechanisms, in particular
the \TreasuryWdrl governance action in case of the MIR certificates.
\subsection{Explicit Deposits}
Registration and deregistration of staking credentials are now
required to explicitly state the deposit that is being paid or
refunded. This aligns them better with other design decisions such as
having explicit transaction fees and helps make this information
visible to light clients and hardware wallets. While not shown in the
figures, the old certificates without explicit deposits will still be
supported for some time for backwards compatibility.
Registered credentials can now delegate to a DRep as well as to a
stake pool. This is achieved by giving the \delegate certificate two
optional fields, corresponding to a DRep and stake pool. Stake can be
delegated for voting and block production simultaneously, since these
are two separate features. In fact, preventing this could weaken the
security of the chain, since security relies on high participation of
honest stake holders.
\subsection{Governance Certificate Rules}
The rules for transition systems dealing with individual certificates
are defined in
Figures~\ref{fig:sts:aux-cert-deleg}, \ref{fig:sts:aux-cert-pool}
\ and~\ref{fig:sts:aux-cert-gov}. GOVCERT
deals with the new certificates relating to DReps and the
constitutional committee.
\item \GOVCERTregdrep registers (or re-registers) a DRep. In case of
registation, a deposit needs to be paid. Either way, the activity
period of the DRep is reset.
\item \GOVCERTderegdrep deregisters a DRep.
\item \GOVCERTccreghot registers a ``hot'' credential for constitutional
committee members.\footnote{By ``hot'' and ``cold'' credentials we mean
the following: a cold credential is used to register a hot credential,
and then the hot credential is used for voting. The idea is that the
access to the cold credential is kept in a secure location, while the
hot credential is more conveniently accessed. If the hot credential
is compromised, it can be changed using the cold credential.}
We check that the cold key did not previously
resign from the committee. We allow this delegation for any cold
credential that is either part of \EnactState or is is a proposal.
This allows a newly elected member of the constitutional committee to
immediately delegate their vote to a hot key and use it to vote. Since
votes are counted after previous actions have been enacted, this allows
constitutional committee members to act without a delay of one epoch.
_⊢_⇀⦇_,DELEG⦈_ : DelegEnv → DState → DCert → DState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,POOL⦈_ : PoolEnv → PState → DCert → PState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOVCERT⦈_ : GovCertEnv → GState → DCert → GState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,CERT⦈_ : CertEnv → CertState → DCert → CertState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTBASE⦈_ : CertEnv → CertState → ⊤ → CertState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_ : CertEnv → CertState → List DCert → CertState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_ = ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵇ' {_⊢_⇀⟦_⟧ᵇ_ = _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTBASE⦈_} {_⊢_⇀⦇_,CERT⦈_}
\caption{Types for the transition systems relating to certificates}
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,DELEG⦈_ where
DELEG-delegate : let open PParams pp in
∙ (c ∉ dom rwds → d ≡ keyDeposit)
∙ (c ∈ dom rwds → d ≡ 0)
∙ mv ∈ mapˢ (just ∘ credVoter DRep) delegatees ∪
fromList ( nothing ∷ just abstainRep ∷ just noConfidenceRep ∷ [] )
∙ mkh ∈ mapˢ just (dom pools) ∪ ❴ nothing ❵
⟦ pp , pools , delegatees ⟧ᵈᵉ ⊢ ⟦ vDelegs , sDelegs , rwds ⟧ᵈ
⇀⦇ delegate c mv mkh d ,DELEG⦈
