{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
open import Algebra.Morphism using (module MonoidMorphisms; IsMagmaHomomorphism)
import Data.Nat as ℕ
open import Data.Nat.Properties hiding (_≟_)
open import Data.Product using (swap)
open import Data.Sign using (Sign)
open import Data.Integer as ℤ using (ℤ)
open import Data.Integer.Ext using (posPart; negPart; ∸≡posPart⊖)
import Data.Integer.Properties as ℤ
open import Data.String.Base renaming (_++_ to _+ˢ_) using ()
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any); open Any
open import Prelude; open Equivalence
open import Tactic.Cong using (cong!)
open import Tactic.Defaults
open import Tactic.EquationalReasoning using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Tactic.GenError
open import Tactic.MonoidSolver.NonNormalising using (solve-macro)
open import Ledger.Prelude hiding (≤-trans; ≤-antisym; All); open Properties
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Interface.ComputationalRelation
module Ledger.Utxo.Properties
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.ScriptValidation txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
open import Algebra.Definitions.RawMagma +-rawMagma using () renaming (_,_ to _,≤_)
_ = TokenAlgebra.Value-CommutativeMonoid tokenAlgebra
_ = +-0-monoid
_ = Functor-ComputationResult
Computational-UTXOS : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOS⦈_ String
Computational-UTXOS = record {go} where
module go (Γ : UTxOEnv) (s : UTxOState) (tx : Tx)
(let open UTxOState s)
(let H-Yes , ⁇ H-Yes? = Scripts-Yes-premises {Γ} {tx} {utxo} {deposits})
(let H-No , ⁇ H-No? = Scripts-No-premises {Γ} {tx} {utxo}) where
open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
open UTxOEnv Γ renaming (pparams to pp)
sLst = collectPhaseTwoScriptInputs pp tx utxo
computeProof =
case H-Yes? ,′ H-No? of λ where
(yes p , no _ ) → success (_ , (Scripts-Yes p))
(no _ , yes p) → success (_ , (Scripts-No p))
(_ , _ ) → failure "isValid check failed"
completeness : ∀ s' → Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈ s' → map proj₁ computeProof ≡ success s'
completeness _ (Scripts-Yes p) with H-No? | H-Yes?
... | yes (_ , refl) | _ = case proj₂ p of λ ()
... | no _ | yes _ = refl
... | no _ | no ¬p = case ¬p p of λ ()
completeness _ (Scripts-No p) with H-Yes? | H-No?
... | yes (_ , _ , refl) | _ = case proj₂ p of λ ()
... | no _ | yes _ = refl
... | no _ | no ¬p = case ¬p p of λ ()
Computational-UTXO' : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXO⦈_ String
Computational-UTXO' = record {Go}
module Go Γ s tx (let H , ⁇ H? = UTXO-premises {Γ = Γ} {s = s} {tx = tx}) where
open Computational Computational-UTXOS
renaming (computeProof to computeProof'; completeness to completeness')
genErr : ¬ H → String
genErr ¬p = case dec-de-morgan ¬p of λ where
(inj₁ a) → "¬ TxBody.txins (Tx.body tx) ≢ ∅"
(inj₂ b) → case dec-de-morgan b of λ where
(inj₁ a₁) → "¬ TxBody.txins (Tx.body tx) ⊆ dom (UTxOState.utxo s)"
(inj₂ b₁) → case dec-de-morgan b₁ of λ where
(inj₁ a₁') → "¬ refInputs ⊆ dom utxo "
(inj₂ b₂') → case dec-de-morgan b₂' of λ where
(inj₁ a₂) → "¬ inInterval (UTxOEnv.slot Γ) (txvldt (Tx.body tx))"
(inj₂ b₂) → case dec-de-morgan b₂ of λ where
(inj₁ a₃) → "¬ feesOK pp tx utxo"
(inj₂ b₃) → case dec-de-morgan b₃ of λ where
(inj₁ a₄) →
pp = UTxOEnv.pparams Γ
txb = Tx.body tx
con = consumed pp s txb
prod = produced pp s txb
showValue = show ∘ coin
( "¬consumed (UTxOEnv.pparams Γ) s (Tx.body tx) ≡ produced (UTxOEnv.pparams Γ) s (Tx.body tx)"
+ˢ "\n consumed =\t\t" +ˢ showValue con
+ˢ "\n ins =\t\t" +ˢ showValue (balance (s .UTxOState.utxo ∣ txb .TxBody.txins))
+ˢ "\n mint =\t\t" +ˢ showValue (TxBody.mint txb)
+ˢ "\n depositRefunds =\t" +ˢ showValue (inject (depositRefunds pp s txb))
