Safe HaskellNone




startServer Source #


:: forall t env. (FromJSON (ContractDef t), ToJSON (ContractDef t), PABContract t, MimeUnrender JSON (ContractDef t), ToSchema (ContractDef t)) 
=> WebserverConfig

Optional file path for static assets

-> Availability 
-> PABAction t env (MVar (), PABAction t env ()) 

Start the server using the config. Returns an action that shuts it down again, and an MVar that is filled when the webserver thread exits.

startServer' Source #


:: forall t env. (FromJSON (ContractDef t), ToJSON (ContractDef t), PABContract t, MimeUnrender JSON (ContractDef t), ToSchema (ContractDef t)) 
=> [Middleware]

Optional wai middleware

-> Int


-> Maybe TLSSettings

Optionally use HTTPS with these settings

-> Maybe FilePath

Optional file path for static assets

-> Availability 
-> Int 
-> PABAction t env (MVar (), PABAction t env ()) 

Start the server. Returns an action that shuts it down again, and an MVar that is filled when the webserver thread exits.

startServerDebug :: (FromJSON (ContractDef t), ToJSON (ContractDef t), PABContract t, MimeUnrender JSON (ContractDef t), ToSchema (ContractDef t)) => Simulation t (Simulation t ()) Source #

Start the server using a default configuration for debugging.

startServerDebug' :: (FromJSON (ContractDef t), ToJSON (ContractDef t), PABContract t, MimeUnrender JSON (ContractDef t), ToSchema (ContractDef t)) => WebserverConfig -> Simulation t (Simulation t ()) Source #

Start the server using (mostly) a default configuration for debugging, but allow an optional webserver config.