{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
import Data.Integer as ℤ
open import Data.Rational as ℚ using (ℚ; 0ℚ; _⊔_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties hiding (_≟_; _≤?_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Ext
open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (_∧_; _⊔_) renaming (filterᵐ to filter)
open import Ledger.Transaction hiding (Vote)
module Ledger.Ratify (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs) where
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.GovernanceActions govStructure using (Vote)
infixr 2 _∧_
_∧_ = _×_
_ = +-0-commutativeMonoid
Governance actions are \defn{ratified} through on-chain votes.
Different kinds of governance actions have different ratification requirements
but always involve at least two of the three governance bodies.
A successful motion of no-confidence, election of a new constitutional
committee, a constitutional change, or a hard-fork delays ratification of
all other governance actions until the first epoch after their
enactment. This gives a new constitutional committee enough time to vote
on current proposals, re-evaluate existing proposals with respect to a
new constitution, and ensures that the (in principle arbitrary) semantic
changes caused by enacting a hard-fork do not have unintended
consequences in combination with other actions.
\subsection{Ratification Requirements}
Figure~\ref{fig:ratification-requirements} details the ratification
requirements for each governance action scenario. For a governance
action to be ratified, all of these requirements must be satisfied, on
top of other conditions that are explained further down. The
\threshold function is defined as a table, with a row for each type of
\GovAction and the colums representing the \CC, \DRep and \SPO roles
in that order.
The symbols mean the following:
\AgdaFunction{vote} x: For an action to pass, the stake associated with the yes votes must exceed the threshold x.
\AgdaFunction{─}: The body of governance does not participate in voting.
\AgdaFunction{✓}: The constitutional committee needs to approve an action,
with the threshold assigned to it.
\AgdaFunction{✓†}: Voting is possible, but the action will never be enacted.
This is equivalent to \AgdaFunction{vote} 2 (or any other number above 1).
Two rows in this table contain functions that compute the
\DRep and \SPO thresholds simultaneously: the rows for \UpdateCommittee
and \ChangePParams.
For \UpdateCommittee, there can be different thresholds depending on whether the
system is in a state of no-confidence or not. This information is
provided via the \AgdaArgument{ccThreshold} argument: if the system is in a state of no-confidence, then \AgdaArgument{ccThreshold} is set to \nothing.
In case of the \ChangePParams action, the thresholds further depend on
what groups that action is associated with. \pparamThreshold
associates a pair of thresholds to each individual group. Since an
individual update can contain multiple groups, the actual thresholds
are then given by taking the maximum of all those thresholds.
Note that each protocol parameter belongs to exactly one of the four
groups that have a \DRep threshold, so a \DRep vote will always be
required. A protocol parameter may or may not be in the
\SecurityGroup, so an \SPO vote may not be required.
Finally, each of the \AgdaFunction{P}$_x$ and \AgdaFunction{Q}$_x$ in
Figure~\ref{fig:ratification-requirements} are protocol parameters.
∣_∣_∣_∣ : {A : Type} → A → A → A → GovRole → A
∣ q₁ ∣ q₂ ∣ q₃ ∣ = λ { CC → q₁ ; DRep → q₂ ; SPO → q₃ }