+ˢ "\n produced =\t\t" +ˢ showValue prod
+ˢ "\n outs =\t\t" +ˢ showValue (balance $ outs txb)
+ˢ "\n fee =\t\t" +ˢ show (txb .TxBody.txfee)
+ˢ "\n newDeposits =\t" +ˢ show (newDeposits pp s txb)
+ˢ "\n donation =\t\t" +ˢ show (txb .TxBody.txdonation)
(inj₂ b₄) → case dec-de-morgan b₄ of λ where
(inj₁ a₅) → "¬ coin (TxBody.mint (Tx.body tx)) ≡ 0"
(inj₂ b₅) → case dec-de-morgan b₅ of λ where
(inj₁ a₆) → "¬(TxBody.txsize (Tx.body tx) Data.Nat.Base.≤ maxTxSize (UTxOEnv.pparams Γ))"
(inj₂ b₆) → case dec-de-morgan b₆ of λ where
(inj₁ a₇) → "∀[ (_ , txout) ∈ txouts .proj₁ ] inject (utxoEntrySize txout * coinsPerUTxOByte pp) ≤ᵗ getValue txout"
(inj₂ b₇) → case dec-de-morgan b₇ of λ where
(inj₁ a₈) → "∀[ (_ , txout) ∈ txouts .proj₁ ] serSize (getValue txout) ≤ maxValSize pp"
(inj₂ b₈) → case dec-de-morgan b₈ of λ where
(inj₁ a₉) → "∀[ (a , _) ∈ range txouts ] Sum.All (const ⊤) (λ a → a .BootstrapAddr.attrsSize ≤ 64) a"
(inj₂ _) → "something else broke"
computeProofH : Dec H → ComputationResult String (∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ s')
computeProofH (yes (x , y , z , e , k , l , m , v , j , n , o , p , q , r , t , u)) =
map₂′ (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ x y z e k l m v j n o p q r t u) <$> computeProof' Γ s tx
computeProofH (no ¬p) = failure $ genErr ¬p
computeProof : ComputationResult String (∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ s')
computeProof = computeProofH H?
completeness : ∀ s' → Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ s' → map proj₁ computeProof ≡ success s'
completeness s' (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ x y z w k l m v j n o p q r t u h) with H?
... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim $ ¬p (x , y , z , w , k , l , m , v , j , n , o , p , q , r , t , u)
... | yes _ with computeProof' Γ s tx | completeness' _ _ _ _ h
... | success _ | refl = refl
open Computational ⦃...⦄
unfolding List-Model
Computational-UTXO : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXO⦈_ String
Computational-UTXO = Computational-UTXO'
private variable
tx : Tx
utxo utxo' : UTxO
Γ : UTxOEnv
utxoState utxoState' : UTxOState
fees fees' donations donations' : Coin
deposits deposits' : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin
open MonoidMorphisms.IsMonoidHomomorphism
∙-homo-Coin = IsMagmaHomomorphism.homo (isMagmaHomomorphism coinIsMonoidHomomorphism)
unfolding balance
balance-cong : proj₁ utxo ≡ᵉ proj₁ utxo' → balance utxo ≈ balance utxo'
balance-cong {utxo} {utxo'} eq = indexedSumᵐ-cong {M = Value} {x = (mapValues txOutHash utxo) ᶠᵐ} {(mapValues txOutHash utxo') ᶠᵐ} (map-≡ᵉ eq)
balance-cong-coin : proj₁ utxo ≡ᵉ proj₁ utxo' → cbalance utxo ≡ cbalance utxo'
balance-cong-coin {utxo} {utxo'} x =
coinIsMonoidHomomorphism .⟦⟧-cong (balance-cong {utxo} {utxo'} x)
where open MonoidMorphisms.IsMonoidHomomorphism
balance-∪ : disjoint (dom utxo) (dom utxo')
→ cbalance (utxo ∪ˡ utxo') ≡ cbalance utxo + cbalance utxo'
balance-∪ {utxo} {utxo'} h = begin
cbalance (utxo ∪ˡ utxo')
≡⟨ ⟦⟧-cong coinIsMonoidHomomorphism
$ indexedSumᵐ-cong {f = getValueʰ ∘ proj₂} {x = (mapValues txOutHash (utxo ∪ˡ utxo')) ᶠᵐ} {((mapValues txOutHash utxo) ᶠᵐ) ∪ˡᶠ ((mapValues txOutHash utxo') ᶠᵐ)} (disjoint-∪ˡ-mapValues {M = utxo} {utxo'} _ h)
coin (indexedSumᵐ _ (((mapValues txOutHash utxo) ᶠᵐ) ∪ˡᶠ ((mapValues txOutHash utxo') ᶠᵐ)))
≡⟨ ⟦⟧-cong coinIsMonoidHomomorphism
$ indexedSumᵐ-∪ {M = Value} {X = (mapValues txOutHash utxo) ᶠᵐ} {(mapValues txOutHash utxo') ᶠᵐ}
(λ x x₁ → h (dom-mapʳ⊆ x) (dom-mapʳ⊆ x₁))
coin (balance utxo + balance utxo')
≡⟨ ∙-homo-Coin _ _ ⟩
cbalance utxo + cbalance utxo'
where open Tactic.EquationalReasoning.≡-Reasoning {A = ℕ} (solve-macro (quoteTerm +-0-monoid))
