{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- | Kind/type inference/checking, mirroring PlutusCore.TypeCheck
module PlutusIR.TypeCheck
    -- * Configuration.
      BuiltinTypes (..)
    , PirTCConfig (..)
    , tccBuiltinTypes
    , getDefTypeCheckConfig
    -- * Type checking, extending the plc typechecker
    , inferType
    , checkType
    , inferTypeOfProgram
    , checkTypeOfProgram
    ) where

import PlutusCore (ToKind)
import PlutusCore.Quote
import PlutusCore.Rename
import PlutusCore.TypeCheck qualified as PLC
import PlutusIR
import PlutusIR.Error
import PlutusIR.Transform.Rename ()
import PlutusIR.TypeCheck.Internal

import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Ix
import Universe

{- Note [Goal of PIR typechecker]

The PIR typechecker is an extension  of the PLC typechecker; whereas the PLC typechecker
works on PLC terms, the PIR typechecker works on the PIR terms. A PIR term
can be thought of as a superset of the PLC term language: it adds the `LetRec` and `LetNonRec` syntactic
constructs. Because of ths, the PIR typechecker simply extends the PLC typechecker by adding checks
for these two let constructs of PIR.

Since we already have a PIR->PLC compiler, some would say that it would suffice to first compile the PIR to PLC
and then only run the PLC typechecker. While this is mostly true, there are some reasons for having also
the PIR typechecker as an extra step on the compiler pipeline:

- The error-messages can refer to features of PIR syntax which don't exist in PLC, such as let-terms

- Although PIR is an IR and as such is not supposed to be written by humans, we do have some hand-written PIR code
in our examples/samples/testcases that we would like to make sure they typecheck.

- Our deadcode eliminator which works on PIR (in `PlutusIR.Optimizer.Deadcode`) may eliminate ill-typed code, which
would turn, much to a surprise, an ill-typed program to a well-typed one.

- Some lets of the PIR user may be declared as recursive although they do not *have to* be, e.g. `let (rec) x = 3 in`
would be better written as `let (nonrec) x = 3 in`. In such cases we could signal a warning/error (NB: not implemented atm, and probably not the job of the typechecker pass).

- In general, as an extra source of (type) safety.

-- | The default 'TypeCheckConfig'.
    :: forall uni fun m err ann.
       ( MonadError err m
       , AsTypeError err (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann
       , PLC.Typecheckable uni fun
    => ann -> m (PirTCConfig uni fun)
getDefTypeCheckConfig :: ann -> m (PirTCConfig uni fun)
getDefTypeCheckConfig ann
ann = do
    TypeCheckConfig uni fun
configPlc <- ann -> m (TypeCheckConfig uni fun)
forall err (m :: * -> *) term (uni :: * -> *) fun ann.
(MonadError err m, AsTypeError err term uni fun ann,
 Typecheckable uni fun) =>
ann -> m (TypeCheckConfig uni fun)
PLC.getDefTypeCheckConfig ann
    PirTCConfig uni fun -> m (PirTCConfig uni fun)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PirTCConfig uni fun -> m (PirTCConfig uni fun))
-> PirTCConfig uni fun -> m (PirTCConfig uni fun)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeCheckConfig uni fun -> AllowEscape -> PirTCConfig uni fun
forall (uni :: * -> *) fun.
TypeCheckConfig uni fun -> AllowEscape -> PirTCConfig uni fun
PirTCConfig TypeCheckConfig uni fun
configPlc AllowEscape

-- | Infer the type of a term.
-- Note: The "inferred type" can escape its scope if YesEscape config is passed, see [PIR vs Paper Escaping Types Difference]
    :: ( AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann, ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m
       , GEq uni, Ix fun
    => PirTCConfig uni fun -> Term TyName Name uni fun ann -> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
inferType :: PirTCConfig uni fun
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
inferType PirTCConfig uni fun
config = Term TyName Name uni fun ann -> m (Term TyName Name uni fun ann)
forall a (m :: * -> *). (Rename a, MonadQuote m) => a -> m a
rename (Term TyName Name uni fun ann -> m (Term TyName Name uni fun ann))
-> (Term TyName Name uni fun ann
    -> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ())))
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
forall (m :: * -> *) a b c.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
>=> PirTCConfig uni fun
-> PirTCEnv uni fun e (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
forall e (m :: * -> *) (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) =>
PirTCConfig uni fun -> PirTCEnv uni fun e a -> m a
runTypeCheckM PirTCConfig uni fun
config (PirTCEnv uni fun e (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
 -> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ())))
-> (Term TyName Name uni fun ann
    -> PirTCEnv uni fun e (Normalized (Type TyName uni ())))
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> PirTCEnv uni fun e (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
forall (uni :: * -> *) fun ann e.
(GEq uni, Ix fun,
 AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann,
 ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann) =>
Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> PirTCEnv uni fun e (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))

