{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure
open import Ledger.Transaction using (TransactionStructure)
module Ledger.Gov (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs hiding (epoch)) where
open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (any?; Any; all?; All; Rel; lookup; ∈-filter)
open import Axiom.Set.Properties th using (∃-sublist-⇔)
open import Ledger.GovernanceActions govStructure using (Vote)
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Ratify txs hiding (vote)
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
open import Data.List.Ext using (subpermutations; sublists)
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties2
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties using (Any↔; ∈-filter⁻; ∈-filter⁺)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional using () renaming (_⊆_ to _⊆ˡ_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (all?; All)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (any?; Any)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.DecPropositional using (unique?)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional using (Unique)
open import Data.Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Ext using (map′⇔)
open import Function.Related.Propositional using (↔⇒)
open GovActionState
\emph{Derived types}
GovState : Type
GovState = List (GovActionID × GovActionState)
record GovEnv : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_,_,_,_⟧ᵍ
txid : TxId
epoch : Epoch
pparams : PParams
ppolicy : Maybe ScriptHash
enactState : EnactState
certState : CertState
private variable
Γ : GovEnv
s s' : GovState
aid : GovActionID
voter : Voter
vote : GovVote
v : Vote
d : Coin
addr : RwdAddr
a : GovAction
prev : NeedsHash a
k : ℕ
p : Maybe ScriptHash
open GState
open PState
\emph{Functions used in the GOV rules}
govActionPriority : GovAction → ℕ
govActionPriority NoConfidence = 0
govActionPriority (UpdateCommittee _ _ _) = 1
govActionPriority (NewConstitution _ _) = 2
govActionPriority (TriggerHF _) = 3
govActionPriority (ChangePParams _) = 4
govActionPriority (TreasuryWdrl _) = 5
govActionPriority Info = 6
_∼_ : ℕ → ℕ → Type
n ∼ m = (n ≡ m) ⊎ (n ≡ 0 × m ≡ 1) ⊎ (n ≡ 1 × m ≡ 0)
_≈ᵍ_ : GovAction → GovAction → Type
a ≈ᵍ a' = (govActionPriority a) ∼ (govActionPriority a')
_∼?_ : (n m : ℕ) → Dec (n ∼ m)
n ∼? m = n ≟ m ⊎-dec (n ≟ 0 ×-dec m ≟ 1) ⊎-dec (n ≟ 1 ×-dec m ≟ 0)
_≈?_ : (a a' : GovAction) → Dec (a ≈ᵍ a')
a ≈? a' = (govActionPriority a) ∼? (govActionPriority a')
insertGovAction : GovState → GovActionID × GovActionState → GovState
insertGovAction [] gaPr = [ gaPr ]
insertGovAction ((gaID₀ , gaSt₀) ∷ gaPrs) (gaID₁ , gaSt₁)
= if (govActionPriority (action gaSt₀)) ≤? (govActionPriority (action gaSt₁))
then (gaID₀ , gaSt₀) ∷ insertGovAction gaPrs (gaID₁ , gaSt₁)
else (gaID₁ , gaSt₁) ∷ (gaID₀ , gaSt₀) ∷ gaPrs
mkGovStatePair : Epoch → GovActionID → RwdAddr → (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a
→ GovActionID × GovActionState
mkGovStatePair e aid addr a prev = (aid , record
{ votes = ∅ ; returnAddr = addr ; expiresIn = e ; action = a ; prevAction = prev })
addAction : GovState
→ Epoch → GovActionID → RwdAddr → (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a
→ GovState
addAction s e aid addr a prev = insertGovAction s (mkGovStatePair e aid addr a prev)
addVote : GovState → GovActionID → Voter → Vote → GovState