module _ {txb : _} (open TxBody txb) where opaque
unfolding outs
open Tactic.EquationalReasoning.≡-Reasoning {A = ℕ} (solve-macro (quoteTerm +-0-monoid))
newTxid⇒disj : txid ∉ mapˢ proj₁ (dom utxo)
→ disjoint' (dom utxo) (dom (outs txb))
newTxid⇒disj id∉utxo = disjoint⇒disjoint' λ h h' → id∉utxo $ to ∈-map
(-, (case from ∈-map h' of λ where
(_ , refl , h'') → case from ∈-map h'' of λ where (_ , refl , _) → refl) , h)
consumedCoinEquality : ∀ {pp}
→ coin mint ≡ 0
→ coin (consumed pp utxoState txb)
≡ cbalance ((UTxOState.utxo utxoState) ∣ txins) + depositRefunds pp utxoState txb + getCoin txwdrls
consumedCoinEquality {utxoState} {pp} h =
let utxo = UTxOState.utxo utxoState
dRefs = depositRefunds pp utxoState txb
sWdls = getCoin txwdrls
in begin
coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint + inject dRefs + inject sWdls)
≡⟨ ∙-homo-Coin _ _ ⟩
coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint + inject dRefs) + coin (inject $ sWdls)
≡⟨ cong (coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint + inject dRefs) +_) (property _) ⟩
coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint + inject dRefs) + sWdls
≡⟨ cong (_+ sWdls) (∙-homo-Coin _ _) ⟩
coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint) + coin (inject $ dRefs) + sWdls
≡⟨ cong (λ u → coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint) + u + sWdls) (property _) ⟩
coin (balance (utxo ∣ txins) + mint) + dRefs + sWdls
≡⟨ cong (λ u → u + dRefs + sWdls) (∙-homo-Coin _ _) ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ txins) + coin mint + dRefs + sWdls
≡⟨ cong (λ x → cbalance (utxo ∣ txins) + x + dRefs + sWdls) h ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ txins) + 0 + dRefs + sWdls
≡⟨ cong (λ x → x + dRefs + sWdls) (+-identityʳ (cbalance (utxo ∣ txins))) ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ txins) + dRefs + sWdls
producedCoinEquality : ∀ {pp}
→ coin (produced pp utxoState txb)
≡ cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb + txdonation
producedCoinEquality {utxoState} {pp} =
coin (balance (outs txb) + inject txfee
+ inject (newDeposits pp utxoState txb) + inject txdonation)
≡⟨ ∙-homo-Coin _ _ ⟩
coin (balance (outs txb) + inject txfee
+ inject (newDeposits pp utxoState txb)) + coin (inject txdonation)
≡⟨ cong (_+ coin (inject txdonation)) (begin
coin (balance (outs txb) + inject txfee
+ inject (newDeposits pp utxoState txb))
≡⟨ ∙-homo-Coin _ _ ⟩
coin (balance (outs txb) +ᵛ inject txfee)
ℕ.+ coin (inject (newDeposits pp utxoState txb))
≡⟨ cong! (property _) ⟩
coin (balance (outs txb) +ᵛ inject txfee)
ℕ.+ newDeposits pp utxoState txb
≡⟨ cong! (∙-homo-Coin _ _) ⟩
coin (balance (outs txb)) ℕ.+ coin (inject txfee)
ℕ.+ newDeposits pp utxoState txb
≡⟨ cong (λ x → cbalance (outs txb) + x + newDeposits pp utxoState txb)
$ property txfee ⟩
cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb
cbalance (outs txb) + txfee
+ newDeposits pp utxoState txb + coin (inject txdonation)
≡⟨ cong (cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb +_)
$ property _ ⟩
cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb + txdonation
balValueToCoin : ∀ {pp}
→ coin mint ≡ 0
→ consumed pp utxoState txb ≡ produced pp utxoState txb
→ cbalance ((UTxOState.utxo utxoState) ∣ txins)
+ depositRefunds pp utxoState txb + getCoin txwdrls
≡ cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb + txdonation
balValueToCoin {utxoState} {pp} h h' = begin
cbalance ((UTxOState.utxo utxoState) ∣ txins) + depositRefunds pp utxoState txb + getCoin txwdrls
≡˘⟨ consumedCoinEquality {utxoState} {pp} h ⟩
coin (consumed pp utxoState txb)
≡⟨ cong! h' ⟩
coin (produced pp utxoState txb)
≡⟨ producedCoinEquality {utxoState} {pp} ⟩
cbalance (outs txb) + txfee + newDeposits pp utxoState txb + txdonation
