\section{Blockchain Layer}

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Algebra
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid)

open import Ledger.Prelude; open Equivalence
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract

module Ledger.Chain
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
open import Ledger.Ratify txs
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Epoch txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
record ChainState : Type where
    newEpochState  : NewEpochState

record Block : Type where
    ts    : List Tx
    slot  : Slot
\caption{Definitions CHAIN transition system}
private variable
  s : ChainState
  b : Block
  ls' : LState
  nes : NewEpochState

instance _ = +-0-monoid

-- TODO: do we still need this for anything?
maybePurpose : DepositPurpose  (DepositPurpose × Credential)  Coin  Maybe Coin
maybePurpose prps (prps' , _) c with prps  prps'
... | yes _ = just c
... | no _ = nothing

maybePurpose-prop :  {prps} {x} {y}
   (m : (DepositPurpose × Credential)  Coin)
   (x , y)  dom ((mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ (maybePurpose prps) m) ˢ)
   x  prps
maybePurpose-prop {prps = prps} {x} {y} _ xy∈dom with from dom∈ xy∈dom
... | z , ∈mmwk with prps  x | ∈-mapMaybeWithKey {f = maybePurpose prps} ∈mmwk
... | yes refl | _ = refl

filterPurpose : DepositPurpose  (DepositPurpose × Credential)  Coin  Credential  Coin
filterPurpose prps m = mapKeys proj₂ (mapMaybeWithKeyᵐ (maybePurpose prps) m)
   where x∈dom y∈dom refl  cong (_, _)
                            $ trans (maybePurpose-prop {prps = prps} m x∈dom)
                            $ sym   (maybePurpose-prop {prps = prps} m y∈dom)}

govActionDeposits : LState  VDeleg  Coin
govActionDeposits ls =
  let open LState ls; open CertState certState; open PState pState
      open UTxOState utxoSt; open DState dState
   in foldl _∪⁺_  $ setToList $
       where (gaid , record { returnAddr = record {stake = c} })  do
        vd  lookupᵐ? voteDelegs c
        dep  lookupᵐ? deposits (GovActionDeposit gaid)
        just  vd , dep  )
      (fromList govSt)

calculateStakeDistrs : LState  StakeDistrs
calculateStakeDistrs ls =
  let open LState ls; open CertState certState; open PState pState
      open UTxOState utxoSt; open DState dState
      spoDelegs =  -- TODO
      drepDelegs =  -- TODO
    { stakeDistr = govActionDeposits ls

totalRefScriptsSize : LState  List Tx  
totalRefScriptsSize lst txs = sum $ map (refScriptsSize utxo) txs
  where open UTxOState (LState.utxoSt lst)

  _⊢_⇀⦇_,CHAIN⦈_ :   ChainState  Block  ChainState  Type
\caption{Type of the CHAIN transition system}
    let open ChainState s; open Block b; open NewEpochState nes
        open EpochState epochState; open EnactState es
        pp = pparams .proj₁; open PParams pp using (maxRefScriptSizePerBlock)
    totalRefScriptsSize ls ts  maxRefScriptSizePerBlock
      _    newEpochState ⇀⦇ epoch slot ,NEWEPOCH⦈ nes
       slot , constitution .proj₁ .proj₂ , pp , es , Acnt.treasury acnt ⟧ˡᵉ  ls ⇀⦇ ts ,LEDGERS⦈ ls'
    _  s ⇀⦇ b ,CHAIN⦈ record s {  newEpochState =
                                   record nes {  epochState =
                                                 record epochState { ls = ls'} } }
\caption{CHAIN transition system}