addVote s aid voter v = map modifyVotes s
where modifyVotes : GovActionID × GovActionState → GovActionID × GovActionState
modifyVotes = λ (gid , s') → gid , record s'
{ votes = if gid ≡ aid then insert (votes s') voter v else votes s'}
isRegistered : GovEnv → Voter → Type
isRegistered ⟦ _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , ⟦ _ , pState , gState ⟧ᶜˢ ⟧ᵍ (r , c) = case r of λ where
CC → just c ∈ range (gState .ccHotKeys)
DRep → c ∈ dom (gState .dreps)
SPO → c ∈ mapˢ KeyHashObj (dom (pState .pools))
validHFAction : GovProposal → GovState → EnactState → Type
validHFAction (record { action = TriggerHF v ; prevAction = prev }) s e =
(let (v' , aid) = EnactState.pv e in aid ≡ prev × pvCanFollow v' v)
⊎ ∃₂[ x , v' ] (prev , x) ∈ fromList s × x .action ≡ TriggerHF v' × pvCanFollow v' v
validHFAction _ _ _ = ⊤
\emph{Transition relation types}
_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_ : GovEnv × ℕ → GovState → GovVote ⊎ GovProposal → GovState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_ : GovEnv → GovState → List (GovVote ⊎ GovProposal) → GovState → Type
\caption{Types and functions used in the GOV transition system}
getAidPairsList : GovState → List (GovActionID × GovActionID)
getAidPairsList aid×states =
mapMaybe (λ (aid , aState) → (aid ,_) <$> getHash (prevAction aState)) $ aid×states
_connects_to_ : List (GovActionID × GovActionID) → GovActionID → GovActionID → Type
[] connects aidNew to aidOld = aidNew ≡ aidOld
((aid , aidPrev) ∷ s) connects aidNew to aidOld =
aid ≡ aidNew × s connects aidPrev to aidOld ⊎ s connects aidNew to aidOld
enactable : EnactState → List (GovActionID × GovActionID)
→ GovActionID × GovActionState → Type
enactable e aidPairs = λ (aidNew , as) → case getHashES e (action as) of
λ where
nothing → ⊤
(just aidOld) → ∃[ t ] fromList t ⊆ fromList aidPairs
× Unique t × t connects aidNew to aidOld
allEnactable : EnactState → GovState → Type
allEnactable e aid×states = All (enactable e (getAidPairsList aid×states)) aid×states
hasParentE : EnactState → GovActionID → GovAction → Type
hasParentE e aid a = case getHashES e a of
λ where
nothing → ⊤
(just id) → id ≡ aid
hasParent : EnactState → GovState → (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a → Type
hasParent e s a aid with getHash aid
... | just aid' = hasParentE e aid' a
⊎ Any (λ (gid , gas) → gid ≡ aid' × action gas ≈ᵍ a) s
... | nothing = ⊤
open Equivalence
hasParentE? : ∀ e aid a → Dec (hasParentE e aid a)
hasParentE? e aid a with getHashES e a
... | nothing = yes _
... | (just id) = id ≟ aid
hasParent? : ∀ e s a aid → Dec (hasParent e s a aid)
hasParent? e s a aid with getHash aid
... | just aid' = hasParentE? e aid' a
⊎-dec any? (λ (gid , gas) → gid ≟ aid' ×-dec action gas ≈? a) s
... | nothing = yes _
data hasParent' : EnactState → GovState → (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a → Type where
HasParent' : ∀ {x y z w} → hasParent x y z w → hasParent' x y z w
hasParent?' : ∀ {x y z w} → hasParent' x y z w ⁇
hasParent?' = ⁇ map′ HasParent' (λ where (HasParent' x) → x) (hasParent? _ _ _ _)
[_connects_to_?] : ∀ l aidNew aidOld → Dec (l connects aidNew to aidOld)
[ [] connects aidNew to aidOld ?] = aidNew ≟ aidOld
[ (aid , aidPrev) ∷ s connects aidNew to aidOld ?] =
((aid ≟ aidNew) ×-dec [ s connects aidPrev to aidOld ?]) ⊎-dec [ s connects aidNew to aidOld ?]
