{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Data.List.Ext.Properties2 where

open import Prelude hiding (lookup; map)

open import Data.List using (List; [_]; []; _++_; head; tail; length; map; filter)
open import Data.List.Ext using (insert; subpermutations; sublists)
open import Data.List.Properties using (concat-++; map-++; ++-identityʳ; ++-assoc)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
  using (∈-++⁻; ∈-++⁺ˡ; ∈-++⁺ʳ; ∈-deduplicate⁻; ∈-deduplicate⁺; ∈-map⁺)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional using (_⊆_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional.Properties as P
  using (xs⊆ys++xs; xs⊆xs++ys; ⊆-reflexive; ⊆-trans)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs using (AllPairs; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (all?; All; lookup) renaming (tail to Alltail)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional using (Unique)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties using (drop⁺)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (_≤?_; ⊔-identityʳ; ≤-reflexive; ≤-trans; m≤n⊔m; m≤m⊔n)
open import Data.Nat using (_⊔_; _≤_)

open Equivalence

-------- maximum length of lists in a list of lists --------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  maxlen : List (List A)  
  maxlen ls = foldr  l n  length l  n) 0 ls

  maxlen≤∷ :  ls l  maxlen ls  maxlen (l  ls)
  maxlen≤∷ [] _ = z≤n
  maxlen≤∷ (l'  ls) l = subst (maxlen (l'  ls) ≤_) refl (m≤n⊔m (length l) (maxlen (l'  ls)))

  ∈-maxlen-≤ :  {ls} l  l  ls  length l  maxlen ls
  ∈-maxlen-≤ {l  ls} .l (here refl) = subst (length l ≤_) refl (m≤m⊔n (length l) (maxlen ls))
  ∈-maxlen-≤ {l'  ls} l (there l∈)  = ≤-trans (∈-maxlen-≤ l l∈) (maxlen≤∷ ls l')

------ properties of map ------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  ¬[]∈map : {ls : List (List A)} {z : A}  ¬ []  map (z ∷_) ls
  ¬[]∈map {_  _} (there p) = ¬[]∈map p

  map∷decomp∈ : {ls : List (List A)} {xs : List A} {y x : A}  x  xs  map (y ∷_) ls  x  y × xs  ls
  map∷decomp∈ {_  _} (here refl) = refl , (here refl)
  map∷decomp∈ {_  _} (there xxs∈) = (proj₁ (map∷decomp∈ xxs∈)) , there (proj₂ (map∷decomp∈ xxs∈))

  map∷decomp : {ls : List (List A)} {xs : List A} {y : A}
                xs  map (y ∷_) ls  ∃[ ys ] ys  ls × y  ys  xs
  map∷decomp {l  _} {.(_  l)} (here refl) = l , ((here refl) , refl)
  map∷decomp {_  _} {[]} (there xs∈) = ⊥-elim (¬[]∈map xs∈)
  map∷decomp {_  _} {x  xs} (there xs∈) =
    xs , there (proj₂ (map∷decomp∈ xs∈)) , subst  u  u  xs  x  xs) (proj₁ (map∷decomp∈ xs∈)) refl

  ∈-map : {ls : List (List A)} {y : A}   l  l  map (y ∷_) ls  y  l
  ∈-map {l  _} .(_  l) (here refl) = here refl
  ∈-map {_  _} l (there l∈) = ∈-map l l∈

-------- Properties of list-subset inclusion ---------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  ⊆y∷∧y∉→⊆ys :  {ys xs} {y : A}  xs  y  ys  ¬ y  xs  xs  ys
  ⊆y∷∧y∉→⊆ys xsyys y∉xs x∈xs with xsyys x∈xs
  ... | here refl = ⊥-elim (y∉xs x∈xs)
  ... | there p = p

  ¬∈[] : {x : A}  ¬ x  []
  ¬∈[] = λ ()

  ¬⊆[] : {xs : List A} {x : A}  ¬ x  xs  []
  ¬⊆[] p = ¬∈[] (p (here refl))

  ∈∷∧⊆→∈ : {ys xs : List A} {y x : A}  x  y  xs  xs  ys  x  y  ys
  ∈∷∧⊆→∈ (here px) _ = here px
  ∈∷∧⊆→∈ (there x∈) xs⊆ = there (xs⊆ x∈)

