{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}

open import Axiom.Set using (Theory)

open import abstract-set-theory.Prelude hiding (ε)

module Axiom.Set.Sum (th : Theory) where

open Theory th
open import Axiom.Set.Factor th
open import Axiom.Set.Properties th
open import Axiom.Set.Rel th
open import Axiom.Set.Map th

import Algebra
open import Algebra.Properties.CommutativeSemigroup using (x∙yz≈y∙xz)
open import Data.List.Ext.Properties using (dedup-++-↭)
open import Data.List.Properties using (foldr-++)
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional using (Unique)
open import Relation.Binary using (_Preserves_⟶_; IsEquivalence)

open import Tactic.AnyOf
open import Tactic.Defaults

private module M-Reasoning {M : Type}  M-commMonoid : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ M  where
  open Algebra.CommutativeMonoid (Conversion.toBundle M-commMonoid) renaming (trans to ≈-trans) public
  import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning
  open SetoidReasoning (Algebra.CommutativeMonoid.setoid (Conversion.toBundle M-commMonoid)) public

-- Because of missing macro hygiene, we have to copy&paste this.
-- c.f. https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/3819
private macro
  ∈⇒P = anyOfⁿᵗ
    (quote ∈-filter⁻'  quote ∈-∪⁻  quote ∈-map⁻'  quote ∈-fromList⁻  [])
  P⇒∈ = anyOfⁿᵗ
    (quote ∈-filter⁺'  quote ∈-∪⁺  quote ∈-map⁺'  quote ∈-fromList⁺  [])
  ∈⇔P = anyOfⁿᵗ
    ( quote ∈-filter⁻'  quote ∈-∪⁻  quote ∈-map⁻'  quote ∈-fromList⁻
     quote ∈-filter⁺'  quote ∈-∪⁺  quote ∈-map⁺'  quote ∈-fromList⁺  [])

private variable
  A B M : Type
  X Y : Set A
  f : A  M

module _  M-commMonoid : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ M  where

  open M-Reasoning  M-commMonoid 

  indexedSumL : (A  M)  List A  M
  indexedSumL f = foldr  x  f x ∙_) ε

  syntax indexedSumL  a  x) m = ∑ˡ[ a  m ] x

  indexedSumL' : (A  M)  Σ (List A) Unique  M
  indexedSumL' f = indexedSumL f  proj₁

  fold-cong↭ :  {l l' : List A}
     l  l'
     foldr  x  f x ∙_) ε l  foldr  x  f x ∙_) ε l'
  fold-cong↭ refl = begin _ 
  fold-cong↭ (prep _ h) = ∙-congˡ (fold-cong↭ h)
  fold-cong↭ {f = f} (swap {xs} {ys} x y h) = begin
    f x  (f y  indexedSumL f xs) ≈⟨ x∙yz≈y∙xz commutativeSemigroup _ _ _ 
    f y  (f x  indexedSumL f xs) ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (∙-congˡ (fold-cong↭ h)) 
    f y  (f x  indexedSumL f ys) 
  fold-cong↭ (trans h h₁) = ≈-trans (fold-cong↭ h) (fold-cong↭ h₁)

  indexedSum :  _ : DecEq A   (A  M)  FinSet A  M
  indexedSum f = let open FactorUnique _≈_ (indexedSumL' f) fold-cong↭ in factor

  indexedSumL-++ : {l l' : List A}
     indexedSumL f (l ++ l')  indexedSumL f l  indexedSumL f l'
  indexedSumL-++ {f = f} {l = l} {l'} = begin
    indexedSumL f (l ++ l')                   ≡⟨ foldr-++  x  f x ∙_) ε l l' 
    foldr  x  f x ∙_) (indexedSumL f l') l ≈⟨ helper (indexedSumL f l') l f 
    indexedSumL f l  indexedSumL f l'        
      helper :  m (l : List A) f  foldr  x  f x ∙_) m l  indexedSumL f l  m
      helper m [] f = begin m ≈˘⟨ identityˡ m  ε  m 
      helper m (x  l) f = begin
        f x  foldr  y  f y ∙_) m l ≈⟨ ∙-congˡ (helper m l f) 
        f x  (indexedSumL f l  m)    ≈˘⟨ assoc _ _ _ 
        f x  indexedSumL f l  m      

  module _  _ : DecEq A  {f : A  M} where
    open FactorUnique _≈_ (indexedSumL' f) fold-cong↭

    indexedSum-cong : indexedSum f Preserves (_≡ᵉ_ on proj₁)  _≈_
    indexedSum-cong {x} {y} = factor-cong {x = x} {y}

