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Configurable Marketplace DApp User Stories



User Story ID: DApp.01

  • Test PV2
  • Test PV3

Title: Create reference script UTxO

User Story

  • As an operator, I want to create a reference script UTxO to simplify transactions involving the market.

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Create a reference script UTXOTransaction to pay to the script address with a UTXO containing reference-script should succeed and be accepted to the chain

User Story ID: DApp.02

  • Test PV2
  • Test PV3

Title: Create configuration reference datum

User Story

  • As an operator, I want to setup marketplace contract.

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Setup Config Contract with parametersTransaction to pay to the script address with a UTXO containing configuration datum should succeed and be accepted to the chain

User Story ID: DApp.03

  • Test PV2
  • Test PV3

Title: Place multiple tokens on sale

User Story

  • As a seller, I want to place tokens on sale to offer them to potential buyers.

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Run a test to place tokens on saleTransaction to lock lock the tokens to the contract address should succeed and be accepted to the chain

User Story ID: DApp.04

  • Test PV2
  • Test PV3

Title: Withdraw token from sale

User Story

  • As a seller, I want to withdraw token from sale.

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Can Withdraw with datum in reference and script included in transactionTransaction to redeem a token from sale with Withdraw redeemer should succeed and be accepted to the chain when reference datum is set and script is included in transaction.
Can withdraw with reference script and reference datumTransaction to redeem a token from sale with Withdraw redeemer should succeed and be accepted to the chain, when reference datum is set the UTXO containing script is included in reference inputs.

User Story ID: DApp.05

  • Test PV2
  • Test PV3

Title: Buy token from sale

User Story

  • As a buyer, I want to buy a token of my choice from sale.

Functional Requirements

RequirementsAcceptance Criteria
Can Buy with datum in reference and script included in transactionTransaction to redeem a token using the Buy redeemer should succeed and be accepted to the chain, when script is included in transaction
Can Buy with reference datum and reference scriptTransaction to redeem a token using the Buy redeemer should succeed and be accepted to the chain, when the UTXO containing script is included in reference inputs.