posPart-negPart≡x : {x : ℤ} → posPart x - negPart x ≡ x
posPart-negPart≡x {ℤ.+_ n} = refl
posPart-negPart≡x {ℤ.negsuc n} = refl
φ : ℕ × Bool → ℕ
φ (n , true) = n
φ (n , false) = 0
module DepositHelpers
{utxo utxo' : UTxO}
{fees fees' : Coin}
{deposits deposits' : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin}
{donations donations' : Coin}
{tx : Tx} (let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb)
{Γ : UTxOEnv}
(step : Γ ⊢ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧)
(h' : txid ∉ mapˢ proj₁ (dom utxo))
open Tactic.EquationalReasoning.≡-Reasoning {A = ℕ} (solve-macro (quoteTerm +-0-monoid))
stepS : Γ ⊢ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOS⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
stepS = case step of λ where
(UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h) → h
pp : PParams
pp = UTxOEnv.pparams Γ
dep : Coin
dep = getCoin deposits
uDep : Coin
uDep = getCoin (updateDeposits pp txb deposits)
Δdep : ℤ
Δdep = depositsChange pp txb deposits
utxoSt : UTxOState
utxoSt = ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧
ref tot : Coin
ref = depositRefunds pp utxoSt txb
wdls = getCoin txwdrls
tot = newDeposits pp utxoSt txb
h : disjoint (dom (utxo ∣ txins ᶜ)) (dom (outs txb))
h = λ h₁ h₂ → ∉-∅ $ proj₁ (newTxid⇒disj {txb} {utxo} h')
$ to ∈-∩ (res-comp-domᵐ h₁ , h₂)
newBal' : Γ ⊢ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
→ consumed pp utxoSt txb ≡ produced pp utxoSt txb
newBal' (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = x
newBal : consumed pp utxoSt txb ≡ produced pp utxoSt txb
newBal = newBal' step
noMintAda' : Γ ⊢ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
→ coin (mint) ≡ 0
noMintAda' (UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = x
noMintAda : coin mint ≡ 0
noMintAda = noMintAda' step
remDepTot : Coin
remDepTot = getCoin deposits - ref
deposits-change' : Δdep ≡ tot - ref
deposits-change' = sym posPart-negPart≡x
dep-ref : tot ≡ 0 → uDep + ref ≡ dep
dep-ref tot≡0 = ℤ.+-injective $ begin
ℤ.+_ (uDep + ref) ≡⟨ ℤ.pos-+ uDep ref ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.+ (ref - 0) ≡˘⟨ cong (λ u → ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.+ (ref - u)) tot≡0 ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.+ (ref - tot) ≡⟨ cong ((ℤ.+ uDep) +_) (ℤ.⊖-swap ref tot) ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.- (tot - ref) ≡˘⟨ cong (λ u → ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.- u) deposits-change' ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.- Δdep ≡˘⟨ cong ((ℤ.+ uDep) +_) (ℤ.⊖-swap dep uDep) ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep + (dep - uDep) ≡⟨ ℤ.distribʳ-⊖-+-pos uDep dep uDep ⟩
(uDep + dep) - uDep ≡⟨ cong (_- uDep) (+-comm uDep dep) ⟩
(dep + uDep) - uDep ≡˘⟨ ℤ.distribʳ-⊖-+-pos dep uDep uDep ⟩
ℤ.+_ dep ℤ.+ (uDep - uDep) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → ℤ.+_ dep ℤ.+ u) (ℤ.n⊖n≡0 uDep) ⟩
ℤ.+_ dep ℤ.+ ℤ.0ℤ ≡⟨ ℤ.+-identityʳ _ ⟩
ℤ.+_ dep ∎
ref-tot-0 : ref ≢ 0 → tot ≡ 0
ref-tot-0 ref≢0 with Δdep
... | ℤ.+_ n = ⊥-elim (ref≢0 refl)
... | ℤ.negsuc n = refl
ref≤dep : ref ≤ dep
ref≤dep with ref ≟ 0
... | no ¬p = ≤″⇒≤ $ _ ,≤_ $ begin
ref + uDep ≡⟨ +-comm ref uDep ⟩
uDep + ref ≡⟨ dep-ref $ ref-tot-0 ¬p ⟩
dep ∎
... | yes p rewrite p = z≤n
deposits-change : uDep ≡ dep + tot - ref
deposits-change = ℤ.+-injective $ begin
ℤ.+_ uDep ≡˘⟨ ℤ.+-identityʳ _ ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.+ ℤ.0ℤ ≡˘⟨ cong! (ℤ.+-inverseˡ (ℤ.+_ dep)) ⟩
ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.+ (ℤ.-_ (ℤ.+_ dep) ℤ.+ (ℤ.+_ dep))
≡˘⟨ ℤ.+-assoc (ℤ.+_ uDep) (ℤ.-_ (ℤ.+_ dep)) (ℤ.+_ dep) ⟩
(ℤ.+_ uDep ℤ.- (ℤ.+_ dep)) ℤ.+ (ℤ.+_ dep) ≡⟨ cong! (ℤ.m-n≡m⊖n uDep dep) ⟩
Δdep ℤ.+ (ℤ.+_ dep) ≡⟨ ℤ.+-comm Δdep (ℤ.+_ dep) ⟩
