{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
module Plutus.Contract.Request(
    -- * PAB requests
    -- ** Waiting
    , isSlot
    , currentSlot
    , currentPABSlot
    , currentNodeClientSlot
    , currentChainIndexSlot
    , waitNSlots
    , awaitTime
    , isTime
    , currentTime
    , currentNodeClientTimeRange
    , waitNMilliSeconds
    -- ** Chain index queries
    , datumFromHash
    , datumsAt
    , validatorFromHash
    , mintingPolicyFromHash
    , stakeValidatorFromHash
    , redeemerFromHash
    , txOutFromRef
    , txFromTxId
    , findReferenceValidatorScripByHash
    , unspentTxOutFromRef
    , utxoRefMembership
    , utxoRefsAt
    , utxoRefsWithCurrency
    , utxosAt
    , utxosTxOutTxFromTx
    , utxosTxOutTxAt
    , txsFromTxIds
    , txoRefsAt
    , txsAt
    , getTip
    , collectQueryResponse
    -- ** Waiting for changes to the UTXO set
    , fundsAtAddressGt
    , fundsAtAddressGeq
    , fundsAtAddressCondition
    , watchAddressUntilSlot
    , watchAddressUntilTime
    , awaitUtxoSpent
    , utxoIsSpent
    , awaitUtxoProduced
    , utxoIsProduced
    -- ** Tx and tx output confirmation
    , RollbackState(..)
    , TxStatus
    , awaitTxStatusChange
    , awaitTxConfirmed
    , isTxConfirmed
    , TxOutStatus
    , awaitTxOutStatusChange
    -- ** Contract instances
    , ownInstanceId
    -- ** Exposing endpoints
    , HasEndpoint
    , EndpointDescription(..)
    , Endpoint
    , endpoint
    , handleEndpoint
    , endpointWithMeta
    , endpointDescription
    , endpointReq
    , endpointResp
    -- ** Wallet information
    , ownPaymentPubKeyHash
    , ownPaymentPubKeyHashes
    , ownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash
    , ownAddresses
    , ownAddress
    , ownUtxos
    , getUnspentOutput
    -- ** Submitting transactions
    , adjustUnbalancedTx
    , submitUnbalancedTx
    , submitBalancedTx
    , balanceTx
    , submitTx
    , submitTxConstraints
    , submitTxConstraintsSpending
    , submitTxConstraintsWith
    , submitTxConfirmed
    , mkTxConstraints
    , yieldUnbalancedTx
    -- ** Parameters
    , getParams
    -- * Etc.
    , ContractRow
    , pabReq
    , MkTxLog(..)
    ) where

import Cardano.Api qualified as C
import Cardano.Node.Emulator.Internal.Node.Params (Params)
import Control.Lens (Prism', _2, _Just, only, preview, review, to, view)
import Control.Monad.Freer.Error qualified as E
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT (..), evalStateT)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Aeson qualified as JSON
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as JSON
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Default (Default (def))
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.Row (AllUniqueLabels, HasType, KnownSymbol, type (.==))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Extras (tshow)
import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, symbolVal)
import Ledger (CardanoAddress, DiffMilliSeconds, POSIXTime, PaymentPubKeyHash (PaymentPubKeyHash), Slot, TxOutRef,
               ValidatorHash (ValidatorHash), cardanoPubKeyHash, decoratedTxOutReferenceScript, fromMilliSeconds,
               getScriptHash, scriptHash, txOutRefId)
import Ledger.Tx (CardanoTx, DecoratedTxOut, Versioned, decoratedTxOutValue, getCardanoTxId)
import Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI (toCardanoTxIn)
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints (TxConstraints)
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints.OffChain (ScriptLookups, UnbalancedTx)
import Ledger.Tx.Constraints.OffChain qualified as Constraints
import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (Any, TypedValidator, ValidatorTypes (DatumType, RedeemerType))
import Ledger.Value.CardanoAPI (valueGeq, valueLeq)
import Plutus.ChainIndex (ChainIndexTx, Page (nextPageQuery, pageItems), PageQuery, txOutRefs)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Api (IsUtxoResponse, QueryResponse, TxosResponse, UtxosResponse, collectQueryResponse, paget)
import Plutus.ChainIndex.Types (RollbackState (Unknown), Tip, TxOutStatus, TxStatus)
import Plutus.Contract.Effects (ActiveEndpoint (ActiveEndpoint, aeDescription, aeMetadata),
                                PABReq (AdjustUnbalancedTxReq, AwaitSlotReq, AwaitTimeReq, AwaitTxOutStatusChangeReq, AwaitTxStatusChangeReq, AwaitUtxoProducedReq, AwaitUtxoSpentReq, BalanceTxReq, ChainIndexQueryReq, CurrentChainIndexSlotReq, CurrentNodeClientSlotReq, CurrentNodeClientTimeRangeReq, CurrentTimeReq, ExposeEndpointReq, GetParamsReq, OwnAddressesReq, OwnContractInstanceIdReq, WriteBalancedTxReq, YieldUnbalancedTxReq),
                                PABResp (ExposeEndpointResp))
import Plutus.Contract.Effects qualified as E
import Plutus.Contract.Error (AsContractError (_ChainIndexContractError, _ConstraintResolutionContractError, _EndpointDecodeContractError, _OtherContractError, _ResumableContractError, _ToCardanoConvertContractError, _WalletContractError),
                              ContractError (OtherContractError), _ContractError)
import Plutus.Contract.Logging (logDebug)
import Plutus.Contract.Resumable (prompt)
import Plutus.Contract.Schema (Input, Output)
import Plutus.Contract.Types (Contract (Contract), MatchingError (WrongVariantError), Promise (Promise), mapError,
                              runError, throwError)
import Plutus.Contract.Util (loopM)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (Datum, DatumHash, MintingPolicy, MintingPolicyHash, Redeemer, RedeemerHash, StakeValidator,
                             StakeValidatorHash, TxId, Validator)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value (AssetClass)
import PlutusTx qualified
import Wallet.Emulator.Error (WalletAPIError (NoPaymentPubKeyHashError))
import Wallet.Types (ContractInstanceId, EndpointDescription (EndpointDescription),
                     EndpointValue (EndpointValue, unEndpointValue))

-- | Constraints on the contract schema, ensuring that the labels of the schema
--   are unique.
type ContractRow s =
  ( AllUniqueLabels (Input s)
  , AllUniqueLabels (Output s)

{- Send a 'PABReq' and return the appropriate 'PABResp'
pabReq ::
  forall w s e a.
  ( AsContractError e
  => PABReq -- ^ The request to send
  -> Prism' PABResp a -- ^ Prism for the response
  -> Contract w s e a
pabReq :: PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
req Prism' PABResp a
prism = Eff (ContractEffs w e) a -> Contract w s e a
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
Eff (ContractEffs w e) a -> Contract w s e a
Contract (Eff (ContractEffs w e) a -> Contract w s e a)
-> Eff (ContractEffs w e) a -> Contract w s e a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
x <- PABReq -> Eff (ContractEffs w e) PABResp
forall i o (effs :: [* -> *]).
Member (Resumable i o) effs =>
o -> Eff effs i
prompt @PABResp @PABReq PABReq
  case Getting (First a) PABResp a -> PABResp -> Maybe a
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview Getting (First a) PABResp a
Prism' PABResp a
prism PABResp
x of
    Just a
r -> a -> Eff (ContractEffs w e) a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure a
    Maybe a
_      ->
        forall (effs :: [* -> *]) a.
Member (Error e) effs =>
e -> Eff effs a
forall e (effs :: [* -> *]) a.
Member (Error e) effs =>
e -> Eff effs a
E.throwError @e
            (e -> Eff (ContractEffs w e) a) -> e -> Eff (ContractEffs w e) a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e MatchingError -> MatchingError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e MatchingError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r MatchingError
            (MatchingError -> e) -> MatchingError -> e
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> MatchingError
            (Text -> MatchingError) -> Text -> MatchingError
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"unexpected answer: " Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> PABResp -> Text
forall a. Show a => a -> Text
tshow PABResp

-- | Adjust the unbalanced tx
adjustUnbalancedTx ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => UnbalancedTx
    -> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
adjustUnbalancedTx :: UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
adjustUnbalancedTx UnbalancedTx
utx = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (UnbalancedTx -> PABReq
AdjustUnbalancedTxReq UnbalancedTx
utx) Prism' PABResp UnbalancedTx