-------- Properties of concatMap ---------
module _ {a} {A : Set a}  where

  concatMap⁺ : {ys xs : List A} {f : A  List A}  xs  ys  concatMap f xs  concatMap f ys
  concatMap⁺ = P.concat⁺  P.map⁺ _

  concatMap-++ :  {b} {B : Set b} (f : A  List B) xs ys
                  concatMap f (xs ++ ys)  concatMap f xs ++ concatMap f ys
  concatMap-++ f xs ys = begin
    concatMap f (xs ++ ys)           ≡⟨⟩
    concat (map f (xs ++ ys))        ≡⟨ cong concat $ map-++ f xs ys 
    concat (map f xs ++ map f ys)    ≡˘⟨ concat-++ (map f xs) (map f ys) 
    concatMap f xs ++ concatMap f ys  where open ≡-Reasoning

  concatMap-decomp :  {b} {B : Set b} {l : List A} {x : B} {f : A  List B}
                      x  concatMap f l  (∃[ z ] z  l × x  f z)
  concatMap-decomp {l = []} = mk⇔  ())  (_ , v , _)  ⊥-elim (¬∈[] v))
  concatMap-decomp {l = y  ys} {x} {f} = mk⇔ i ii
    i : x  concatMap f (y  ys)  ∃[ z ] z  y  ys × x  f z
    i x∈ with ∈-++⁻ _ x∈
    ...| inj₁ v = y , (here refl , v)
    ...| inj₂ v with to concatMap-decomp v
    ...| z , z∈ys , x∈fz = z , there z∈ys , x∈fz

    ii : ∃[ z ] z  y  ys × x  f z  x  concatMap f (y  ys)
    ii (z , here refl , x∈) = xs⊆xs++ys (f z) _ x∈
    ii (z , there z∈ , x∈)  = xs⊆ys++xs _ (f y) (from concatMap-decomp (z , (z∈ , x∈)))

------- properties of insert -------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  ∷∈insert : {ys : List A} {x : A}  x  ys  insert x ys
  ∷∈insert {[]}    = here refl
  ∷∈insert {_  _} = here refl

  ∈-insert :  {ys} {x : A} l  l  insert x ys  x  l
  ∈-insert {[]}    _ (here refl) = here refl
  ∈-insert {_  _} _ (here refl) = here refl
  ∈-insert {_  _} {x} _ (there l∈) with map∷decomp l∈
  ... | (l' , l'∈ , yl'l) = subst (x ∈_) yl'l (there (∈-insert l' l'∈))

  ∈→∈-insert :  {ys : List A} {y x : A} l  x  ys  l  insert y ys  x  l
  ∈→∈-insert {_  _} _ x∈ (here refl) = there x∈
  ∈→∈-insert {_  _} l (here refl) (there l∈) = ∈-map l l∈
  ∈→∈-insert {_  _} {y} {x} l (there x∈) (there l∈) with map∷decomp l∈
  ... | (l' , l'∈ , y'l'l) = subst (x ∈_) y'l'l (there (∈→∈-insert l' x∈ l'∈))

  insert⊆∷ :  {xs : List A} {x : A} l  l  insert x xs  l  x  xs
  insert⊆∷ {[]}    (_  _) (here refl) y∈ = y∈
  insert⊆∷ {_  _} (_  _) (here refl) y∈ = y∈
  insert⊆∷ {_  _} (_  _) (there l∈) {y} y∈ with map∷decomp l∈
  ... | (l' , l'∈ , x'l'zzs) = case (subst (y ∈ˡ_) (sym x'l'zzs) y∈) of λ where
    (here refl)  there (here refl)
    (there q)  case (insert⊆∷ l' l'∈ q) of λ where
      (here refl)  here refl
      (there x)  there (there x)

  insert-decomp : {ls : List (List A)} {x : A}   ys  ys  concatMap (insert x) ls
                   ∃[ l ] l  ls × ys  x  l
  insert-decomp _ h = case to concatMap-decomp h of λ where
    (x , y , z)  x , y , λ {_}  insert⊆∷ _ z

  insert-decomp≡ :  {ys : List A} {y : A} xs  xs  insert y ys
                    ∃[ ll ] ∃[ lr ] xs  ll ++ [ y ] ++ lr × ys  ll ++ lr
  insert-decomp≡ {[]}     _        (here refl) = [] , [] , refl , refl
  insert-decomp≡ {y  ys} _        (here refl) = [] , y  ys , refl , refl
  insert-decomp≡ {_  _}  []       (there h)   = ⊥-elim (¬[]∈map h)
  insert-decomp≡ {y'  _} (z  zs) (there h)   =
    case insert-decomp≡ zs (proj₂ (map∷decomp∈ h)) , proj₁ (map∷decomp∈ h) of λ where
      ((ll , lr , zs≡llylr , ys≡lllr) , refl) 
        y'  ll , lr , cong (y' ∷_) zs≡llylr , cong (y' ∷_) ys≡lllr