∣_∥_∣ : {A : Type} → A → A × A → GovRole → A
∣ q₁ ∥ (q₂ , q₃) ∣ = λ { CC → q₁ ; DRep → q₂ ; SPO → q₃ }
vote : ℚ → Maybe ℚ
vote = just
defer : ℚ
defer = ℚ.1ℚ ℚ.+ ℚ.1ℚ
maxThreshold : ℙ (Maybe ℚ) → Maybe ℚ
maxThreshold x = foldl comb nothing (proj₁ $ finiteness x)
comb : Maybe ℚ → Maybe ℚ → Maybe ℚ
comb (just x) (just y) = just (x ⊔ y)
comb (just x) nothing = just x
comb nothing (just y) = just y
comb nothing nothing = nothing
─ : Maybe ℚ
─ = nothing
✓† = vote defer
threshold : PParams → Maybe ℚ → GovAction → GovRole → Maybe ℚ
threshold pp ccThreshold =
λ where
NoConfidence → ∣ ─ ∣ vote P1 ∣ vote Q1 ∣
(UpdateCommittee _ _ _) → ∣ ─ ∥ P/Q2a/b ∣
(NewConstitution _ _) → ∣ ✓ ∣ vote P3 ∣ ─ ∣
(TriggerHF _) → ∣ ✓ ∣ vote P4 ∣ vote Q4 ∣
(ChangePParams x) → ∣ ✓ ∥ P/Q5 x ∣
(TreasuryWdrl _) → ∣ ✓ ∣ vote P6 ∣ ─ ∣
Info → ∣ ✓† ∣ ✓† ∣ ✓† ∣
open PParams pp
open DrepThresholds drepThresholds
open PoolThresholds poolThresholds
✓ = maybe just ✓† ccThreshold
P/Q2a/b : Maybe ℚ × Maybe ℚ
P/Q2a/b = case ccThreshold of
λ where
(just _) → (vote P2a , vote Q2a)
nothing → (vote P2b , vote Q2b)
pparamThreshold : PParamGroup → Maybe ℚ × Maybe ℚ
pparamThreshold NetworkGroup = (vote P5a , ─ )
pparamThreshold EconomicGroup = (vote P5b , ─ )
pparamThreshold TechnicalGroup = (vote P5c , ─ )
pparamThreshold GovernanceGroup = (vote P5d , ─ )
pparamThreshold SecurityGroup = (─ , vote Q5e )
P/Q5 : PParamsUpdate → Maybe ℚ × Maybe ℚ
P/Q5 ppu = maxThreshold (mapˢ (proj₁ ∘ pparamThreshold) (updateGroups ppu))
, maxThreshold (mapˢ (proj₂ ∘ pparamThreshold) (updateGroups ppu))
canVote : PParams → GovAction → GovRole → Type
canVote pp a r = Is-just (threshold pp nothing a r)
% TODO: this doesn't actually depend on PParams so we could remove that
% argument, but we don't have a default ATM
\caption{Functions related to voting}
\subsection{Protocol Parameters and Governance Actions}
Voting thresholds for protocol parameters can be set by group, and we do not require that each protocol
parameter governance action be confined to a single group. In case a governance action carries updates
for multiple parameters from different groups, the maximum threshold of all the groups involved will
apply to any given such governance action.
The purpose of the \SecurityGroup is to add an additional check to
security-relevant protocol parameters. Any proposal that includes a
change to a security-relevant protocol parameter must also be accepted
by at least half of the SPO stake.
\subsection{Ratification Restrictions}
record StakeDistrs : Type where
stakeDistr : VDeleg ⇀ Coin
record RatifyEnv : Type where
stakeDistrs : StakeDistrs
currentEpoch : Epoch
dreps : Credential ⇀ Epoch
ccHotKeys : Credential ⇀ Maybe Credential
treasury : Coin
pools : KeyHash ⇀ PoolParams
delegatees : Credential ⇀ VDeleg
record RatifyState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ʳ
es : EnactState
removed : ℙ (GovActionID × GovActionState)
delay : Bool
CCData : Type
CCData = Maybe ((Credential ⇀ Epoch) × ℚ)
govRole : VDeleg → GovRole
govRole (credVoter gv _) = gv
govRole abstainRep = DRep
govRole noConfidenceRep = DRep
IsCC IsDRep IsSPO : VDeleg → Type
IsCC v = govRole v ≡ CC
IsDRep v = govRole v ≡ DRep
IsSPO v = govRole v ≡ SPO
\caption{Types and functions for the RATIFY transition system}
As mentioned earlier, most governance actions must include a \GovActionID
for the most recently enacted action of its given type. Consequently, two actions of the
same type can be enacted at the same time, but they must be \emph{deliberately}
designed to do so.