-- | Wait until the slot
awaitSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Slot
    -> Contract w s e Slot
awaitSlot :: Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
awaitSlot Slot
s = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (Slot -> PABReq
AwaitSlotReq Slot
s) Prism' PABResp Slot

-- | Wait until the slot
isSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Slot
    -> Promise w s e Slot
isSlot :: Slot -> Promise w s e Slot
isSlot = Contract w s e Slot -> Promise w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e Slot -> Promise w s e Slot)
-> (Slot -> Contract w s e Slot) -> Slot -> Promise w s e Slot
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Slot -> Contract w s e Slot

-- | Get the current slot number
{-# DEPRECATED currentSlot "Use currentNodeClientSlot instead" #-}
currentSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Slot
currentSlot :: Contract w s e Slot
currentSlot = Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e. AsContractError e => Contract w s e Slot

{-# DEPRECATED currentPABSlot "Use currentNodeClientSlot instead" #-}
-- | Get the current slot number of PAB
currentPABSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Slot
currentPABSlot :: Contract w s e Slot
currentPABSlot = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
CurrentNodeClientSlotReq Prism' PABResp Slot

-- | Get the current slot number of the node client (the local or remote node) that the application
-- is connected to.
currentNodeClientSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Slot
currentNodeClientSlot :: Contract w s e Slot
currentNodeClientSlot = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
CurrentNodeClientSlotReq Prism' PABResp Slot

-- | Get the current node slot number querying slot number from plutus chain index to be aligned with slot at local running node
currentChainIndexSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Slot
currentChainIndexSlot :: Contract w s e Slot
currentChainIndexSlot = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
CurrentChainIndexSlotReq Prism' PABResp Slot

-- | Wait for a number of slots to pass
waitNSlots ::
  forall w s e.
  ( AsContractError e
  => Natural
  -> Contract w s e Slot
waitNSlots :: Natural -> Contract w s e Slot
waitNSlots Natural
n = do
c <- Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e. AsContractError e => Contract w s e Slot
  Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
awaitSlot (Slot -> Contract w s e Slot) -> Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Slot
c Slot -> Slot -> Slot
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Natural -> Slot
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Natural

-- | Wait until the slot where the given time falls into and return latest time
-- we know has passed.
-- Example: if starting time is 0 and slot length is 3s, then `awaitTime 4`
-- waits until slot 2 and returns the value `POSIXTime 5`.
awaitTime ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => POSIXTime
    -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
awaitTime :: POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
awaitTime POSIXTime
s = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (POSIXTime -> PABReq
AwaitTimeReq POSIXTime
s) Prism' PABResp POSIXTime

-- | Wait until the slot where the given time falls into and return latest time
-- we know has passed.
isTime ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => POSIXTime
    -> Promise w s e POSIXTime
isTime :: POSIXTime -> Promise w s e POSIXTime
isTime = Contract w s e POSIXTime -> Promise w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e POSIXTime -> Promise w s e POSIXTime)
-> (POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime)
-> POSIXTime
-> Promise w s e POSIXTime
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime

{-# DEPRECATED currentTime "Use currentNodeClientTimeRange instead" #-}
-- | Get the latest time of the current slot.
-- Example: if slot length is 3s and current slot is 2, then `currentTime`
-- returns the value `POSIXTime 5`
currentTime ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e POSIXTime
currentTime :: Contract w s e POSIXTime
currentTime = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
CurrentTimeReq Prism' PABResp POSIXTime

-- | Get the 'POSIXTime' range of the current slot.
-- Example: if slot length is 3s and current slot is 2, then `currentTimeRange`
-- returns the time interval @[3, 5[@.
currentNodeClientTimeRange ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e (POSIXTime, POSIXTime)
currentNodeClientTimeRange :: Contract w s e (POSIXTime, POSIXTime)
currentNodeClientTimeRange = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (POSIXTime, POSIXTime)
-> Contract w s e (POSIXTime, POSIXTime)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
CurrentNodeClientTimeRangeReq Prism' PABResp (POSIXTime, POSIXTime)

-- | Wait for a number of milliseconds starting at the ending time of the current
-- slot, and return the latest time we know has passed.
-- Example: if starting time is 0, slot length is 3000ms and current slot is 0, then
-- `waitNMilliSeconds 0` returns the value `POSIXTime 2000` and `waitNMilliSeconds 1000`
-- returns the value `POSIXTime 5`.
waitNMilliSeconds ::
  forall w s e.
  ( AsContractError e
  => DiffMilliSeconds
  -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
waitNMilliSeconds :: DiffMilliSeconds -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
waitNMilliSeconds DiffMilliSeconds
n = do
t <- Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e POSIXTime
  POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
awaitTime (POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime)
-> POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
t POSIXTime -> POSIXTime -> POSIXTime
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ DiffMilliSeconds -> POSIXTime
fromMilliSeconds DiffMilliSeconds

-- | Get the configured parameter set.
getParams ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Params
getParams :: Contract w s e Params
getParams = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp Params -> Contract w s e Params
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
GetParamsReq Prism' PABResp Params

datumFromHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => DatumHash
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum)
datumFromHash :: DatumHash -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum)
datumFromHash DatumHash
h = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ DatumHash -> ChainIndexQuery
E.DatumFromHash DatumHash
h) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.DatumHashResponse Maybe Datum
r -> Maybe Datum -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe Datum
r                     -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Datum)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"DatumHashResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get all the datums at an address w.r.t. a page query TxOutRef
queryDatumsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> PageQuery TxOutRef
    -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
queryDatumsAt :: CardanoAddress
-> PageQuery TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
queryDatumsAt CardanoAddress
addr PageQuery TxOutRef
pq = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> ChainIndexQuery
E.DatumsAtAddress PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.DatumsAtResponse QueryResponse [Datum]
r -> QueryResponse [Datum] -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure QueryResponse [Datum]
r                    -> e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum]))
-> e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"DatumsAtResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get the all datums at an address whether or not the corresponding utxo have been consumed or not.
datumsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e [Datum]
datumsAt :: CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e [Datum]
datumsAt CardanoAddress
addr =
  [[Datum]] -> [Datum]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
concat ([[Datum]] -> [Datum])
-> Contract w s e [[Datum]] -> Contract w s e [Datum]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (PageQuery TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum]))
-> Contract w s e [[Datum]]
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
(PageQuery TxOutRef -> m (QueryResponse a)) -> m [a]
collectQueryResponse (CardanoAddress
-> PageQuery TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
-> PageQuery TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [Datum])
queryDatumsAt CardanoAddress

validatorFromHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => ValidatorHash
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator))
validatorFromHash :: ValidatorHash -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator))
validatorFromHash ValidatorHash
h = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ValidatorHash -> ChainIndexQuery
E.ValidatorFromHash ValidatorHash
h) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.ValidatorHashResponse Maybe (Versioned Validator)
r -> Maybe (Versioned Validator)
-> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe (Versioned Validator)
r                         -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator))
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator)))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned Validator))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"ValidatorHashResponse", ChainIndexResponse

mintingPolicyFromHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => MintingPolicyHash
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))
mintingPolicyFromHash :: MintingPolicyHash
-> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))
mintingPolicyFromHash MintingPolicyHash
h = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ MintingPolicyHash -> ChainIndexQuery
E.MintingPolicyFromHash MintingPolicyHash
h) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.MintingPolicyHashResponse Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy)
r -> Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy)
-> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy)
r                             -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy)))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned MintingPolicy))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"MintingPolicyHashResponse", ChainIndexResponse

stakeValidatorFromHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => StakeValidatorHash
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))
stakeValidatorFromHash :: StakeValidatorHash
-> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))
stakeValidatorFromHash StakeValidatorHash
h = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ StakeValidatorHash -> ChainIndexQuery
E.StakeValidatorFromHash StakeValidatorHash
h) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.StakeValidatorHashResponse Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator)
r -> Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator)
-> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator)
r                              -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator)))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe (Versioned StakeValidator))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"StakeValidatorHashResponse", ChainIndexResponse

redeemerFromHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => RedeemerHash
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer)
redeemerFromHash :: RedeemerHash -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer)
redeemerFromHash RedeemerHash
h = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RedeemerHash -> ChainIndexQuery
E.RedeemerFromHash RedeemerHash
h) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.RedeemerHashResponse Maybe Redeemer
r -> Maybe Redeemer -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe Redeemer
r                        -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe Redeemer)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"RedeemerHashResponse", ChainIndexResponse

txOutFromRef ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => TxOutRef
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
txOutFromRef :: TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
txOutFromRef TxOutRef
ref = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQuery
E.TxOutFromRef TxOutRef
ref) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.TxOutRefResponse Maybe DecoratedTxOut
r -> Maybe DecoratedTxOut -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe DecoratedTxOut
r                    -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"TxOutRefResponse", ChainIndexResponse

unspentTxOutFromRef ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => TxOutRef
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
unspentTxOutFromRef :: TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
unspentTxOutFromRef TxOutRef
ref = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQuery
E.UnspentTxOutFromRef TxOutRef
ref) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.UnspentTxOutResponse Maybe DecoratedTxOut
r -> Maybe DecoratedTxOut -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe DecoratedTxOut
r                        -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"UnspentTxOutResponse", ChainIndexResponse

txFromTxId ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => TxId
    -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
txFromTxId :: TxId -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
txFromTxId TxId
txid = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxId -> ChainIndexQuery
E.TxFromTxId TxId
txid) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.TxIdResponse Maybe ChainIndexTx
r -> Maybe ChainIndexTx -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe ChainIndexTx
r                -> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx))
-> e -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"TxIdResponse", ChainIndexResponse

utxoRefMembership ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => TxOutRef
    -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse
utxoRefMembership :: TxOutRef -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse
utxoRefMembership TxOutRef
ref = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutRef -> ChainIndexQuery
E.UtxoSetMembership TxOutRef
ref) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.UtxoSetMembershipResponse IsUtxoResponse
r -> IsUtxoResponse -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure IsUtxoResponse
r                             -> e -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse)
-> e -> Contract w s e IsUtxoResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"UtxoSetMembershipResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get the unspent transaction output references at an address.
utxoRefsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => PageQuery TxOutRef
    -> CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
utxoRefsAt :: PageQuery TxOutRef
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
utxoRefsAt PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> ChainIndexQuery
E.UtxoSetAtAddress PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.UtxoSetAtResponse UtxosResponse
r -> UtxosResponse -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure UtxosResponse
r                     -> e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse)
-> e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"UtxoSetAtResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get the unspent transaction output references with a specific currrency ('AssetClass').
utxoRefsWithCurrency ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => PageQuery TxOutRef
    -> AssetClass
    -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
utxoRefsWithCurrency :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> AssetClass -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
utxoRefsWithCurrency PageQuery TxOutRef
pq AssetClass
assetClass = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PageQuery TxOutRef -> AssetClass -> ChainIndexQuery
E.UtxoSetWithCurrency PageQuery TxOutRef
pq AssetClass
assetClass) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.UtxoSetWithCurrencyResponse UtxosResponse
r -> UtxosResponse -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure UtxosResponse
r                               -> e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse)
-> e -> Contract w s e UtxosResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"UtxoSetWithCurrencyResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get all utxos belonging to the wallet that runs this contract.
ownUtxos :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
ownUtxos :: Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
ownUtxos = do
    NonEmpty CardanoAddress
addrs <- Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
    [Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut] -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
forall (t :: * -> *) m. (Foldable t, Monoid m) => t m -> m
fold ([Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut] -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e [Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut]
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
-> [CardanoAddress] -> Contract w s e [Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt (NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> [CardanoAddress]
forall a. NonEmpty a -> [a]
NonEmpty.toList NonEmpty CardanoAddress

-- | Get an unspent output belonging to the wallet.
getUnspentOutput :: AsContractError e => Contract w s e TxOutRef
getUnspentOutput :: Contract w s e TxOutRef
getUnspentOutput = do
    Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxos <- Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
    case Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> [TxOutRef]
forall k a. Map k a -> [k]
Map.keys Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxos of
inp : [TxOutRef]
_ -> TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure  TxOutRef
        []      -> e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef) -> e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e Text -> Text -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e Text
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r Text
_OtherContractError Text
"Balanced transaction has no inputs"

-- | Get all the unspent transaction output at an address w.r.t. a page query TxOutRef
queryUnspentTxOutsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> PageQuery TxOutRef
    -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
queryUnspentTxOutsAt :: CardanoAddress
-> PageQuery TxOutRef
-> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
queryUnspentTxOutsAt CardanoAddress
addr PageQuery TxOutRef
pq = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> ChainIndexQuery
E.UnspentTxOutSetAtAddress PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.UnspentTxOutsAtResponse QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]
r -> QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]
-> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]
r                           -> e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]))
-> e -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"UnspentTxOutAtResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Find the reference to an utxo containing a reference script
-- by its the script hash, amongst the utxos at a given address
findReferenceValidatorScripByHash ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => ValidatorHash
    -> CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
findReferenceValidatorScripByHash :: ValidatorHash -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
findReferenceValidatorScripByHash ValidatorHash
hash CardanoAddress
address = do
    Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxos <- CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress
    Contract w s e TxOutRef
-> (TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutRef)
-> Maybe TxOutRef
-> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
      (e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef) -> e -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e ContractError -> ContractError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e ContractError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r ContractError
_ContractError (ContractError -> e) -> ContractError -> e
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text -> ContractError
OtherContractError Text
"Enable to find the referenc script")
      TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
      (Maybe TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutRef)
-> Maybe TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutRef
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ValidatorHash -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> Maybe TxOutRef
searchReferenceScript ValidatorHash
hash Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
        searchReferenceScript :: ValidatorHash -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> Maybe TxOutRef
        searchReferenceScript :: ValidatorHash -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> Maybe TxOutRef
searchReferenceScript (ValidatorHash BuiltinByteString
h) = let
            getReferenceScriptHash :: (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
-> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
getReferenceScriptHash = (DecoratedTxOut -> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut)
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
-> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
forall s t a b. Field2 s t a b => Lens s t a b
_2 ((DecoratedTxOut -> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut)
 -> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
 -> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut))
-> ((() -> Const (First ()) ())
    -> DecoratedTxOut -> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut)
-> (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
-> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Maybe (Versioned Script)
 -> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script)))
-> DecoratedTxOut -> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut
Lens' DecoratedTxOut (Maybe (Versioned Script))
                ((Maybe (Versioned Script)
  -> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script)))
 -> DecoratedTxOut -> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut)
-> ((() -> Const (First ()) ())
    -> Maybe (Versioned Script)
    -> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script)))
-> (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> DecoratedTxOut
-> Const (First ()) DecoratedTxOut
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Versioned Script -> Const (First ()) (Versioned Script))
-> Maybe (Versioned Script)
-> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script))
forall a b. Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b
_Just ((Versioned Script -> Const (First ()) (Versioned Script))
 -> Maybe (Versioned Script)
 -> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script)))
-> ((() -> Const (First ()) ())
    -> Versioned Script -> Const (First ()) (Versioned Script))
-> (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> Maybe (Versioned Script)
-> Const (First ()) (Maybe (Versioned Script))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Versioned Script -> BuiltinByteString)
-> Optic'
     (->) (Const (First ())) (Versioned Script) BuiltinByteString
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a.
(Profunctor p, Contravariant f) =>
(s -> a) -> Optic' p f s a
to (ScriptHash -> BuiltinByteString
getScriptHash (ScriptHash -> BuiltinByteString)
-> (Versioned Script -> ScriptHash)
-> Versioned Script
-> BuiltinByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Versioned Script -> ScriptHash
                Optic' (->) (Const (First ())) (Versioned Script) BuiltinByteString
-> ((() -> Const (First ()) ())
    -> BuiltinByteString -> Const (First ()) BuiltinByteString)
-> (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> Versioned Script
-> Const (First ()) (Versioned Script)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. BuiltinByteString -> Prism' BuiltinByteString ()
forall a. Eq a => a -> Prism' a ()
only BuiltinByteString
            in ((TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> TxOutRef)
-> Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> Maybe TxOutRef
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> TxOutRef
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
            (Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> Maybe TxOutRef)
-> (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
    -> Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut))
-> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
-> Maybe TxOutRef
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ((TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> Bool)
-> [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)] -> Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Maybe a
find (Maybe () -> Bool
forall a. Maybe a -> Bool
isJust (Maybe () -> Bool)
-> ((TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> Maybe ())
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
-> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ((() -> Const (First ()) ())
 -> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
 -> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut))
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut) -> Maybe ()
forall s (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadReader s m =>
Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
preview (() -> Const (First ()) ())
-> (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
-> Const (First ()) (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
            ([(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)] -> Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut))
-> (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
-> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
-> Maybe (TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]

