{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
-- tryConstrs: Try to refine the goal with constructors recursively,
-- applying some other tactic at the leaves

module Tactic.Constrs where

open import MetaPrelude
open import Meta

open import Data.List

open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

open import Class.Functor.Instances
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
open import Class.Traversable

instance _ = Functor-M  Class.Monad.Monad-TC 

applyConstrToUnknowns : Name  Type  Term
applyConstrToUnknowns n ty = con n (map toUnknown $ argTys ty)
    toUnknown : Arg Type  Arg Type
    toUnknown (arg i _) = arg i unknown

tryConstrsWith' :   ITactic  ITactic
tryConstrsWith' zero        tac =
  inDebugPath "tryConstrs" $ catch tac  _  error1 "Maximum depth reached!")
tryConstrsWith' (suc depth) tac =
  inDebugPath "tryConstrs" $ catch tac λ _  do
  inj₁ goal  reader TCEnv.goal
    where _  error1 "Goal is not a hole!"
  goalTy  inferType goal
  debugLog ("Find constructor for type " ∷ᵈ goalTy ∷ᵈ [])
  constrs  getConstrsForTerm goal
  try (Data.List.map  constr  do
      debugLog ("Try constructor " ∷ᵈ proj₁ constr ∷ᵈ " of type: " ∷ᵈ proj₂ constr ∷ᵈ [])
      let t = uncurry applyConstrToUnknowns constr
      t'  local  env  record env { reconstruction = true }) $ checkType t goalTy
      unify goal t'
      debugLog1 "Success!"
      traverse  Class.Functor.Instances.Functor-List   t  runWithHole t (tryConstrsWith' depth tac)) (findMetas t')
      return tt)
    (logAndError1 "No constructors were able to solve the goal!")

module _  _ : TCOptions  where
  tryConstrsᵗ :   Tactic
  tryConstrsᵗ n = initTac $ tryConstrsWith' n (error1 "Leaf reached!")

    tryConstrsWith = λ n tac  initTac $ tryConstrsWith' n tac
    tryConstrs = tryConstrsᵗ

  module Test where
    open import Tactic.Assumption
    open import Tactic.Defaults

    open import Data.Sum
    open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

    startDebug : 
    startDebug = byTC (debugLog1 "\n\n\n\nTesting 'tryConstrs'\n")

    test₁ : (3  3) × (1 + 1  2)
    test₁ = tryConstrs 2

    test₂ : 
    test₂ = tryConstrs 2

    _ : test₂  0
    _ = refl

    test₃ : (1  2)  (1  1)
    test₃ = tryConstrs 2

    test₄ :  {a} {A : Set a} {x y : A}  x  y  (1  2)  (x  y)
    test₄ h = tryConstrsWith 2 assumption'