cardano-mempool- Short description
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The goal of this Memory Pool is to provide the ability to allocate big chunks of memory that can fit many Blocks. Some memory allocators out there have a fairly large minimal size requirement, which would be wasteful if many chunks of small size (eg. 32 bytes) are needed at once. Memory pool will allocate one page at a time as more blocks is needed.

Currently there is no functionality for releasing unused pages. So, once a page is allocated, it will be re-used when more Blocks is needed, but it will not be GCed until the whole Pool is GCed.



data Pool n s Source #

Thread-safe lock-free memory pool for managing large memory pages that contain of many small Blocks.

initPool Source #


∷ ∀ n s. KnownNat n 

Number of groups per page. Must be a posititve number, otherwise error. One group contains as many blocks as the operating system has bits. A 64bit architecture will have 64 blocks per group. For example, if program is compiled on a 64 bit OS and you know ahead of time the maximum number of blocks that will be allocated through out the program, then the optimal value for this argument will maxBlockNum/64

→ (∀ a. IntST s (ForeignPtr a))

Mempool page allocator. Some allocated pages might be immediately discarded, therefore number of pages utilized will not necessesarely match the number of times this action will be called.

→ (Ptr (Block n) → IO ())

Finalizer to use for each block. It is an IO action because it will be executed by the Garbage Collector in a separate thread once the Block is no longer referenced.

ST s (Pool n s) 

Initilizes the Pool that can be used for further allocation of ForeignPtr Block n with grabNextBlock.


data Block (n ∷ Nat) Source #

This is just a proxy type that carries information at the type level about the size of the block in bytes supported by a particular instance of a Pool. Use blockByteCount to get the byte size at the value level.



blockByteCountKnownNat n ⇒ Block n → Int Source #

Number of bytes in a Block

grabNextBlockKnownNat n ⇒ Pool n s → ST s (ForeignPtr (Block n)) Source #

Reserve a ForeignPtr of the blockByteCount size in the Pool. There is a default finalizer attached to the ForeignPtr that will run Block pointer finalizer and release that memory for re-use by other blocks allocated in the future. It is safe to add more Haskell finalizers with addForeignPtrConcFinalizer if necessary.


countPagesPool n s → ST s Int Source #

Useful function for testing. Check how many pages have been allocated thus far.

findNextZeroIndex ∷ ∀ b. FiniteBits b ⇒ b → Maybe Int Source #

Helper function that finds an index of the left-most bit that is not set.