{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Reflection.Ext where

open import Prelude hiding (Type)
open import PreludeMeta
open import Data.Nat using (_≤ᵇ_)
open import Data.Bool using (if_then_else_)

open import Class.Core using (Type↑)

private variable  : Level; A B : Set 

-- N-ary extension of the TC context.
-- TODO: use `MonadTC.extendContext'` once it includes names
extendContextTel : Telescope  TC A  TC A
extendContextTel = λ where
  []  id
  ((x , t)  tel)  extendContext x t  extendContextTel tel

-- N-ary extension of the TCI context.
extendContextTel′ : Telescope  TCI A  TCI A
extendContextTel′ = λ where
  [] m  m
  ((x , ty)  tys) m  extendContext x ty  extendContextTel′ tys m

-- Reducing only definitions.
reduceDef : Type  TC Type
reduceDef = λ where
  t@(def _ _)  reduce t
  t            return t

-- Applying a list of arguments to a term of any shape.
apply∗ : Term  Args Term  Term
apply∗ f xs = case f of λ where
  (def n as)       def n (as ++ xs)
  (con c as)       con c (as ++ xs)
  (var x as)       var x (as ++ xs)
  (pat-lam cs as)  pat-lam cs (as ++ xs)
  (meta x as)      meta x (as ++ xs)
  f                f

-- Constructing list of quoted names without having to use `quote`.
  infixr 4 _`∷_
  _`∷_ : Name  List Name  Hole  TC 
  (x `∷ y) hole = do
    `x  quoteTC x
    `y  quoteTC y
    unify hole $ con (quote _∷_) (vArg `x  vArg `y  [])

-- Calculating all free variables of a term.
freeVars : Term  List 
freeVars = go 0 where mutual
  go :   Term  _
  go bound = λ where
    (var x as)  if bound ≤ᵇ x then [ x  bound ] else []
    (def _ as)  goArgs bound as
    (con _ as)  goArgs bound as
    (lam _ )  goAbs (suc bound) 
    (pat-lam cs as)  goCls bound cs ++ goArgs bound as
    (pi at )  goArg bound at ++ goAbs (suc bound) 
    (meta _ as)  goArgs bound as
    _  []

  goArg :   Arg Term  _
  goArg b (arg _ t) = go b t

  goAbs :   Abs Term  _
  goAbs b (abs _ t) = go b t

  goArgs :   Args Term  _
  goArgs b = λ where []  []; (a  as)  goArg b a  goArgs b as

  goCl :   Clause  _
  goCl b = λ where
    (clause tel _ t)  go (length tel +ℕ b) t
    (absurd-clause _ _)  []

  goCls :   List Clause  _
  goCls b = λ where []  []; (c  cs)  goCl b c  goCls b cs

module _ x y z where
  _ = freeVars (quoteTerm  x  x +ℕ 1))
  _ = freeVars (quoteTerm  x  x +ℕ y))
     [ 1 ]
  _ = freeVars (quoteTerm  x y  x +ℕ y +ℕ z))
     [ 0 ]
  _ = freeVars (quoteTerm  x  x +ℕ y +ℕ z))
     (1  0  [])
  _ = freeVars (quoteTerm (x +ℕ y +ℕ z))
     (2  1  0  [])
  _ = freeVars (quote _,_ ◆⟦  0   "y"   1 )
     (0  0  [])

-- ** Telescopes providing names via `Abs` instead of products.

AbsTelescope = List (Abs (Arg Type))

absTelescope : AbsTelescope  Telescope
absTelescope = map λ where (abs x t)  x , t

telescopeAbs : Telescope  AbsTelescope
telescopeAbs = map $ uncurry abs

showAbsTel = show  Show-Tel   absTelescope

-- Check that a type has an instance.
hasInstance : Type  TC Bool
hasInstance = isSuccessful  checkType (quote it )

-- ** Monoidal structure of terms.

open import Class.Semigroup.Core
open import Class.Monoid.Core

Semigroup-Term-× = Semigroup Term  λ where ._◇_  quote _×_ ∙⟦_∣_⟧
Semigroup-Term-⊎ = Semigroup Term  λ where ._◇_  quote _⊎_ ∙⟦_∣_⟧

Monoid-Term-× = Monoid Term  λ where .ε  quote  
  where instance _ = Semigroup-Term-×
Monoid-Term-⊎ = Monoid Term  λ where .ε  quote  
  where instance _ = Semigroup-Term-⊎