defines some types and functions used in the RATIFY transition
system. \CCData is simply an alias to define some functions more
open StakeDistrs
actualVotes : RatifyEnv → PParams → CCData → GovAction
→ (GovRole × Credential ⇀ Vote) → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote)
actualVotes Γ pparams cc ga votes
= mapKeys (credVoter CC) actualCCVotes ∪ˡ actualPDRepVotes ga
∪ˡ actualDRepVotes ∪ˡ actualSPOVotes ga
open RatifyEnv Γ
open PParams pparams
roleVotes : GovRole → VDeleg ⇀ Vote
roleVotes r = mapKeys (uncurry credVoter) (filter (λ (x , _) → r ≡ proj₁ x) votes)
activeDReps = dom (filter (λ (_ , e) → currentEpoch ≤ e) dreps)
spos = filterˢ IsSPO (dom (stakeDistr stakeDistrs))
getCCHotCred : Credential × Epoch → Maybe Credential
getCCHotCred (c , e) = case ¿ currentEpoch ≤ e ¿ᵇ , lookupᵐ? ccHotKeys c of
λ where
(true , just (just c')) → just c'
_ → nothing
SPODefaultVote : GovAction → VDeleg → Vote
SPODefaultVote ga (credVoter SPO (KeyHashObj kh)) = case lookupᵐ? pools kh of
λ where
nothing → Vote.no
(just p) → case lookupᵐ? delegatees (PoolParams.rewardAddr p) , ga of
λ where
(_ , TriggerHF _ ) → Vote.no
(just noConfidenceRep , NoConfidence ) → Vote.yes
(just abstainRep , _ ) → Vote.abstain
_ → Vote.no
SPODefaultVote _ _ = Vote.no
actualCCVote : Credential → Epoch → Vote
actualCCVote c e = case getCCHotCred (c , e) of
λ where
(just c') → maybe id Vote.no (lookupᵐ? votes (CC , c'))
_ → Vote.abstain
actualCCVotes : Credential ⇀ Vote
actualCCVotes = case cc of
λ where
nothing → ∅
(just (m , q)) → if ccMinSize ≤ lengthˢ (mapFromPartialFun getCCHotCred (m ˢ))
then mapWithKey actualCCVote m
else constMap (dom m) Vote.no
actualPDRepVotes : GovAction → VDeleg ⇀ Vote
actualPDRepVotes NoConfidence
= ❴ abstainRep , Vote.abstain ❵ ∪ˡ ❴ noConfidenceRep , Vote.yes ❵
actualPDRepVotes _ = ❴ abstainRep , Vote.abstain ❵ ∪ˡ ❴ noConfidenceRep , Vote.no ❵
actualDRepVotes : VDeleg ⇀ Vote
actualDRepVotes = roleVotes DRep
∪ˡ constMap (mapˢ (credVoter DRep) activeDReps) Vote.no
actualSPOVotes : GovAction → VDeleg ⇀ Vote
actualSPOVotes a = roleVotes SPO ∪ˡ mapFromFun (SPODefaultVote a) spos
\caption{Vote counting}
Figure~\ref{fig:defs:ratify-actualvotes} defines the \actualVotes
function. Given the current state about votes and other parts of the
system it calculates a new mapping of votes, which is the mapping that
will actually be used during ratification. Things such as default
votes or resignation/expiry are implemented in this way.
\actualVotes is defined as the union of four voting maps,
corresponding to the constitutional committee, predefined (or auto)
DReps, regular DReps and SPOs.
\item \roleVotes filters the votes based on the given governance role
and is a helper for definitions further down.
\item if a \CC member has not yet registered a hot key, has \expired,
or has resigned, then \actualCCVote returns \abstain; if none
of these conditions is met, then
\item if the \CC member has voted, then that vote is returned;
\item if the \CC member has not voted, then the default value of \no is returned.
\item \actualDRepVotes adds a default vote of \no to all active DReps
that didn't vote.
\item \actualSPOVotes adds a default vote to all SPOs who didn't vote,
with the default depending on the action.
Let us discuss the last item above---the way SPO votes are counted---as the ledger
specification's handling of this has evolved in response to community feedback.
Previously, if an SPO did not vote, then it would be counted as having voted
\abstain by default. Members of the SPO community found this behavior counterintuitive
and requested that non-voters be assigned a \no vote by default, with the caveat that
an SPO could change its default setting by delegating its reward account credential
to an \texttt{AlwaysNoConfidence} DRep or an \texttt{AlwaysAbstain} DRep.
(This change applies only after the bootstrap period; during the bootstrap period
the logic is unchanged; see Appendix Section~\ref{sec:conway-bootstrap}.)
To be precise, the agreed upon specification is the following: an SPO that did
not vote is assumed to have vote \no, except under the following circumstances:
\item if the SPO has delegated its reward credential to an \texttt{AlwaysNoConfidence}
DRep, then their default vote is \yes for \NoConfidence proposals and \no for other proposals;
\item if the SPO has delegated its reward credential to an \texttt{AlwaysAbstain} DRep,
then its default vote is \abstain for all proposals.
It is important to note that the credential that can now be used to set a default
voting behavior is the credential used to withdraw staking rewards, which is not
(in general) the same as the credential used for voting.
