PlutusV3 user stories
User Story Id | Title | User Story | Acceptance Criteria |
PLT-001 | Implement BLS12_G2 Functions | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement BLS12_G2 functions in a PlutusV3 smart contract | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement BLS12_G2 functions in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then the functions should work correctly within the contract. |
PLT-002 | Implement BLS12_G1 Functions | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement BLS12_G1 functions in a PlutusV3 smart contract | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement BLS12_G1 functions in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then the functions should work correctly within the contract. |
PLT-003 | Implement verifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement the verifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract for Schnorr signature verification | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement the verifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then Schnorr signature verification should be performed correctly. |
PLT-004 | Implement keccak_256 for ECDSA | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement the keccak_256 function in a PlutusV3 smart contract to validate ECDSA signatures formatted via the EVM standard | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement the keccak_256 function in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then ECDSA signatures formatted via the EVM standard should be validated correctly. |
PLT-005 | Implement verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement the verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract for ECDSA signature verification | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement the verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then ECDSA signature verification should be performed correctly. |
PLT-006 | Implement verifyEd25519Signature | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement the verifyEd25519Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract for Ed25519 signature verification | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement the verifyEd25519Signature function in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then Ed25519 signature verification should be performed correctly. |
PLT-007 | Implement blake2b_224 for PubKeyHash | As a Dapp developer, I want to implement the blake2b_224 function in a PlutusV3 smart contract for validating pubKeyHash on-chain | Given that I am a Dapp developer When I implement the blake2b_224 function in a PlutusV3 smart contract Then pubKeyHash validation should be performed correctly on-chain. |