{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Abstract
open import Ledger.Transaction
module Ledger.Properties
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)
open import Ledger.Chain txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Epoch txs abs
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure
open import Ledger.Certs govStructure
open import Ledger.Gov txs
isCredDeposit : DepositPurpose → Type
isCredDeposit (CredentialDeposit x) = ⊤
isCredDeposit _ = ⊥
isCredDeposit? : isCredDeposit ⁇¹
isCredDeposit? {CredentialDeposit x} = ⁇ (yes tt)
isCredDeposit? {PoolDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isCredDeposit? {DRepDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isCredDeposit? {GovActionDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isGADeposit : DepositPurpose → Type
isGADeposit (GovActionDeposit x) = ⊤
isGADeposit _ = ⊥
isGADeposit? : isGADeposit ⁇¹
isGADeposit? {CredentialDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isGADeposit? {PoolDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isGADeposit? {DRepDeposit x} = ⁇ (no λ ())
isGADeposit? {GovActionDeposit x} = ⁇ (yes tt)
getLState : NewEpochState → LState
getLState = EpochState.ls ∘ NewEpochState.epochState
getRewards : NewEpochState → Credential ⇀ Coin
getRewards = DState.rewards ∘ CertState.dState ∘ LState.certState ∘ getLState
allDReps : NewEpochState → Credential ⇀ Epoch
allDReps = GState.dreps ∘ CertState.gState ∘ LState.certState ∘ getLState
activeDReps : Epoch → NewEpochState → ℙ Credential
activeDReps currentEpoch s = dom (filterᵐ (λ (_ , e) → currentEpoch ≤ e) (allDReps s))
getGovState : NewEpochState → GovState
getGovState = LState.govSt ∘ getLState
_ : IsSet Block Tx
_ = record { toSet = fromList ∘ Block.ts }
_ : IsSet TxBody GovProposal
_ = record { toSet = fromList ∘ TxBody.txprop }
validBlockIn : ChainState → Block → Type
validBlockIn s b = ∃[ s' ] _ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ b ,CHAIN⦈ s'
validBlock : Block → Type
validBlock b = ∃[ s ] validBlockIn s b
validTxIn₁ : ChainState → Tx → Type
validTxIn₁ s tx = ∃[ b ] tx ∈ b × validBlockIn s b
module _ (s : ChainState) (slot : Slot) where
open ChainState s; open NewEpochState newEpochState
open EpochState epochState; open EnactState es
ledgerEnv = ⟦ slot , constitution .proj₁ .proj₂ , pparams .proj₁ , es , Acnt.treasury acnt ⟧ˡᵉ
validTxIn₂ : Tx → Type
validTxIn₂ tx = ∃[ ls' ] ledgerEnv ⊢ ls ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ ls'
validTx₁ : Tx → Type
validTx₁ tx = ∃[ s ] validTxIn₁ s tx
ChainInvariant : ∀ {a} → (ChainState → Type a) → Type a
ChainInvariant P = ∀ b s s' → _ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ b ,CHAIN⦈ s' → P s → P s'
module _ (s : ChainState) where
open ChainState s; open NewEpochState newEpochState; open EpochState epochState
open LState ls
open EnactState es renaming (pparams to pparams')
open CertState certState; open DState dState
pparams = pparams' .proj₁
open PParams pparams
open Tx; open TxBody
module _ {slot} {tx} (let txb = body tx) (valid : validTxIn₂ s slot tx)
(indexedSum-∪⁺-hom : ∀ {A V : Type} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ ⦃ _ : DecEq V ⦄ ⦃ mon : CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ V ⦄
→ (d₁ d₂ : A ⇀ V) → indexedSumᵛ' id (d₁ ∪⁺ d₂) ≡ indexedSumᵛ' id d₁ ◇ indexedSumᵛ' id d₂)
(indexedSum-⊆ : ∀ {A : Type} ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ (d d' : A ⇀ ℕ) → d ˢ ⊆ d' ˢ
→ indexedSumᵛ' id d ≤ indexedSumᵛ' id d')
open import Ledger.Utxow txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxo.Properties txs abs
propose-minSpend : noRefundCert (txcerts txb)
→ coin (consumed pparams utxoSt txb) ≥ length (txprop txb) * govActionDeposit
propose-minSpend noRef = case valid of λ where
(_ , LEDGER-V (_ , UTXOW⇒UTXO x , _ , _)) → gmsc indexedSum-∪⁺-hom x noRef
(_ , LEDGER-I (_ , UTXOW⇒UTXO x)) → gmsc indexedSum-∪⁺-hom x noRef
module _ {b} (valid : validBlockIn s b) (let open Block b) where
isNewEpochBlock : Type
isNewEpochBlock = epoch slot ≡ sucᵉ lastEpoch
newChainState : ChainState
newChainState = proj₁ valid
getEnactState : ChainState → EnactState
getEnactState = EpochState.es ∘ NewEpochState.epochState ∘ ChainState.newEpochState
action-deposits≡actions-prop : Type
action-deposits≡actions-prop = filterˢ isGADeposit (dom (UTxOState.deposits utxoSt))
≡ fromList (map (λ where (id , _) → GovActionDeposit id) govSt)
dom-rwds≡credDeposits : Type
dom-rwds≡credDeposits = filterˢ isCredDeposit (dom (UTxOState.deposits utxoSt))
≡ mapˢ CredentialDeposit (dom rewards)
pp-wellFormed : Type
pp-wellFormed = paramsWellFormed pparams