Safe HaskellNone




addressOfTxOut :: TxOut ctx Era -> AddressAny Source #

valueOfTxOut :: TxOut ctx Era -> Value Source #

datumOfTxOut :: TxOut ctx Era -> TxOutDatum ctx Era Source #

Get the datum from a transaction output.

redeemerOfTxIn :: Tx Era -> TxIn -> Maybe ScriptData Source #

paymentCredentialToAddressAny :: PaymentCredential -> AddressAny Source #

scriptAddressAny :: ScriptHash -> AddressAny Source #

Construct a script address.

keyAddressAny :: Hash PaymentKey -> AddressAny Source #

Construct a public key address.

isKeyAddressAny :: AddressAny -> Bool Source #

Check if an address is a public key address.

recomputeScriptData :: Maybe Word64 -> (Word64 -> Word64) -> TxBodyScriptData Era -> TxBodyScriptData Era Source #

emptyTxBodyScriptData :: TxBodyScriptData Era Source #

addScriptData :: Word64 -> Data (ShelleyLedgerEra Era) -> (Data (ShelleyLedgerEra Era), ExUnits) -> TxBodyScriptData Era -> TxBodyScriptData Era Source #

addDatum :: Data (ShelleyLedgerEra Era) -> TxBodyScriptData Era -> TxBodyScriptData Era Source #

toCtxUTxODatum :: TxOutDatum CtxTx Era -> TxOutDatum CtxUTxO Era Source #

txOutDatum :: ScriptData -> TxOutDatum CtxTx Era Source #

Convert ScriptData to a Datum.

toScriptData :: ToData a => a -> ScriptData Source #

Convert a Haskell value to ScriptData for use as a Redeemer or convert to a Datum with txOutDatum.

dummyTxId :: TxId Source #

Used for new inputs.

makeTxOut :: AddressAny -> Value -> TxOutDatum CtxTx Era -> ReferenceScript Era -> TxOut CtxUTxO Era Source #

txSigners :: Tx Era -> [Hash PaymentKey] Source #

txInputs :: Tx Era -> [TxIn] Source #

txOutputs :: Tx Era -> [TxOut CtxTx Era] Source #

leqValue :: Value -> Value -> Bool Source #

Check if a value is less or equal than another value.

projectAda :: Value -> Value Source #

Keep only the Ada part of a value.

validateTx :: ProtocolParameters -> Tx Era -> UTxO Era -> ValidityReport Source #

restrictUTxO :: Tx Era -> UTxO Era -> UTxO Era Source #

Keep only UTxOs mentioned in the given transaction.

convValidityInterval :: (TxValidityLowerBound era, TxValidityUpperBound era) -> ValidityInterval Source #