\subsection{Value Set}

{-# OPTIONS --safe --no-import-sorts #-}

open import Prelude using (Type)

module Ledger.TokenAlgebra.ValueSet (PolicyId AssetName : Type) where

open import Ledger.Prelude                         hiding (lookup ; update ; isMagma ; isEquivalence) renaming (TotalMap to _⇒_)
open _⇒_
open import Ledger.TokenAlgebra PolicyId           using (TokenAlgebra)

open import Algebra                                using (Op₂ ; IsSemigroup ; IsMonoid ; IsMagma ; IsCommutativeMonoid)
open import Algebra.Morphism                       using (IsMonoidHomomorphism ; IsMagmaHomomorphism)
open import Data.Nat.Properties                    using (+-comm ; +-assoc ; +-identityʳ ; +-0-commutativeMonoid)
open import Relation.Binary                        using (IsEquivalence)
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism               using (IsRelHomomorphism)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality  using (module ≡-Reasoning)

import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
import Relation.Binary.Core  as stdlib

\subsubsection{Derived types}

(See Fig 3 of the
{Mary ledger specification}.)

\item \AgdaBound{AssetName} is a byte string used to distinguish different assets with the same \AgdaBound{PolicyId}.
\item \AgdaBound{AssetId} is a product type consisting of a \AgdaBound{PolicyId} and an \AgdaBound{AssetName}.
\item \AgdaBound{AdaId} is the Id for the asset Ada.
\item \AgdaBound{Quantity} is the type of amounts of assets.

In the formal ledger specification \AgdaBound{AssetId} is sometimes viewed as a direct sum type,
the inhabitants of which belong to either \AgdaBound{AdaIdType} or the product
\AgdaBound{PolicyId}~\AgdaBound{×}~\AgdaBound{AssetName}; if we were adhering to that point of view,
then we would have defined
  = \AgdaBound{AdaIdType}~\AgdaBound{⊎}~(\AgdaBound{PolicyId}~\AgdaBound{×}~\AgdaBound{AssetName}).

Finally, we define a record type with a single inhabitant with which we may wish to
represent the type of Ada (rather than viewing Ada as just another asset).

record AdaIdType : Type where
  instance constructor AdaId

\subsection{Definition of the value monoid}

An inhabitant of `Value` is a map denoting a finite collection of quantities of assets.

open Algebra.CommutativeMonoid renaming (_∙_ to _⋆_) hiding (refl ; sym ; trans)

AssetId  = PolicyId × AssetName
Quantity = 
module _

  {X :  AssetId}
  {⋁A : isMaximal X}
   DecEq-PolicyId  : DecEq PolicyId 
   DecEq-AssetName : DecEq AssetName 
   DecEq-Tot : DecEq (AssetId  ) 
  (Dec-lookup≤ :  {u v : AssetId  }
     (∀ {a p q}  lookup u (a , p)  lookup v (a , q)) )

  open ≡-Reasoning
  open FunTot X ⋁A

  _⊕_ : Op₂ (AssetId  Quantity)
  u  v = Fun⇒TotalMap λ aa  (lookup u) aa + (lookup v) aa

  ⊕-lemma :  (u v : AssetId  Quantity){aa : AssetId}
              lookup (u  v) aa  lookup u aa + lookup v aa
  ⊕-lemma _ _ = lookup∘Fun⇒TotalMap-id

  zeroFun : AssetId  Quantity
  zeroFun = λ _  0

  ι : AssetId  Quantity
  ι = Fun⇒TotalMap zeroFun

  lookupι≡0 :  ∀{a}  lookup ι a  0
  lookupι≡0 = ∈-rel⇒lookup-≡ ι (∈-map′ ⋁A)

  _≋_ : stdlib.Rel (AssetId  Quantity) 0ℓ
  u  v = ∀{aa}  (lookup u) aa  (lookup v) aa

  ≋-isEquivalence : IsEquivalence {0ℓ} _≋_
  ≋-isEquivalence = record { refl = ≡.refl ; sym = λ x  ≡.sym x ; trans = λ x y  ≡.trans x y }

  ⊕-cong : Algebra.Congruent₂ _≋_ _⊕_
  ⊕-cong {x}{y}{u}{v} x≋y u≋v {a} = begin
    lookup (x  u) a         ≡⟨ ⊕-lemma x u 
    lookup x a + lookup u a  ≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ x≋y u≋v 
    lookup y a + lookup v a  ≡⟨ ≡.sym (⊕-lemma y v) 
    lookup (y  v) a         

  ⊕-comm : Algebra.Commutative _≋_ _⊕_
  ⊕-comm u v {aa} = begin
    lookup (u  v) aa          ≡⟨ ⊕-lemma u v 
    lookup u aa + lookup v aa  ≡⟨ +-comm (lookup u aa) (lookup v aa) 
    lookup v aa + lookup u aa  ≡⟨ ≡.sym (⊕-lemma v u) 
    lookup (v  u) aa          

