{-# OPTIONS --safe #-} open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-0-monoid) open import Ledger.Prelude open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure module Ledger.GovernanceActions.Properties (gs : _) (open GovStructure gs) where open import Ledger.GovernanceActions gs hiding (yes; no) open import Ledger.Enact gs open EnactState instance _ = +-0-monoid open Computational ⦃...⦄ instance Computational-ENACT : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,ENACT⦈_ String Computational-ENACT .computeProof ⟦ _ , t , e ⟧ᵉ s = λ where NoConfidence → success (_ , Enact-NoConf) (UpdateCommittee new rem q) → case ¿ ∀[ term ∈ range new ] term ≤ s .pparams .proj₁ .PParams.ccMaxTermLength +ᵉ' e ¿ of λ where (yes p) → success (-, Enact-NewComm (subst (λ x → ∀[ term ∈ range new ] term ≤ x) (sym +ᵉ≡+ᵉ') p)) (no ¬p) → failure "ENACT failed at ∀[ term ∈ range new ] term ≤ (s .pparams .proj₁ .PParams.ccMaxTermLength +ᵉ e)" (NewConstitution dh sh) → success (-, Enact-NewConst) (TriggerHF v) → success (-, Enact-HF) (ChangePParams up) → success (-, Enact-PParams) Info → success (-, Enact-Info) (TreasuryWdrl wdrl) → case ¿ ∑[ x ← s .withdrawals ∪⁺ wdrl ] x ≤ t ¿ of λ where (yes p) → success (-, Enact-Wdrl p) (no _) → failure "ENACT failed at ∑[ x ← (s .withdrawals ∪⁺ wdrl) ᶠᵐ ] x ≤ t" Computational-ENACT .completeness ⟦ _ , t , e ⟧ᵉ s action _ p with action | p ... | .NoConfidence | Enact-NoConf = refl ... | .UpdateCommittee new rem q | Enact-NewComm p rewrite dec-yes (¿ ∀[ term ∈ range new ] term ≤ s .pparams .proj₁ .PParams.ccMaxTermLength +ᵉ' e ¿) (subst (λ x → ∀[ term ∈ range new ] term ≤ x) +ᵉ≡+ᵉ' p) .proj₂ = refl ... | .NewConstitution dh sh | Enact-NewConst = refl ... | .TriggerHF v | Enact-HF = refl ... | .ChangePParams up | Enact-PParams = refl ... | .Info | Enact-Info = refl ... | .TreasuryWdrl wdrl | Enact-Wdrl p rewrite dec-yes (¿ ∑[ x ← s .withdrawals ∪⁺ wdrl ] x ≤ t ¿) p .proj₂ = refl