------- properties of subpermutations --------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  []∈subpermutations : (l : List A)  []  subpermutations l
  []∈subpermutations []       = here refl
  []∈subpermutations (x  xs) = xs⊆ys++xs _ (concatMap (insert x) (subpermutations xs))
                                            ([]∈subpermutations xs)

  Unique→dropSubheadUnique : {xs : List A} {x y : A}  Unique (x  y  xs)   Unique (x  xs)
  Unique→dropSubheadUnique ((_ All.∷ xxsU)  yxsU) = xxsU  (drop⁺ 1 yxsU)

  Unique→head∉tail : {xs : List A} {x : A}  Unique (x  xs)  ¬ x  xs
  Unique→head∉tail ((px All.∷ _)  _) (here refl) = px refl
  Unique→head∉tail xxsU (there p) = Unique→head∉tail (Unique→dropSubheadUnique xxsU) p

  ∈-insert-cancelˡ : (ls : List (List A)) {xs : List A} {y : A}
                      ¬ y  xs  xs  concatMap (insert y) ls ++ ls  xs  ls
  ∈-insert-cancelˡ ls {xs} y∉xs xs∈yls = case (∈-++⁻ _ xs∈yls) of λ where
    (inj₁ v)  case (to (concatMap-decomp {l = ls}) v) of λ where
      (l' , l'∈ , l∈xl')  ⊥-elim (y∉xs (∈-insert xs l∈xl'))
    (inj₂ v)  v

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  ∈insert→∷∈insert' : {ys xs : List A} {y x : A}  x  ys  ¬ x  xs
                      ∃[ sp ] sp  subpermutations ys × xs  insert y sp
                      ∃[ sp' ] sp'  subpermutations ys × x  xs  insert y sp'

  ∈insert→∷∈insert' {x  ys} {xs} {y} {x} (here refl) h₂ (sp , h₃ , h₄)
    = case ∈-++⁻ (concatMap (insert x) (subpermutations ys)) h₃ of λ where
      (inj₁ v)  case to (concatMap-decomp {l = subpermutations ys}) v of λ where
        (x , y , z)  ⊥-elim (h₂ (∈→∈-insert xs (∈-insert sp z) h₄))
      (inj₂ v)  case insert-decomp≡ _ h₄ of λ where
        (ll , lr , xs≡ , sp≡)  x  sp , ∈-++⁺ˡ (from concatMap-decomp (sp , v , ∷∈insert))
          , there (∈-map⁺ (x ∷_) h₄)

  ∈insert→∷∈insert' {y'  ys} {xs} {y} {x} (there h₁) h₂ (sp , h₃ , h₄)
    = case ∈-++⁻ (concatMap (insert y') (subpermutations ys)) h₃ of λ where
      (inj₁ v)  case to concatMap-decomp v of λ where
        (l , l∈ , xs∈)  case ∈insert→∷∈insert' h₁  p  h₂ (∈→∈-insert xs p h₄)) (l , l∈ , xs∈) of λ where
          f  let v' = x  sp  concatMap (insert y') (subpermutations ys)  from concatMap-decomp f
              in to concatMap-decomp (subst (x  xs ∈ˡ_)
                      (sym (concatMap-++ (insert y) (concatMap (insert y') (subpermutations ys)) _))
                      (∈-++⁺ˡ (from concatMap-decomp (x  sp , v' , (there $ ∈-map⁺ (x ∷_) h₄)))))
      (inj₂ v)  case ∈insert→∷∈insert' h₁ h₂ (sp , v , h₄) of λ where
        (sp' , h'₁ , h'₂)  sp' , ∈-++⁺ʳ _ h'₁ , h'₂

  ∈insert→∷∈insert : {ys xs : List A} {y x : A}  x  ys  ¬ x  xs
                      xs  concatMap (insert y) (subpermutations ys)
                      x  xs  concatMap (insert y) (subpermutations ys)

  ∈insert→∷∈insert h₁ h₂ h₃ = from concatMap-decomp $ ∈insert→∷∈insert' h₁ h₂ $ to concatMap-decomp h₃

  ∈-subperm-addhead : {ys xs : List A} {x : A}  x  ys  ¬ x  xs
                       xs  subpermutations ys  x  xs  subpermutations ys

  ∈-subperm-addhead {_  ys} (here refl) y∉xs xs∈sp =
    xs⊆xs++ys _ _ (from concatMap-decomp (_ , ∈-insert-cancelˡ (subpermutations ys) y∉xs xs∈sp , ∷∈insert))

