\section{Agda Essentials}
Here we describe some of the essential concepts and syntax of the Agda programming language and proof assistant.
The goal is to provide some background for readers who are not already familiar with Agda, to help them
understand the other sections of the specification.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Ledger.EssentialAgda where

open import Prelude using (Type)
open import Data.Nat

\subsection{Record Types}

A \defn{record} is a product with named accessors for the individual fields.  It provides a way to
define a type that groups together inhabitants of other types.\\[6pt]
record Pair (A B : Type) : Type where
  constructor ⦅_,_⦆
    fst : A
    snd : B
We can construct an element of the type \AgdaRecord{Pair ℕ ℕ} (i.e., a pair of natural numbers) as follows:
p23 : Pair  
p23 = record { fst = 2; snd = 3 }
Since our definition of the \AgdaRecord{Pair} type provides an (optional) constructor
\AgdaInductiveConstructor{⦅\_,\_⦆}, we can have defined \AgdaFunction{p23} as follows:
p23' : Pair  
p23' =  2 , 3 
Finally, we can ``update'' a record by deriving from it a new record whose fields may contain new
values.  The syntax is best explained by way of example.
p24 : Pair  
p24 = record p23 { snd = 4 }
This results a new record, \AgdaFunction{p24}, which denotes the pair
See also \href{https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6.4/language/record-types}{\texttt{https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6.4/language/record-types}}.