{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure
open import Ledger.Transaction using (TransactionStructure)

module Ledger.Gov.Properties
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs using (govStructure))
  (open GovStructure govStructure hiding (epoch)) where

open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (Any; any?)

open import Axiom.Set.Properties

open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Gov txs
open import Ledger.GovernanceActions govStructure hiding (yes; no)
open import Ledger.Ratify txs

import Data.List.Membership.Propositional as P
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (all?; All)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any hiding (map)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional
open import Data.Maybe.Properties
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)

open import Tactic.Defaults
open import Tactic.GenError

open Equivalence
open GovActionState
open Inverse

  lookupActionId : (pparams : PParams) (role : GovRole) (aid : GovActionID) (s : GovState) 
                   Dec (Any  (aid' , ast)  aid  aid' × canVote pparams (action ast) role) s)
  lookupActionId pparams role aid = any? λ _  ¿ _ ¿

  isUpdateCommittee : (a : GovAction)  Dec (∃[ new ] ∃[ rem ] ∃[ q ] a  UpdateCommittee new rem q)
  isUpdateCommittee NoConfidence                = no λ()
  isUpdateCommittee (UpdateCommittee new rem q) = yes (new , rem , q , refl)
  isUpdateCommittee (NewConstitution x x₁)      = no λ()
  isUpdateCommittee (TriggerHF x)               = no λ()
  isUpdateCommittee (ChangePParams x)           = no λ()
  isUpdateCommittee (TreasuryWdrl x)            = no λ()
  isUpdateCommittee Info                        = no λ()

    needsPolicy₁ : {a : GovAction}  (∃[ u ] a  ChangePParams u) 
    needsPolicy₁ {NoConfidence}              =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₁ {UpdateCommittee new rem q} =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₁ {NewConstitution x x₁}      =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₁ {TriggerHF x}               =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₁ {ChangePParams x}           =  yes (-, refl)
    needsPolicy₁ {TreasuryWdrl x}            =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₁ {Info}                      =  no λ()

    needsPolicy₂ : {a : GovAction}  (∃[ w ] a  TreasuryWdrl w) 
    needsPolicy₂ {NoConfidence}              =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₂ {UpdateCommittee new rem q} =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₂ {NewConstitution x x₁}      =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₂ {TriggerHF x}               =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₂ {ChangePParams x}           =  no λ()
    needsPolicy₂ {TreasuryWdrl x}            =  yes (-, refl)
    needsPolicy₂ {Info}                      =  no λ()

  hasPrev :  x v  Dec (∃[ v' ] x .action  TriggerHF v' × pvCanFollow v' v)
  hasPrev record { action = NoConfidence }            v = no λ ()
  hasPrev record { action = (UpdateCommittee _ _ _) } v = no λ ()
  hasPrev record { action = (NewConstitution _ _) }   v = no λ ()
  hasPrev record { action = (TriggerHF v') }          v = case pvCanFollow? {v'} {v} of λ where
    (yes p)  yes (-, refl , p)
    (no ¬p)  no   where (_ , refl , h)  ¬p h)
  hasPrev record { action = (ChangePParams _) }       v = no λ ()
  hasPrev record { action = (TreasuryWdrl _) }        v = no λ ()
  hasPrev record { action = Info }                    v = no λ ()

  unfolding validHFAction isRegistered

    validHFAction? :  {p s e}  validHFAction p s e 
    validHFAction? {record { action = NoConfidence }} = Dec-⊤
    validHFAction? {record { action = UpdateCommittee _ _ _ }} = Dec-⊤
    validHFAction? {record { action = NewConstitution _ _ }} = Dec-⊤
    validHFAction? {record { action = TriggerHF v ; prevAction = prev }} {s} {record { pv = (v' , aid') }}
      with aid'  prev ×-dec pvCanFollow? {v'} {v} | any?  (aid , x)  aid  prev ×-dec hasPrev x v) s
    ... | yes p | _ =  yes (inj₁ p)
    ... | no _ | yes p with ((aid , x) , x∈xs , (refl , v , h))P.find p =  yes (inj₂
      (x , v , to ∈-fromList x∈xs , h))
    ... | no ¬p₁ | no ¬p₂ =  no λ
      { (inj₁ x)  ¬p₁ x
      ; (inj₂ (s , v , (h₁ , h₂ , h₃)))  ¬p₂ $
        ∃∈-Any ((prev , s) , (from ∈-fromList h₁ , refl , (v , h₂ , h₃))) }
    validHFAction? {record { action = ChangePParams _ }} = Dec-⊤
    validHFAction? {record { action = TreasuryWdrl _ }} = Dec-⊤
    validHFAction? {record { action = Info }} = Dec-⊤

  isRegistered? :  Γ v  Dec (isRegistered Γ v)
  isRegistered? _ (CC   , _) = ¿ _  _ ¿
  isRegistered? _ (DRep , _) = ¿ _  _ ¿
  isRegistered? _ (SPO  , _) = ¿ _  _ ¿