-- | Get the unspent transaction outputs at an address.
utxosAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt :: CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress
addr =
  [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)] -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
forall k a. Ord k => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromList ([(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)] -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> ([[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]] -> [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
-> [[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]]
-> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]] -> [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
concat ([[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]] -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e [[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]]
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (PageQuery TxOutRef
 -> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]))
-> Contract w s e [[(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)]]
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
(PageQuery TxOutRef -> m (QueryResponse a)) -> m [a]
collectQueryResponse (CardanoAddress
-> PageQuery TxOutRef
-> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
-> PageQuery TxOutRef
-> Contract w s e (QueryResponse [(TxOutRef, DecoratedTxOut)])
queryUnspentTxOutsAt CardanoAddress

-- | Get unspent transaction outputs with transaction from address.
utxosTxOutTxAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
utxosTxOutTxAt :: CardanoAddress
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
utxosTxOutTxAt CardanoAddress
addr = do
  Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxos <- CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress
  (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
  (Contract w s e)
  (Map TxOutRef (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
-> Map TxId ChainIndexTx
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall (m :: * -> *) s a. Monad m => StateT s m a -> s -> m a
evalStateT ((TxOutRef
 -> DecoratedTxOut
 -> StateT
      (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
      (Contract w s e)
      (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
-> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
-> StateT
     (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
     (Contract w s e)
     (Map TxOutRef (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall (f :: * -> *) k a b.
Applicative f =>
(k -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> Map k a -> f (Map k b)
Map.traverseMaybeWithKey TxOutRef
-> DecoratedTxOut
-> StateT
     (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
     (Contract w s e)
     (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
go Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxos) Map TxId ChainIndexTx
forall a. Monoid a => a
    go :: TxOutRef
       -> DecoratedTxOut
       -> StateT (Map TxId ChainIndexTx) (Contract w s e) (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
    go :: TxOutRef
-> DecoratedTxOut
-> StateT
     (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
     (Contract w s e)
     (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
go TxOutRef
ref DecoratedTxOut
out = (Map TxId ChainIndexTx
 -> Contract
      (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx))
-> StateT
     (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
     (Contract w s e)
     (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. (s -> m (a, s)) -> StateT s m a
StateT ((Map TxId ChainIndexTx
  -> Contract
       (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx))
 -> StateT
      (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
      (Contract w s e)
      (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
-> (Map TxId ChainIndexTx
    -> Contract
         (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx))
-> StateT
     (Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
     (Contract w s e)
     (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Map TxId ChainIndexTx
lookupTx -> do
      let txid :: TxId
txid = TxOutRef -> TxId
txOutRefId TxOutRef
      -- Lookup the txid in the lookup table. If it's present, we don't need
      -- to query the chain index again. If it's not, we query the chain
      -- index and store the result in the lookup table.
      case TxId -> Map TxId ChainIndexTx -> Maybe ChainIndexTx
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup TxId
txid Map TxId ChainIndexTx
lookupTx of
        Just ChainIndexTx
tx ->
          (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ((DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)
-> Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (DecoratedTxOut
out, ChainIndexTx
tx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx
        Maybe ChainIndexTx
Nothing -> do
          -- We query the chain index for the tx and store it in the lookup
          -- table if it is found.
          Maybe ChainIndexTx
txM <- TxId -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxId -> Contract w s e (Maybe ChainIndexTx)
txFromTxId TxId
          case Maybe ChainIndexTx
txM of
            Just ChainIndexTx
tx ->
              (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ((DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)
-> Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (DecoratedTxOut
out, ChainIndexTx
tx), TxId
-> ChainIndexTx -> Map TxId ChainIndexTx -> Map TxId ChainIndexTx
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert TxId
txid ChainIndexTx
tx Map TxId ChainIndexTx
            Maybe ChainIndexTx
Nothing ->
              (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx), Map TxId ChainIndexTx)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Maybe (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, Map TxId ChainIndexTx

-- | Get the unspent transaction outputs from a 'ChainIndexTx'.
utxosTxOutTxFromTx ::
    AsContractError e
    => ChainIndexTx
    -> Contract w s e [(TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
utxosTxOutTxFromTx :: ChainIndexTx
-> Contract w s e [(TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
utxosTxOutTxFromTx ChainIndexTx
tx =
  [Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
-> [(TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
forall a. [Maybe a] -> [a]
catMaybes ([Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
 -> [(TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))])
-> Contract
     w s e [Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
-> Contract w s e [(TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (TxOutRef
 -> Contract
      w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))))
-> [TxOutRef]
-> Contract
     w s e [Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
mapM TxOutRef
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
mkOutRef (ChainIndexTx -> [TxOutRef]
txOutRefs ChainIndexTx
    mkOutRef :: TxOutRef
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
mkOutRef TxOutRef
txOutRef = do
      Maybe DecoratedTxOut
decoratedTxOutM <- TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxOutRef -> Contract w s e (Maybe DecoratedTxOut)
unspentTxOutFromRef TxOutRef
      Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
 -> Contract
      w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))))
-> Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
-> Contract
     w s e (Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Maybe DecoratedTxOut
decoratedTxOutM Maybe DecoratedTxOut
-> (DecoratedTxOut
    -> Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx)))
-> Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= \DecoratedTxOut
decoratedTxOut -> (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
-> Maybe (TxOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (TxOutRef
txOutRef, (DecoratedTxOut
decoratedTxOut, ChainIndexTx

foldTxoRefsAt ::
    forall w s e a.
    ( AsContractError e
    => (a -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e a)
    -> a
    -> CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e a
foldTxoRefsAt :: (a -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e a)
-> a -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e a
foldTxoRefsAt a -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e a
f a
ini CardanoAddress
addr = a -> Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef) -> Contract w s e a
go a
ini (PageQuery TxOutRef -> Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just PageQuery TxOutRef
forall a. Default a => a
    go :: a -> Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef) -> Contract w s e a
go a
acc Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef)
Nothing = a -> Contract w s e a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure a
    go a
acc (Just PageQuery TxOutRef
pq) = do
      Page TxOutRef
page <- TxosResponse -> Page TxOutRef
paget (TxosResponse -> Page TxOutRef)
-> Contract w s e TxosResponse -> Contract w s e (Page TxOutRef)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
txoRefsAt PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
newAcc <- a -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e a
f a
acc Page TxOutRef
      a -> Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef) -> Contract w s e a
go a
newAcc (Page TxOutRef -> Maybe (PageQuery TxOutRef)
forall a. Page a -> Maybe (PageQuery a)
nextPageQuery Page TxOutRef

-- | Get the transactions at an address.
txsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
txsAt :: CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
txsAt CardanoAddress
addr = do
  ([ChainIndexTx] -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx])
-> [ChainIndexTx]
-> CardanoAddress
-> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
(a -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e a)
-> a -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e a
foldTxoRefsAt [ChainIndexTx] -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall e w (s :: Row *).
AsContractError e =>
[ChainIndexTx] -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
f [] CardanoAddress
    f :: [ChainIndexTx] -> Page TxOutRef -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
f [ChainIndexTx]
acc Page TxOutRef
page = do
      let txoRefs :: [TxOutRef]
txoRefs = Page TxOutRef -> [TxOutRef]
forall a. Page a -> [a]
pageItems Page TxOutRef
      let txIds :: [TxId]
txIds = TxOutRef -> TxId
txOutRefId (TxOutRef -> TxId) -> [TxOutRef] -> [TxId]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [TxOutRef]
txs <- [TxId] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
[TxId] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
txsFromTxIds [TxId]
      [ChainIndexTx] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([ChainIndexTx] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx])
-> [ChainIndexTx] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [ChainIndexTx]
acc [ChainIndexTx] -> [ChainIndexTx] -> [ChainIndexTx]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [ChainIndexTx]

