{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS -v tactic.premises:100 #-}
module Tactic.Premises where

open import Prelude hiding (Type)
open import PreludeMeta
open import MetaPrelude using (enumerate)

import Data.List as L
open import Data.Fin using (toℕ)

open import Class.Show
open import Class.Foldable

open import Interface.STS

open Debug ("tactic.premises", 100)
open import Reflection.Ext

** Extracting the hypotheses of an STS rule.

Constructors should be formulated in the STS syntax for inference rules, i.e.
    ∙ <HYPOTHESIS#1>
    ∙ <HYPOTHESIS#2>
    ∙ <HYPOTHESIS#n-1>
    ∙ <HYPOTHESIS#n>
This meta-program then generates the type of the (decidable) hypotheses of the rule,
as well as a proof that it is in fact decidable, i.e.
rule-premises : ∀ ⋯ → Set
rule-premises ⋯ =
  ∙ <HYPOTHESIS#n-1>

rule-premises? : ∀ ⋯ → Dec (rule-premises ⋯)
rule-premises? = it
where ⋯ stands for the subset of implicit arguments that are relevant for the
selected subset of decidable hypotheses.

To be precise, we generate both definitions above under a single name, as well as
wrapping the decidability proof in the _⁇ typeclass from `Class.Decidable`, i.e.
unquoteDecl rule-premises = genPremises rule-premises (quote rule)
-- rule-premises        : ∀ ⋯ → ∃ _⁇
-- rule-premises .proj₁ : ∀ ⋯ → Set
-- rule-premises .proj₂ : ∀ ⋯ → (rule-premises .proj₁ ⋯) ⁇
genPremises : Name  Name  TC 
genPremises f n = do
  print $ "*** Generating premises for constructor:" <+> show n <+> "***"
  ty  reduceRuleSyntax =<< getType n             -- (1)
  let is , hs = breakImplicits $ viewTy ty .proj₁ -- (2)
  hs  map unbundleHypotheses                     -- (3)
     $ extendContextTel (absTelescope is)
     $ mapM reduceRuleSyntax hs -- reducing again to work around Agda issue #6951
  dhs  filterM (isDecidable? is) hs              -- (4)
  let dhs = bundleHypotheses dhs                  -- (5)
  is , premise  removeUnusedImplicits is dhs     -- (6)
  let premiseTy  = tyView (is , quote ∃⁇ )
      premiseTel = absTelescope is
      premisePs  = map  (i , x)  arg (argInfo $ unAbs x) (` i))
                       (uncurry L.zip $ map₁ reverse $ unzip $ enumerate is)
      ∃premise?  = quote _,_ ◆⟦ premise  quote it  
      cl         = clause premiseTel premisePs ∃premise?
  print $ "```\n" <> show f <+> ":" <+> show premiseTy <> "\n"
       -- <> show f <+> "⋯ =" <+> show premise <> " , it\n```\n"
       -- TOO EXPENSIVE FOR LARGE RULES (even without `-v` flag)
  declareDef (vArg f) premiseTy
  defineFun f [ cl ]
  -- (1) unfold syntactic sugar from Interface.STS
  reduceRuleSyntax : Type  TC Type
  reduceRuleSyntax ty = do
    let whitelist = Interface.STS._∙_
                 `∷ Interface.STS.∙_
                 `∷ Interface.STS._────────────────────────────────_
                 `∷ Interface.STS.────────────────────────────────_
                 `∷ Interface.STS._───────────────────────────────────────_
                 `∷ Interface.STS.───────────────────────────────────────_
                 -- ^ include all syntactic sugar for inference rules here
                 `∷ []
    withReduceDefs (true , whitelist) $ normalise ty

  -- (2) separate implicit arguments from visible hypotheses
  breakImplicits : AbsTelescope  AbsTelescope × List Type
  breakImplicits = map₂  (unArgs  map unAbs)
                  break (isVisible?  unAbs)

  -- (3) unbundle hypotheses (always a single product due to `∙`)
  --     * TODO: generalise to curried rules (which use `→`)
  unbundleHypotheses : List Type  List Type
  unbundleHypotheses = concatMap go where go = λ where
    (def (quote _×_) (hArg _  hArg _  vArg x  vArg ys  [])) 
      x  go ys
    t  [ t ]

  -- (4) select only the hypotheses that are decidable
  isDecidable? : AbsTelescope  Type  TC Bool
  isDecidable? tel ty =
    isSuccessful $ checkType (quote it ) (tyView (tel , quote _⁇ ∙⟦ ty ))

  -- (5) bundle the (decidable) hypotheses back together in a single product
  bundleHypotheses : List Type  Type
  bundleHypotheses = fold where instance _ = Monoid-Term-×; _ = Semigroup-Term-×

  -- (6) minimize the implicit arguments to only the ones that are actually used in (5)
  removeUnusedImplicits : AbsTelescope  Type  TC (AbsTelescope × Type)
  removeUnusedImplicits is ty = go (pred $ length is) is ty
    fvs = freeVars ty

    go :   AbsTelescope  Type  TC (AbsTelescope × Type)
    go _ []       t = return ([] , t)
    go n (i  is) t =
      ifᵈ n ∈ˡ fvs then -- relevant hypothesis
        map₁ (i ∷_) <$> go (pred n) is t
      else -- irrelevant hypothesis
        go (pred n) is (mapFreeVars pred n t)

-- ** Tests.