  ∈-subperm-addhead {_  _} (there x∈ys) x∉xs xs∈sp = case ∈-++⁻ _ xs∈sp of λ where
    (inj₁ v)  xs⊆xs++ys _ _ (∈insert→∷∈insert x∈ys x∉xs v)
    (inj₂ v)  xs⊆ys++xs _ _ (∈-subperm-addhead x∈ys x∉xs v)

------------  maximal sublists satisfying a predicate ----------
module _ {a} {A : Set a}
         {p} {P : Pred (List A) p} where

  -- sublists of a given list which satisfy P
  sublists⊧P :  Decidable¹ P  List A  List (List A)
  sublists⊧P P? ys = filter P? (sublists ys)

  -- sublists of a given list which satisfy P and are of maximum length among those satisfying P
  maxsublists⊧P : Decidable¹ P  List A  List (List A)
  maxsublists⊧P P? ys = filter  l  length l  maxlen (sublists⊧P P? ys)) (sublists⊧P P? ys)

------------  l ⊆ ys  ⋀  l Unique   ⇔   l ∈ subpermutations ys  ----------
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
  -- If l ⊆ ys and l has no repeated elements, then l is a subpermutation of ys.
  uniqueSubset→subperm :  {ys : List A} l  Unique l  l  ys  l  subpermutations ys
  uniqueSubset→subperm {[]}     []       _  _  = here refl
  uniqueSubset→subperm {[]}     (_  _)  _  l⊆ = ⊥-elim (¬⊆[] l⊆)
  uniqueSubset→subperm {_  ys} []       _  _  = xs⊆ys++xs _ _ ([]∈subpermutations ys)
  uniqueSubset→subperm {_  _}  (_  xs) lU l⊆ = case l⊆ (here refl) of λ where
    (here refl)  let
      xs⊆ys = ⊆y∷∧y∉→⊆ys (l⊆  there) (Unique→head∉tail lU) in
      xs⊆xs++ys _ _ (from concatMap-decomp (xs , uniqueSubset→subperm xs (drop⁺ 1 lU) xs⊆ys , ∷∈insert))
    (there p)  case ∈-++⁻ _ (uniqueSubset→subperm xs (drop⁺ 1 lU) (l⊆  there)) of λ where
      (inj₁ v)  xs⊆xs++ys _ _ (∈insert→∷∈insert p (Unique→head∉tail lU) v)
      (inj₂ v)  xs⊆ys++xs _ _ (∈-subperm-addhead p (Unique→head∉tail lU) v)

  -- If l is a subpermutation of ys, then l ⊆ ys.
  subperm→subset :  {ys : List A} l  l  subpermutations ys  l  ys
  subperm→subset {[]} .[] (here refl) ()
  subperm→subset {y  ys} l l∈ x∈l = case ∈-++⁻ (concatMap (insert y) (subpermutations ys)) l∈ of λ where
    (inj₂ v)  there (subperm→subset l v x∈l)
    (inj₁ v)  case insert-decomp l v of λ where
      (l' , l'∈sp ,  l⊆yl')  ∈∷∧⊆→∈ (l⊆yl' x∈l) (subperm→subset l' l'∈sp)

module _ {a} {p} {A : Set a} {L : List A} {P : Pred (List A) p} where

  ∃uniqueSubset→∃subperm : ∃[ l ] l  L × Unique l × P l  ∃[ l ] l  subpermutations L × P l
  ∃uniqueSubset→∃subperm (l , l⊆L , lU , Pl) = l , uniqueSubset→subperm l lU l⊆L , Pl

  ∃subperm→∃subset : ∃[ l ] l  subpermutations L × P l  ∃[ l ] l  L × P l
  ∃subperm→∃subset (l , l∈spL , Pl) = l , subperm→subset l l∈spL , Pl

  ∃uniqueSubset→∃uniqueSubperm : ∃[ l ] l  L × Unique l × P l
                                ∃[ l ] l  subpermutations L × Unique l × P l
  ∃uniqueSubset→∃uniqueSubperm (l , l⊆L , lU , Pl) = l , uniqueSubset→subperm l lU l⊆L , lU , Pl

  ∃uniqueSubperm→∃uniqueSubset : ∃[ l ] l  subpermutations L × Unique l × P l
                                ∃[ l ] l  L × Unique l × P l
  ∃uniqueSubperm→∃uniqueSubset (l , l∈spL , lU , Pl) = l , subperm→subset l l∈spL , lU , Pl

  ∃uniqueSubset⇔∃uniqueSubperm : (∃[ l ] l  L × Unique l × P l)
                                (∃[ l ] l  subpermutations L × Unique l × P l)
  ∃uniqueSubset⇔∃uniqueSubperm = mk⇔ ∃uniqueSubset→∃uniqueSubperm ∃uniqueSubperm→∃uniqueSubset