-- | Get the transaction outputs at an address.
txoRefsAt ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => PageQuery TxOutRef
    -> CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
txoRefsAt :: PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
txoRefsAt PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PageQuery TxOutRef -> CardanoAddress -> ChainIndexQuery
E.TxoSetAtAddress PageQuery TxOutRef
pq CardanoAddress
addr) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.TxoSetAtResponse TxosResponse
r -> TxosResponse -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure TxosResponse
r                    -> e -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e TxosResponse)
-> e -> Contract w s e TxosResponse
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"TxoSetAtAddress", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Get the transactions for a list of transaction ids.
txsFromTxIds ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => [TxId]
    -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
txsFromTxIds :: [TxId] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
txsFromTxIds [TxId]
txid = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq) -> ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [TxId] -> ChainIndexQuery
E.TxsFromTxIds [TxId]
txid) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.TxIdsResponse [ChainIndexTx]
r -> [ChainIndexTx] -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure [ChainIndexTx]
r                 -> e -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx])
-> e -> Contract w s e [ChainIndexTx]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"TxIdsResponse", ChainIndexResponse

getTip ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => Contract w s e Tip
getTip :: Contract w s e Tip
getTip = do
cir <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
-> Contract w s e ChainIndexResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ChainIndexQuery -> PABReq
ChainIndexQueryReq ChainIndexQuery
E.GetTip) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexResponse
  case ChainIndexResponse
cir of
    E.GetTipResponse Tip
r -> Tip -> Contract w s e Tip
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Tip
r                  -> e -> Contract w s e Tip
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e Tip) -> e -> Contract w s e Tip
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
-> (Text, ChainIndexResponse) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r (Text, ChainIndexResponse)
_ChainIndexContractError (Text
"GetTipResponse", ChainIndexResponse

-- | Wait until the target slot and get the unspent transaction outputs at an
-- address.
watchAddressUntilSlot ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> Slot
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
watchAddressUntilSlot :: CardanoAddress
-> Slot -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
watchAddressUntilSlot CardanoAddress
a Slot
slot = Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Slot -> Contract w s e Slot
awaitSlot Slot
slot Contract w s e Slot
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress

-- | Wait until the target time and get the unspent transaction outputs at an
-- address.
watchAddressUntilTime ::
    forall w s e.
    ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> POSIXTime
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
watchAddressUntilTime :: CardanoAddress
-> POSIXTime -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
watchAddressUntilTime CardanoAddress
time = POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
POSIXTime -> Contract w s e POSIXTime
awaitTime POSIXTime
time Contract w s e POSIXTime
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress

{-| Wait until the UTXO has been spent, returning the transaction that spends it.
awaitUtxoSpent ::
  forall w s e.
  ( AsContractError e
  => TxOutRef
  -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx
awaitUtxoSpent :: TxOutRef -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx
awaitUtxoSpent TxOutRef
ref = do
txIn <- (ToCardanoError -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> (TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> Either ToCardanoError TxIn
-> Contract w s e TxIn
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (e -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> (ToCardanoError -> e) -> ToCardanoError -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. AReview e ToCardanoError -> ToCardanoError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e ToCardanoError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r ToCardanoError
_ToCardanoConvertContractError) TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either ToCardanoError TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> Either ToCardanoError TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutRef -> Either ToCardanoError TxIn
toCardanoTxIn TxOutRef
-> Prism' PABResp ChainIndexTx -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (TxIn -> PABReq
AwaitUtxoSpentReq TxIn
txIn) Prism' PABResp ChainIndexTx

{-| Wait until the UTXO has been spent, returning the transaction that spends it.
utxoIsSpent ::
  forall w s e.
  ( AsContractError e
  => TxOutRef
  -> Promise w s e ChainIndexTx
utxoIsSpent :: TxOutRef -> Promise w s e ChainIndexTx
utxoIsSpent = Contract w s e ChainIndexTx -> Promise w s e ChainIndexTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e ChainIndexTx -> Promise w s e ChainIndexTx)
-> (TxOutRef -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx)
-> TxOutRef
-> Promise w s e ChainIndexTx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TxOutRef -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxOutRef -> Contract w s e ChainIndexTx

{-| Wait until one or more unspent outputs are produced at an address.
awaitUtxoProduced ::
  forall w s e .
  ( AsContractError e
  => CardanoAddress
  -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
awaitUtxoProduced :: CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
awaitUtxoProduced CardanoAddress
address =
-> Prism' PABResp (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
-> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (CardanoAddress -> PABReq
AwaitUtxoProducedReq CardanoAddress
address) Prism' PABResp (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)

{-| Wait until one or more unspent outputs are produced at an address.
utxoIsProduced ::
  forall w s e .
  ( AsContractError e
  => CardanoAddress
  -> Promise w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
utxoIsProduced :: CardanoAddress -> Promise w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
utxoIsProduced = Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
-> Promise w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
 -> Promise w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx))
-> (CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx))
-> CardanoAddress
-> Promise w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)

-- | Watch an address for changes, and return the outputs
--   at that address when the total value at the address
--   has surpassed the given value.
    :: forall w s e.
       ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> C.Value
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressGt :: CardanoAddress
-> Value -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressGt CardanoAddress
addr Value
vl =
    (Value -> Bool)
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
(Value -> Bool)
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressCondition (\Value
presentVal -> Bool -> Bool
not (Value
presentVal Value -> Value -> Bool
`valueLeq` Value
vl)) CardanoAddress

    :: forall w s e.
       ( AsContractError e
    => (C.Value -> Bool)
    -> CardanoAddress
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressCondition :: (Value -> Bool)
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressCondition Value -> Bool
condition CardanoAddress
addr = (() -> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)))
-> () -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall (m :: * -> *) a b.
Monad m =>
(a -> m (Either a b)) -> a -> m b
loopM () -> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
go () where
    go :: () -> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
go () = do
        Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
cur <- CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
utxosAt CardanoAddress
        let presentVal :: Value
presentVal = (DecoratedTxOut -> Value) -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> Value
forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap (Getting Value DecoratedTxOut Value -> DecoratedTxOut -> Value
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
view Getting Value DecoratedTxOut Value
Lens' DecoratedTxOut Value
decoratedTxOutValue) Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
        if Value -> Bool
condition Value
            then Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
-> Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
            else CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
awaitUtxoProduced CardanoAddress
addr Contract w s e (NonEmpty ChainIndexTx)
-> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
-> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
-> Contract w s e (Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut))
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (() -> Either () (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left ())

-- | Watch an address for changes, and return the outputs
--   at that address when the total value at the address
--   has reached or surpassed the given value.
    :: forall w s e.
       ( AsContractError e
    => CardanoAddress
    -> C.Value
    -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressGeq :: CardanoAddress
-> Value -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressGeq CardanoAddress
addr Value
vl =
    (Value -> Bool)
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
(Value -> Bool)
-> CardanoAddress -> Contract w s e (Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut)
fundsAtAddressCondition (\Value
presentVal -> Value
presentVal Value -> Value -> Bool
`valueGeq` Value
vl) CardanoAddress

-- | Wait for the status of a transaction to change
awaitTxStatusChange :: forall w s e. AsContractError e => C.TxId -> Contract w s e TxStatus
awaitTxStatusChange :: TxId -> Contract w s e TxStatus
awaitTxStatusChange TxId
i = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp TxStatus -> Contract w s e TxStatus
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (TxId -> PABReq
AwaitTxStatusChangeReq TxId
i) (TxId -> Prism' PABResp TxStatus
E._AwaitTxStatusChangeResp' TxId

-- TODO: Configurable level of confirmation (for example, as soon as the tx is
--       included in a block, or only when it can't be rolled back anymore)
-- | Wait until a transaction is confirmed (added to the ledger).
--   If the transaction is never added to the ledger then 'awaitTxConfirmed' never
--   returns
awaitTxConfirmed :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => C.TxId -> Contract w s e ()
awaitTxConfirmed :: TxId -> Contract w s e ()
awaitTxConfirmed TxId
i = Contract w s e ()
go where
  go :: Contract w s e ()
go = do
newStatus <- TxId -> Contract w s e TxStatus
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxId -> Contract w s e TxStatus
awaitTxStatusChange TxId
    case TxStatus
newStatus of
Unknown -> Contract w s e ()
_       -> () -> Contract w s e ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