-- | Check a term against a type.
-- Infers the type of the term and checks that it's equal to the given type
-- throwing a 'TypeError' (annotated with the value of the @ann@ argument) otherwise.
-- Note: this may allow witnessing a type that escapes its scope, see [PIR vs Paper Escaping Types Difference]
    :: ( AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann, ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m
       , GEq uni, Ix fun
    => PirTCConfig uni fun
    -> ann
    -> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
    -> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
    -> m ()
checkType :: PirTCConfig uni fun
-> ann
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> m ()
checkType PirTCConfig uni fun
config ann
ann Term TyName Name uni fun ann
term Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
ty = do
    Term TyName Name uni fun ann
termRen <- Term TyName Name uni fun ann -> m (Term TyName Name uni fun ann)
forall a (m :: * -> *). (Rename a, MonadQuote m) => a -> m a
rename Term TyName Name uni fun ann
    PirTCConfig uni fun -> PirTCEnv uni fun e () -> m ()
forall e (m :: * -> *) (uni :: * -> *) fun a.
(MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) =>
PirTCConfig uni fun -> PirTCEnv uni fun e a -> m a
runTypeCheckM PirTCConfig uni fun
config (PirTCEnv uni fun e () -> m ()) -> PirTCEnv uni fun e () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ann
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> PirTCEnv uni fun e ()
forall (uni :: * -> *) fun e ann.
(GEq uni, Ix fun, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann,
 AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann,
 ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni) =>
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> PirTCEnv uni fun e ()
checkTypeM ann
ann Term TyName Name uni fun ann
termRen Normalized (Type TyName uni ())

-- | Infer the type of a program.
-- Note: The "inferred type" can escape its scope if YesEscape config is passed, see [PIR vs Paper Escaping Types Difference]
    :: ( AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann, ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m
       , GEq uni, Ix fun
    => PirTCConfig uni fun -> Program TyName Name uni fun ann -> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
inferTypeOfProgram :: PirTCConfig uni fun
-> Program TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
inferTypeOfProgram PirTCConfig uni fun
config (Program ann
_ Term TyName Name uni fun ann
term) = PirTCConfig uni fun
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
forall e (uni :: * -> *) fun ann (m :: * -> *).
(AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann,
 ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann,
 MonadError e m, MonadQuote m, GEq uni, Ix fun) =>
PirTCConfig uni fun
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> m (Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
inferType PirTCConfig uni fun
config Term TyName Name uni fun ann

-- | Check a program against a type.
-- Infers the type of the program and checks that it's equal to the given type
-- throwing a 'TypeError' (annotated with the value of the @ann@ argument) otherwise.
-- Note: this may allow witnessing a type that escapes its scope, see [PIR vs Paper Escaping Types Difference]
    :: ( AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann, ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann,
        MonadError e m, MonadQuote m
       , GEq uni, Ix fun
    => PirTCConfig uni fun
    -> ann
    -> Program TyName Name uni fun ann
    -> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
    -> m ()
checkTypeOfProgram :: PirTCConfig uni fun
-> ann
-> Program TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> m ()
checkTypeOfProgram PirTCConfig uni fun
config ann
ann (Program ann
_ Term TyName Name uni fun ann
term) = PirTCConfig uni fun
-> ann
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> m ()
forall e (uni :: * -> *) fun ann (m :: * -> *).
(AsTypeError e (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann,
 ToKind uni, HasUniApply uni, AsTypeErrorExt e uni ann,
 MonadError e m, MonadQuote m, GEq uni, Ix fun) =>
PirTCConfig uni fun
-> ann
-> Term TyName Name uni fun ann
-> Normalized (Type TyName uni ())
-> m ()
checkType PirTCConfig uni fun
config ann
ann Term TyName Name uni fun ann