(ℤ.+_ dep) ℤ.+ Δdep ≡⟨ cong! deposits-change' ⟩
(ℤ.+_ dep) ℤ.+ (tot - ref) ≡⟨ ℤ.distribʳ-⊖-+-pos dep tot ref ⟩
(dep + tot) - ref ≡⟨ ℤ.⊖-≥ (m≤n⇒m≤n+o tot ref≤dep) ⟩
ℤ.+_ (dep + tot - ref) ∎
split-balance : ∀ keys → cbalance utxo ≡ cbalance (utxo ∣ keys ᶜ) + cbalance (utxo ∣ keys)
split-balance keys = begin
cbalance utxo
≡˘⟨ balance-cong-coin {utxo = (utxo ∣ keys ᶜ) ∪ˡ (utxo ∣ keys)}{utxo}
$ disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ (disjoint-sym res-ex-disjoint)
≡ᵉ-∘ ∪-sym
≡ᵉ-∘ res-ex-∪ (_∈? keys) ⟩
cbalance ((utxo ∣ keys ᶜ) ∪ˡ (utxo ∣ keys))
≡⟨ balance-∪ {utxo ∣ keys ᶜ} {utxo ∣ keys} $ flip res-ex-disjoint ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ keys ᶜ) + cbalance (utxo ∣ keys)
where open IsEquivalence ≡ᵉ-isEquivalence renaming (trans to infixl 4 _≡ᵉ-∘_)
module _ (balanceUtxo balanceIns balanceNoIns balanceOuts balanceUtxo' : Coin)
(ref txfee txdonation tot : Coin)
(splitUtxo : balanceUtxo ≡ balanceNoIns + balanceIns)
(splitUtxo' : balanceUtxo' ≡ balanceNoIns + balanceOuts)
(balanced : balanceIns + ref + wdls ≡ balanceOuts + txfee + tot + txdonation) where
utxo-ref-prop-worker :
balanceUtxo + ref + wdls ≡ balanceUtxo' + txfee + txdonation + tot
utxo-ref-prop-worker = begin
balanceUtxo + ref + wdls
≡⟨ cong (λ u → u + ref + wdls) splitUtxo ⟩
balanceNoIns ℕ.+ balanceIns ℕ.+ ref ℕ.+ wdls
balanceNoIns ℕ.+ (balanceIns ℕ.+ ref ℕ.+ wdls)
≡⟨ cong (balanceNoIns +_) balanced ⟩
balanceNoIns ℕ.+ (balanceOuts ℕ.+ txfee ℕ.+ tot ℕ.+ txdonation)
(balanceNoIns ℕ.+ balanceOuts ℕ.+ txfee) ℕ.+ tot ℕ.+ txdonation
≡˘⟨ cong (λ x → (x + txfee) + tot + txdonation) splitUtxo' ⟩
(balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ txfee) ℕ.+ tot ℕ.+ txdonation
balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ txfee ℕ.+ (tot ℕ.+ txdonation)
≡⟨ cong (balanceUtxo' + txfee +_) $ +-comm tot txdonation ⟩
balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ txfee ℕ.+ (txdonation ℕ.+ tot)
(balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ txfee) ℕ.+ txdonation ℕ.+ tot
utxo-ref-prop :
cbalance utxo + ref + wdls ≡
cbalance ((utxo ∣ txins ᶜ) ∪ˡ outs txb) + txfee + txdonation + tot
utxo-ref-prop = utxo-ref-prop-worker
(cbalance utxo)
(cbalance (utxo ∣ txins))
(cbalance (utxo ∣ txins ᶜ))
(cbalance (outs txb))
(cbalance ((utxo ∣ txins ᶜ) ∪ˡ outs txb))
ref txfee txdonation tot
(split-balance txins)
(balance-∪ {utxo ∣ txins ᶜ} {outs txb} h)
(balValueToCoin {txb} {utxoSt} {UTxOEnv.pparams Γ} noMintAda newBal)
rearrange0 :
(bal : ℕ)
→ deposits' ≡ updateDeposits pp txb deposits
→ bal + txfee + txdonation + tot + (remDepTot + fees)
≡ bal + (fees + txfee + getCoin deposits' + txdonation)
rearrange0 bal h = begin
bal ℕ.+ txfee ℕ.+ txdonation ℕ.+ tot ℕ.+ (remDepTot ℕ.+ fees)
bal ℕ.+ (txfee ℕ.+ txdonation ℕ.+ (tot ℕ.+ remDepTot) ℕ.+ fees)
≡⟨ cong (bal +_) $ begin
txfee + txdonation + (tot + remDepTot) + fees
≡⟨ +-comm _ fees ⟩
fees ℕ.+ (txfee ℕ.+ txdonation ℕ.+ (tot ℕ.+ remDepTot))
(fees ℕ.+ txfee) ℕ.+ (txdonation ℕ.+ (tot ℕ.+ remDepTot))
≡⟨ cong ((fees + txfee) +_) $ +-comm txdonation (tot + remDepTot) ⟩
(fees + txfee) ℕ.+ ((tot + remDepTot) ℕ.+ txdonation)
(fees + txfee) ℕ.+ (tot + remDepTot) ℕ.+ txdonation
≡⟨ cong (λ x → (fees + txfee) + x + txdonation)
$ begin tot + (dep - ref) ≡˘⟨ +-∸-assoc tot ref≤dep ⟩
(tot + dep) - ref ≡⟨ cong (_- ref) $ +-comm tot dep ⟩
(dep + tot) - ref ≡˘⟨ deposits-change ⟩
uDep ≡⟨ cong getCoin $ sym h ⟩
getCoin deposits' ∎ ⟩
(fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' + txdonation
∎ ⟩
bal + ((fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' + txdonation)
module _ (balanceUtxo balanceUtxo' : Coin)
(ref-prop : balanceUtxo + ref + wdls ≡ balanceUtxo' + txfee + txdonation + tot)
(h : deposits' ≡ updateDeposits pp txb deposits)
pov-scripts-worker : isValid ≡ true
