{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Data.Nat.Properties.Ext where

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Prelude
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

-- if P holds for 0 but not for some N, then there exists a k where the induction step fails
negInduction : {P :   Set}  Decidable¹ P
   P 0
   ∃[ N ] ¬ P N
   ∃[ k ] P k × ¬ P (suc k)
negInduction {P = P} P? P0 (N , ¬PN)
  with anyUpTo?  x  P? x ×-dec ¬? (P? $ suc x)) N
... | yes (k , _ , h) = k , h
... | no ¬p           = contradiction (k≤N⇒Pk ≤-refl) ¬PN
    helper :  {k}  k < N  P k  P k × P (suc k)
    helper {k} k<N Pk =
      Pk , decidable-stable (P? _) (curry (curry (¬∃⟶∀¬ ¬p k) k<N) Pk)

    k<N⇒P'k :  {k}  k < N  P k × P (suc k)
    k<N⇒P'k {zero}  k<N = helper k<N P0
    k<N⇒P'k {suc k} k<N = helper k<N (proj₂ $ k<N⇒P'k {k} (<⇒≤ k<N))

    k≤N⇒Pk :  {k}  k  N  P k
    k≤N⇒Pk {zero}  k≤N = P0
    k≤N⇒Pk {suc k} k≤N = proj₂ $ k<N⇒P'k k≤N