%% And as a second layer, this means that if that credential is a script, it may need
%% to have explicit logic written to be able to set a default at all.
open RatifyEnv using (stakeDistrs)
_/₀_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℚ
x /₀ 0 = 0ℚ
x /₀ y@(suc _) = ℤ.+ x ℚ./ y
getStakeDist : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → VDeleg ⇀ Coin
getStakeDist CC cc sd = constMap (filterˢ IsCC cc) 1
getStakeDist DRep _ sd = filterKeys IsDRep (sd .stakeDistr)
getStakeDist SPO _ sd = filterKeys IsSPO (sd .stakeDistr)
acceptedStakeRatio : GovRole → ℙ VDeleg → StakeDistrs → (VDeleg ⇀ Vote) → ℚ
acceptedStakeRatio r cc dists votes = acceptedStake /₀ totalStake
dist : VDeleg ⇀ Coin
dist = getStakeDist r cc dists
acceptedStake totalStake : Coin
acceptedStake = ∑[ x ← dist ∣ votes ⁻¹ Vote.yes ] x
totalStake = ∑[ x ← dist ∣ dom (votes ∣^ (❴ Vote.yes ❵ ∪ ❴ Vote.no ❵)) ] x
acceptedBy : RatifyEnv → EnactState → GovActionState → GovRole → Type
acceptedBy Γ (record { cc = cc , _; pparams = pparams , _ }) gs role =
let open GovActionState gs; open PParams pparams
votes' = actualVotes Γ pparams cc action votes
mbyT = threshold pparams (proj₂ <$> cc) action role
t = maybe id 0ℚ mbyT
in acceptedStakeRatio role (dom votes') (stakeDistrs Γ) votes' ≥ t
∧ (role ≡ CC → maybe (λ (m , _) → lengthˢ m) 0 cc ≥ ccMinSize ⊎ Is-nothing mbyT)
accepted : RatifyEnv → EnactState → GovActionState → Type
accepted Γ es gs = acceptedBy Γ es gs CC ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs DRep ∧ acceptedBy Γ es gs SPO
expired : Epoch → GovActionState → Type
expired current record { expiresIn = expiresIn } = expiresIn < current
\caption{Functions used in RATIFY rules, without delay}
Figure~\ref{fig:defs:ratify-defs-i} defines the \accepted and \expired
functions (together with some helpers) that are used in the rules of
\item \getStakeDist computes the stake distribution based on the
given governance role and the corresponding delegations. Note that
every constitutional committe member has a stake of 1, giving them
equal voting power. However, just as with other delegation, multiple
CC members can delegate to the same hot key, giving that hot key
the power of those multiple votes with a single actual vote.
\item \acceptedStakeRatio is the ratio of accepted stake. It is
computed as the ratio of \yes votes over the votes that didn't
\abstain. The latter is equivalent to the sum of \yes and \no votes. The
special division symbol \AgdaFunction{/₀} indicates that in case
of a division by 0, the numbers 0 should be returned. This implies
that in the absence of stake, an action can only pass if the
threshold is also set to 0.
\item \acceptedBy looks up the threshold in the \threshold table and
compares it to the result of \acceptedStakeRatio.
\item \accepted then checks if an action is accepted by all roles; and
\item \expired checks whether a governance action is expired in a given epoch.
open EnactState
verifyPrev : (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a → EnactState → Type
verifyPrev NoConfidence h es = h ≡ es .cc .proj₂
verifyPrev (UpdateCommittee _ _ _) h es = h ≡ es .cc .proj₂
verifyPrev (NewConstitution _ _) h es = h ≡ es .constitution .proj₂
verifyPrev (TriggerHF _) h es = h ≡ es .pv .proj₂
verifyPrev (ChangePParams _) h es = h ≡ es .pparams .proj₂
verifyPrev (TreasuryWdrl _) _ _ = ⊤
verifyPrev Info _ _ = ⊤
delayingAction : GovAction → Bool
delayingAction NoConfidence = true
delayingAction (UpdateCommittee _ _ _) = true
delayingAction (NewConstitution _ _) = true
delayingAction (TriggerHF _) = true
delayingAction (ChangePParams _) = false
delayingAction (TreasuryWdrl _) = false
delayingAction Info = false
delayed : (a : GovAction) → NeedsHash a → EnactState → Bool → Type
delayed a h es d = ¬ verifyPrev a h es ⊎ d ≡ true
acceptConds : RatifyEnv → RatifyState → GovActionID × GovActionState → Type
acceptConds Γ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ (id , st) = let open RatifyEnv Γ; open GovActionState st in
accepted Γ es st
× ¬ delayed action prevAction es d
× ∃[ es' ] ⟦ id , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ ⊢ es ⇀⦇ action ,ENACT⦈ es'
verifyPrev? : ∀ a h es → Dec (verifyPrev a h es)
verifyPrev? NoConfidence h es = dec
verifyPrev? (UpdateCommittee x x₁ x₂) h es = dec
verifyPrev? (NewConstitution x x₁) h es = dec
verifyPrev? (TriggerHF x) h es = dec
verifyPrev? (ChangePParams x) h es = dec
verifyPrev? (TreasuryWdrl x) h es = dec
verifyPrev? Info h es = dec
delayed? : ∀ a h es d → Dec (delayed a h es d)
delayed? a h es d = let instance _ = ⁇ verifyPrev? a h es in dec
Is-nothing? : ∀ {A : Set} {x : Maybe A} → Dec (Is-nothing x)
Is-nothing? {x = x} = All.dec (const $ no id) x
import Data.Maybe.Relation.Unary.All as All
acceptedBy? : ∀ Γ es st role → Dec (acceptedBy Γ es st role)
acceptedBy? _ _ _ _ = _ ℚ.≤? _ ×-dec _ ≟ _ →-dec (_ ≥? _ ⊎-dec Is-nothing?)