→ balanceUtxo + fees + getCoin deposits + donations + φ(wdls , isValid)
≡ balanceUtxo' + (fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' + (donations + txdonation)
pov-scripts-worker valid = begin
balanceUtxo + fees + getCoin deposits + donations + φ(wdls , isValid)
≡⟨ cong (λ x → balanceUtxo + fees + getCoin deposits + donations + φ(wdls , x)) valid ⟩
balanceUtxo + fees + dep + donations + wdls
≡⟨ +-assoc (balanceUtxo + fees + dep) donations wdls ⟩
balanceUtxo + fees + dep + (donations + wdls)
≡⟨ cong (balanceUtxo + fees + dep +_) (+-comm donations wdls) ⟩
balanceUtxo + fees + dep + (wdls + donations)
≡˘⟨ +-assoc (balanceUtxo + fees + dep) wdls donations ⟩
balanceUtxo + fees + dep + wdls + donations
≡⟨ cong (_+ donations)
$ begin
balanceUtxo + fees + dep + wdls
≡˘⟨ cong (λ x → balanceUtxo + fees + x + wdls) (m+[n∸m]≡n ref≤dep) ⟩
balanceUtxo + fees + (ref + remDepTot) + wdls
≡⟨ cong (_+ wdls) (+-assoc balanceUtxo fees (ref + remDepTot)) ⟩
balanceUtxo + (fees + (ref + remDepTot)) + wdls
≡⟨ cong (λ x → balanceUtxo + x + wdls) (+-comm fees (ref + remDepTot)) ⟩
balanceUtxo + (ref + remDepTot + fees) + wdls
≡⟨ cong (λ x → balanceUtxo + x + wdls) (+-assoc ref remDepTot fees) ⟩
balanceUtxo + (ref + (remDepTot + fees)) + wdls
≡⟨ +-assoc balanceUtxo (ref + (remDepTot + fees)) wdls ⟩
balanceUtxo + (ref + (remDepTot + fees) + wdls)
≡⟨ cong (balanceUtxo +_) (+-assoc ref (remDepTot + fees) wdls) ⟩
balanceUtxo + (ref + ((remDepTot + fees) + wdls))
≡⟨ cong (λ x → balanceUtxo + (ref + x)) (+-comm (remDepTot + fees) wdls) ⟩
balanceUtxo + (ref + (wdls + (remDepTot + fees)))
≡˘⟨ +-assoc balanceUtxo ref (wdls + (remDepTot + fees)) ⟩
balanceUtxo + ref + (wdls + (remDepTot + fees))
≡˘⟨ +-assoc (balanceUtxo + ref) wdls (remDepTot + fees) ⟩
balanceUtxo + ref + wdls + (remDepTot + fees)
≡⟨ cong (_+ (remDepTot + fees)) ref-prop ⟩
balanceUtxo' + txfee + txdonation + tot + (remDepTot + fees)
≡⟨ rearrange0 (balanceUtxo') h ⟩
balanceUtxo' + (fees + txfee + getCoin deposits' + txdonation)
∎ ⟩
balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ (fees + txfee ℕ.+ getCoin deposits' ℕ.+ txdonation) ℕ.+ donations
balanceUtxo' ℕ.+ (fees + txfee) ℕ.+ getCoin deposits' ℕ.+ (txdonation ℕ.+ donations)
≡⟨ cong (balanceUtxo' + (fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' ℕ.+_)
$ +-comm txdonation donations ⟩
balanceUtxo' + (fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' + (donations + txdonation)
pov-scripts : deposits' ≡ updateDeposits pp txb deposits
→ isValid ≡ true
→ cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations + φ(wdls , isValid)
≡ cbalance ((utxo ∣ txins ᶜ) ∪ˡ outs txb)
+ (fees + txfee) + getCoin deposits' + (donations + txdonation)
pov-scripts h valid = pov-scripts-worker (cbalance utxo) (cbalance ((utxo ∣ txins ᶜ) ∪ˡ outs txb)) utxo-ref-prop h valid
pov-no-scripts : isValid ≡ false
→ cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations + φ(wdls , isValid)
≡ cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) + (fees + cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral)) + dep + donations
pov-no-scripts invalid = begin
cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations + φ(wdls , isValid) ≡⟨ cong (λ x → cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations + φ(wdls , x)) invalid ⟩
cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations + 0 ≡⟨ +-identityʳ _ ⟩
cbalance utxo + fees + dep + donations ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x + dep + donations) $ begin