-- | Wait until a transaction is confirmed (added to the ledger).
isTxConfirmed :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => C.TxId -> Promise w s e ()
isTxConfirmed :: TxId -> Promise w s e ()
isTxConfirmed = Contract w s e () -> Promise w s e ()
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e () -> Promise w s e ())
-> (TxId -> Contract w s e ()) -> TxId -> Promise w s e ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TxId -> Contract w s e ()
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxId -> Contract w s e ()

-- | Wait for the status of a transaction output to change.
awaitTxOutStatusChange :: forall w s e. AsContractError e => TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutStatus
awaitTxOutStatusChange :: TxOutRef -> Contract w s e TxOutStatus
awaitTxOutStatusChange TxOutRef
ref = do
txIn <- (ToCardanoError -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> (TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> Either ToCardanoError TxIn
-> Contract w s e TxIn
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (e -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> (ToCardanoError -> e) -> ToCardanoError -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. AReview e ToCardanoError -> ToCardanoError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e ToCardanoError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r ToCardanoError
_ToCardanoConvertContractError) TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either ToCardanoError TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn)
-> Either ToCardanoError TxIn -> Contract w s e TxIn
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TxOutRef -> Either ToCardanoError TxIn
toCardanoTxIn TxOutRef
  (TxIn, TxOutStatus) -> TxOutStatus
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd ((TxIn, TxOutStatus) -> TxOutStatus)
-> Contract w s e (TxIn, TxOutStatus) -> Contract w s e TxOutStatus
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (TxIn, TxOutStatus)
-> Contract w s e (TxIn, TxOutStatus)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (TxIn -> PABReq
AwaitTxOutStatusChangeReq TxIn
txIn) Prism' PABResp (TxIn, TxOutStatus)

-- | Get the 'ContractInstanceId' of this instance.
ownInstanceId :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e ContractInstanceId
ownInstanceId :: Contract w s e ContractInstanceId
ownInstanceId = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp ContractInstanceId
-> Contract w s e ContractInstanceId
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
OwnContractInstanceIdReq Prism' PABResp ContractInstanceId

type HasEndpoint l a s =
  ( HasType l (EndpointValue a) (Input s)
  , HasType l ActiveEndpoint (Output s)
  , KnownSymbol l
  , ContractRow s

type Endpoint l a = l .== (EndpointValue a, ActiveEndpoint)

endpointReq :: forall l a s.
    ( HasEndpoint l a s )
    => ActiveEndpoint
endpointReq :: ActiveEndpoint
endpointReq =
    ActiveEndpoint :: EndpointDescription -> Maybe Value -> ActiveEndpoint
        { aeDescription :: EndpointDescription
aeDescription = String -> EndpointDescription
EndpointDescription (String -> EndpointDescription) -> String -> EndpointDescription
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Proxy l -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal (Proxy l
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
        , aeMetadata :: Maybe Value
aeMetadata    = Maybe Value
forall a. Maybe a

endpointDesc :: forall (l :: Symbol). KnownSymbol l => EndpointDescription
endpointDesc :: EndpointDescription
endpointDesc = String -> EndpointDescription
EndpointDescription (String -> EndpointDescription) -> String -> EndpointDescription
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Proxy l -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String
symbolVal (Proxy l
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @l)

endpointResp :: forall l a s. (HasEndpoint l a s, ToJSON a) => a -> PABResp
endpointResp :: a -> PABResp
endpointResp = EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> PABResp
ExposeEndpointResp (KnownSymbol l => EndpointDescription
forall (l :: Symbol). KnownSymbol l => EndpointDescription
endpointDesc @l) (EndpointValue Value -> PABResp)
-> (a -> EndpointValue Value) -> a -> PABResp
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Value -> EndpointValue Value
forall a. a -> EndpointValue a
EndpointValue (Value -> EndpointValue Value)
-> (a -> Value) -> a -> EndpointValue Value
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value

-- | Expose an endpoint, return the data that was entered
  :: forall l a w s e b.
     ( HasEndpoint l a s
     , AsContractError e
     , FromJSON a
  => (a -> Contract w s e b) -> Promise w s e b
endpoint :: (a -> Contract w s e b) -> Promise w s e b
endpoint a -> Contract w s e b
f = Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b)
-> Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
ed, EndpointValue Value
ev) <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
-> Contract w s e (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq
ExposeEndpointReq (ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq) -> ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HasEndpoint l a s => ActiveEndpoint
forall (l :: Symbol) a (s :: Row *).
HasEndpoint l a s =>
endpointReq @l @a @s) Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
a <- EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(FromJSON a, AsContractError e) =>
EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
decode EndpointDescription
ed EndpointValue Value
    a -> Contract w s e b
f a

    :: forall a w s e.
       ( FromJSON a
       , AsContractError e
    => EndpointDescription
    -> EndpointValue JSON.Value
    -> Contract w s e a
decode :: EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
decode EndpointDescription
ed ev :: EndpointValue Value
unEndpointValue :: Value
unEndpointValue :: forall a. EndpointValue a -> a
unEndpointValue} =
    (String -> Contract w s e a)
-> (a -> Contract w s e a) -> Either String a -> Contract w s e a
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
e -> e -> Contract w s e a
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e a) -> e -> Contract w s e a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value, Text)
-> (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value, Text) -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value, Text)
forall r.
AsContractError r =>
Prism' r (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value, Text)
_EndpointDecodeContractError (EndpointDescription
ed, EndpointValue Value
ev, String -> Text
Text.pack String
        a -> Contract w s e a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
        (Either String a -> Contract w s e a)
-> Either String a -> Contract w s e a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Value -> Parser a) -> Value -> Either String a
forall a b. (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Either String b
JSON.parseEither Value -> Parser a
forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
JSON.parseJSON Value

  :: forall l a w s e1 e2 b.
     ( HasEndpoint l a s
     , AsContractError e1
     , FromJSON a
  => (Either e1 a -> Contract w s e2 b) -> Promise w s e2 b
handleEndpoint :: (Either e1 a -> Contract w s e2 b) -> Promise w s e2 b
handleEndpoint Either e1 a -> Contract w s e2 b
f = Contract w s e2 b -> Promise w s e2 b
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e2 b -> Promise w s e2 b)
-> Contract w s e2 b -> Promise w s e2 b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  Either e1 a
a <- Contract w s e1 a -> Contract w s e2 (Either e1 a)
forall w (s :: Row *) e e0 a.
Contract w s e a -> Contract w s e0 (Either e a)
runError (Contract w s e1 a -> Contract w s e2 (Either e1 a))
-> Contract w s e1 a -> Contract w s e2 (Either e1 a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
ed, EndpointValue Value
ev) <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
-> Contract w s e1 (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq
ExposeEndpointReq (ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq) -> ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HasEndpoint l a s => ActiveEndpoint
forall (l :: Symbol) a (s :: Row *).
HasEndpoint l a s =>
endpointReq @l @a @s) Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
      EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e1 a
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(FromJSON a, AsContractError e) =>
EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
decode EndpointDescription
ed EndpointValue Value
  Either e1 a -> Contract w s e2 b
f Either e1 a

-- | Expose an endpoint with some metadata. Return the data that was entered.
  :: forall l a w s e meta b.
     ( HasEndpoint l a s
     , AsContractError e
     , ToJSON meta
     , FromJSON a
  => meta
  -> (a -> Contract w s e b)
  -> Promise w s e b
endpointWithMeta :: meta -> (a -> Contract w s e b) -> Promise w s e b
endpointWithMeta meta
meta a -> Contract w s e b
f = Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b
forall w (s :: Row *) e a. Contract w s e a -> Promise w s e a
Promise (Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b)
-> Contract w s e b -> Promise w s e b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
ed, EndpointValue Value
ev) <- PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
-> Contract w s e (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (ActiveEndpoint -> PABReq
ExposeEndpointReq ActiveEndpoint
s) Prism' PABResp (EndpointDescription, EndpointValue Value)
a <- EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(FromJSON a, AsContractError e) =>
EndpointDescription -> EndpointValue Value -> Contract w s e a
decode EndpointDescription
ed EndpointValue Value
    a -> Contract w s e b
f a
        s :: ActiveEndpoint
s = ActiveEndpoint :: EndpointDescription -> Maybe Value -> ActiveEndpoint
                { aeDescription :: EndpointDescription
aeDescription = KnownSymbol l => EndpointDescription
forall (l :: Symbol). KnownSymbol l => EndpointDescription
endpointDesc @l
                , aeMetadata :: Maybe Value
aeMetadata    = Value -> Maybe Value
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Value -> Maybe Value) -> Value -> Maybe Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ meta -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
JSON.toJSON meta

endpointDescription :: forall l. KnownSymbol l => Proxy l -> EndpointDescription
endpointDescription :: Proxy l -> EndpointDescription
endpointDescription = String -> EndpointDescription
EndpointDescription (String -> EndpointDescription)
-> (Proxy l -> String) -> Proxy l -> EndpointDescription
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy l -> String
forall (n :: Symbol) (proxy :: Symbol -> *).
KnownSymbol n =>
proxy n -> String