    indexedSum-∅ : indexedSum f ( , ∅-finite)  ε
    indexedSum-∅ = begin _ 

    indexedSum-∪ :  Xᶠ : finite X   Yᶠ : finite Y   disjoint X Y
       indexedSum f ((X  Y) )  indexedSum f (X )  indexedSum f (Y )
    indexedSum-∪ disj = factor-∪'  x y z  z  x  y} disj
        λ {l} disj'  ≈-trans (fold-cong↭ (dedup-++-↭ disj'))
                              (indexedSumL-++ {l = deduplicate _≟_ l})

    indexedSum-singleton :  {x}  indexedSum f ( x  , singleton-finite)  f x
    indexedSum-singleton = identityʳ _

    indexedSum-singleton' :  {x}  (pf : finite  x )
       indexedSum f ( x  , pf)  f x
    indexedSum-singleton' {x = x} pf =
      ≈-trans (indexedSum-cong {x = -, pf} {y = -, singleton-finite} ≡ᵉ.refl)
      where module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence ≡ᵉ-isEquivalence

module _  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B   _ : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ M  where

  indexedSumᵐ : (A × B  M)  FinMap A B  M
  indexedSumᵐ f (m , _ , h) = indexedSum f (m , h)

  indexedSumᵛ : (B  M)  FinMap A B  M
  indexedSumᵛ f = indexedSumᵐ (f  proj₂)

  open M-Reasoning

  indexedSumᵐ-cong : {f : A × B  M}
     indexedSumᵐ f Preserves (_≡ᵉ_ on proj₁)  _≈_
  indexedSumᵐ-cong {x = x , _ , h} {y , _ , h'} = indexedSum-cong {x = x , h} {y , h'}

module IndexedSumUnionᵐ  _ : DecEq A   _ : DecEq B 
  (sp-∈ : spec-∈ A) (∈-A-dec : {X : Set A}  Decidable¹ (_∈ X)) where

  open Unionᵐ sp-∈

  ∪ˡ-finite : {R R' : Rel A B}  finite R  finite R'  finite (R ∪ˡ' R')
  ∪ˡ-finite Rᶠ R'ᶠ = ∪-preserves-finite Rᶠ
                    $ filter-finite (sp-∘ (sp-¬ sp-∈) _) (¬?  ∈-A-dec  _) R'ᶠ

  _∪ˡᶠ_ : FinMap A B  FinMap A B  FinMap A B
  (_ , hX , Xᶠ) ∪ˡᶠ (_ , hY , Yᶠ) =
    toFinMap ((_ , hX) ∪ˡ (_ , hY)) (∪ˡ-finite Xᶠ Yᶠ)

  open M-Reasoning

  indexedSumᵐ-∪ :  {X Y : FinMap A B} {f}  _ : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ M 
     disjoint (dom (toRel X)) (dom (toRel Y))
     indexedSumᵐ f (X ∪ˡᶠ Y)  indexedSumᵐ f X  indexedSumᵐ f Y
  indexedSumᵐ-∪ {X = X'@(X , _ , Xᶠ)} {Y'@(Y , _ , Yᶠ)} {f} disj = begin
    indexedSumᵐ f (X' ∪ˡᶠ Y')    ≈⟨ indexedSum-cong {x = -, ∪ˡ-finite Xᶠ Yᶠ} {(X  Y) }
                                       $ disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ disj 
    indexedSum f ((X  Y) )      ≈⟨ indexedSum-∪ (disjoint-dom⇒disjoint disj) 
    indexedSumᵐ f X'  indexedSumᵐ f Y' 
    where instance _ = Xᶠ
                   _ = Yᶠ

  indexedSumᵐ-partition :  {m m₁ m₂ : FinMap A B} {f}  _ : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ M 
                         toRel m  toRel m₁ ⨿ toRel m₂
                         indexedSumᵐ f m  indexedSumᵐ f m₁  indexedSumᵐ f m₂
  indexedSumᵐ-partition {m = m} {m₁} {m₂} {f} m≡m₁∪m₂ = begin
    indexedSumᵐ f m                     ≈⟨ indexedSumᵐ-cong {x = m} {m₁ ∪ˡᶠ m₂} helper 
    indexedSumᵐ f (m₁ ∪ˡᶠ m₂)           ≈⟨ indexedSumᵐ-∪ {X = m₁} {Y = m₂} disj-dom' 
    indexedSumᵐ f m₁  indexedSumᵐ f m₂  
    where module ≡ᵉ = IsEquivalence ≡ᵉ-isEquivalence
          disj-dom' = disj-dom {m = toMap m} {toMap m₁} {toMap m₂} m≡m₁∪m₂

          helper : toRel m ≡ᵉ toRel (m₁ ∪ˡᶠ m₂)
          helper = ≡ᵉ.trans (proj₁ m≡m₁∪m₂) (≡ᵉ.sym $ disjoint-∪ˡ-∪ disj-dom')