  ⊕-assoc : Algebra.Associative _≋_ _⊕_
  ⊕-assoc x y z {a} = begin
    lookup ((x  y)  z) a                  ≡⟨ ⊕-lemma (x  y) z 
    lookup (x  y) a + lookup z a           ≡⟨ cong (_+ lookup z a) (⊕-lemma x y) 
    lookup x a + lookup y a + lookup z a    ≡⟨ +-assoc (lookup x a) (lookup y a) (lookup z a) 
    lookup x a + (lookup y a + lookup z a)  ≡⟨ cong (lookup x a +_) (≡.sym (⊕-lemma y z)) 
    lookup x a + lookup (y  z) a           ≡⟨ ≡.sym (⊕-lemma x (y  z)) 
    lookup (x  (y  z)) a                  

  ι-identity : Algebra.Identity _≋_ ι _⊕_
  ι-identity .proj₁ tm {aa} = begin
    lookup (ι  tm) aa          ≡⟨ ⊕-lemma ι tm 
    lookup ι aa + lookup tm aa  ≡⟨ cong (_+ lookup tm aa) lookupι≡0 
    lookup tm aa                
  ι-identity .proj₂ tm {aa} = begin
    lookup (tm  ι) aa          ≡⟨ ⊕-lemma tm ι 
    lookup tm aa + lookup ι aa  ≡⟨ cong (lookup tm aa +_) lookupι≡0 
    lookup tm aa + 0            ≡⟨ +-identityʳ (lookup tm aa) 
    lookup tm aa                

  open IsSemigroup
  open IsMagma
  isSemigrp : IsSemigroup _≋_ _⊕_
  isSemigrp .isMagma .isEquivalence        = ≋-isEquivalence
  isSemigrp .isMagma .∙-cong {u}{v}{x}{y}  = ⊕-cong {u}{v}{x}{y}
  isSemigrp .assoc                         = ⊕-assoc

  open IsMonoid
  ≋-⊕-ι-isMonoid : IsMonoid _≋_ _⊕_ ι
  ≋-⊕-ι-isMonoid .isSemigroup  = isSemigrp
  ≋-⊕-ι-isMonoid .identity     = ι-identity

We are now in a position to define the commutative monoid.

  open IsCommutativeMonoid

  Vcm : Algebra.CommutativeMonoid 0ℓ 0ℓ
  Vcm .Carrier                        = AssetId  Quantity
  Vcm ._≈_                            = _≋_
  Vcm ._⋆_                            = _⊕_
  Vcm .ε                              = ι
  Vcm .isCommutativeMonoid .isMonoid  = ≋-⊕-ι-isMonoid
  Vcm .isCommutativeMonoid .comm      = ⊕-comm

  instance _ = Conversion.fromBundle Vcm

  Value-TokenAlgebra :
    (specialPolicy : PolicyId)
    (specialAsset : AssetName)
    (size : AssetId  Quantity  )
  Value-TokenAlgebra specialPolicy specialAsset size = record
    { coin                      = totalMap↠coin
    ; inject                    = coin↪totalMap
    ; policies                  = policies
    ; size                      = size
    ; _≤ᵗ_                      = leq
    ; AssetName                 = AssetName
    ; specialAsset              = specialAsset
    ; property                  = compose-to-id
    ; coinIsMonoidHomomorphism  = CoinMonHom
    ; Dec-≤ᵗ = λ {x}{y}  Dec-lookup≤ {x}{y}

    specId : AssetId
    specId = (specialPolicy , specialAsset)

    open Update

    totalMap↠coin : AssetId  Quantity  Coin
    totalMap↠coin tm = lookup tm specId

    coin↪totalMap : Coin  AssetId  Quantity
    coin↪totalMap c = update specId c ι

    policies : AssetId  Quantity   PolicyId
    policies tm = mapˢ proj₁ $ dom tm

    leq : AssetId  Quantity  AssetId  Quantity  Type
    leq u v =  {a}{p}{q}  lookup u (a , p)  lookup v (a , q)

    compose-to-id : totalMap↠coin  coin↪totalMap  id
    compose-to-id _ = lookup-update-id ι
      where open LookupUpdate {X = X} {specId} {a∈X = ⋁A}

    open Algebra.CommutativeMonoid Vcm                    using () renaming (rawMonoid to Vcm-mon)
    open Algebra.CommutativeMonoid +-0-commutativeMonoid  using () renaming (rawMonoid to ℕ-mon)
    open IsMonoidHomomorphism                             using (isMagmaHomomorphism ; ε-homo)
    open IsMagmaHomomorphism                              using (isRelHomomorphism ; homo)
    open IsRelHomomorphism                                using () renaming (cong to ⟦⟧-cong)

    CoinMonHom : IsMonoidHomomorphism Vcm-mon ℕ-mon totalMap↠coin
    CoinMonHom .isMagmaHomomorphism .isRelHomomorphism .⟦⟧-cong  = λ x  x
    CoinMonHom .isMagmaHomomorphism .homo                        = λ x y  ⊕-lemma x y
    CoinMonHom .ε-homo                                           = lookupι≡0