{-# DEPRECATED ownPaymentPubKeyHash "Use ownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash, ownPaymentPubKeyHashes or ownAddresses instead" #-}
-- | Get the hash of a public key belonging to the wallet that runs this contract.
--   * Any funds paid to this public key hash will be treated as the wallet's own
--     funds
--   * The wallet is able to sign transactions with the private key of this
--     public key, for example, if the public key is added to the
--     'requiredSignatures' field of 'Tx'.
--   * There is a 1-n relationship between wallets and public keys (although in
--     the mockchain n=1)
ownPaymentPubKeyHash :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
ownPaymentPubKeyHash :: Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
ownPaymentPubKeyHash = Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash

-- | Get the addresses belonging to the wallet that runs this contract.
--   * Any funds paid to one of these addresses will be treated as the wallet's own
--     funds
--   * The wallet is able to sign transactions with the private key of one of its
--     public key, for example, if the public key is added to the
--     'requiredSignatures' field of 'Tx'.
--   * There is a 1-n relationship between wallets and addresses (although in
--     the mockchain n=1)
ownAddresses :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
ownAddresses :: Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
ownAddresses = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
-> Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq PABReq
OwnAddressesReq Prism' PABResp (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)

-- | Get the first address of the wallet that runs this contract.
ownAddress :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e CardanoAddress
ownAddress :: Contract w s e CardanoAddress
ownAddress = NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> CardanoAddress
forall a. NonEmpty a -> a
NonEmpty.head (NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> CardanoAddress)
-> Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
-> Contract w s e CardanoAddress
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)

ownPaymentPubKeyHashes :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
ownPaymentPubKeyHashes :: Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
ownPaymentPubKeyHashes = do
    NonEmpty CardanoAddress
addrs <- Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e (NonEmpty CardanoAddress)
    [PaymentPubKeyHash] -> Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([PaymentPubKeyHash] -> Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash])
-> [PaymentPubKeyHash] -> Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (PubKeyHash -> PaymentPubKeyHash)
-> [PubKeyHash] -> [PaymentPubKeyHash]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap PubKeyHash -> PaymentPubKeyHash
PaymentPubKeyHash ([PubKeyHash] -> [PaymentPubKeyHash])
-> [PubKeyHash] -> [PaymentPubKeyHash]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (CardanoAddress -> Maybe PubKeyHash)
-> [CardanoAddress] -> [PubKeyHash]
forall a b. (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe CardanoAddress -> Maybe PubKeyHash
forall era. AddressInEra era -> Maybe PubKeyHash
cardanoPubKeyHash ([CardanoAddress] -> [PubKeyHash])
-> [CardanoAddress] -> [PubKeyHash]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> [CardanoAddress]
forall a. NonEmpty a -> [a]
NonEmpty.toList (NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> [CardanoAddress])
-> NonEmpty CardanoAddress -> [CardanoAddress]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ NonEmpty CardanoAddress

ownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
ownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash :: Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
ownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash = do
pkhs <- Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
Contract w s e [PaymentPubKeyHash]
    case [PaymentPubKeyHash]
pkhs of
      []      -> e -> Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash)
-> e -> Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ AReview e WalletAPIError -> WalletAPIError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e WalletAPIError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r WalletAPIError
_WalletContractError WalletAPIError
_) -> PaymentPubKeyHash -> Contract w s e PaymentPubKeyHash
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PaymentPubKeyHash

-- | Send an unbalanced transaction to be balanced and signed. Returns the ID
--    of the final transaction when the transaction was submitted. Throws an
--    error if balancing or signing failed.
submitUnbalancedTx :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitUnbalancedTx :: UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitUnbalancedTx UnbalancedTx
utx = do
tx <- UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
balanceTx UnbalancedTx
  CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitBalancedTx CardanoTx

-- | Send an unbalanced transaction to be balanced. Returns the balanced transaction.
--    Throws an error if balancing failed.
balanceTx :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
balanceTx :: UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
balanceTx UnbalancedTx
t =
  let req :: Contract w s e BalanceTxResponse
req = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp BalanceTxResponse
-> Contract w s e BalanceTxResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (UnbalancedTx -> PABReq
BalanceTxReq UnbalancedTx
t) Prism' PABResp BalanceTxResponse
E._BalanceTxResp in
  Contract w s e BalanceTxResponse
req Contract w s e BalanceTxResponse
-> (BalanceTxResponse -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (WalletAPIError -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (e -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (WalletAPIError -> e)
-> WalletAPIError
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. AReview e WalletAPIError -> WalletAPIError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e WalletAPIError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r WalletAPIError
_WalletContractError) CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (BalanceTxResponse -> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
-> BalanceTxResponse
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Getting
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
-> BalanceTxResponse -> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
view Getting
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
Iso' BalanceTxResponse (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)

-- | Send an balanced transaction to be signed. Returns the ID
--    of the final transaction when the transaction was submitted. Throws an
--    error if signing failed.
submitBalancedTx :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitBalancedTx :: CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitBalancedTx CardanoTx
t =
  let req :: Contract w s e WriteBalancedTxResponse
req = PABReq
-> Prism' PABResp WriteBalancedTxResponse
-> Contract w s e WriteBalancedTxResponse
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (CardanoTx -> PABReq
WriteBalancedTxReq CardanoTx
t) Prism' PABResp WriteBalancedTxResponse
E._WriteBalancedTxResp in
  Contract w s e WriteBalancedTxResponse
req Contract w s e WriteBalancedTxResponse
-> (WriteBalancedTxResponse -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= (WalletAPIError -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either (e -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError (e -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (WalletAPIError -> e)
-> WalletAPIError
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. AReview e WalletAPIError -> WalletAPIError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e WalletAPIError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r WalletAPIError
_WalletContractError) CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> (WriteBalancedTxResponse -> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
-> WriteBalancedTxResponse
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Getting
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
-> WriteBalancedTxResponse -> Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx
forall s (m :: * -> *) a. MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
view Getting
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
  (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)
Iso' WriteBalancedTxResponse (Either WalletAPIError CardanoTx)

-- | Build a transaction that satisfies the constraints, then submit it to the
--   network. The constraints do not refer to any typed script inputs or
--   outputs.
submitTx :: forall w s e.
  ( AsContractError e
  => TxConstraints Void Void
  -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTx :: TxConstraints Void Void -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTx = ScriptLookups Void
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType Void) (DatumType Void)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(ToData (RedeemerType a), FromData (DatumType a),
 ToData (DatumType a), AsContractError e) =>
ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsWith @Void ScriptLookups Void
forall a. Monoid a => a

-- | Build a transaction that satisfies the constraints, then submit it to the
--   network. Using the current outputs at the contract address and the
--   contract's own public key to solve the constraints.
  :: forall a w s e.
  ( PlutusTx.ToData (RedeemerType a)
  , PlutusTx.FromData (DatumType a)
  , PlutusTx.ToData (DatumType a)
  , AsContractError e
  => TypedValidator a
  -> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
  -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraints :: TypedValidator a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraints TypedValidator a
inst = ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(ToData (RedeemerType a), FromData (DatumType a),
 ToData (DatumType a), AsContractError e) =>
ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsWith (TypedValidator a -> ScriptLookups a
forall a. TypedValidator a -> ScriptLookups a
Constraints.typedValidatorLookups TypedValidator a

