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Smart Contract user stories



User Story ID: CIP-85

  • Enabler

Title: Sums-of-products in Plutus v3

User Story

  • As a DApp developer I want to use sums-of-products instead of Scott-encoding in my Plutus scripts to get better performance

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Sums-of-products is available to use in Plutus V3 scripts and is the default way of encoding data types in Plutus Tx.
The following new term constructors are added to the Plutus Core language:1

t ::=
-- Packs the fields into a constructor value tagged with i
l (constr i t...)
-- Inspects the tag on t and passes its fields to the corresponding case branch
l (case t t...)
Plutus: specification updated
Plutus: Implemented in production
Plutus: New operations are costed
Cardano-ledger: implementation of new ledger language including SOPs
Benchmarking: no regressions on existing scripts
Benchmarking: verify additional real-world examples
New Plutus language version supported in a release node version
New ledger language supported in a release node version

User Story ID: CIP-101

  • Enabler

Title: Keccak256 in Plutus v3

User Story

  • As a DApp developer I want to use the Keccak hashing function to validate ECDSA signatures formatted via the EVM standard

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
The Keccak-256 primitive in CIP-87 must be available to use in Plutus V3 scripts as follows:
keccak_256 :: ByteString -> ByteString

Input is a ByteString of any size
Output is 32 bytes ByteString
The primitive should be implemented in Plutus V3
The Haskell implementations of the keccak builtin will be used to implement a new built-in function in Plutus Core. This should include a comprehensive set of local tests checking that the new builtin behave as expected. (including conformance and property-based testing).
We should add a comprehensive set of conformance tests for the new builtin, and all of the tests should pass.
There should be e2e tests
We should provide budgeting benchmarks for the keccak256 builtin, run them, check that the results are sensible, then use them to create new entries in the cost model.
A precise description of the semantics of the new function should be added to the Plutus Core specification.
The new builtin should be added to the Agda development in plutus-metatheory and all of the conformance tests should pass.
Add the initial keccak256 builtin to PlutusTx.

User Story ID: PLT.001

  • Enabler

Title: Blake2b-224 in Plutus v3

User Story

  • As a DApp developer I want to use the Blake2b-224 hashing function to compute PubKeyHash onchain

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
The Blake2b-224 primitive is available to use in Plutus V3 after the HFThe primitive should be implemented in Plutus V3
The Haskell implementations of the blake2b-224 builtin will be used to implement a new built-in function in Plutus Core. This should include a comprehensive set of local tests checking that the new builtin behave as expected. (including conformance and property-based testing).
We should add a comprehensive set of conformance tests for the new builtin, and all of the tests should pass.
There should be e2e tests
We should provide budgeting benchmarks for the blake2b-224 builtin, run them, check that the results are sensible, then use them to create new entries in the cost model.
A precise description of the semantics of the new function should be added to the Plutus Core specification.
The new builtin should be added to the Agda development in plutus-metatheory and all of the conformance tests should pass.
Add the initial blake2b-224 builtin to PlutusTx.

User Story ID: CIP-87

  • Enabler

Title: Use bitwise operations in Plutus V3

User Story

  • As a DApp developer I want to use bitwise operations So that I can work with data bytestrings in a more granular and optimized way and perform operations at the bit level

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
The following operations MUST be available to use in Plutus V3 after the HF:

The following operations WILL be available in future versions
The primitives should be implemented in Plutus V3 for the initial set of bitwise builtins
The Haskell implementations of the initial set of bitwise builtins will be used to implement new built-in functions in Plutus Core. This should include a comprehensive set of local tests checking that the new builtins behave as expected. (including conformance and property-based testing).
We should add a comprehensive set of conformance tests for the new builtins, and all of the tests should pass.
There should be e2e tests for each primitive
We should provide budgeting benchmarks for the initial set of bitwise builtins, run them, check that the results are sensible, then use them to create new entries in the cost model.
A precise description of the semantics of the new functions should be added to the Plutus Core specification.
The new builtins should be added to the Agda development in plutus-metatheory and all of the conformance tests should pass.
Add the initial bitwise builtins to PlutusTx.
The new primitives must execute in a reasonable time and should provide a clear advantage over alternatives implemented using existing Plutus Core features.

User Story ID: CIP-XXXX

  • Enabler

Title: Math function to compute modular exponentiation

User Story

  • As a dApp developer I want to use built-in modular exponentiation so that I have a more efficient and reliable mean to perform operations for multiplicative inversion

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
The built-in function is expressed as follows:
modularExponentiation :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Fails if the modulus is not an Integer&
Fails if the inverse of the base does not exist for a negative exponent
Low level implementation uses integerPowMod from the GHC-bignum C package
Reduces transactions costs
Uphold integrity of existing cryptographic interfaces
Enhance cryptographic capabilities of Plutus platform

User Story ID: CIP-XXXX

  • Enabler

Title: Built-in types, arrays and maps in Plutus Core

User Story

  • As a dApp developer I want to be able to use built-in types and function arrays and map in Plutus scripts

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria