{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module Tactic.ReduceDec where
open import MetaPrelude
open import Meta
open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Tactic.Assumption
open import Tactic.Constrs
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
variable ℓ : Level
A : Set ℓ
selectSubterms : (Term → Bool) → Term → List Term
selectSubterms P t = if P t then [ t ] else helper t
helper : Term → List Term
argHelper : List (Arg Term) → List Term
helper (var x args) = argHelper args
helper (con c args) = argHelper args
helper (def f args) = argHelper args
helper (lam v t) = []
helper (pat-lam cs args) = argHelper args
helper (pi (arg _ a) _) = if P a then [ a ] else helper a
helper (meta x args) = argHelper args
helper _ = []
argHelper [] = []
argHelper (arg _ x ∷ l) = (if P x then [ x ] else helper x) ++ argHelper l
generalizeSubterms : (Term → Bool) → Term → Term
generalizeSubterms P t = lambdas $ if P t then ♯ 0 else helper (mapVars suc t)
helper : Term → Term
argHelper : List (Arg Term) → List (Arg Term)
helper (var x args) = var x $ argHelper args
helper (con c args) = con c $ argHelper args
helper (def f args) = def f $ argHelper args
helper (lam v t) = lam v t
helper (pat-lam cs args) = pat-lam cs $ argHelper args
helper (pi (arg i a) b) = pi (arg i $ if P a then ♯ 0 else helper a) b
helper (meta x args) = meta x $ argHelper args
helper t = t
argHelper [] = []
argHelper (arg i x ∷ l) = arg i (if P x then ♯ 0 else helper x) ∷ argHelper l
lambdas : Term → Term
lambdas t' = foldl (λ acc _ → `λ "g" ⇒ acc) t' (selectSubterms P t)
extractDec : Term → Maybe Term
extractDec (def (quote isYes) (_ ∷ _ ∷ t ⟨∷⟩ [])) = just t
extractDec t = nothing
isIsYes : Term → Bool
isIsYes = is-just ∘ extractDec
fromWitness' : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} (Q : Dec P) → P → ⌊ Q ⌋ ≡ true
fromWitness' (yes p) h = refl
fromWitness' (no ¬p) h = ⊥-elim $ ¬p h
fromWitnessFalse' : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} (Q : Dec P) → ¬ P → ⌊ Q ⌋ ≡ false
fromWitnessFalse' (yes p) h = ⊥-elim $ h p
fromWitnessFalse' (no ¬p) h = refl
fromWitness'Type : Bool → Term → Term
fromWitness'Type true dec = def (quote _≡_) (hArg? ∷ hArg? ∷ def (quote isYes) (hArg? ∷ hArg? ∷ dec ⟨∷⟩ []) ⟨∷⟩ quote true ◆ ⟨∷⟩ [])
fromWitness'Type false dec = def (quote _≡_) (hArg? ∷ hArg? ∷ def (quote isYes) (hArg? ∷ hArg? ∷ dec ⟨∷⟩ []) ⟨∷⟩ quote false ◆ ⟨∷⟩ [])
findDecRWHypWith : ITactic → Term → TC Term
findDecRWHypWith tac dec =
helper true $ helper false $
error1 "reduceDec: Could not find an equation to rewrite with!"
helper : Bool → TC Term → TC Term
helper b x = runSpeculativeMaybe (do
hole ← newMeta unknown
res ← case b of λ where
false → checkType (quote fromWitnessFalse' ∙⟦ dec ∣ hole ⟧) (fromWitness'Type false dec)
true → checkType (quote fromWitness' ∙⟦ dec ∣ hole ⟧) (fromWitness'Type true dec)
catch (do
runWithHole hole tac
debugLogᵐ ("Hypothesis is " ∷ᵈᵐ b ᵛⁿ ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
return $ just res) (λ _ → return nothing)) x
reduceDecTermWith : ITactic → ReductionOptions → Term → TC (Term × Term)
reduceDecTermWith tac r t = inDebugPath "reduceDec" do
T ← local (λ env → record env { reduction = r }) (inferType t >>= normalise)
debugLog ("Reduce dec in " ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ " : " ∷ᵈ T ∷ᵈ [])
(dec ∷ decs) ← return $ mapMaybe extractDec $ selectSubterms isIsYes T
where _ → error1 "No subterms of the form 'isYes t' found!"
let scheme = generalizeSubterms isIsYes T
debugLog ("Rewrite scheme: " ∷ᵈ scheme ∷ᵈ [])
debugLog ("`isYes` to reduce: " ∷ᵈ dec ∷ᵈ [])
eq ← findDecRWHypWith tac dec
eqT ← inferType eq
debugLog ("Eq: " ∷ᵈ eq ∷ᵈ " : " ∷ᵈ eqT ∷ᵈ [])
return (scheme , eq)
reduceDecTerm : ReductionOptions → Term → TC (Term × Term)
reduceDecTerm r t = do
fuel ← getFuel "reduceDec/constrs"
reduceDecTermWith (tryConstrsWith' fuel assumption') r t
reduceDec' : ReductionOptions → Term → TC Term
reduceDec' r t = do
(scheme , eq) ← reduceDecTerm r t
return $ quote subst ∙⟦ scheme ∣ eq ∣ t ⟧
reduceDec : ReductionOptions → Term → ITactic
reduceDec r t = unifyWithGoal =<< reduceDec' r t
reduceDecInGoal : ReductionOptions → Term → ITactic
reduceDecInGoal r newGoal = do
inj₁ goal ← reader TCEnv.goal
where _ → error1 "Goal is not a hole!"
(scheme , eq) ← reduceDecTerm r goal
unifyWithGoal $ quote subst ∙⟦ scheme ∣ quote sym ∙⟦ eq ⟧ ∣ newGoal ⟧
module _ ⦃ _ : TCOptions ⦄ where
by-reduceDec : Term → Tactic
by-reduceDec t = initTac $ reduceDec reduceAll t
by-reduceDecInGoal : Term → Tactic
by-reduceDecInGoal t = initTac $ reduceDecInGoal reduceAll t
by-reduceDec' : ReductionOptions → Term → Tactic
by-reduceDec' r t = initTac $ reduceDec r t
by-reduceDecInGoal' : ReductionOptions → Term → Tactic
by-reduceDecInGoal' r t = initTac $ reduceDecInGoal r t
open import Class.DecEq
module Test (A : Set) ⦃ _ : DecEq A ⦄ where
open import Tactic.Defaults
variable a b : A
X Y Z : Set
startDebug : ⊤
startDebug = byTC (debugLog1 "\n\n\n\nTesting 'reduceDec'\n")
fun : A → A → Bool
fun a b = ⌊ a ≟ b ⌋
pf : a ≡ b → fun a b ≡ false → ⊥
pf h₁ h₂ = case true ≡ false ∋ by-reduceDec h₂ of λ ()
pf₂ : a ≡ b → fun a b ≡ true
pf₂ h = by-reduceDecInGoal (refl {x = true})
pf₃ : ¬ (a ≡ b) → fun a b ≡ false
pf₃ h = by-reduceDecInGoal (refl {x = false})