{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}
open import Axiom.Set using (Theoryᵈ; Theory)

module Axiom.Set.Map.Dec (thᵈ : Theoryᵈ) where

open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude hiding (map; Monoid)

import Data.Sum as Sum
open import Data.These hiding (map)

open Theoryᵈ thᵈ using (_∈?_; th; incl-set'; incl-set; incl-set-proj₁⊇)
open Theory th
open import Axiom.Set.Rel th using (dom; dom∈)
open import Axiom.Set.Map th
open import Data.Product.Properties using (×-≡,≡→≡; ×-≡,≡←≡)

open Equivalence

private variable A B C D : Type

module Lookupᵐᵈ (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) where
  open Lookupᵐ sp-∈

  unionThese :  DecEq A   (m : Map A B) (m' : Map A C) (x : A)
     x  dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)  These B C
  unionThese m m' x dp with x ∈? dom (m ˢ) | x ∈? dom (m' ˢ)
  ... | yes mr | yes mr' = these (lookupᵐ m x) (lookupᵐ m' x)
  ... | yes mr | no  mr' = this  (lookupᵐ m x)
  ... | no  mr | yes mr' = that  (lookupᵐ m' x)
  ... | no  mr | no  mr' = Sum.[ flip contradiction mr , flip contradiction mr' ]
                               (from ∈-∪ dp)

  unionWith :  DecEq A   (These B C  D)  Map A B  Map A C  Map A D
  unionWith f m@(r , p) m'@(r' , p') = m'' , helper
       d = dom r  dom r'
       m'' = map  (x , p)  x , f (unionThese m m' x p)) (incl-set d)

       helper : left-unique m''
       helper q q'
         with _ , refl , tfrom ∈-map q
         with _ , refl , t'from ∈-map q'
         with from (∈-mapPartial {f = incl-set' _}) t
            | from (∈-mapPartial {f = incl-set' _}) t'
       ... | z , _ | z' , _
         with z ∈? d in eq | z' ∈? d in eq'
       helper _ _ | _ , _ , refl | _ , _ , refl | yes _ | yes _
         with refltrans (sym eq) eq' = refl

  module _ {V : Type}  mon : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ V   _ : DecEq A  where
    infixr 6 _∪⁺_
    open CommutativeMonoid mon

    _∪⁺_ : Map A V  Map A V  Map A V
    _∪⁺_ = unionWith (fold id id _◇_)

    aggregate₊ : FinSet (A × V)  Map A V
    aggregate₊ (_ , l , _) = foldl  m x  m ∪⁺  x ❵ᵐ) ∅ᵐ l

    module _ {m m' : Map A V} where
      ∪dom-lookup : ∃[ a ] a  dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)  A × V
      ∪dom-lookup (a , a∈) = a , (fold id id _◇_)(unionThese m m' a a∈)

      dom∪⁺⊆∪dom : dom ((m ∪⁺ m') ˢ)  dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)
      dom∪⁺⊆∪dom {a} a∈ = subst (_∈ dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ))
                                  (sym $ proj₁ (×-≡,≡←≡ $ proj₁ (proj₂ ∈-dom∪⁺)))
                                  (proj₂ $ proj₁ ∈-dom∪⁺)
        ∈-dom∪⁺ : ∃[ c ] (a , proj₁ (from dom∈ a∈))  ∪dom-lookup c
                          × c  incl-set (dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ))
        ∈-dom∪⁺ = from ∈-map $ proj₂ $ from dom∈ a∈

      ∪dom⊆dom∪⁺ : dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)  dom ((m ∪⁺ m') ˢ)
      ∪dom⊆dom∪⁺ {a} a∈ with from ∈-map (incl-set-proj₁⊇ a∈)
      ... | c' , a≡c₁' , c'∈ =
        to dom∈ (proj₂ (∪dom-lookup c') , to ∈-map (c' , ×-≡,≡→≡ (a≡c₁' , refl) , c'∈))

      dom∪⁺⇔∪dom :  {a}  a  dom ((m ∪⁺ m')ˢ)  a  dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)
      dom∪⁺⇔∪dom {a} = mk⇔ dom∪⁺⊆∪dom ∪dom⊆dom∪⁺

      dom∪⁺≡∪dom : dom ((m ∪⁺ m')ˢ) ≡ᵉ dom (m ˢ)  dom (m' ˢ)
      dom∪⁺≡∪dom = to dom∪⁺⇔∪dom , from dom∪⁺⇔∪dom