cbalance utxo ℕ.+ fees ≡⟨ cong (_+ fees) (split-balance collateral) ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) ℕ.+ cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral) ℕ.+ fees ≡t⟨⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) ℕ.+ (cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral) ℕ.+ fees) ≡⟨ cong (cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) +_) (+-comm _ fees) ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) ℕ.+ (fees ℕ.+ cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral)) ∎ ⟩
cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral ᶜ) + (fees + cbalance (utxo ∣ collateral)) + dep + donations
UTXO-step : UTxOEnv → UTxOState → Tx → ComputationResult String UTxOState
UTXO-step = compute ⦃ Computational-UTXO ⦄
UTXO-step-computes-UTXO : UTXO-step Γ utxoState tx ≡ success utxoState'
⇔ Γ ⊢ utxoState ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈ utxoState'
UTXO-step-computes-UTXO = ≡-success⇔STS ⦃ Computational-UTXO ⦄
pov : let open Tx tx; open TxBody body in
txid ∉ mapˢ proj₁ (dom utxo)
Γ ⊢ ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
getCoin ⟦ utxo , fees , deposits , donations ⟧ + φ(getCoin txwdrls , isValid)
≡ getCoin ⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
pov {deposits' = deposits'} h'
step@(UTXO-inductive⋯ _ Γ _ _ _ _ _ _ newBal noMintAda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Scripts-Yes (_ , _ , valid))) =
DepositHelpers.pov-scripts step h' refl valid
pov h' step@(UTXO-inductive⋯ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Scripts-No (_ , invalid))) =
DepositHelpers.pov-no-scripts step h' invalid
isRefundCert : DCert → Bool
isRefundCert (dereg c _) = true
isRefundCert (deregdrep c _) = true
isRefundCert _ = false
noRefundCert : List DCert → Type _
noRefundCert l = All (λ cert → isRefundCert cert ≡ false) l
unfolding List-Model
unfolding finiteness
fin∘list[] : {A : Type} → proj₁ (finiteness{A = A} ∅) ≡ []
fin∘list[] = refl
fin∘list∷[] : {A : Type} {a : A} → proj₁ (finiteness ❴ a ❵) ≡ [ a ]
fin∘list∷[] = refl
coin∅ : getCoin{A = DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin} ∅ ≡ 0
coin∅ = begin
foldr (λ x → (proj₂ x) +_) 0 (deduplicate _≟_ (proj₁ (finiteness ∅)))
≡⟨ cong (λ u → (foldr (λ x → (proj₂ x) +_) 0 (deduplicate _≟_ u))) fin∘list[] ⟩
foldr (λ (x : DepositPurpose × Coin) → (proj₂ x) +_) 0 (deduplicate _≟_ [])
≡⟨ cong (λ u → (foldr (λ (x : DepositPurpose × Coin) → (proj₂ x) +_) 0 u))
{x = deduplicate _≟_ []} {y = []} refl ⟩
foldr (λ (x : DepositPurpose × Coin) → (proj₂ x) +_) 0 []
≡⟨ refl ⟩
0 ∎
where open Prelude.≡-Reasoning
getCoin-singleton : ((dp , c) : DepositPurpose × Coin) → indexedSumᵛ' id ❴ (dp , c) ❵ ≡ c
getCoin-singleton _ = indexedSum-singleton' {A = DepositPurpose × Coin} {f = proj₂} (finiteness _)
module _
(gc-hom : (d₁ d₂ : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin) → getCoin (d₁ ∪⁺ d₂) ≡ getCoin d₁ + getCoin d₂)
∪⁺singleton≡ : {deps : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin} {(dp , c) : DepositPurpose × Coin}
→ getCoin (deps ∪⁺ ❴ (dp , c) ❵ᵐ) ≡ getCoin deps + c
∪⁺singleton≡ {deps} {(dp , c)} = begin
getCoin (deps ∪⁺ ❴ (dp , c) ❵)
≡⟨ gc-hom deps ❴ (dp , c) ❵ ⟩
getCoin deps + getCoin{A = DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin} ❴ (dp , c) ❵
≡⟨ cong (getCoin deps +_) (getCoin-singleton (dp , c)) ⟩
getCoin deps + c
where open Prelude.≡-Reasoning
module _ {deposits : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin} {txid : TxId} {gaDep : Coin} where
≤updatePropDeps : (props : List GovProposal)
→ getCoin deposits ≤ getCoin (updateProposalDeposits props txid gaDep deposits)
≤updatePropDeps [] = ≤-reflexive refl
≤updatePropDeps (x ∷ props) = ≤-trans (≤updatePropDeps props)
(≤-trans (m≤m+n _ _)
(≤-reflexive $ sym $ ∪⁺singleton≡))
updatePropDeps≡ : (ps : List GovProposal)
→ getCoin (updateProposalDeposits ps txid gaDep deposits) - getCoin deposits ≡ (length ps) * gaDep
updatePropDeps≡ [] = n∸n≡0 (getCoin deposits)
updatePropDeps≡ (_ ∷ ps) = let