any?-connecting-subperm : ∀ {u} {v} → ∀ L → Dec (Any(λ l → Unique l × l connects u to v) (subpermutations L))
any?-connecting-subperm {u} {v} L = any? (λ l → unique? _≟_ l ×-dec [ l connects u to v ?]) (subpermutations L)
∃?-connecting-subperm : ∀ {u} {v} → ∀ L → Dec (∃[ l ] l ∈ˡ subpermutations L × Unique l × l connects u to v)
∃?-connecting-subperm L = from (map′⇔ (↔⇒ Any↔)) (any?-connecting-subperm L)
∃?-connecting-subset : ∀ {u} {v} → ∀ L → Dec (∃[ l ] l ⊆ˡ L × Unique l × l connects u to v)
∃?-connecting-subset L = from (map′⇔ ∃uniqueSubset⇔∃uniqueSubperm) (∃?-connecting-subperm L)
enactable? : ∀ eState aidPairs aidNew×st → Dec (enactable eState aidPairs aidNew×st)
enactable? eState aidPairs (aidNew , as) with getHashES eState (GovActionState.action as)
... | nothing = yes tt
... | just aidOld = from (map′⇔ ∃-sublist-⇔) (∃?-connecting-subset aidPairs)
allEnactable? : ∀ eState aid×states → Dec (allEnactable eState aid×states)
allEnactable? eState aid×states =
all? (λ aid×st → enactable? eState (getAidPairsList aid×states) aid×st) aid×states
data allEnactable' : EnactState → GovState → Type where
AllEnactable' : ∀ {x y} → allEnactable x y → allEnactable' x y
allEnactable?' : ∀ {x y} → allEnactable' x y ⁇
allEnactable?' = ⁇ map′ AllEnactable' (λ where (AllEnactable' x) → x) (allEnactable? _ _)
maxAllEnactable : EnactState → List (GovActionID × GovActionState) → List (List (GovActionID × GovActionState))
maxAllEnactable e = maxsublists⊧P (allEnactable? e)
∈-maxAllEnactable→allEnactable : ∀ {e} {aid×states} l
→ l ∈ˡ maxAllEnactable e aid×states → allEnactable e l
∈-maxAllEnactable→allEnactable {e} {aid×states} l l∈ =
proj₂ (∈-filter⁻ (allEnactable? e) {l} {sublists aid×states}
(proj₁ (∈-filter⁻ (λ l → length l ≟ maxlen (sublists⊧P (allEnactable? e) aid×states)) l∈)))
∈-maxAllEnactable→maxLength : ∀ {e aid×states l l'}
→ l ∈ˡ sublists aid×states → allEnactable e l
→ l' ∈ˡ maxAllEnactable e aid×states
→ length l ≤ length l'
∈-maxAllEnactable→maxLength {e} {aid×states} {l} {l'} l∈ el l'∈ =
let ls = sublists⊧P (allEnactable? e) aid×states in
subst (length l ≤_)
(sym (proj₂ (∈-filter⁻ (λ l → length l ≟ maxlen ls) {xs = ls} l'∈)))
(∈-maxlen-≤ l (∈-filter⁺ (allEnactable? e) l∈ el))
\caption{Enactability predicate}
The behavior of \GovState is similar to that of a queue. New proposals are appended at
the end, but any proposal can be removed at the epoch
boundary. However, for the purposes of enactment, earlier proposals
take priority. Note that \EnactState used in \GovEnv is defined later,
in Section~\ref{sec:enactment}.
\item \addVote inserts (and potentially overrides) a vote made for a
particular governance action (identified by its ID) by a credential with a role.
\item \addAction adds a new proposed action at the end of a given \GovState.
\item The \validHFAction property indicates whether a given proposal, if it is a
\TriggerHF action, can potentially be enacted in the future. For this to be the
case, its \prevAction needs to exist, be another \TriggerHF action and have a
compatible version.
