CLI.001 | Obtain constitution hash for verification (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to obtain the hash of the off-chain text of a Constitution so that I can compare it against the hash registered on-chain to verify its authenticity. | AC-CLI.001 |
CLI.002 | Generate hash of the off-chain constitution (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to generate the hash of the off-chain text for a proposed Constitution so that the hash can be utilized in a governance action. | AC-CLI.002 |
CLI.003 | Generate Committee member cold key pair (CCM) | As a potential Constitutional Committee member, I want to generate a COLD key pair so that I can be proposed for the Committee in a Governance action. | AC-CLI.003 |
CLI.004 | Generate committee member hot key pair (CCM) | As a potential Constitutional Committee member, I want to generate HOT key pair so that I can authorize the Hot key to sign votes on behalf of the Cold key. | AC-CLI.004 |
CLI.005 | Authorization certificate (CCM) | As a committee member, I want to issue an authorization certificate from my cold key to a hot key so that I can sign my votes using the hot key and keep the cold key in cold storage and can authorize a new hot key in case the original one is compromised. | AC-CLI.005 |
CLI.006 | Generate committee member key hash (CCM) | As a potential constitutional committee member, I want to generate the key hashes for my cold and hot keys so that they can be used by third parties to propose me as a new committee member and for identification purposes once I've been elected as committee member. | AC-CLI.006 |
CLI.007 | Committee member resignation certificate (CCM) | As a constitutional committee member, I want to be able to generate a resignation certificate so that I can submit it to the chain on a transaction to signal to the Ada holders that I’m resigning from my duties as cc member. | AC-CLI.007 |
CLI.008 | Generate DRep keys (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to generate Ed25519 keys so that I can register as a DRep. | AC-CLI.008 |
CLI.009 | Generate DRep ID (DRep) | As a DRep, I want to generate a DRep Id so that Ada holder can use it to delegate their votes to me and my voting record can be tracked. | AC-CLI.009 |
CLI.010 | DRep Registration Certificate Generation (DRep) | As a DRep, I want to generate a DRep registration certificate so that I can submit it on a transaction and the Ada holders can delegate their votes to me. | AC-CLI.010 |
CLI.011 | DRep Retirement Certificate Generation (DRep) | As a DRep, I want to generate a DRep retirement (unregistration) certificate so that I can submit it on a transaction and can get my DRep deposit back. | AC-CLI.011 |
CLI.012 | DRep Metadata Hash Generation (DRep) | As a DRep, I want to generate the hash of my DRep metadata so that I can supply it when registering as DRep. | AC-CLI.012 |
CLI.013 | Create Update Constitution Governance Action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a governance action that updates the constitution so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.013 |
CLI.014 | Create Update Constitutional Committee Governance Action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a governance action that updates the constitutional committee so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.014 |
CLI.015 | Create Treasury Withdrawal Governance Action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a governance action to withdraw funds from the treasury so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.015 |
CLI.016 | Create info governance action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create an info governance action so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.016 |
CLI.017 | Create update protocol parameters governance action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a governance action to update protocol parameters so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.017 |
CLI.018 | Create no-confidence governance action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a no-confidence governance action so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.018 |
CLI.019 | Create Hard-fork initiation governance action (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a governance action to initiate a hardfork so that it can be submitted to the chain and be voted by the governance bodies. | AC-CLI.019 |
CLI.020 | View governance action file (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to inspect the contents of a governance action file so that I can verify it is correct before submitting it in a transaction. | AC-CLI.020 |
CLI.021 | Create a governance action vote (DRep/SPO/CCM) | As a DRep, SPO or CC member, I want to create a vote for a governance action so that I can include it in a transaction and submit it to the chain. | AC-CLI.021 |
CLI.022 | View vote file (DRep/SPO/CCM) | As a DRep, SPO or CC member, I want to inspect the contents of a vote file so that I can verify it is correct before submitting it in a transaction. | AC-CLI.022 |
CLI.023 | Build a transaction to submit proposal (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to build a transaction that includes a proposal (containing a governance action) so that I can later sign and submit to the chain. | AC-CLI.023 |
CLI.024 | Build transaction for to submit votes (DRep, SPO, CCM) | As a DRep, SPO or CC member, I want to build a transaction that includes my vote on a particular governance action so that I can later sign and submit to the chain. | AC-CLI.025 |
CLI.025 | Build RAW transaction for proposal vote (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to build a transaction that includes a proposal (containing a governance action) so that I can later sign and submit to the chain. | AC-CLI.026 |
CLI.026 | Build RAW transaction for proposal vote (DRep/SPO/CCM) | As a DRep, SPO or CC member, I want to build a transaction that includes my vote on a particular governance action so that I can later sign and submit to the chain. | AC-CLI.027 |
CLI.027 | Create stake registration certificate (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a Conway cddl-compliant stake registration certificate stake-address. | AC-CLI.028 |
CLI.028 | Create stake deregistration certificate (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to create a Conway cddl-compliant stake deregistration certificate to get my deposit back stake-address. | AC-CLI.028 |
CLI.029 | Delegate vote to DRep (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to delegate my votes to a DRep (registered or default) so that my stake is counted when the DRep votes. Stake-address. | AC-CLI.029 |
CLI.030 | Delegate stake to SPO and votes to DRep with a single certificate (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to delegate my stake to a stake pool AND my votes to a DRep (registered or default) with a single certificate. Stake-address. | AC-CLI.030 |
CLI.031 | Query governance state (ANY) | As any persona, I want to query the nodes for the current Governance state so that I can inform my decisions. | AC-CLI.031 |
CLI.032 | Query committee state (CCM) | As a CC member, I want to query the committee state so that I can find my expiration term and whether my hot key authorization certificate has been recorded on chain. | AC-CLI.032 |
CLI.033 | Query DRep state (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to query the DRep state so that I can find detailed information about registered DReps. | AC-CLI.033 |
CLI.034 | Query DRep stake distribution (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder and DRep, I want to query the DRep stake distribution so that I can find the weight (of the votes) of each DRep. | AC-CLI.034 |
CLI.035 | Expand query stake-address-info to show deposits and vote delegation (HOLDER) | As an Ada holder, I want to query my stake address information so that I can learn to which pool and DRep I'm delegating to and the value in Lovelace of my deposits for delegating and for submitting governance actions. | AC-CLI.035 |
CLI.036 | Query constitution | As any persona I want to query the on-chain constitution so that I can know the url where it is stored and the document hash so that I can verify authenticity. | |