-- | Build a transaction that satisfies the constraints using the UTXO map
--   to resolve any input constraints (see 'Ledger.Constraints.TxConstraints.InputConstraint')
  :: forall a w s e.
  ( PlutusTx.ToData (RedeemerType a)
  , PlutusTx.FromData (DatumType a)
  , PlutusTx.ToData (DatumType a)
  , AsContractError e
  => TypedValidator a
  -> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
  -> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
  -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsSpending :: TypedValidator a
-> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsSpending TypedValidator a
inst Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
utxo =
  let lookups :: ScriptLookups a
lookups = TypedValidator a -> ScriptLookups a
forall a. TypedValidator a -> ScriptLookups a
Constraints.typedValidatorLookups TypedValidator a
inst ScriptLookups a -> ScriptLookups a -> ScriptLookups a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> ScriptLookups a
forall a. Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut -> ScriptLookups a
Constraints.unspentOutputs Map TxOutRef DecoratedTxOut
  in ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(ToData (RedeemerType a), FromData (DatumType a),
 ToData (DatumType a), AsContractError e) =>
ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsWith ScriptLookups a

-- | Build a transaction that satisfies the constraints
mkTxConstraints :: forall a w s e.
  ( PlutusTx.ToData (RedeemerType a)
  , PlutusTx.FromData (DatumType a)
  , PlutusTx.ToData (DatumType a)
  , AsContractError e
  => ScriptLookups a
  -> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
  -> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
mkTxConstraints :: ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
mkTxConstraints ScriptLookups a
lookups TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
constraints = do
params <- Contract w s e Params
forall w (s :: Row *) e. AsContractError e => Contract w s e Params
    let result :: Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
result = Params
-> ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
forall a.
(FromData (DatumType a), ToData (DatumType a),
 ToData (RedeemerType a)) =>
-> ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
Constraints.mkTx Params
params ScriptLookups a
lookups TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
        logData :: MkTxLog
logData = MkTxLog :: ScriptLookups Any
-> TxConstraints BuiltinData BuiltinData
-> Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
-> MkTxLog
          { mkTxLogLookups :: ScriptLookups Any
mkTxLogLookups = ScriptLookups a -> ScriptLookups Any
forall a. ScriptLookups a -> ScriptLookups Any
Constraints.generalise ScriptLookups a
          , mkTxLogTxConstraints :: TxConstraints BuiltinData BuiltinData
mkTxLogTxConstraints = (RedeemerType a -> BuiltinData)
-> (DatumType a -> BuiltinData)
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> TxConstraints BuiltinData BuiltinData
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) a b c d.
Bifunctor p =>
(a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
bimap RedeemerType a -> BuiltinData
forall a. ToData a => a -> BuiltinData
PlutusTx.toBuiltinData DatumType a -> BuiltinData
forall a. ToData a => a -> BuiltinData
PlutusTx.toBuiltinData TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
          , mkTxLogResult :: Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
mkTxLogResult = Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
    MkTxLog -> Contract w s e ()
forall a w (s :: Row *) e. ToJSON a => a -> Contract w s e ()
logDebug MkTxLog
    (MkTxError -> e)
-> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
-> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e e' a.
(e -> e') -> Contract w s e a -> Contract w s e' a
mapError (AReview e MkTxError -> MkTxError -> e
forall b (m :: * -> *) t. MonadReader b m => AReview t b -> m t
review AReview e MkTxError
forall r. AsContractError r => Prism' r MkTxError
_ConstraintResolutionContractError) (Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
 -> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx)
-> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
-> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (MkTxError -> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx)
-> (UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx)
-> Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
-> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either MkTxError -> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. MonadError e m => e -> m a
throwError UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s MkTxError UnbalancedTx
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx

{-| Arguments and result of a call to 'mkTx'
data MkTxLog =
        { MkTxLog -> ScriptLookups Any
mkTxLogLookups       :: ScriptLookups Any
        , MkTxLog -> TxConstraints BuiltinData BuiltinData
mkTxLogTxConstraints :: TxConstraints PlutusTx.BuiltinData PlutusTx.BuiltinData
        , MkTxLog -> Either MkTxError UnbalancedTx
mkTxLogResult        :: Either Constraints.MkTxError UnbalancedTx
        deriving stock (Int -> MkTxLog -> ShowS
[MkTxLog] -> ShowS
MkTxLog -> String
(Int -> MkTxLog -> ShowS)
-> (MkTxLog -> String) -> ([MkTxLog] -> ShowS) -> Show MkTxLog
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MkTxLog] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MkTxLog] -> ShowS
show :: MkTxLog -> String
$cshow :: MkTxLog -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MkTxLog -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MkTxLog -> ShowS
Show, (forall x. MkTxLog -> Rep MkTxLog x)
-> (forall x. Rep MkTxLog x -> MkTxLog) -> Generic MkTxLog
forall x. Rep MkTxLog x -> MkTxLog
forall x. MkTxLog -> Rep MkTxLog x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MkTxLog x -> MkTxLog
$cfrom :: forall x. MkTxLog -> Rep MkTxLog x
        deriving anyclass ([MkTxLog] -> Encoding
[MkTxLog] -> Value
MkTxLog -> Encoding
MkTxLog -> Value
(MkTxLog -> Value)
-> (MkTxLog -> Encoding)
-> ([MkTxLog] -> Value)
-> ([MkTxLog] -> Encoding)
-> ToJSON MkTxLog
forall a.
(a -> Value)
-> (a -> Encoding)
-> ([a] -> Value)
-> ([a] -> Encoding)
-> ToJSON a
toEncodingList :: [MkTxLog] -> Encoding
$ctoEncodingList :: [MkTxLog] -> Encoding
toJSONList :: [MkTxLog] -> Value
$ctoJSONList :: [MkTxLog] -> Value
toEncoding :: MkTxLog -> Encoding
$ctoEncoding :: MkTxLog -> Encoding
toJSON :: MkTxLog -> Value
$ctoJSON :: MkTxLog -> Value
ToJSON, Value -> Parser [MkTxLog]
Value -> Parser MkTxLog
(Value -> Parser MkTxLog)
-> (Value -> Parser [MkTxLog]) -> FromJSON MkTxLog
forall a.
(Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> FromJSON a
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [MkTxLog]
$cparseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [MkTxLog]
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MkTxLog
$cparseJSON :: Value -> Parser MkTxLog

-- | Build a transaction that satisfies the constraints, then submit it to the
--   network. Using the given constraints.
  :: forall a w s e.
  ( PlutusTx.ToData (RedeemerType a)
  , PlutusTx.FromData (DatumType a)
  , PlutusTx.ToData (DatumType a)
  , AsContractError e
  => ScriptLookups a
  -> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
  -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsWith :: ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitTxConstraintsWith ScriptLookups a
sl TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
constraints =
  ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
forall a w (s :: Row *) e.
(ToData (RedeemerType a), FromData (DatumType a),
 ToData (DatumType a), AsContractError e) =>
ScriptLookups a
-> TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
-> Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
mkTxConstraints ScriptLookups a
sl TxConstraints (RedeemerType a) (DatumType a)
constraints Contract w s e UnbalancedTx
-> (UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx)
-> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx

-- | A version of 'submitTx' that waits until the transaction has been
--   confirmed on the ledger before returning.
submitTxConfirmed :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e) => UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e ()
submitTxConfirmed :: UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e ()
submitTxConfirmed UnbalancedTx
t = UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e CardanoTx
submitUnbalancedTx UnbalancedTx
t Contract w s e CardanoTx
-> (CardanoTx -> Contract w s e ()) -> Contract w s e ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= TxId -> Contract w s e ()
forall w (s :: Row *) e.
AsContractError e =>
TxId -> Contract w s e ()
awaitTxConfirmed (TxId -> Contract w s e ())
-> (CardanoTx -> TxId) -> CardanoTx -> Contract w s e ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CardanoTx -> TxId

-- | Take an 'UnbalancedTx' then balance, sign and submit it to the blockchain
-- without returning any results.
    :: forall w s e. (AsContractError e)
    => UnbalancedTx
    -> Contract w s e ()
yieldUnbalancedTx :: UnbalancedTx -> Contract w s e ()
yieldUnbalancedTx UnbalancedTx
utx = PABReq -> Prism' PABResp () -> Contract w s e ()
forall w (s :: Row *) e a.
AsContractError e =>
PABReq -> Prism' PABResp a -> Contract w s e a
pabReq (UnbalancedTx -> PABReq
YieldUnbalancedTxReq UnbalancedTx
utx) Prism' PABResp ()