⟦ insertIfJust c mv vDelegs , insertIfJust c mkh sDelegs , rwds ∪ˡ ❴ c , 0 ❵ ⟧ᵈ
DELEG-dereg :
∙ (c , 0) ∈ rwds
⟦ pp , pools , delegatees ⟧ᵈᵉ ⊢ ⟦ vDelegs , sDelegs , rwds ⟧ᵈ ⇀⦇ dereg c md ,DELEG⦈
⟦ vDelegs ∣ ❴ c ❵ ᶜ , sDelegs ∣ ❴ c ❵ ᶜ , rwds ∣ ❴ c ❵ ᶜ ⟧ᵈ
DELEG-reg : let open PParams pp in
∙ c ∉ dom rwds
∙ d ≡ keyDeposit ⊎ d ≡ 0
⟦ pp , pools , delegatees ⟧ᵈᵉ ⊢
⟦ vDelegs , sDelegs , rwds ⟧ᵈ ⇀⦇ reg c d ,DELEG⦈
⟦ vDelegs , sDelegs , rwds ∪ˡ ❴ c , 0 ❵ ⟧ᵈ
\caption{Auxiliary DELEG transition system}
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,POOL⦈_ where
POOL-regpool :
∙ kh ∉ dom pools
pp ⊢ ⟦ pools , retiring ⟧ᵖ ⇀⦇ regpool kh poolParams ,POOL⦈
⟦ ❴ kh , poolParams ❵ ∪ˡ pools , retiring ⟧ᵖ
POOL-retirepool :
pp ⊢ ⟦ pools , retiring ⟧ᵖ ⇀⦇ retirepool kh e ,POOL⦈ ⟦ pools , ❴ kh , e ❵ ∪ˡ retiring ⟧ᵖ
\caption{Auxiliary POOL transition system}
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOVCERT⦈_ where
GOVCERT-regdrep : ∀ {pp} → let open PParams pp in
∙ (d ≡ drepDeposit × c ∉ dom dReps) ⊎ (d ≡ 0 × c ∈ dom dReps)
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢ ⟦ dReps , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ ⇀⦇ regdrep c d an ,GOVCERT⦈
⟦ ❴ c , e + drepActivity ❵ ∪ˡ dReps , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ
GOVCERT-deregdrep :
∙ c ∈ dom dReps
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢ ⟦ dReps , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ ⇀⦇ deregdrep c d ,GOVCERT⦈ ⟦ dReps ∣ ❴ c ❵ ᶜ , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ
GOVCERT-ccreghot :
∙ (c , nothing) ∉ ccKeys
∙ c ∈ cc
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢ ⟦ dReps , ccKeys ⟧ᵛ ⇀⦇ ccreghot c mc ,GOVCERT⦈ ⟦ dReps , ❴ c , mc ❵ ∪ˡ ccKeys ⟧ᵛ
\caption{Auxiliary GOVCERT transition system}
Figure~\ref{fig:sts:certs} assembles the CERTS transition system by
bundling the previously defined pieces together into the CERT system,
and then taking the reflexive-transitive closure of CERT together with
CERTBASE as the base case. CERTBASE does the following:
\item check the correctness of withdrawals and ensure that withdrawals
only happen from credentials that have delegated their voting power;
\item set the rewards of the credentials that withdrew funds to zero;
\item and set the activity timer of all DReps that voted to \drepActivity
epochs in the future.
\emph{CERT transitions}
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERT⦈_ where
CERT-deleg :
∙ ⟦ pp , PState.pools stᵖ , dom (GState.dreps stᵍ) ⟧ᵈᵉ ⊢ stᵈ ⇀⦇ dCert ,DELEG⦈ stᵈ'
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ ⇀⦇ dCert ,CERT⦈ ⟦ stᵈ' , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ
CERT-pool :
∙ pp ⊢ stᵖ ⇀⦇ dCert ,POOL⦈ stᵖ'
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ ⇀⦇ dCert ,CERT⦈ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ' , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ
CERT-vdel :
∙ Γ ⊢ stᵍ ⇀⦇ dCert ,GOVCERT⦈ stᵍ'
Γ ⊢ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ ⟧ᶜˢ ⇀⦇ dCert ,CERT⦈ ⟦ stᵈ , stᵖ , stᵍ' ⟧ᶜˢ
\emph{CERTBASE transition}
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTBASE⦈_ where
CERT-base : let
open PParams pp
refresh = mapPartial getDRepVote (fromList vs)
refreshedDReps = mapValueRestricted (const (e + drepActivity)) dReps refresh
wdrlCreds = mapˢ stake (dom wdrls)
validVoteDelegs = voteDelegs ∣^ ( mapˢ (credVoter DRep) (dom dReps)
∪ fromList (noConfidenceRep ∷ abstainRep ∷ []) )
∙ filter isKeyHash wdrlCreds ⊆ dom voteDelegs
∙ mapˢ (map₁ stake) (wdrls ˢ) ⊆ rewards ˢ
⟦ e , pp , vs , wdrls , cc ⟧ᶜ ⊢
⟦ ⟦ voteDelegs , stakeDelegs , rewards ⟧ᵈ
, stᵖ
, ⟦ dReps , ccHotKeys ⟧ᵛ
⟧ᶜˢ ⇀⦇ _ ,CERTBASE⦈
⟦ ⟦ validVoteDelegs , stakeDelegs , constMap wdrlCreds 0 ∪ˡ rewards ⟧ᵈ
, stᵖ
, ⟦ refreshedDReps , ccHotKeys ⟧ᵛ
\caption{CERTS rules}