Figure~\ref{defs:enactable} shows some of the functions used to determine whether certain
actions are enactable in a given state. Specifically, \AgdaFunction{allEnactable} passes
the \AgdaFunction{GovState} to \AgdaFunction{getAidPairsList} to obtain a list of
\AgdaFunction{GovActionID}-pairs which is then passed to \AgdaFunction{enactable}. The latter uses the
\AgdaFunction{\AgdaUnderscore{}connects\AgdaUnderscore{}to\AgdaUnderscore{}} function to check
whether the list of \AgdaFunction{GovActionID}-pairs connects the proposed action to a previously
enacted one.
Additionally, \govActionPriority assigns a priority to the various governance action types.
This is useful for ordering lists of governance actions as well as grouping governance
actions by constructor. In particular, the relations
\AgdaOperator{\AgdaFunction{\AgdaUnderscore{}∼\AgdaUnderscore{}}} and
\AgdaOperator{\AgdaFunction{\AgdaUnderscore{}≈\AgdaUnderscore{}}} defined in
Figure~\ref{defs:enactable} are used for determining whether two actions are of the same
``kind'' in the following sense: either the actions arise from the same constructor, or one
action is \NoConfidence and the other is an \UpdateCommittee action.
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_ where
GOV-Vote : ∀ {x ast} → let
open GovEnv Γ
vote = record { gid = aid ; voter = voter ; vote = v ; anchor = x }
∙ (aid , ast) ∈ fromList s
∙ canVote pparams (action ast) (proj₁ voter)
∙ isRegistered Γ voter
(Γ , k) ⊢ s ⇀⦇ inj₁ vote ,GOV'⦈ addVote s aid voter v
GOV-Propose : ∀ {x} → let
open GovEnv Γ; open PParams pparams hiding (a)
prop = record { returnAddr = addr ; action = a ; anchor = x
; policy = p ; deposit = d ; prevAction = prev }
s' = addAction s (govActionLifetime +ᵉ epoch) (txid , k) addr a prev
∙ actionWellFormed a
∙ d ≡ govActionDeposit
∙ (∃[ u ] a ≡ ChangePParams u ⊎ ∃[ w ] a ≡ TreasuryWdrl w → p ≡ ppolicy)
∙ (¬ (∃[ u ] a ≡ ChangePParams u ⊎ ∃[ w ] a ≡ TreasuryWdrl w) → p ≡ nothing)
∙ (∀ {new rem q} → a ≡ UpdateCommittee new rem q
→ ∀[ e ∈ range new ] epoch < e × dom new ∩ rem ≡ᵉ ∅)
∙ validHFAction prop s enactState
∙ hasParent enactState s a prev
∙ addr .RwdAddr.net ≡ NetworkId
(Γ , k) ⊢ s ⇀⦇ inj₂ prop ,GOV'⦈ s'
_⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_ = ReflexiveTransitiveClosureᵢ {sts = _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_}
\caption{Rules for the GOV transition system}
The GOV transition system is now given as the reflexitive-transitive
closure of the system GOV', described in
For \GOVVote, we check that the governance action being voted on
exists and the role is allowed to vote. \canVote is defined in
Figure~\ref{fig:ratification-requirements}. Note that there are no
checks on whether the credential is actually associated with the
role. This means that anyone can vote for, e.g., the \CC role. However,
during ratification those votes will only carry weight if they are
properly associated with members of the constitutional committee.
For \GOVPropose, we check well-formedness, correctness of the deposit
and some conditions depending on the type of the action:
\item for \ChangePParams or \TreasuryWdrl, the proposal policy needs to be provided;
\item for \UpdateCommittee, no proposals with members expiring in the present or past
epoch are allowed, and candidates cannot be added and removed at the same time;
\item and we check the validity of hard-fork actions via \validHFAction.