{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Transaction using (TransactionStructure)
open import Ledger.Abstract using (AbstractFunctions)

module Ledger.Chain.Properties
  (txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs)
  (abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)
open import Ledger.Chain txs abs
open import Ledger.Enact govStructure using (EnactState)
open import Ledger.Epoch txs abs
open import Ledger.Epoch.Properties txs abs
open import Ledger.Ledger.Properties txs abs
open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Properties txs abs using (getLState)

open Computational ⦃...⦄

module _
  (nes : NewEpochState)
  (open EpochState (NewEpochState.epochState nes) using (ls) renaming (es to es'))
  (open EnactState es' using (pparams))
  (open PParams (proj₁ pparams) using (maxRefScriptSizePerBlock))
  (ts : List Tx)
  refScriptSize≤?Bound : Dec (totalRefScriptsSize ls ts  maxRefScriptSizePerBlock)
  refScriptSize≤?Bound = totalRefScriptsSize ls ts ≤? maxRefScriptSizePerBlock

  Computational-CHAIN : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,CHAIN⦈_ String
  Computational-CHAIN .computeProof Γ s record { ts = ts } = do
    nes , neStep  map₁ ⊥-elim $ computeProof {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,NEWEPOCH⦈_} _ _ _
    _ , lsStep  computeProof _ (getLState nes) ts
    case refScriptSize≤?Bound nes ts of λ where
      (no ¬p)  failure "totalRefScriptsSize > maxRefScriptSizePerBlock"
      (yes p)  success (_ , CHAIN p neStep lsStep)

  Computational-CHAIN .completeness _ s b _ (CHAIN {nes = nes} p neStep lsStep)
    with recomputeProof neStep | completeness _ _ _ _ neStep
  ... | _         | refl
    with recomputeProof lsStep | completeness _ _ _ _ lsStep
  ... | success _ | refl
    with refScriptSize≤?Bound nes (Block.ts b)
  ... | yes p = refl
  ... | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p p)