  -- * The tactics works for one or zero hypotheses.
  data  :     Set where
    base :
       0 0

    step :  {n m} 
        n m
       (suc n) (suc m)

  module _  _ :  ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl ℝ-base-premises = genPremises ℝ-base-premises (quote ℝ.base)
    unquoteDecl ℝ-step-premises = genPremises ℝ-step-premises (quote ℝ.step)

    _ : ℝ-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    _ : ℝ-base-premises .proj₂ .dec  yes tt
    _ = refl

    module _ (n m : ) (𝕣 :  n m) where
      _ : ℝ-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕣

      _ : ( n m) 
      _ = ℝ-step-premises .proj₂

  open import Class.Monoid

  -- * The tactic works for multiple *decidable* hypotheses.
  data  {A : Set}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A  : A  A  Set where
    base :
       ε ε

    step :  {n m n′ m′} 
        n m
        n′ m′
       (n  n′) (m  m′)

  module _  _ :  {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A    {A} ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl ℚ-base-premises = genPremises ℚ-base-premises (quote ℚ.base)
    unquoteDecl ℚ-step-premises = genPremises ℚ-step-premises (quote ℚ.step)

    _ : ℚ-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    module _ {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A  (n m n′ m′ : A) (𝕢ˡ :  n m) (𝕢ʳ :  n′ m′) where
      _ : ℚ-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕢ˡ , 𝕢ʳ

  -- * The tactic omits *undecidable* hypotheses.
  data ℝ′ :     Set where
    base :
      ℝ′ 0 0

    step :  {n m} {T T′ :   } 
       ℝ′ n m
       T  T′
      ℝ′ (suc n) (suc m)

  module _  _ : ℝ′ ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl ℝ′-base-premises = genPremises ℝ′-base-premises (quote ℝ′.base)
    unquoteDecl ℝ′-step-premises = genPremises ℝ′-step-premises (quote ℝ′.step)

    _ : ℝ′-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    module _ (n m : ) (𝕣 : ℝ′ n m) where
      _ : ℝ′-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕣

  -- * The tactic works under module contexts.
  module _ {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A   _ :  {A} ⁇²   _ :  ⁇²  where

    data 𝕎 : A    Set where
      base :
        𝕎 ε 0

      step :  {x y n n′} 
          n n′
          x y
         𝕎 (x  y) n
        𝕎 (x  y) n′

    unquoteDecl 𝕎-base-premises = genPremises 𝕎-base-premises (quote 𝕎.base)

    _ : 𝕎-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    unquoteDecl 𝕎-step-premises = genPremises 𝕎-step-premises (quote 𝕎.step)

    module _ (n n′ : ) (x y : A) (𝕣 :  n n′) (𝕢 :  x y) where
      _ : 𝕎-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕣 , 𝕢

  -- * Irrelevant free variable `z` is not included in the premise type,
  --   since it only appears in the conclusion.
  data 𝕍 {A : Set}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A  : A  A  Set where
    base :
      𝕍 ε ε

    step :  {n m n′ m′ z}  _ : Show A  
       𝕍 n m
       𝕍 n′ m′
      𝕍 (n  n′  m  m′) z

  module _  _ :  {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A   𝕍 {A} ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl 𝕍-base-premises = genPremises 𝕍-base-premises (quote 𝕍.base)
    unquoteDecl 𝕍-step-premises = genPremises 𝕍-step-premises (quote 𝕍.step)

    _ : 𝕍-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    module _ {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A 
             (n m n′ m′ : A) (𝕢ˡ : 𝕍 n m) (𝕢ʳ : 𝕍 n′ m′) where
      _ : 𝕍-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕢ˡ , 𝕢ʳ

  -- * Irrelevant free variable `T` is not included in the premise type,
  --   since it only appears in an undecidable hypothesis.
  data 𝕍′ {A : Set}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A  : A  A  Set where
    base :
      𝕍′ ε ε

    step :  {n m n′ m′}  _ : Show A  {T : Type} 
       𝕍′ n m
       𝕍′ n′ m′
       (∀ T′  T  T′)
      𝕍′ (n  n′) (m  m′)

  module _  _ :  {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A   𝕍′ {A} ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl 𝕍′-base-premises = genPremises 𝕍′-base-premises (quote 𝕍′.base)
    unquoteDecl 𝕍′-step-premises = genPremises 𝕍′-step-premises (quote 𝕍′.step)

    _ : 𝕍′-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    module _ {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A 
             (n m n′ m′ : A) (𝕢ˡ : 𝕍′ n m) (𝕢ʳ : 𝕍′ n′ m′) where
      _ : 𝕍′-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕢ˡ , 𝕢ʳ

  -- * Irrelevant instance `⦃ Show A ⦄` is not included in the premise type.
  data ℚ′ {A : Set}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A  : A  A  Set where
    base :
      ℚ′ ε ε

    step :  {n m n′ m′}  _ : Show A  
       ℚ′ n m
       ℚ′ n′ m′
      ℚ′ (n  n′) (m  m′)

  module _  _ :  {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A   ℚ′ {A} ⁇²  where
    unquoteDecl ℚ′-base-premises = genPremises ℚ′-base-premises (quote ℚ′.base)
    unquoteDecl ℚ′-step-premises = genPremises ℚ′-step-premises (quote ℚ′.step)

    _ : ℚ′-base-premises .proj₁
    _ = tt

    module _ {A}  _ : Semigroup A   _ : Monoid A 
             (n m n′ m′ : A) (𝕢ˡ : ℚ′ n m) (𝕢ʳ : ℚ′ n′ m′) where
      _ : ℚ′-step-premises .proj₁
      _ = 𝕢ˡ , 𝕢ʳ