{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (_∘_) renaming (_∘₂_ to _∘_)
open import Ledger.Crypto
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction

module Ledger.Utxow
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.ScriptValidation txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure

module _ (o : TxOut) where
  d = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ o))
  data HasInlineDatum : Set where
    InlineDatum  :  {d'}  d  just (inj₁ d')  HasInlineDatum

  Dec-HasInlineDatum :  {o}  HasInlineDatum o 
  Dec-HasInlineDatum {_ , _ , just (inj₁ x) , _} =  yes (InlineDatum refl)
  Dec-HasInlineDatum {_ , _ , just (inj₂ x) , _} =  no λ where
    (InlineDatum x)  case x of λ ()
  Dec-HasInlineDatum {_ , _ , nothing , _} =  no λ where
    (InlineDatum x)  case x of λ ()

module _ (txb : TxBody) (let open TxBody txb) where
  data UsesV3Features : Set where
    HasVotes : txvote  []  UsesV3Features
    HasProps : txprop  []  UsesV3Features
    HasDonation : txdonation  0  UsesV3Features
    HasTreasury : curTreasury  nothing  UsesV3Features

  Dec-UsesV3Features :  {txb}  UsesV3Features txb 
  Dec-UsesV3Features {record { txvote = [] ; txprop = [] ; txdonation = zero ; curTreasury = nothing }}
    =  no λ where (HasVotes x)     x refl
                   (HasProps x)     x refl
                   (HasDonation x)  x refl
                   (HasTreasury x)  x refl
  Dec-UsesV3Features {record { txvote = [] ; txprop = [] ; txdonation = zero ; curTreasury = just x }}
    =  yes (HasTreasury  ()))
  Dec-UsesV3Features {record { txvote = [] ; txprop = [] ; txdonation = suc txdonation }}
    =  yes (HasDonation  ()))
  Dec-UsesV3Features {record { txvote = [] ; txprop = x  txprop }} =  yes (HasProps  ()))
  Dec-UsesV3Features {record { txvote = x  txvote }} =  yes (HasVotes  ()))

languages : Tx  UTxO   Language
languages tx utxo = mapPartial getLanguage (txscripts tx utxo)
    getLanguage : Script  Maybe Language
    getLanguage (inj₁ _) = nothing
    getLanguage (inj₂ s) = just (language s)

getVKeys :  Credential   KeyHash
getVKeys = mapPartial isKeyHashObj

allowedLanguages : Tx  UTxO   Language
allowedLanguages tx utxo =
  if (∃[ o  os ] isBootstrapAddr (proj₁ o))
  else if UsesV3Features txb
    then fromList (PlutusV3  [])
  else if ∃[ o  os ] HasInlineDatum o
    then fromList (PlutusV2  PlutusV3  [])
    fromList (PlutusV1  PlutusV2  PlutusV3  [])
    txb = tx .Tx.body; open TxBody txb
    os = range (outs txb)  range (utxo  (txins  refInputs))

getScripts :  Credential   ScriptHash
getScripts = mapPartial isScriptObj

credsNeeded : UTxO  TxBody   (ScriptPurpose × Credential)
credsNeeded utxo txb
  =  mapˢ  (i , o)   (Spend  i , payCred (proj₁ o))) ((utxo  (txins  collateral)) ˢ)
    mapˢ  a         (Rwrd   a , stake a)) (dom (txwdrls .proj₁))
    mapPartial  c   (Cert   c ,_) <$> cwitness c) (fromList txcerts)
    mapˢ  x         (Mint   x , ScriptObj x)) (policies mint)
    mapˢ  v         (Vote   v , proj₂ v)) (fromList (map voter txvote))
    mapPartial  p   case  p .policy of

    λ where

                              (just sh)   just (Propose  p , ScriptObj sh)
                              nothing     nothing) (fromList txprop)

  where open TxBody txb; open GovVote; open RwdAddr; open GovProposal

witsVKeyNeeded : UTxO  TxBody   KeyHash
witsVKeyNeeded = getVKeys  mapˢ proj₂  credsNeeded

scriptsNeeded  : UTxO  TxBody   ScriptHash
scriptsNeeded = getScripts  mapˢ proj₂  credsNeeded


  _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOW⦈_ : UTxOEnv  UTxOState  Tx  UTxOState  Type

private variable
  Γ           : UTxOEnv
  s s'        : UTxOState
  tx          : Tx

open UTxOState

data _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOW⦈_ where

  UTXOW-inductive :
    let  utxo                                = s .utxo

         open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb; open TxWitnesses wits

         witsKeyHashes                       = mapˢ hash (dom vkSigs)
         witsScriptHashes                    = mapˢ hash scripts
         inputHashes                         = getInputHashes tx utxo
         refScriptHashes                     = fromList $ map hash (refScripts tx utxo)
         neededHashes                        = scriptsNeeded utxo txb
         txdatsHashes                        = dom txdats
         allOutHashes                        = getDataHashes (range txouts)
         nativeScripts                       = mapPartial isInj₁ (txscripts tx utxo)

      ∀[ (vk , σ)  vkSigs ] isSigned vk (txidBytes txid) σ
      ∀[ s  nativeScripts ] (hash s  neededHashes  validP1Script witsKeyHashes txvldt s)
      witsVKeyNeeded utxo txb  witsKeyHashes
      neededHashes  refScriptHashes ≡ᵉ witsScriptHashes
      inputHashes  txdatsHashes
      txdatsHashes  inputHashes  allOutHashes  getDataHashes (range (utxo  refInputs))
      languages tx utxo  allowedLanguages tx utxo
      txADhash  map hash txAD
      Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ s'
       Γ  s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOW⦈ s'

pattern UTXOW-inductive⋯ p₁ p₂ p₃ p₄ p₅ p₆ p₇ p₈ h
      = UTXOW-inductive (p₁ , p₂ , p₃ , p₄ , p₅ , p₆ , p₇ , p₈ , h)
pattern UTXOW⇒UTXO x = UTXOW-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x

unquoteDecl UTXOW-inductive-premises =
  genPremises UTXOW-inductive-premises (quote UTXOW-inductive)