  Computational-GOV' : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV'⦈_ String
  Computational-GOV' = record {Go} where
    module Go Γ s where
      open GovEnv (proj₁ Γ)
      k = proj₂ Γ

      module GoVote sig where
        open GovVote sig

        computeProof = case lookupActionId pparams (proj₁ voter) gid s ,′ isRegistered? (proj₁ Γ) voter of λ where
            (yes p , yes p')  case Any↔ .from p of λ where
              (_ , mem , refl , cV)  success (_ , GOV-Vote (∈-fromList .to mem , cV , p'))
            (yes _ , no ¬p)  failure (genErrors ¬p)
            (no ¬p , _)      failure (genErrors ¬p)

        completeness :  s'  Γ  s ⇀⦇ inj₁ sig ,GOV'⦈ s'  map proj₁ computeProof  success s'
        completeness s' (GOV-Vote (mem , cV , reg))
          with lookupActionId pparams (proj₁ voter) gid s | isRegistered? (proj₁ Γ) voter
        ... | no ¬p | _ = ⊥-elim (¬p (Any↔ .to (_ , ∈-fromList .from mem , refl , cV)))
        ... | yes _ | no ¬p = ⊥-elim $ ¬p reg
        ... | yes p | yes p' with Any↔ .from p
        ... | (_ , mem , refl , cV) = refl

      module GoProp prop where
        open GovProposal prop
          renaming (action to a; deposit to d; policy to p; returnAddr to addr; prevAction to prev)
        open PParams pparams hiding (a)

          Dec-actionWellFormed = actionWellFormed?
        {-# INCOHERENT Dec-actionWellFormed #-}

        H = ¿ actionWellFormed a
            × d  govActionDeposit
            × validHFAction prop s enactState
            × (∃[ u ] a  ChangePParams u  ∃[ w ] a  TreasuryWdrl w  p  ppolicy)
            × (¬ (∃[ u ] a  ChangePParams u  ∃[ w ] a  TreasuryWdrl w)  p  nothing)
            × hasParent' enactState s a prev
            × addr .RwdAddr.net  NetworkId ¿
            ,′ isUpdateCommittee a

        computeProof = case H of λ where
          (yes (wf , dep , vHFA , pol , ¬pol , HasParent' en , goodAddr) , yes (new , rem , q , refl)) 
            case ¿ ∀[ e  range new ] epoch < e × dom new  rem ≡ᵉ  ¿ of λ where
              (yes newOk)  success (_ , GOV-Propose (wf , dep , pol , ¬pol ,  where refl  newOk) , vHFA , en , goodAddr))
              (no ¬p)      failure (genErrors ¬p)
          (yes (wf , dep , vHFA , pol , ¬pol , HasParent' en , goodAddr) , no notNewComm)  success
            (-, GOV-Propose (wf , dep , pol , ¬pol ,  isNewComm  ⊥-elim (notNewComm (-, -, -, isNewComm))) , vHFA , en , goodAddr))
          (no ¬p , _)  failure (genErrors ¬p)

        completeness :  s'  Γ  s ⇀⦇ inj₂ prop ,GOV'⦈ s'  map proj₁ computeProof  success s'
        completeness s' (GOV-Propose (wf , dep , pol , ¬pol , newOk , vHFA , en , goodAddr)) with H
        ... | (no ¬p , _) = ⊥-elim (¬p (wf , dep , vHFA , pol , ¬pol , HasParent' en , goodAddr))
        ... | (yes (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , HasParent' _ , _) , no notNewComm) = refl
        ... | (yes (_ , _ , _ , _ , _ , HasParent' _ , _) , yes (new , rem , q , refl))
          rewrite dec-yes ¿ ∀[ e  range new ] epoch < e × dom new  rem ≡ᵉ  ¿ (newOk refl) .proj₂ = refl

      computeProof : (sig : GovVote  GovProposal)  _
      computeProof (inj₁ s) = GoVote.computeProof s
      computeProof (inj₂ s) = GoProp.computeProof s

      completeness :  sig s'  Γ  s ⇀⦇ sig ,GOV'⦈ s'  _
      completeness (inj₁ s) = GoVote.completeness s
      completeness (inj₂ s) = GoProp.completeness s

Computational-GOV : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_ String
Computational-GOV = it

allEnactable-singleton :  {aid s es}  getHash (s .prevAction)  getHashES es (s .action)
   allEnactable es [ (aid , s) ]
allEnactable-singleton {aid} {s} {es} eq = helper All.∷ All.[]
    module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence (≡ᵉ-isEquivalence th)

    helper : enactable es (getAidPairsList [ (aid , s) ]) (aid , s)
    helper with getHashES es (s .action) | getHash (s .prevAction)
    ... | just x | just x' with refl <- just-injective eq =
      [ (aid , x) ] , proj₁ ≡ᵉ.refl , All.[]  [] , inj₁ (refl , refl)
    ... | just x | nothing = case eq of λ ()
    ... | nothing | _ = _