import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Dec
accepted? : ∀ Γ es st → Dec (accepted Γ es st)
accepted? Γ es st = let a = λ {x} → acceptedBy? Γ es st x in a ×-dec a ×-dec a
expired? : ∀ e st → Dec (expired e st)
expired? e st = ¿ expired e st ¿
\caption{Functions related to ratification}
Figure~\ref{fig:defs:ratify-defs-ii} defines functions that deal with
delays and the acceptance criterion for ratification. A given action
can either be delayed if the action contained in \EnactState isn't the
one the given action is building on top of, which is checked by
\verifyPrev, or if a previous action was a \delayingAction. Note that
\delayingAction affects the future: whenever a \delayingAction is
accepted all future actions are delayed. \delayed then expresses the
condition whether an action is delayed. This happens either because
the previous action doesn't match the current one, or because the
previous action was a delaying one. This information is passed in as
an argument.
private variable
es es' : EnactState
a : GovActionID × GovActionState
removed : ℙ (GovActionID × GovActionState)
d : Bool
data _⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY'⦈_ : RatifyEnv → RatifyState → GovActionID × GovActionState → RatifyState → Type where
RATIFY-Accept : ∀ {Γ} {es} {removed} {d} {a} {es'} → let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = a .proj₂; open GovActionState st in
∙ acceptConds Γ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ a
∙ ⟦ a .proj₁ , treasury , currentEpoch ⟧ᵉ ⊢ es ⇀⦇ action ,ENACT⦈ es'
Γ ⊢ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ ⇀⦇ a ,RATIFY'⦈
⟦ es' , ❴ a ❵ ∪ removed , delayingAction action ⟧ʳ
RATIFY-Reject : ∀ {Γ} {es} {removed} {d} {a} → let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = a .proj₂ in
∙ ¬ acceptConds Γ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ a
∙ expired currentEpoch st
Γ ⊢ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ ⇀⦇ a ,RATIFY'⦈ ⟦ es , ❴ a ❵ ∪ removed , d ⟧ʳ
RATIFY-Continue : ∀ {Γ} {es} {removed} {d} {a} → let open RatifyEnv Γ; st = a .proj₂ in
∙ ¬ acceptConds Γ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ a
∙ ¬ expired currentEpoch st
Γ ⊢ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ ⇀⦇ a ,RATIFY'⦈ ⟦ es , removed , d ⟧ʳ
_⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY⦈_ : RatifyEnv → RatifyState → List (GovActionID × GovActionState)
→ RatifyState → Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY⦈_ = ReflexiveTransitiveClosure {sts = _⊢_⇀⦇_,RATIFY'⦈_}
\caption{The RATIFY transition system}
The RATIFY transition system is defined as the reflexive-transitive
closure of RATIFY', which is defined via three rules, defined in
\item \RATIFYAccept checks if the votes for a given \GovAction meet the threshold required for
acceptance, that the action is accepted and not delayed,
and \RATIFYAccept ratifies the action.
\item \RATIFYReject asserts that the given \GovAction is not \accepted and \expired;
it removes the governance action.
\item \RATIFYContinue covers the remaining cases and keeps the \GovAction around for further voting.
Note that all governance actions eventually either get accepted and enacted via \RATIFYAccept or
rejected via \RATIFYReject. If an action satisfies all criteria to be accepted but cannot be
enacted anyway, it is kept around and tried again at the next epoch boundary.
We never remove actions that do not attract sufficient \yes votes before they expire, even if it
is clear to an outside observer that this action will never be enacted. Such an action will simply
keep getting checked every epoch until it expires.