upD = updateProposalDeposits ps txid gaDep deposits in
getCoin (upD ∪⁺ ❴ GovActionDeposit (txid , length ps) , gaDep ❵ᵐ) ∸ getCoin deposits
≡⟨ cong (_∸ getCoin deposits) ∪⁺singleton≡ ⟩
getCoin upD + gaDep ∸ getCoin deposits
≡⟨ +-∸-comm _ (≤updatePropDeps ps) ⟩
(getCoin upD ∸ getCoin deposits) + gaDep
≡⟨ cong (_+ gaDep) (updatePropDeps≡ ps) ⟩
(length ps) * gaDep + gaDep
≡⟨ +-comm ((length ps) * gaDep) gaDep ⟩
gaDep + (length ps) * gaDep
where open Prelude.≡-Reasoning
≤certDeps : {d : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin} {(dp , c) : DepositPurpose × Coin}
→ getCoin d ≤ getCoin (d ∪⁺ ❴ (dp , c) ❵)
≤certDeps {d} = begin
getCoin d ≤⟨ m≤m+n (getCoin d) _ ⟩
getCoin d + _ ≡⟨ sym ∪⁺singleton≡ ⟩
getCoin (d ∪⁺ ❴ _ ❵) ∎
where open ≤-Reasoning
≤updateCertDeps : (cs : List DCert) {pp : PParams} {deposits : DepositPurpose ⇀ Coin}
→ noRefundCert cs
→ getCoin deposits ≤ getCoin (updateCertDeposits pp cs deposits)
≤updateCertDeps [] nrf = ≤-reflexive refl
≤updateCertDeps (reg c v ∷ cs) {pp} {deposits} (_ All.∷ nrf) =
≤-trans ≤certDeps (≤updateCertDeps cs {pp} {deposits ∪⁺ ❴ CredentialDeposit c , pp .PParams.keyDeposit ❵} nrf)
≤updateCertDeps (delegate c _ _ v ∷ cs) {pp} {deposits} (_ All.∷ nrf) =
≤-trans ≤certDeps (≤updateCertDeps cs {pp} {deposits ∪⁺ ❴ CredentialDeposit c , v ❵} nrf)
≤updateCertDeps (regpool _ _ ∷ cs) (_ All.∷ nrf) = ≤-trans ≤certDeps (≤updateCertDeps cs nrf)
≤updateCertDeps (retirepool _ _ ∷ cs) (_ All.∷ nrf) = ≤updateCertDeps cs nrf
≤updateCertDeps (regdrep _ _ _ ∷ cs) (_ All.∷ nrf) = ≤-trans ≤certDeps (≤updateCertDeps cs nrf)
≤updateCertDeps (ccreghot _ _ ∷ cs) (_ All.∷ nrf) = ≤updateCertDeps cs nrf
gmsc : let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
pp = UTxOEnv.pparams Γ; open PParams pp
open UTxOState utxoState
renaming (utxo to st; fees to fs; deposits to deps; donations to dons)
Γ ⊢ ⟦ st , fs , deps , dons ⟧ ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXO⦈
⟦ utxo' , fees' , deposits' , donations' ⟧
→ noRefundCert txcerts
→ coin (consumed pp utxoState txb) ≥ length txprop * govActionDeposit
gmsc step@(UTXO-inductive⋯ tx Γ utxoState _ _ _ _ _ c≡p cmint≡0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) nrf =
length txprop * govActionDeposit
≡˘⟨ updatePropDeps≡ txprop ⟩
getCoin (updateProposalDeposits txprop txid govActionDeposit deps) ∸ getCoin deps
≤⟨ ∸-monoˡ-≤ (getCoin deps) (≤updateCertDeps txcerts nrf) ⟩
getCoin (updateDeposits pp txb deps) - getCoin deps
≡⟨ ∸≡posPart⊖ {getCoin (updateDeposits pp txb deps)} {getCoin deps} ⟩
≤⟨ m≤n+m newDeps (coin balOut + txfee + txdonation) ⟩
coin balOut + txfee + txdonation + newDeps
≡⟨ +-assoc (coin balOut + txfee) txdonation newDeps ⟩
coin balOut + txfee + (txdonation + newDeps)
≡⟨ cong (coin balOut + txfee +_) (+-comm txdonation newDeps) ⟩
coin balOut + txfee + (newDeps + txdonation)
≡˘⟨ +-assoc (coin balOut + txfee) newDeps txdonation ⟩
coin balOut + txfee + newDeps + txdonation
≡˘⟨ cong (λ x → x + newDeps + txdonation) coin-inject-lemma ⟩
coin (balOut + inject txfee) + newDeps + txdonation
≡˘⟨ cong (_+ txdonation) coin-inject-lemma ⟩
coin (balOut + inject txfee + inject newDeps) + txdonation
≡˘⟨ coin-inject-lemma ⟩
coin (balOut + inject txfee + inject newDeps + inject txdonation)
≡˘⟨ cong coin c≡p ⟩
coin (balIn + mint + inject refunds + inject wdrls) ∎
open ≤-Reasoning
pp : PParams
pp = UTxOEnv.pparams Γ; open PParams pp
open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb
open UTxOState utxoState renaming (utxo to st; fees to fs; deposits to deps; donations to dons)
newDeps refunds wdrls : Coin
newDeps = newDeposits pp utxoState txb
refunds = depositRefunds pp utxoState txb
wdrls = getCoin txwdrls
balIn balOut : Value
balIn = balance (st ∣ txins)
balOut = balance (outs txb)